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>2 Ashes of War for throwing blades >Look inside >1 throwing blade Why fromsoft ?


Probably because they are a “ranged” weapon. They knew they’d make them scale like pebbles with the range of a sneeze when you aren’t spending FP. Why put more time into them?


Because it costs you same amount of time/money/work to make make new weapon for a new weapon type, when animations and all the data that would be just copypasted is already done, rather than make a new weapon for already existing weapon type. If you made one new weapon type with new everything, why not make more of them. There are ton of "new" weapons in the dlc that use basic movesets from vanilla Elden Ring.


They are testing general appeal and playstyles for these new weapon classes for the next game, bet.


Yeah, I was just poking fun at it. It’d be great if a lot of these weapon types had more within that type, but if this is how they released this weapon.. they probably did the right thing by stopping at one. They need to make the range and damage of them feel fun, or adding even something like a Black Knife version of this would just fall flat.


The base throwing knives are more damaging than these things lol


Don't know why they hate ranged so much. It's just so obsoleted by throwing consumables or ranged Ash of wars. I know one argument is ranged is easier, but magic can hit hard and it's not like these bosses make it easy for you to spam from afar The smithscript weapons are hopefully at least bugged (apparently they scale ridiculously off faith/into with the right affinity) because a charged R2 on the fully upgraded spear is hitting like a regular R1 up close or from a distance it's hitting less than 100


Just made a build around them and they slap hard. It's not a ranged weapon, more like a very long melee knife. Absolutely viable in pvp on a flameart infusion with 80 fth


I use the daggers in my first run, super good ashes of war, the knives would be useless without them, it's a choice between a sniper and a shotgun, I just assume it would work on all throwable smith script weapons nope, it doesn't work on anything but the daggers, what a huge disappointment


Yeah I found that a bit odd. I also wasnt expecting perfume bottles nor that there would be a full 5 of them. And when i learned they existed I didnt expect them to NOT make a sleep one. I also expected at least more than one "throwing blades" since it was an entire new category... and there are even two aow for them(it) Overall though.... there are a ton of new aow, spells, weapons, and fashion items that Ive been more than happy. :) It will be a good while before I have checked out old weapons with new aow, etc.


It is strange only 1 light great sword is infusible. It's the only aow that can only go on the only light great sword you can change the AOW on. At that point you mine as well have had wing stance on it by default. Honestly Leda's light greatsword could have been infusible. It's not like other weapons of more than 1 damage type can't be infused (black knight twinblade for example).


Tbh they should’ve made the flame knights greatsword a light instead of colossal


Same with st Trina’s velvet sword. It should have been a light great sword for some creativity


Easily worst decision ever Also the boss and its weapon proccing frost instead of sleep


I did like that boss but yes that boss should have had something to do with sleep


Their weapon should've also been a throwing curved greatsword. Instead it is like the shortest range greataxe and you can't use the throwing moves that the boss did.


I do like that idea could have been throwing and something sleep related especially with how many sleep related enemies and the sleep npc right after that boss


Is there even a single enemy proccing sleep on the player in the DLC? Or is the extent of enemies using sleep still 2 random crabs?


Bloodfiends, gravebirds golems and ... uhh ,oh, the Thiollier invasion, of course


What I love is none of those except Thiollier makes any more sense then the 2 crabs that inflict sleep.


Birds in the fissure sometimes have a “stinger” that sleeps you


Apparently ingame data confirms he was supposed to be the gloam eqed queens knight


Until the devs changed their mind.


Nah I like it excessively long tbh. Shoulda made Moonrythil's sword an LGS


Wouldve been perfect considering it is an exact copy of the troll knight's sword with a different AoW.


Well I think Moonrithyll's sword was specifically a response to people being annoyed at the Troll Knight Sword having a shitty AoW. Note how the two swords are completely identical except Moonrithyll's has a Carian-themed AoW.


Also the star katana should’ve been a light Greatsword lol it doesn’t even look like a katana


This, I'm tired of their trope that all the swordmasters must be using a katana even when it is actually nothing like a katana.


Either that or the Swordmaster looking nothing like an archetypical Ronin or Samurai. Rakshasa's armor is just plate armor but red


That wouldn't be an issue for me in a vacuum, there's no reason for swordmasters to look like samurai, samurai aren't inherently better swordsmen. The issue is that even when their swordmasters don't look like samurai they still get katana.


I meant my comment in joint with yours. I didn't mean to imply Samurai or Ronin are just inherently better swordsman, I just think Katanas and European plate don't go together fashion-wise


Entirely agreed on that. TBH I don't think katana fit in the setting at all, but I know that's a minority opinion.


Did we get two or three katanas in the dlc?


Two, Sword of Night and Star Lined Sword.


The other one I was thinking of must have been a curved sword then 👍


Afaik theres 3 big katanas. The dragon one, a bloody one and a big one. Cant remember their names.


To be fair, those are pretty much their names: Dragon-Hunter’s Great Katana, Rakshasa’s Great Katana, and Great Katana.


I do like that poise damage, though. The only thing that got me through those bloody Flame knights was them getting staggered by every hit. Thematically, however, I agree with you, and it makes no sense for a nimble neat blade to be handled like a mace.


:( but my cool moveset




The Carian Sorcery Sword should’ve been a light Greatsword with its special R2 that casts spells. Could combo from a light attack into a Carian Greatsword/Slicer/Piercer with finesse


Still waiting for them to fix that weapon lmao. Not only is the spell scaling broken so it does no damage, I’m certain it’s an oversight that you can’t change the AoW on it rn-especially when they gave us Carian Sovereignty in the same DLC with the only Carian weapon that uses smithing stones


There is just so much jank with that sword that I don't think it'll get fixed enough to be 'good'. I'm going to make a baseless guess they didn't allow it to be infused or greased because that'll mess up the weapon's spell power somehow (based on how the Blue Flame sword in DSII behaved), which locks the sword to the disappointing AoW it has. If you wield it in the main hand you are stuck with Impaling Thrust or a shield/parry AoW. If you wield it the offhand, the heavy attack spell cast overrides the mainhand weapon's AoW. So dual wielding them gives you two cast buttons. ~~And for some reason if you wield the sword in an offhand while using another thrusting sword in your main hand, it doesn't get the powerstance moveset like it would if you had a non-Carian Sorcery Sword in your offhand.~~ Edit: Actually that's a property of the main-gauche in the main hand. Just all around a poorly implemented weapon and a victim in my mind of From's aged casting system that has pretty much remained unchanged since Demon's Souls and is in dire need of a revamp.


> Just all around a poorly implemented weapon and a victim in my mind of From's aged casting system that has pretty much remained unchanged since Demon's Souls and is in dire need of a revamp. The Dark Souls 2 Network Test had an interesting quirk where instead of the pointless bash, R1/R2 functioned like other weapons, producing a normal cast with R1, and a slower-stronger cast with R2. Two-handing the staff also allowed you to bring a first-person-view aim (like a bow). Obviously, they killed that (and binoculars offhand was the closest to it) in the DS2 main-release, and then they backpedaled even harder, removing that in DS3. The "Hold to charge" and spam-cast options in Elden Ring *are* changes though. There's just a lack of engaging weapon arts (e.g. - a "Casting Stance" weapon art that alters spells for example?) and anything like a more intuitive approach to spell management than going throw them in an ordered list by tapping.


I mean Impaling thrust is a pretty good ash it's mainly ly just the lack of a sorcery scaling that bothers me :( Was looking forward to this weapon


There are more than a few instances that make me think the DLC was rushed even after taking 2+ years to make it. Instead of separating the Milady and the aow in 2 chests, we could have had something else in one of the spots instead. It's pretty much the only new weapon to do that too. Overhead was on the great katana, blind spot was on the backhand blades, palm blast was on dryleaf arts, etc. Then you have all of those cookbooks giving 1 crafting recipe or the scadutree and ash blessings in general. Just a lot of stuff being stretched out to the max.


I find it more likely that they planned to have more infusable light gs tbh. But yes, I do think some aspects of the dlc were rushed. The Cerulean Coast and the Abyssal Wood can be very empty at times.




I still dont understand why we can summon there yet there's no boss. When I see that I can summon spirits there I assumed there had to be a boss hidden there. Nothing. There was nothing. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


Also the hinterlands. "You found this hidden area! Your reward: 2 recycled basegame bosses!"


Agreed. I was satisfied with the overall amount of stuff they added, but I thought it was weird that they didn’t add more options to the new categories. I also remember thinking that the throwing blades were one of the new classes, only to find out it was actually throwing weapons in general. The range on the regular attacks for the blades is also pretty abysmal, but piercing throw works well.


The hammer is the best throwing weapon imo. Thing is like a cannon shot the way it knocks enemies down. Has ridiculous range too


Great on narrow falling hazards, can even hit multiple enemies in a row (Works best if you aim for one of the furthest)


I personally found the spear to be just a little bit lacklustre, but then I slapped Spectral Lance on it and it feels GREAT- fully replaced bows as my default ranged backup for unga bunga builds. Not the best dps but it's plenty for flying enemies, and surprisingly good at breaking poise with decent range.


Could you explain why? While the Throwing Spear's range is abysmal, Spectral Lance is already usable on any polearm - do you just like having two different ranged attacks on one weapon?


It takes a very long time to fully charge and the damage is mediocre. It's fun to knock around enemies, but form a practical point of view, you have much better options.


Go full bleed and become a hammer throwing marksman that deals 800 damage a hit and stacks bleed easier than RoB. I actually stopped using it because it was too good. Also the fully charged attack counts as THREE hits in melee range. This is incredible for both PvP and ailment application. Also the smithscript weapons with arcane scale with every stat which I find funny.


Buff up with your equipment and talismans and tell me it's mediocre


You can buff weapons?!? Jokes asid thought, I was running a strength build and I had a bunch of weapons that can do much more way easier.


I want the throwing blade ashes of war on my Smithscript chakram or whatever they're called so bad.


I think they are called Circleblades, even tho I expected more range I've been loving the weapon!


I've seen a playthrough of Oroboro with a pre-release Copy of the game. The range on the smithscript cirque was NUTS. Unfortunately, they nerfed them hard on release. They had almost the same range of the spear. He cheesed half of the game with them.


Smithscript Cirques would be the name of them.


I got caught out by the mediocre range so many times but they are so cool that it doesn't matter.


What's really weird about Piercing Throw and Scattershot throw is not only is there only one infusible throwing blade to use them on, there's only one throwing blade at all. They refer to a plurality by saying 'usable on throwing blades' but that plurality doesn't exist at all!


The fact that all smithscript weapons are just normal class weapons that can be thrown and the Smithscript Dagger is *literally* called a dagger... i feel like they missed an opportunity.


I really expected there to just be a generic perfume bottle that changed its particles and damage type based on infusion, and then a madness one that is your somber one. Instead the *poison* one is your somber one, and the others are each unique damage types? But only some of the damage types. Its so fucking weird.


Right? I don't want to appear ungrateful, but is there a reason Wing Stance doesn't work on, say, katanas? You know, the category of swords which are roughly the same size and length as Milady?


And also already used stances such as Unsheathe, and then the Great Katana comes with Overhead Stance by default.


imagine they have a sleep one but its the same aow as the poison... you press it and self sleep lmao


They probably didnt managed to create new weapons in time. That would explain 39384 cookbooks we find


There are like six Smithscript items (aka throwing weapons) and Mesmers spear is also a throwable


The claws of night and golem fists also are throwables


They shouldve added the crystalian ring blades as backhand blades and the smaller, throwable ones as throwing blades


These kinds of holes in weapon categories makes me feel like another dlc might be possible. They did sort of leave it open. Maybe we’ll at least get some smaller additions like AC6’s parts updates


Honestly if they just did a DLC that adds new weapons, spells and AoW's and nothing else, I would be satisfied, because then we at least have new ways to play the game. As someone who loves necromancy, I was very disappointed by the Spirit Sword/Glaive as they are rather underwhelming and not particularly unique, and Ghostflame Call being Death's Poker but worse is honestly just insulting. The new death sorceries are pretty cool and actually good compared to most of the base game ones, but the weapons and Ash of War were extremely disappointing.


They only need to recolor the bottles to have new weapon assets, lol. Easiest weapon category to fill up. That said, you get to mix the concoctions when you dual-wield, so the large selection is important.


Each of the Smithscript weapons has a throwable alt-attack IIRC


Super disappointed in the new sorceries available. The ones I did get I don’t use and aren’t better than the old standbys. The straight up INT were meh but the ones that had faith requirements looked cool. Too bad I have no faith. Faith builds are eating good though. Looking forward to running my faith build through the DLC.


>I also expected at least more than one "throwing blades" since it was an entire new category... and there are even two aow for them(it) To be fair, we only got 1 fully throwable weapon but we got a throwable weapon for every weapon type with the smithscript weapons


Yeah they really should've put Wing Stance as the standard on the Milady


At least it's infusable this way though.


A lot of weapons come with a removable ash of war so you can do exactly that


Another wiered thing is Gaius having a boss weapon where you can remove the Ash of war, I wonder if they just couldn't think of what to give him.


Put this ash of war on a great katana and enjoy the insane damage.


This the bleed build go crazy ngl


I was seriously struggling with Midra for some reason. It seemed like he was just nonstop attacking me for some reason, use this ash of war on an occult great katana and it killed him in like 3 or 4 AOW uses. I really dont like how slow the regular great katana moveset is though.


It might be slow, but the reach and poise damage make up for that - guard counters with it are particularly brutal, especially with the deflect hardtear. But yeah this AOW slaps very hard.


It wouldve made more sense if he just dropped his weapon like the Godskin Stitcher and use the rememberance for the aow or the Gravity Missle spell which he clearly uses. I think they didnt know what to give to the Fallingstar beast so they switched it around. Also regular infusable rememberance weapon? Thats a first


Can one choose standard/keen affinity and still be able to apply grease? Have a blood backhand, wanna know if switching to keen allows for blood grease?


A keen backhand blade can be greased, yea. (Fully upgraded it scales to S as keen too btw)


All pure physical affinities can be greased except occult


Hell no! I need my Magic Milady!


this. she wrecks things. combine with spiral shard and you have a pretty smooth dlc experience (except for endboss lol, 3 digit tries already easily)


I love SOTE but my biggest gripe is not enough sleep weapons/ incantations/ ashes of war added. We got St.Trina for gods sake you can't not add some weapons from her *edit:spelling


Yeah I really wanted some sleep spells, incantations or a whetstone since she's here. Like just dip your sword in the purple goo and give me a permanent sleep buff


When i saw the first trailer i thought the butterflies incant was doing sleep


Exactly, would have been great!


No sleep perfume bottle is specially weird. It would have been a perfect fit with all of the St Trina quest. Imagine if we got it from Thiollier at the end of his questline


"Best I can do is the only somber perfume bottle with crappy damage" -thioller


I agree, sleep perfume makes sense and just fits


And rune bears, trex dogs and hell birds wont be a problem anymore. Ohhh the potential.


Right?? I felt a bit dissapointed too Like You're telling me we get a whole area with sleep enemies and St.Trina himself And all we get its just a fist weapon and a sword which is a replica of the one in the base game, just with deep sleep effect? I expected a whetstone, or some spells at least:( Felt the same with Frenzy Flame


We didn’t even really get unique sleep enemies, it’s just Grave Bird and Bloodfiends except they have 1 sleep attack


I found it really weird that the description of st Trina's quest item explicitly mentions putting gods and dragons to sleep.... Then doesn't let you do that.


It actually does, you can roofie the ancient dragon priestess


The worst thing is: I didn't read that. I made a copy of the AoW... I have 2 of them and only 1 Milady


I guess you have powerstancing to look forward to in ng+


Now he has 3 wing stance with 2 milady


I expected a wider variety of martial arts tbh. 


Yeah, I thought we’d have at least four: one punch focus, one kick focus, and two that focused on faith or frost or whatnot. At least the first two happened.


The amount of weapons in the 8 new types is very disappointing, 1 infusable light greatswords and great katana


2 beast claws made me sad.


For sure, just color one green and call it the serpents claw, I wouldn't even be mad


martial arts are just the 2 dryleaf. one throwing dagger 1 infusable great katana 1 infusable light greatsword 2 beast claws 1? throwing spear etc.


Aren't there two throwing spears, technically? Smithscript spear and Messmer's


One throwable dagger and they dare to count it as an entirely new weapon class


Because it does have a totally new moveset. 


Imagine the power stance moveset with dual throwing knives.


But it's already a dual weapon when two-handed 


I wouldn't be surprised if a lil patch comes through with some goodies. They did it for ds2, ds3 and Bloodborne so it could happen


So many of the new weapons are pure buns there's no way they aren't gonna tweak it a little


Did they? I can’t recall these patches that added some goodies, what were they? I guess it’s been a long time lol


They literally added new items and skins to the chest in majula for years of special events long before live service was a thing. Ds3 had a couple clothing items patched in and an Easter egg. Bloodborne had a patch that added several of the unfinished concepts chalice dungeons to the game. They even had a crazy game waaaayy back when called thousand islands that I think they added an unlockable skin for your triangle dude after release which was probably extremely difficult to do with two physical copy releases


More recently, Armored Core VI had new parts/weapons added with a patch too.


Precisely, Fromsoft' said that wasn't going to happen, but it did, they prefer to undersell themselves, it's smart


I'm not sure if this is what they're talking about but DS1, 2 and 3 all had later special editions release DS1's literally just bundled the DLC in with the base game DS2's did major changes to the entire world. enemy placements, NPC placements, major item placements (including some key items required for progression). it locked the DLCs (which were bundled with the base game once more) behind having certain key items hidden in the world. oh, and it was what added Aldia as both an NPC and a new final boss. I think they updated the graphics too. on the whole it really just tied the whole thing together and was probably the most substantial set of patches DS3's just bundled the DLC in. I don't know about Bloodborne or Daemon Souls (I play on PC, not Playstation) but I heard that Bloodborne got a similar later update Sekiro didn't even get a DLC but it got a later update allowing you to freely refight bosses and even added a boss rush mode with unlockable skills and 1 new combat art. even had 3 special remixed bosses as the final boss of each boss rush. probably the most substantial update besides DS2. personally, I'm hoping that Elden Ring gets the Scholar of the First Sin/Sekiro treatment of actually getting a bunch more content more than the Prepare to Die/The Fire Fades treatment of just bundling the DLC in.


I hope they change it to be useable on light and heavy thrusting swords as well. This Ash on the Godskin Stitcher would look so great.


The fact that they didn't just make heavy thrusting swords light greatswords is a crime.


I am extremely happy with the new weapons, but they should have added some more to the new categories. It would make more sense to have at least 2 weapons in each category (*looking at you, throwing daggers and backhand*). As for the things they added, it's great I can even have the desire for more. I wish we had more light greatswords, a sleep perfume bottle, more int-based weapons, and spells we saw bosses use. But Im glad I can wish for that in the first place.


Don’t the backhand blades have 3? There’s the regular blades, the Labirith’s cirque weapons and a throwable version of those


Tbf its 1 backhand blade and 2 chakrams


Yeah it’s really a shame that there’s really only 1 set of reverse grip swords, the other just don’t really fall into any other category so they threw them in there.


Cirques are backhand blades though, so there is atleast three in that category...


Honestly, yeah. I was personally expecting more variety in the Light Greatsword category. Unrelated, I was hoping beyond hope for a draconic armour set that isn't chainmail with plate on the arms and legs or the Sagrada Familia. But hope has never worked for me.


If there’s one complaint I’ll agree with when it comes to the DLC, it’s that there are a lot of really weird weapon design choices in it. Sleep got totally passed over with no sleep boss/remembrance weapon, no sleep perfume, no sleep spells, and only two new sleep weapons, one of which was just a reskin of the only sleep weapon in the base game, the only Carian smithing stone weapon can’t have its infusion changed in the same DLC where they gave us an upgraded Carian Grandeur as the sole Magic AoW (praying that one gets changed so the perfect spellblade build can exist), they gave us a Dragon Communion katana (and the first and only weapon related to Dragon Communion!) but it doesn’t scale with Arcane, the final boss’s weapons aren’t a single stance weapon and were instead split into one amazing weapon skill and one dogshit weapon skill… Don’t get me wrong, it’s got some highs in terms of weapons, like Milady, Wing Stance, and LGs in general are great (if too few), Messmer’s spear is an awesome and fun weapon, the hand to hand weapons are epic, backhand blades are awesome, Ansbach’s reaper is so fucking cool as befitting the best NPC in the DLC, Divine Beast Frost Stomp made me love frost stomps (even if I’m incredibly confused why we only got a frost skill off the lightning, storm, and frost boss), etc. but damn if they just didn’t make some decisions that leave me scratching my head wondering what they were even thinking


Not sure if you found it but there's >!another Divine Lion!


I think this was a solution to a base game issue of "unique" weapons having nonunique weapon arts or subpar unique ones. Think of random endure and spinning slash on weapons that have C/D scaling. Not being able to change the scaling made a lot of them uninteresting and weak. At least this way any build can use the new weapons and even change the ash if they want to.


I wish there waa more weapons tbh. With how many cookbooks and smithing stones or gloveworts you find exploring. It feels very bad exploring an entire place and boom another cookbook. Meanwhile the throwing blades has a single weapon in its category, hand-to-hand arts and thrusting shields has 2, backhand blades and light greatswords only has 3. For making entire new categories they feel a little lackluster, and not to mention 90% of remembrances are all faith based, god forbid you want a cool boss weapon for pure str, pure dex, or dex arc


What really bothers me is that the whole adding new weapon categories was hyped up a lot, I know that wasn’t intentional by Fromsoftware but the fact it was but then in the actual dlc each category got barely any weapons bothered me, I was really interested in the thrusting shields and immensely disappointed to find out there was only two of them, and only really one new one in my eyes since the other was in a lot of trailers, and then other stuff that bothered me like the lack of sleep related stuff, they gave us saint Trina but no sleep spells and only a few sleep weapons, one of which is just kinda a reskin, they didn’t even give us a perfumer bottle for sleep which would make the most sense to add since Thioller uses the perfumer bottles as his main weapon, overall I loved the dlc but I just feel like it could’ve done better in terms of fleshing out the new category’s and just weapons and spells in general.


>New weapon category >Looks inside >1 weapon


The ratio of new weapon types to old weapon types should've been 3|1, 3/4 new, 1/4 old.


They had a fire and magic paired one, a holy one, and a normal one, couldn't they have made a fire one, magic one, str one, bleed one, a big one and frenzy one.


Star Lined Sword should have been a light greatsword. It has a crossguard and a long, straight blade. It's not a Katana. Fromsoft WYD?


fr tho. it looks more like a kriegsmesser than a katana


It does not look like a Kriegsmesser at all. A Messer has to have the specific handle type and generally has a single edged blade. It might have a single edged blade (I haven't used it but it's a katana so it probably does) but the handle doesn't fit at all, there's way more single edged swords than just Messers


Everyone associating falchions with machete looking ones is horrible.


Listen, I know this may be a bit of a hot take, maybe entitled, maybe picky, but the more I learn about the new things with the dlc, the more I'm starting to think it wasn't ready for release yet. Like for one, the dlc certainly lacks the same level of polish the base game had. Look at areas like finger ruins and abyssal woods. I can understand why finger ruins are the way they are, but when you see them on the map for the first time, you immediately want to explore them because of how much they stand out, and they have 1 things in them. Abyssal Woods on the other hand has like 2 points of interest, a mechanic that was a cool idea, but felt awkward given the type of game, and it takes up like a solid 15% of the overall map. The best way i can explain Abyssal Woods is that it feels like an even less finished area than Lost Izalith, with just as much potential as Lost Izalith had. It's great and all, but it really feels unfinished to me, and I feel like that will make it less memorable than previous dlcs for me. You'd think I hate the dlc, and I don't, but it's just a thought that popped into my head a few nights ago and stuck with me since


What you mean "walk everywhere and dudes in robes sometimes accost you also rats" didn't live up to the hype of DON'T LET IT SEE YOU?


anyone else get the feeling that this was strangely rushed? We got a ton of stuff but it's clear that they really didn't do a lot of testing, particularly for the spells. also felt like quite a bit was reused from the base game (didn't bother me much though). The ending to the dlc felt very abrupt. And the concept art is also wieredly lacking.


It probably was, the whole thing was only made in 2 years and it’s a ton of content to make in that amount of time. They inevitably had to cut corners in some areas, which is probably why a lot of remembrance bosses don’t have unique cutscenes, and one of them doesn’t even have unique music


Yeah - it's a huge DLC content-wise. Even with the engine made there's heaps of new content here. People point to reused enemies and like the Hinterlands and Cerulean coast being relatively empty and ignore the new stuff. 3 more years and this would have been a straight up sequel.


The map is also just weirdly empty in the southern and eastern regions in terms of enemy and item placement. Half the bosses are unpolished in their gameplay. Everything in the DLC is 90% to 99% there, but just lacks the last bit of fine-tuning to make it come together.


They ran out of time again.


I wished danes art were infusable. Gimme that red lightning on the funny whirlwind attack


You mean buffable? You can infuse them


I'd love to see them add a few of the DLC Weapon types to the base game areas. It would give us more variety and new ways to start fresh.


I want this so badly. It sucks we need to be in late-game to be able to play with these new weapon types. Adding one or two to some base game merchants or chests would be pretty nice. Heck, they even have weapons that would fit nicely like the crystallian chackram as a backhand blade for example.


I'm just annoyed that we got 3 great katanas, one is infusible and neither of the other two scale outside of dex and strength. Rakshasa should've been arc and dragon slayer should've been faith. Or maybe int since we got a lot of faith weapons but faith I feel is more appropriate.


The real tragedy with that weapon class is rellana's twinblades just not having the ability to guard for no reason.


Should have just made this come on the damn sword lmao


Could be worse Could be another Through and Through


*me Secretly hoping when they release the final patch to Elden Ring they'll make every ash of war infusable to every weapon*


I don't want to say disappointed but some of the new categories are just a touch of a let down I am more let down by there not being more INT scaling weapons than anything, I will not complain about the twin swords they're awesome. But there's so much Faith scaling stuff it is a let down being a INT/STR build. Oh and one of the INT scaling weapons...another katana. But I don't want to sound to negative the DLC is still a 10/10.


And you can dual wield troll knight and moon sword for fashion. But yeah, I started a str int build for the dlc and every damn thing I pick makes me wish I took my int fai build through instead. Cold milady, and the rabbath cannon, carian thrusting shield, and the rancor sword and halbred like the other guy said. I haven’t beat gaius


Isnt Giaus weapon gravity based one which scale with int? You can also use a heavy weapon and infuse it with magic to get int scale on top of str scale as well.


Nope Gius's sword spear has no built in INT scaling. I have 60-65 INT currently so I magic or cold infuse alot of my weapons to get the best AR I can.


FromSoft really said “oh there’s going to be so many new *types* of weapons!” And then only gave us two or three of each…


Just wish they'd added some new weapon buffs outside of recipes. Great magic weapon and messmer flame weapon would have been so cool or bayle's flame lighting 😑 I was praying for more ice lighting too.


Elden Ring is the FromSoft equivalent of Skyrim, and as such we've got the Skyrim solution to this problem: modders are gonna add more. I'm looking forward to it!


The only thing I want modders to do is add or change base game weapons to fit the new weapon types more. I could totally see some of the base game weapons fighting light greatsword and such.


I still have hope for a second dlc




We still don't have a true fire buff spell and greater elemental weapon buffs


I picked up my second one and put cold affinity on both. They both have 102 frostbite. Its almost instant frostbite.


IMO Leda’s should be Infusable, with the AoW given separately as the reward for choosing her for all the Invasion quests. Her sword would work like the Black Knight weapons. Also it feels like Midra’s sword was meant to be a LGS, but then they realized there were no regular Greatswords in the DLC.


If only we could give it to those new double curved swords… we could finally make a Kars build…


100+ new weapons and about 10 actually new weapons for the weapon types😭


...feels like a 2nd dlc kinda thing....Miyasaki did do another interview where he said there weren't any current plans to add another in. But it was totally possible. So I'm thinking give it 2-3 years and we'll have elden ring 3 as the 2nd dlc


In another interview he stated he wanted to do something smaller. ER feels like the summation and end-point to this style of game. I'd really like them to explore the Sekiro & Bloodborne systems in future games.


He stated that all these games are just test runs for something even more grandiose when the technology gets there. I hope we get whatever masterpiece he is making in it's 100% completed form


The unsheathe of the dlc. Still no actual Whip ash of war though.


Wing Stance and Swift Slash should’ve been usable on other weapon types. I’ll stand by this opinion.


Similar to unsheathe being usable and all two infusable katanas in the game.


Given what they did with AC6 it's not entirely impossible they will add new weapons with future patches, it is unlikely because they are completely different systems of acquiring equip but I'm hopeful! One thing for certain is that they can definitely patch in new movesets for stuff like the dragon claw and shield and similar weapons.


Also.more fucking katanas as though we don't have several of them. .but fuck all the other sorcery/hex magics I guess.


Huh? There are only 5 base katanas, and they added 2. There's still WAY MORE straight swords, greatswords, curved swords, etc.


I really hope their next game expands on them cus i really like the concept of the light greatswords Though they couldve just called them longswords. And its not like they dont have a colossal sword they always call “greatsword”


Honestly, I’m hoping that this is them setting up all of the new Weapon Categories for a future DLC.


There should have been WAY more of the weapons to be the new types. Hornsents curved swords? Make them backward blades, most of the greatswords should have been light greatswords. 


It’s annoying because light greatswords are literally my dream weapons in souls games, as I’ve always loved my darling claymore but have always been drawn to the style of thrusting swords, so it’s a shame we couldn’t have gotten a few other options, even if they all had the exact same stats the fashion souls would be great. Not complaining about mi’lady though.


I loved lots about the Shadow of the Erdtree, I do wish they had more of the new weapon choices though


Yeeah. The community has been asking for a weapon with KGS R1s + Claymore R2s since 2022. This weaponclass could have been the perfect opportunity for such a weapon but naaah


Also pretty funny how unsheathe only goes on two weapons, both of which have unsheathe as their default weapons skill.


also im really disappointed that i cant use overhead stance on regular katanas...


Same thing with Overhead Stance. There's only one infusible Great Katana, and the AoW can't be out on any other weapon type. How tf can regular katanas, curved greatswords, straight swords etc. not perform an overhead strike??????


But you can have multiple Milady's. 


My biggest issue with these new weapons is that there is no way to get similar stuff to it in the base game. For example, if I wanted to make a build for many of the new quality weapons that the dlc added I don’t have a whole lot of options in base game other than the bloodhound which is just generic boringness. I wish they added a few new weapon types into the base game so you can at least have something lesser to use before the dlc.


i was disappointed picking up Milady for it to have the thrusting ash of war lmao


This clearly implies a second dlc with more light greatswords is coming *Huffs copium*