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This happens because elden rings builds damage ceiling is so high that like 50% of the community got meta enslaved and expects every new weapon to completely blast bosses. Its really tragic


Exactly this the community is so goddamn cringe with their meta maximum damage bs The game's amazing for build variety, hundreds of unique spells and weapons, but everyone wants to use the same 5 builds Also this spear is one of the very few weapons you can throw from Torrent


I really wish off hand weapons, mainly torches, could be used on torrent. Would be really helpful. I don't see why why can't to begin with. Don't really care about other weapons, honestly, just torches.


You can use them, just not raise them for extra visibility Same as when you want to main-hand your left slot, hold Y and press L1


The Ash of War fucking shreds in PVE, but yeah you can’t spam it, especially when you’re 1v1ing a boss. If you’re able to get the full animation off it does about as much as getting a critical hit or bleed/frostbite proc off. Also, I could be totally wrong as I haven’t really done any testing, but does it lack hyper armor entirely? I feel like I’ve been able to get hit without it canceling the animation before, but I could be wrong.


Rewatching some of my gameplay footage I was able to tank 1-2 attacks/spells before being stunned out of the Ash Of War. Granted, I was wearing full Crucible Armor so that's probably a contributor. (I play on NG+3 so I don't know how much that influences it as well.)


I’m honestly not entirely sure how poise is calculated in ER lol, you’d think I’d’ve looked in to it after 1k hours. You definitely can’t spam it, but the weapon art shreds boss health bars, especially those with fire weakness. Staggers pretty reliably too.


ALSO Tarnished does a really cool pose when summoning the spear back. Maybe it's not the strongest weapon. But it makes me feel cool that that's what I care about




I prefer weapons that are extremely versatile over ones that do a a ton of damage or can spam attacks. I love the Milady, especially with Wing Stance, for its sheer versatility with weaving between Light/Heavy attacks, how different the moveset is between 1H and 2H, and how Wing Stance can be either a flurry of fast hits or a big staggering gap closer. No matter how good one weapon is you will run into an enemy or boss that totally counters it and be left floundering, or you have a weapon (or set of weapons) which may not slay as hard but can carry you through any scenario.  It's why my core build is a "weaponmaster" Quality build designed to be able to use as many weapons as possible, and which has 6 weapons (usually infusable for Ashes of War) capable of dealing with any enemy.


Amazing build. Even though I'm level 370 with a Jack-Of-All-Trades build, I still gravitate to Quality/Faith builds because of the flexibility of Quality weapons and Faith incantations just look cool. Quality covers everything regarding how much openings you have, how hard you need to hit the enemy, if you need to attack towards a stance break and so on. It's the best "flexibility build" for a melee character, and I just love the simplicity of Quality infusions. Faith is there to support the Quality build with stuff like Flame Grant Me Strength/Blackflame Protection. Other times I can't help myself and need to use Messmer's Orb because it looks cool.


The DLC also provided some great options to fill holes pure Quality builds sorta lacked, like an FP-less magic damage option in the fire bottle (which is especially useful for plants, hands, or oozes), and better ranged options if you don't like bows like throwing weapons (I particularly like the dagger with its default AoW) and more bow options (if you're into that), some additional Ashes which temporarily coat your weapon, more support for Storm skills, and an absolutely huge addition in the Blessed Blue Dew Talisman which frees up more casual use of weaponskills or low investment magic like Cure Poison, Bloodflame Blade, or Heal while exploring.


i just made a post about this today haha, but yeah it's such a fun weapon. the throwing heavy is awesome for utility, the crouch attack is horizontal if you ever need it. the ash of war is super versatile because you have the option to only do the first part which is great for a few bosses because it's not a super high commitment and hits from far away. it's my favorite weapon and prior to the DLC i hated great spears


Relatable since the only Great Spear I kind of liked pre-DLC was the Siluria's Tree for a Crucible Duo run with a friend. Now Spear Of The Impaler is one of my favorite weapons in the entire game and I'll try to have it equipped anytime I can/talismans synergize of another weapon.


I’m using the Obsidian Lamine and it’s been fun getting the hang of it. It’s not the strongest by a long shot, but it looks cool and is fun to use. What else is there?


"Sub-optimal? Why does that matter when it's fun and gets the job done?" https://preview.redd.it/rxkjhat7u6ad1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cc996268d9fe9d154960ae3c431000d7ad1d532


Yeah those complaints are from people who probably only use blasphemous blade and Moonveil and don’t know what rolling attacks are. I find it odd that the spear of the Impaler seems to be the premier example of weapons with impractical ashes when it’s not that difficult to land on some of the dlc bosses, let alone base game stuff. You can even pair it with the deflecting hard tear for a quasi heavy attack for poise breaking. Poleblade of the bud, on the other hand, is an absolute tragedy and really does need infinite hyper armour on the ash of war and more scarlet rot build up to be remotely decent. A shame cause I love the weapon visually.


Holy shit so much this. I did some searching around because I wanted to use Rellana's Twin Blades and saw everyone shitting on them and calling them disappointing. Decided to give it a try anyway since I had a stack of Larval Tears and they are so good. I'm actually having an easier time with them than with Milady. They are not broken and maybe not meta but they are really good if you understand when to one hand, when to two hand and when to Ash if War. A handful of meta weapons absolutely rotted the brains of most of the community.


I learned in my Dancing Lion attempts that the Twin Blades have a really versatile moveset and you have to think on what to use in the right situation. For example: the running light attack combos into slashing moves that recover longer while normal light gives two stabs you recover out of quicker. I guess some Elden Ring players don't like a deep moveset and prefer R2 spam with an oversized turkey leg.


I really like messmers spear too, it's really nice against dragons


Why wait to light attack a dragon's head when you can throw a spear at it's head anytime you want?


Exactly !that dragon before bayle, I got him real good


Mesmers spear is amazing! It's one of the many weapons I'm gonna use on my revenge tour through the first half of ng+. The throwing r2 is just too much fun.


I'm on the same boat. I missed some fun gear in the DLC so I'm definitely jumping into a NG+4 playthrough to get them. I'm halfway through the game in my NG+3 playthrough, so I'll have some fun when I get to a boss with 0% fire damage negation.


i think part of what makes people lump towards meta builds is that, the game is pretty hard. the easier the game gets, the less and less pressure that a gamer feels when approaching a challenge. i think that if more people viewed enemies in this game as puzzles to dissect, rather than an enemy that must be beaten in the easiest way possible, then they would open up more and branch out with strategies. it is also understandable to tell someone who is struggling, to use a build that could alleviate this struggle.


After doing Mohg with a fire weapon (8 minute fight) and a Dark Souls 3 boss without a weapon (7 minute fight) I've made it a habit of using more fun weapons than actual min-maxed optimized weapons. Yes, I can properly build a frost Greatsword and DPS any boss, but I'd prefer to fight bosses with Quality Martial Arts with a few talismans to help the use of the Martial Arts, like Turtle talisman for stamina regen and Old Lord for longer Blackflame Protection.


beating mogh with any kind of fire weapon is really hard. it demands learning his moveset, but mogh is also my favorite boss in this game, would've been radagon if he got a second phase but oh well. i can do only speak to my personal experience, but i like to use easier defensive builds with shields to help myself learn bosses because i struggle with delayed attacks. after getting the hang of bosses, i like to test myself and see which ankle weights i can take off, while still being able to beat the boss. i do this mainly with malenia, mogh, and radagon because i love both of those fights and i find them to be consistently challenging.


Sure. But a broken weapon needs to be good though !


The biggest problem about this weapon is that charged R2s have the biggest stance damage, but throwable weapons have pathetic stance damage on their throws. I think at least at pointblank range these weapons should deal their entire stance damage


Ever since I discovered Spectral Lance I always have it slotted as a sidearm, it's incredible for dragons and other large things Partisan my beloved


From software fault for not balancing the weapons


>I see way too much Spear Of The Impaler slander and almost all the slander boils down to "Can't L2 spam + no 60K damage". Havent seen a single person saying something like this ...