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Just happened to me, some of his wind attacks would randomly add fire too




It never happened to me but apparently you can just damage and stagger him while he's cutting off his arm.


First time trying solo, got the cut scene. Second time I summoned two others and there was no 2nd phase at all he repeated the same thing until met his fateful end. The head is also still on the dragon after the fight is finished.


Haha such a funny glitch


Not a glitch, it's just you staggering him out of the animation, meaning in phase 2 he uses less attacks.


There was one time where he just did the thing without the cutscene playing. Like he still cut off his arm and put on the head and switched all his attacks, but there was no cutscene. Otherwise yeah that'd be a bug.


Ok. My friend said he never used a fire attack and didn't have a dragon arm at all. Didn't even see the cut off arm segment. Happy cake day!


2 years later and I just experienced this bug solo lmao


I beat him at the beginning and he grafted the dragon head to be his hand but then I am now facing him a second time at the outer wall of the great kingdom 


Just did this helping out someone, using the dragon halberd, I think the combination of high damage, staggering him right before he reached half health, and getting a frostbite proc during the riposte ended up putting him far enough past the second phase threshold that he couldn't do it, so going from roughly 60% health to 30ish in a few seconds seems to be a good way to skip phase 2 entirely


Happened to me also on second play through. Thought it might have something to do with me killing the white dragon first this time in caelid


I was playing with my brother and we got him really low and he didn't phase change, he did however start using fire in his moves which only happens when get goes into phase 2


Haha so there are different kind of bugs then. Since my friend didnt see any fire attack at all.


Did your friend kill him really fast? Sometimes you can skip boss phases if you deal enough damage to kill them before their phase transition.


Haha didn't seem like too fast, but I figured maybe he managed to hit the bleed proc to skip the threshold where the second phase kicks in. That's the only thing I could think of atleast.


Had the same thing happen to me, out if 20 tries he didn't enter the second phase a few times and it seemed to be connected to the bleed. On the last try when I beat him he used some fire attacks, but didn't have the dragon head arm. So the Dragon Statue still has its head :p. I definitely didn't beat him too fast imo. It was quite the struggle.


I didnt know he had a second phase! Never used a single fire attack.


Happened to me yesterday. I think I happens If you stagger him right before he goes into phase 2


Just happened to me it was great


Yup this just occurred for me last night


Same thing just happened to me


Just happened to me too. Used the Nepheli summon and the Godrick Knights ghost summon. No cutscene, no dragon arm, but some random fire on his ranged wind attacks. Here’s a clip I grabbed just as I beat him. [Godrick the Grafted No Second Phase](https://www.xbox.com/play/media/JP5PW6YX) And I can confirm, the head stays on the dragon too.


Happened to me on one attempt. By this time I was getting used to his second phase and was upset I couldn't capitalize getting behind him on some of his flame attacks lol.


Just happened to me, still did his fire attacks, but no dragon head. Not sure if he could still grab me or not, it happened because I got a backstab attack right before the cutscene started.


Same exact thing for me! He went into second phase cutscene and all the first two fights. Then the third one he never got the dragon head and I beat him just now!


Yes, happened to me also. I think if you can some how keep applying damage he skips the second phase? I'm not sure but it was definitely the only way I was able to beat him


Had this happen to me i was confused as i heard about the 2nd phase and just beat him thinking he may come back and use the head after but nope.


i did it by dropping his health below the transition point during a wind animation. It didn't trigger his second phase.


i had it happen to me. i can only assume that MAYBE i staggared him or did something just before he starts cutting his hand off. i honestly dont care that much because Starscourge put me in my place


Happened to me aswell. And I'm thankful to that.


Ive watched some videos and it looks like I staggered and visceral attacked as the cutscene was supposed to start and it stopped the whole thing from happening. No dragon head, no discernable phase two, no cutscene, and he kept all his arms. Dragon head was still attached to the dragon at the end of the fight.


I killed him after 3-4 tries. He always chopped off his arm except for the last time when I killed him. I didn't notice any flames but his move-set changed a little. Also the entire fight was just in front of the vail where you enter, we never moved down to the dragon.


I just used a summon named Rotten Stray and he did not go in to the second form