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This is not a common usage, but it's the equivalent of "He's playing that Avatar card." The avatar has high status and is afforded respect others aren't automatically, so he's saying that he's getting access to the library so immediately because he's the Avatar. I don't know that I've heard this elsewhere.


this makes more sense than my answer actually, everyone listen to this guy


Agreed 100%. Based on context, I'd guess chip is probably a slang reference to a poker/casino chip.


Chip can mean lots of things but i don't really know in this context. Some things it could be are... -the food (Look up if you don't know) -A small crack or broken piece off something ("a chip in the vase" there's not an actual chip inside the vase but a small piece is broken off.) -Some sort of small currency or coin (Rarely used in this context) -Amlunt (For example "chip in" is to give an adequate amount for your share) Hope this helps! If it doesn't feel free to share more context and i'd love to try and help.


https://youtu.be/jdWfmrMh54k?si=ZJdJrIgOGeN0CqKd 5:53 here’s the video and time stamp where he says it if this helps!


I listened and am honestly not sure what he meant by “avatar chip”. Chip can mean like a token, or a coin, eg poker chips(fake coins used to represent money in poker games) he might mean something along those lines but I have no idea what an avatar token would be. Kinda ambiguous even for a native speaker


It's weird usage in this case, but he could be talking about computer chips (I know this sounds weird but hear me out) like if someone suddenly got really good at Kung Fu like in the matrix you might say they got the "Kung Fu chip installed". Again, a super weird use case, but that's where my mind went when I read your post


I almost want to say he's saying "avatar chat" or something, but he quite clearly says chip. Maybe they made some kind of reference to the avatar chip in a previous review. I guess the long and the short of it* is that you don't need to worry about chip as a slang word because this is a super obscure usage :d *"The long and the short of it" = common idiom, learn that one instead:)


I think he’s saying, “That’s that Avatar shit.” As in “that which is associated with the Avatar,” à la: > That's that big dawg shit […] that's that NY shit, man. > > —— Big Dawg Shit, Lil Pete > ’Cause that's that boushe shit > > —— Rappers Wanna Sing, Bishop Lamont > that's that white people shit > > —— a tweet




This is my exact initial reaction but the more I think about it the less it makes sense, I think the guy might just be making noise with his mouth