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It's so telling how they always need to start any complaint with 'I love my Tesla', because doing anything other will have you fucking eviscerated by the cult.


If you don't love Tesla, then you're just a short-seller spreading FUD.


You don't love Tesla unless you're willing to risk your life beta testing their cars for them, so they don't have to


And get you blocked by musk melon. And stonewalled permanently by Tesla, leaving you with a 120,000 dollar giant paperweight rusting away on your drive.


Yup, it’s almost like having a man with the mind of a 16-year old COD player as CEO of a company who’s slowly burying its roots in every corner of our society’s most important infrastructure is not in fact a good thing. The fact that he’s fucking around with our allied soldiers internet in an active war zone?? Imagine if Musk did something like that from 2002-2006. Americans would have dragged him out in the street to tar and feather him and his company would be dead fucking worthless in a month.


There needs comprehensive deregulation. Period.


16 year old COD player is rather generous. I was all about COD 4 at that age and can guarantee I wasn't nearly this much of a brain-dead edgelord


That's true, that is coercion.


It's because a big part of their personality is being a "tesla owner". It's sad. They are so mentally invested in tesla they can't fathom criticizing the cars or company.


Reminds me of the fart sniffer hybrid owner episode of Southpark




Tesla owners are so, so, so much worse than Prius owners ever were They're worse than any fanbase of any vehicle, including BMW and Porsche


Are Porsche owners really like that? I only knew a few of them and while they loved their cars (for good reason), and constantly took pictures of them, this adoration switched to the new car when they switched to Italian or Japanese brands. They were rather car nuts than fanboys. BMW on the other hand, no comments.


Reminds me of when I finally decided to try an iPhone, just to mix it up. Everyone went out if their way to welcome me, like a cult. Then I realized this thing is a steaming pile of overhyped crap. That did not make them happy. They wave away every flaw as if Android would be worse (none of them ever tried an Android).


Apple makes good products. Overpriced, overhyped, but they are good.


Apple cult is strong. simping hard for any company is so bizarre.


This. My whole family are Apple fanatics and keep telling me about how much easier it is to use, and yet every function I depend on in an iPhone is buried under a mess of different interactions, whereas every Android I've had in the past 10 years has had these things in the pull-down notification shade. They also tell me it's better engineered but I've seen them have to put their phone down more than once because it's overheated and refuses to do anything until it cools down. I've literally never had an Android overheat. Can't even use the thing as a removable storage medium like a USB stick without jailbreaking it, which my Sony Ericsson could do 20 years ago. Plus they rant to me about how nice the camera is but none of them have realised yet that the camera module is made by Sony, who also make the camera modules for shitloads of Androids.


That’s so funny. I had the exact same experience when I tried to switch from Apple to Android. Everyone went on and on about how great it would be, but I was back to Apple products within a few months. I find them sooooo user-unfriendly compared to even the oldest Apple products I own. Bought an android tablet in 2018, just bought a refurbished 2018 iPad two weeks ago, and I’ve already used the iPad more than I ever used that tablet. 


I think it's really personal preference. We feel the same way about opposite products, so it must be us. I feel like nothing is intuitive on Apple, even after using it for 2 years. Just weird gestures and whatever the devs liked, with no way to configure it to the way my brain is wired. I'm also a firmware/software engineer, so my brain is definitely miswired from everyone else. Thus why I decided to try an iPhone. I wanted to be familiar with both. I should have just had the company buy me one.


Totally! I’m glad there are multiple ecosystems so everyone can have what works best for them. Can’t stand all the Apple or Android Stans who make their preference their entire identity though. Like, I’m happy with Apple phones and tablets, but I’m not gonna tell you about it unless you ask and I definitely don’t care if you take my advice. 


Totally agree. Something for everyone. I'm also done with chasing the latest and greatest. They're all fairly capable and get the job done. So I'll be with this one for the next X years until something changes.


It's like Scientology worship. Terrified of being shunned.


LOL, exactly. You always see any criticism - no matter how mild - sandwiched between "I love Tesla" and "I love my car!". Fail to produce the items of faith, and the other faithful will tear you up.


Because they want Musk's help in those moments and know his fragile ego needs it


> because doing anything other will have you fucking eviscerated by the cult. I think they're actually more afraid of offending Elon. He's extremely thin-skinned, petty, and vindictive. They don't want Elon to ban their Twitter account, or blacklist their Tesla cars from repair shops or whatever.


I'd be afraid of Elon too, if I was driving a car where the steering wheel and brakes aren't physically connected to the wheels and the car can receive OTA updates telling it to drive on its own. And Musk has direct access to the logs before handing them to authorities. They better play cool before something really bad happens


They're surveillance now, remote weapons in the purges after a successful coup. They're primarily in the driveways of wealthy liberal neighborhoods. Elons a kompromised Putin puppet as is Trump. It's terifying.


Merci beaucoup.


Its just laughable at this point


By the looks of it they love their Tesla more than their closest family and I'm not really surprised because that's how cults work.


He probably put his life savings into TSLA stock.


Well you might get kicked off the "true free speech" platform for not praising the god emperor


it's like anybody who says 'don't get me wrong' in a post. ugh




The only cult that attacks people about Teslas is the one who hates Musk and Tesla with a burning passion.


lol that you, Adrian


You mean people with functioning hearts and minds?


If you are angling for that horse, you have to give him a happy ending.




"I love Elon Musk more than the lives of my wife and child." Now for the simps to say, "well actually catastrophic failure of the steering and brakes is perfectly normal in a brand new car."


You reminded me of that tweet from the guy who was basically like I'm not gay and I would hate myself afterwards but I'd let Elon blow my back out if it made him happy & then argued over it when called out for the nonsense.


Mind virus got you & you don’t realize it


So true ElonBot


No no, you got it all wrong. The man offered to blow Elon. He [even said](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https://preview.redd.it/vljf9uhrpmd91.png?width%3D486%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D84d62e47bd9cf657ece873552bc79356560ecabc) that his wife would not only understand but be proud of him. Good for him for having a broad horizon but the worship ~~is getting weird~~ has been weird for a long time.


This is so gold.


Tried sacrificing family at altar of Musk. Cybertruck still broken.


To be fair, it is not like the front fell off.


And Elons fine with just replacing kids 🤷🏻‍♀️


im guessing its electronic steering and its not just like the power steering pump went out


that's because it's not a boat


Well, there are a lot of these CyberTrucks going around the world all the time, and very seldom does anything like this happen … I just don’t want people thinking that CyberTrucks aren’t safe.


Seeing the downvotes, clearly more people need to know about how unusual it is for the front to fall off.


And OP's picture clearly shows them removing it from the environment, so there's little risk of pollution.


Hit a bump? On the road? Chance in a million.


Probably just not as safe as the other ones?


Well on this one the brakes and steering had a catastrophic failure. Nearly killed the family. It's a bit of a give-away. I would just like to point out that that is not normal.


I love it wasn’t a failure of brakes OR steering but BOTH Any rational person would be posting angrily about this deathtrap


A $120,000.00 dollar death trap, thank you very much.


At least an expensive death trap shouldn't rust on you. I'd expect it to be of only the best death trap material.


Its not even a good 120k $ death trap since nobody has been killed. An utter failure at every single level.


I bet he’s hoping Elon will personally help out so he wants to stay in his good side.


If I spent $5,000 on a used Honda Civic and the brakes and steering failed simultaneously, I'd be damning Honda in every car-related conversation from now until tyool 2064.




It’s quite common in aviation fly by wire, but I think it’s untested in automotive and aircraft have the capacity for redundancy


I feel like there's less chance for failure from environmental hazards in aircraft than in automobiles for systems like steering and braking. The cyber truck is supposed to be this workhorse capable of going off-road. Shit happens when you push a vehicle hard and being able to repair it on site when something breaks is a big plus. I doubt you can fix an electronic sensor that goes bad when you're out in the middle of nowhere with no access to specialty tools and computers.


Yeah that’s a fair point, most components don’t like getting covered in mud dust and shit. Does seem like a stupid flaw in a car But, it does mean that because of the lack of crumple zones, the steering column won’t spear through your chest? That’s a silver lining right?


There are other cars out there using steer by wire, but they have redundancies. Two different electrical systems, dual servos for both steering wheel and tires, two computers, two backup batteries, etc. Wouldn't surprise me however if Tesla went with a non-redundant system that is directly connected to the rest of the cars electronics.


I’m guessing the Christmas lights wiring they used took out both systems


Extremely dire situation.




With how “innovative” TSLA is I wouldn’t be shocked if they did something incredibly stupid that tied the two systems together, like using brake fluid for the steering or had the two systems share a fuse.


It’s so ugly


It is! It doesn’t look finished, like it’s just a shell of a car still in the prototype. Which I guess it is 😆


Like Musk himself, a shell of a human being topped off by a backwards cowboy hat.


Meanwhile I was behind a Rivan tonite and it looks super nice.


I’m 51. I had tonka trucks in the 70s with sleeker lines. This shit looks like the PS1 version of the Halo Warthog lmao Got the Lara Craft polygon count 😂


Tastes can vary, but there is no world where brake *and* steering failures are at all a good sign.


you have to be on mars to truly appreciate its beauty.


No hyperbole when I say it is the ugliest car I’ve ever seen. Like I’m genuinely trying to think of anything uglier, and I’m drawing a blank.


Child run over, wife shot, dick fell off, so next time I'm not buying the optional carpet.


The carpet is essential for absorbing water leaks.


Absolutely! RIP to my child I guess, and because my dick fell off and my wife is dead I can't just make a new one. But I have no regrets buying the absorbent carpet, because it kept my Crybertruck from rusting! A close call - I can't imagine losing my Cybertruck!😭


Before or after the panels have all rusted?




Pretty pretty pretty stupid.


He will never hear the end of this one. She probably didn’t want the truck. He bought it anyway and it broke down in the middle of nowhere. She will remind him of this moment as long as they are together.


And constantly over the next year as Tesla service screws him over and fails to get the necessary parts installed correctly


theyre gunna love the toyota truck the leased while waiting to get their tesla back though


"You COULD have just bought a regular electric truck plus a trailer and a boat, but you HAD to get the 'truck Bladerunner would have driven', Matthew"


John Bladerunner wouldn't put up with this shit, Emily. You'd do well to back off...


The most expensive part of owning a cyber truck is the child support payments.


yeah this is divorce territory. definitely an Elmo product


Maybe that was the real intention and he actually is a genius at design 😆


Cult dynamic. Even when something is very wrong, don’t question and keep sweet like every thing is completely fine.


Eh, I think of Teslas like owning an Italian sports car, you \*know\* it's gonna be in the shop a lot, but you're willing to put up with that because it's otherwise very cool. But of course this example is pretty extreme LOL. Are Italian sports car lovers also part of a "cult"? maybe...


behold, hopium AND copium being consumed to the level of self-brainwashing they're acrobats and Olympians at this point, them mental gymnastics to keep feeling good about their purchase has to be 10/10


10.0 from the South African judge


If it was only the guy in the car, it would just be weird. But with his wife and kid in the car in what could’ve potentially been a really bad situation, to say this is insane. I’d venture to guess he values Elon’s and his cult’s approval over the lives of his family.


That’s a good point! As another parent I wouldn’t feel safe ever stepping foot in that tin can deathmobil again. And I definitely would never allow my kids in it. But designing a car that pushes your family away to leave you does sound like peak Elon.


Why the "Love Tesla" bit? I blew my clutch in my car not long ago. I can confidently say "love" was not the first thought on my mind at the time. Unless "mother lover" counts. In all seriousness, why do they feel they can't be critical of their vehicle, Elon or Tesla?


Remember that meme about Teslas killing their owners by driving themselves off a cliff for not laughing at Elmo’s SNL debacle? That.


Maybe they’re worried he’ll kick them off twitter 😆 He probably would too.


Because if they are critical, then they can kiss goodbye to Tesla repairs. It really is that fucked up.


It’s an armored personnel carrier from the future – what Bladerunner would have driven


Never have I had a catastrophic failure with essential control equipment in a vehicle in the middle of driving it. No way I would be dick tugging the company that sold me a $100,000 jalopy.




I just hope, when these things start killing people, it's mostly the people INSIDE the Cybertrucks and not outside of them.


Right. My power steering pump quit once on a long trip, but I could still steer and drive the car.


My brother did a few times when he was driving a 1988 K-Car in like 2014. But that’s when you sell it for spare parts not tweet an apology about how you weren’t worthy of such a fine automobile 🤦🏻‍♀️


you see, the "catastrophic failure" is a feature implemented to spice up the experience of basically driving a tank with the potential to kill everyone else on the road. don't worry tho, the other car's crumple zone will protect you if you also hit a wall in the process of crashing it into another car.


Never admit a poor decision else you admit you were duped. Can’t have that. Nope nope nope. Can’t be that Elon is a shyster. It’s the world that’s out to get him, clearly.


“I love it but my brand new car doesn’t work. Elon did you see where I said I love it!?!? I’ll pay you to fix and it and I’ll blow you so don’t hate me!!!!”


Ugly ugly ugly truck (sic).


> 1. Pretty 2. pretty 3. pretty not good In the real world, we call that "terrible". 😆


Double plus ungood.


He's trying to be funny, quoting Curb


Larry David would never stand for even 1/3 of that shit.




Precision predicates perfectionism.


Right? And you have to take it to its own specific service center. And they’re not open 24 hours. Yeah maybe not that great omfg 😆


boy anything to not have to admit they were wrong about cybercuck


Whompy wheels version 2.0. [https://www.reddit.com/r/RealTesla/s/HZqXERO9ct](https://www.reddit.com/r/RealTesla/s/HZqXERO9ct)


I guess he’s Not looking into it.


Hopefully some regulatory agency is at least


Your car nearly killed my family but I still love it and you


He and his family fell down the steps, that's how they got all the bruises... It wasn't cybertruck or elon, they fell down the steps and hit a door on the way down.


Drive-by-wire steering is *sort of* dicey for consumer price-point vehicles. Tesla’s implementation of it is *fuckin terrifying*.


Elon fans have an almost cult-like ability to talk themselves back into orthodoxy even when evidence that their leader's a fraud is staring them right in the face.


Worst buy in the world


That's what happens when you buy the 21st century version of the Edsel.


Oof what did Edsel ever do to you to do them like that?! /jk Say what you want about them but at least they could create a car that was able to do the bare minimum for a car and drive functionally 😆


That’s what she said


It feels like he *wants* to show disdain, but can't. For some reason.


Exactly! Like when someone really wants to curse but they’re also desperately trying to hold it in. *You see what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps?!* *I have had it with these monkey-fighting snakes on this Monday-to-Friday plane!* Gee willikers -please pardon my outburst- but it’s just that this goshdarn wonderful truck has this silly little quirk where sometimes it’ll occasionally shut down during your regular everyday use -like how all cars just do that sometimes- but it still just really rustles my jimmies 😠 harumph!


He would be excommunicated from the cult for daring to question the perfection of his leader.


So a friend brought a cyber truck out to our recreation day recently. I took it for a short spin with some very slight off road conditions. I drive a domestic full size pickup and do work that requires a medium duty truck. It’s definitely not some far out futuristic vehicle. It’s pretty plain inside, decently appointed interior. The ride felt like any other new truck albeit with crazy acceleration because electric. The quality of the vehicle didn’t seem as awful as these worst case scenario I’ve been reading about. In fact it looked better put together than earlier Teslas. The pricing is similar to a Chevy EV truck with similar performance. Honestly the whole thing just seems like it’s not anything special nor is it the catastrophe I’ve read about. Quality control will come out in the wash and if they properly support the platform it might be ok but that’s where I struggle to see such a short sighted company make the proper investment. All new models have some problems to work out. Particularly where we over electrify things like HAC and door/window/light controls. The new Toyota tundra trucks-the gold Standard of reliability- have had a similar rate of failure with their new model role out so I’m taking a wait and see approach but still believe the most likely case is that these vehicles- along with all teslas- are a flash in the pan, not because of engineering, but because of a whole host of business decisions. Tesla is ultimately a stock manipulation institution that occasionally makes cars.


“Looking into it”


That's bc they're paying for the club not the truck lmao


Concerning. Looking into it (i.e. dumping more shares).


Reminder that cybertruck is steer by wire, and the steering wheel has no physical connection to the wheels.


"I love this vehicle that almost killed my entire family and left us stranded far from home."


Did the Tesla chuds tell him he was using it wrong?


Yep. Someone said he should have "shaken it out" by driving 3-5k miles around town before going on a road trip 🤦‍♂️


SpaceX option package for new Tesla Roadster will include ~10 small rocket thrusters arranged seamlessly around car. These rocket engines dramatically improve acceleration, top speed, braking & cornering. Maybe they will even allow a Tesla to fly …


Vegas too hot for cyber trucks? 🤣


I personally read this as intentionally ironic


It truly frightens me I had to scroll this far down to find a comment like this.


That sounds like a toxic relationship to me.


Who needs steering and breaks when you have stainless steel panels??




Wtf is a "catastrophe failure?" Like, was a catastrophe the goal and there was no catastrophe, so therefore it was a "catastrophe failure?" Look, we all know these weird nerds would hurl themselves into the line of fire for ol' Musty, and it's super important to them to use their vocabulary to emphasize the nerd part of the weird nerdness; but if you can't take a sec to make sure you're doing it right why tf even bother? Just say it's bad. Oh, I get it. They were specifically tryna avoid the reality of the situation. At that, I say they were a "catastrophe failure." Edit: and keep Larry David words out your fkn mouth, chud!


Musk is a traitor, as well as a narcissist and a racist




Imagine the commitment it takes to reach that far


“Wife and kid almost died. Love the car that almost killed us all!”


User error: removed it from the garage.


I love how every cultist starts with "I love Tesla and my [insert shit box] but this [catastrophic or safety failure] blah blah blah. No, fuck them. If I spent $80k on a brand new vehicle, and I was on a roadtrip with my family, and the fucking brakes failed, the next place I'd be is at their door. I TOLD EVERYONE THESE THINGS WILL BE FUCKING SHIT PILES WAY AHEAD OF LAUNCH. https://electrek.co/2023/10/24/internet-arguing-tesla-cybertrucks-build-quality/ "In the meantime, it’s better not to get distracted by armchair-build quality experts." Electrek Oct 2023. LOLLLLLLL Electrek: this is what I do for a living. I'm a quality engineer for an OEM.


It's like they're in an abusive relationship. "Oh dear, now I'm going to have to cover these bruises. Love you, though!"


Funny. We had a Winstar that suffered a suspension collapse, front tire destruction, and braking failure due to a broken spring. This happened while my wife was driving with my kids on board a few days after the car was serviced at the dealer. The defect was known but, in Canada, flagged "fix on failure". The car was towed to the dealer, fixed on their nickle and driven across the street to a Toyota dealer as a trade in. I have never since considered a Ford for purchase and won't even rent one.


I call guerilla marketing. Yes there are those who love their vehicles and will defend it, but there are enough of them to sense fakes amongst the real ones. SUS as the kids say


Love the taste of Elons dick Musk more than the safety of my own family.


Killing your entire family in a catastrophic wreck to own the libs


“Thank you for abandoning my family on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere, Mr. Visionary Genius, sir!”


I've been saying this for years now, if any other car company had this many failures and this many deaths under their belt (not by accident but actual malfunction) they'd be shut down, bankrupt and investigated by the government.


Lets be honest, all brand new designs have a period where they have to shake out the bugs and quirks, even established companies with good QA/QC departments can't always find everything that might go wrong. But the Elmo dickriders will tell you that Tesla is completely perfect and without flaw. It's really horrible that something ***this*** bad made it past QA/QC, like, I can expect glitches in tertiary systems but something with the drivetrain this early on? Come on.


Yeah but this is a five year old design.


Plus a lot of the things that come out aren’t also silly little inconsequential bugs like how the front seat warmer in the 2010s Dodge Chargers stop working if it gets too cold. Multiple cars on the road that haven’t worked out the kinks of suddenly stop driving at any time out of nowhere seems kinda extra bad.


The fact no one sees this as him being intentionally ironic blows my mind. No shit he’s not going to love a car that almost ended his entire families life. Y’all are either bots or lost the ability to think logically.


Oof. Drive by wire can be safe. Modern planes are all fly by wire. You need to be sure your software engineers are top notch and that there are bulletproof fail-safes though. Running this over Ethernet was a terrible decision. This is hopefully a very rare isolated incident, but it's one of those kinds of things where a single occurrence is too many


Am I the only one who thinks this guy was clearly being sarcastic???


You only get to try and kill me five or six more times, you loveable scamp!


"with wife and toddler". That vehicle is falling apart because Tesla is stingy, and yet he loves the brand.


Why he speak like cave man?


Stockholder, Nazi sympathizer, or both.




Best cars ever and Elon's a super genius!




My brother in Christ this could have killed somebody




And even if there was most newer vehicles have emergency modes they can activate to bring the vehicle to a stop safely


well, the CTs are getting old after all.


Can't have progress without some happy happy accidents, you know


They are lucky it didn't fail while they were driving down the freeway, this is one of my concerns about the electronic steering and braking system. It's all controlled by an ethernet cable.


how about lets not love corpos


What’s sadder, having to pretext that you’re a Elon boot licker because you valued that over describing how you and your wife almost died on your road trip or doing it cause you’re aware of how emotionally fragile Elon fans are and had to make sure they didn’t flood your replies trying to make it your fault.


That car is so goddamn' hideous. Just look at it.


Most Kia owners know when to give up on a Kia, how do you have catastrophic failure that very well could've and (maybe should've) led to death and say you love the truck


These are the same people that vote Republican over and over again, get pissed that government doesn't work, and vote Republican some more. For these people, getting shafted *is* the point, apparently.


​ https://preview.redd.it/z2odv5gli9mc1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=56103c85cf72dda011ab585e7d7e18dbab19684d




Pretty sad. Pretty, pretty, pretty sad


It is like the Audis and BMWs spending more time in the shop than on the road. Rich people gonna flaunt that they have $$$$ bank stacks to pay the hefty repair fees that paupers can’t. It is a strange flex but hey it is how the rich roll. Wasting money on stupid stuff. Must be nice. And they say they don’t have enough to pay tax rates poors do.


there is a God


This man is NOT colonizing Mars or god help us all.