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BlackRock voting yes does not shock me lol


It shocks me, why would they vote to dilute their own shares? What am I missing?


Some investors might believe that Musk (and only him) can help the stock go up a lot, by returning the company to hyper growth etc. So even though this will dilute their shares, they're betting it will still be worth it and cause the shares to go up. At least they might be thinking it's better than the option of not paying him, which might possibly cause more harm to the company due to Musk not staying or not trying his best or something.


I had to go back and look at the 2018 results. Blackrock had 3.8% of the stock in 2018, and now they're up to 5.9% In 2018, Baggie Gifford and T. Rowe Price voted yes, and they had a combined 14% of the stock. This time, they have just over 1%. Tencent and Baron capital were big investors that voted yes last time but don't own the stock anymore. Vanguard didn't say how they voted last time.


~~Always find a time to screw over some random people, before going back to committing war crimes~~ Was thinking of Blackwater not Blackrock. Apologies


Blackrock is a company that offers investment funds. They are not involved in war crimes unless you think, like, owning some of Lockheed Martin counts. You’re thinking of Blackwater.


I just can’t … roflmao … the irony is too much 🤣🤣


Oh, you are right. I did actually mix them up.


[Lockheed Martin](https://nypost.com/2021/04/30/former-sen-harry-reid-thinks-lockheed-martin-may-have-ufo-fragments/) is likely directly involved in war crimes. but most definitely they are involved in crimes against humanity (helping to conceal basic facts of life/our planet/the universe) [Blackrock may be directly involved in the coverups.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tISTJRPOqFo) It's not directly covered up by the government - it's the reason the government gave these "black" projects to private contractors like Lockheed Martin, Bell Labs, among others - keep their hands off of it (plausible deniability) the only thing that keeps all of this going for the past 70+ years is money. exotic tech does not run off of fossil fuels. plus - you can't charge people money to use energy that could be more abundant than the very air we breathe. so - the individuals at the top of these corps are doing everything they can to suppress alternate energy technologies. keep us pumping gas into our vehicles. I don't expect anybody to believe this. I don't know what role Blackrock actually plays. But the facts seem to indicate they are financially involved with the UAP coverup


I don’t give a shit


🤣 fair enough. keep your eyes open though for real. next 5-10 years is gonna get interesting


Your mental illness will definitely be progressed further in a few years, that is true.


It will be exactly the same as the UFO fantasists' last 50 years - nothing will happen.


K bro


assholes looking out for assholes


People are on a letter-writing campaign to get the richest person in the world a raise? That sounds like a poor use of time to me.


Especially mostly poorer people addicted to buying his products writing letters for a richer man to become even more rich. It feels like the French population writing strong worded letters towards the governing body to give the king more gold


"Let her eat cake!"


I'm with Vanguard, so I'm proud of them


They are anti-crypto too, stood against the greed of Blackrock


I feel a lot better having money invested with them now


"Oh do please take 20% of my share!" -- no one. Ever


Username checks out


Well this seems promising. Looks like 15% against from these and I assume Musk can’t vote which would up it to 17 or 18. I don’t know if other people can’t vote from the board which would push these numbers higher. I don’t know what percentage of others vote but I’m liking what I see.


a LOOOOT of regular Joe stockholders have posted that they're voting no after seeing what's he's become (or rather revealed himself to be) in the last couple of years


I hate it when I am hopeful, but the idea that this pay package was going through seems to be getting smaller and smaller


I’m torn. It seems this proposal would fail in court which would humiliate the board and probably send musk into a fit attacking the judge. That might get him in personal legal trouble which would be great. On the other hand if shareholders rejected him that might break him in more profound ways.




I'm pretty sure he'll see more judges however this goes. So many lies to bolster the stock value. Year after year after year. Which is very illegal. The question is when a prosecutor will finally dare to take on this. But they need help from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) since prosecutors aren't the experts in the regations for noted companies.


Get out there and protest that the richest man in the world needs more money !


Ha ha ha ha ha. Popcorn ready for when Elon loses the vote. I would laugh if he just straight up shuts down Twitter out of anger over it. 🍿🍿


This is insane


You're right musk bot, real life musk is insane wanting 59 billion


Insanely funny


all the same people are involved with fox news [https://fintel.io/so/us/fox](https://fintel.io/so/us/fox) https://preview.redd.it/k0uwagotzl0d1.jpeg?width=1514&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22fbc3f3d96a7f8c42e2c19edfbcd3ddd793c5ad


Lol Dodge & Cox - 💯 Elmo’s proxy


Is there a Dodge & Cox story related to Elmo I'm not aware of?


3rd biggest “outside” investor on the list above


I saw that, I thought there might be a story or something regarding your "proxy" comment. In other words I think I read to much into your comment :-)


$50 billion in 6 years? Thats lots of $$$$


The bet was to get TSLA from $60B to $600B in ten years with a 10% payout reward while having zero compensation until said payout. That's how I followed it, could be wrong. It's like having commission based pay. However, I see the other side also. In the wake of disaster, if approved then value drops dramatically, what then?


And hasn’t he used Tesla mercilessly to pay for just about everything?


Good point. It all comes across a bit shuck and jive.


His (musk) income is based on a bet?


I call it a bet because that's what it looks like. They said it was a zero compensation package til he reached the goal.


> Write to these fund managers WTF is she talking about. Does she think Mortimer J. Buckley (Vanguard CEO) is some kind of local politician with constituents???

