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It's more important to recognise you have difficulty with spelling and do something about it - you could install Grammarly to check your spelling all of the time, you can get apps for your phone etc too I think. Basically if you know you have a problem, take the extra time to proof-read your work! But in general it shouldn't cause too many issues, although if you consistently spell poorly a lot that might not give the best impression, mistakes here and there might not even be noticed!


Get Grammarly as stated. https://www.grammarly.com/ It helps with more than spelling. Hiring a virtual assistant can help as well.


It's absolutely awful but if i allways use a spelling check program i should be fine, right?


Yes, and slow down! Sometimes it’s just rushing. At minimum, don’t let it stop you!


Whatever you are trying to say put it in chat gpt 1st. And have it correct the spelling for you


Try slowly reading aloud what you write before posting or sending. School & professional settings my grammar has always been strong, so I proofread for a lot of friends. That tip has helped them (and me) greatly.


Incredibly unimportant. Perhaps in the past but 99% of the time you’ll be behind a computer. Personally I use grammarly, which is free and I’ll occasionally google something if I’m unsure.


It's important to know how to solve problems and find the answers you need no matter what the challenge is when you need it. A business owner gets things done. It doesn't matter what the thing is or when it is or how bad it sucks They just pivot and do it. How you may ask? They just do whatever it takes. Even if it's beyond their abilities and understanding they still get it done. My spelling sucks and usually on this I use voice to text. When I'm doing other things there's a lot of times that I have to open up Google and type the word into a search engine or even speak it into the search engine because I spell it so badly when I type it. Once I get the correct spelling I copy it pasted in whatever I'm doing or write it in and then I move on. It sucks it's a momentary setback but that's my solution. Don't worry about minor things because to do so makes them major problems and major problems are avoidable. You got this just get started on whatever you're doing.


My Dad is a terrible speller, I’m sure he’s actually dyslexic but that wasn’t a thing when he was a kid. He’s also left handed and was forced to write with his right hand. He set up his own company almost 50 years ago, he retired about 10 years ago and I now run the company after working there for 20 years. So I can tell you with 100% certainly spelling won’t stop you being an entrepreneur but you need the drive and ambition to make it (as well as a bit of luck). Good luck in your future endeavours


The main thing you need to be good at is providing value when and where it is needed. If you can provide that value for someone, no one will care if you can’t spell.


The former CEO of my prior company was notorious for misspelling - the company sold for \~$500M before his departure.


It depends what you’re doing. Entrepreneurship can be anything. I’m sure lots of plumbers can’t spell great, but they started their own companies and are pulling in amazing money every month. But if you’re a lawyer then yes it matters.


Way back when I first started using computers, I spelled about on a 5th grade level. I doubt I am even close to college level now but exceedingly better after having to fix even simple words over and over. By not clicking on the correctly spelled version. But rather looking and then manually typing it correctly. This helped a great deal. When in a rush, I will just click an' go. But when relaxed, this helps a lot.


I struggle with the spelling my entire life


Don’t worry, Albert Einstein had also a really bad spelling.


I rely on the red squiggly every day. I don't see anything wrong with that.


What's that?


Most software or websites you use on a daily basis checks your spelling automatically. If it's wrong, the word has a red squiggly line under it. If you right click on the word, it gives you suggestions.




got it now thnx