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Hi zensama, I wrote a detailed comment about my experience here: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapingPrisonPlanet/comments/1c2z2f6/comment/kzhoa6i/ I didn't go out on purpose trying to neutralize my mind and get rid of my ego. Nor did I think desires and attachments weighing on us would cause to get reincarnated. Because I didn't even know about the prison realm we're in. I didn't any of it was possible. It was by 'accident'. I simply chose to heal my hurt using a technique I found online and to be my own therapist rather going to a therapist. And what happened after is unexpected.  > We talk about the Egyptian proverb of "making the heart as light as a feather", yet, for someone weighed down by traumas, both personal and collective, feeling this darkness and corruption seep into their heart and blacken it, what hope of redemption do they have? In my post, I didn't write all the trauma I had went through. Some of it is really, really, really dark and blackening. A place where there is no light at all, just pitch black. Childhood. I'd much rather not type. I didn't even acknowledge I had any issues until years after. I wanted to keep avoiding and ignoring everything. My religion told me my trauma was a punishment and to just pray, worship and 'repent' to some god and everything would be fine. It never got fine. Not until I took it into my own hands. If you saw the type of person I was before awakening, I would've been the *last* type of person on earth to ever really wake up or care about truth and uncondtional love. I'll admit it, I was a narc, egotistical, broken...  There is hope. A lot of hope. Everyone is their own reedemer. Even in this sea of darkness and chaos, the impossible is possible.  > Or are those of us that have been saturated by the darkness, destined to be recycled either way. No. That's what this false deity would have us all think so one keeps trying and looking behind the curtains. It's like a deadbeat alcoholic brother pretending to be our father. Hell is about hopelessness and giving up. Otherwise, it wouldn't be a prison. The very reason hopelessness even exists here, like at all, is all the proof one needs.  Yet, it is the psychopathic magicians who created this realm who are hopeless. That's why they need to have created religion in the firet place. They actually need to tell you, what to believe and not believe because your consent to this prison is given from your inwards action. So they have to try and suppress that from you. We are all priceless. And far more powerful than we've been led to believe. But that power comes from choosing not to play the game at all and thus retain all our energy and spirit. 


Thanks for the response - I'll have a full read of your post after this reply. Well that is at least encouraging, that someone can come out of the darkest places and still be redeemed, still have the heart center activated again, and finally break free of ego attachment. With trauma comes a strengthening of the ego, almost a defense mechanism. Makes you wonder whether trauma is in fact utilized intentionally in order to get us to identify with our meatsuits and protect it at all costs, because of the prior violations on us as children. I wonder about the full process you went through to clear out this trauma, so I'll have a read of the post you linked as it could be in there.


Thank you for reading.   > With trauma comes a strengthening of the ego, almost a defense mechanism.  Yes, exactly. It's a self-reinforcing loop of insanity that never gets you to the real solution. It only wants you to be more afraid, weak, in need of salvation from an external authority, and drained of energy. Tiredness. Lethargy.  I would've stayed traumatized, and just praying and worshipping 'god' to fix me instead of doing it myself. I personally still know too many people who have big problems in their life. Not just trauma, but diseased like cancer and they call it a "test from God".  It is in there my friend, full process. How I personally went about it. I could write more but the best way to know is to try for yourself. Or even find what route back home works best for you. Only you know yourself better than anyone. Or maybe you don't know yet. It's all up to one.


From what i have read, it looked like a 3-stage process: 1. Realization and awareness of the world of forms. 2. Past trauma healing through relived experiences and forgiveness. 3. Heart opening, unity with the One. This is a gross simplification, but may help others in terms of reducing it down to its essential components. Interesting how it goes from a mental or conceptual dissolution, then to an emotional resolution, then finally to a physical/energetic evolution.


Speaking from personal experience, cultivating metta and practicing forgiveness meditation (they are part of each other, to be honest) works best for me. Sometimes, it feels like I underwent a micro-exorcism, with crying, shaking, and sometimes, dry vomiting. These practices create this feeling of lightness and peaceful joy, which make my face constantly carry a smile. There are lots of different benefits, including being one of the ways to escape this world, according to the metta sutta. It's funny how traumas and suffering are actually attachments themselves. You'll see many people sacrificing pleasure, yet no way in hell will they sacrifice their precious suffering.


Indeed, we cling to our suffering as if it were a core part of our identity. A strengthening of the ego through traumatic experiences, some of which people repeatedly seek out, after the initial trauma has occurred.


I am not sure if the pineal gland activation idea might just be a new age lie? The same with the chakras. I believe there are too many pieces of the puzzle missing to have the right understanding of these topics


The New Agers just like any other religion have hijacked the truth about the pineal gland for themselves as well. They just add to the deception and chaos to prevent one from escaping. And they might not even know it. The chakras are real in the sense that they are implants and the 7 spinning wheels of fire within us located along the spine and connected to the nervous system, which allows our electromagnetic energy of both positive and negative emotions to be harvested as loosh. The pineal gland is not the eye of the brain. It is the eye of the heart. That 3rd eye is the spiritual vision of the heart which is in the brain for all the wrong reasons. It is trapped by the Demiurgic reptilian mind and its ego. Thus, we are all spiritually blinded on purpose everytime we come into this realm. There is also a reason why it's situated right between the physical eyes, which are also physically blinded to 99.99% of the electromagnetic spectrum. When one neutralizes the mind and thus dissolves the ego which seeks to keep them in a state of fear, tiredness, stress, and division, they embody the unconditional love and care for themselves and are able to open their heart and their spiritual eye. Here is my personal experience with this if you are interested. It happened by accident, not the part of me choosing to heal my inner child and trauma, but what happened afterwards. And how I didn't know what I was seeing and how any of it was possible. https://reddit.com/r/EscapingPrisonPlanet/comments/1c1plsu/i_have_never_heard_a_satisfactory_answer_on_why/kz8hb6p/ > I believe there are too many pieces of the puzzle missing to have the right understanding of these topics That's what it's all about. That's the tactic of the rulers here. Adding so many pieces to the puzzle so it seems like the puzzle can never be solved. Addition and division only further purposely increase the confusion, misinformation and lies to add to the chaos of this realm and the way it's been setup. In that way, there is a sea of information that appears to be "truth" but is nothing but a trojan horse and lies in disguise to create darkness through clutter and 10000000 different ego based beliefs, opinions, answers, and ideas. That's why it's been said to know thyself. In that way, no one external to you can manipulate you and change the course of your fate and escape out of this hellhole. peek behind the curtains now and figure out what's been hidden from you. Believing is not the same knowing. One's own insight, experience and knowledge from their own neutral observation of themselves internally, and the external world, is not able to be touched by an external persons viewing, for one's own experiences and sight is just that; one's own. Extrapolation from those experiences, meditation upon them, comparison to all the lies we've been brainwashed into believing. Not just by religions, authorities, science, history, other people, and the internet. But by our own ego as well which seeks to keep us in its false sense of security and comfort to prevent one from looking behind the curtains of whose running the show down here. Change is individual change. Mastery is self-mastery, not over others. Healing is healing yourself. Gnosis is individual gnosis. You have to find out on your own, internally.


> I am not sure if the pineal gland activation idea might just be a new age lie? /u/g5h1 can you weigh in on this please brother, I'm sure many doubt the existence of pineal, chakras and so on as new age babble.


And yes - I'm familiar with the processes laid out by many eastern traditions concerning the illusory nature of reality and freeing oneself through a process of ego destruction and the extinguishing of material desires. Yet, it is steeped in worship of one entity or other, venerating them, idolizing them, even going as far as to prostrate before a statue or image of them. I wonder how they reconcile that in their heads.. That is to say, while i see the processes currently outlined by religious mysticism and esoteric teachings, most of them are steeped in idolatry, so I'm seeking a framework stripped of all falsehood and dogma.


Grounding techniques might help to get centered. Also observe your feelings and emotions. Feel them and then try to let them go. Try to get back into observing mode several times a day.


Are you referring to literal grounding?


Yes! To me water is my safe space to feel myself and to get centered. I would use the bathtub and sitting in silence being present or I would listen to music. I still have lots of suppressed emotions but being in my safe space helps me to free them. I am still in the process though but it def helps me to get more centered. Into a space of neutrality. We are all unique and this might not be an idea that might help you but I wanted to share because we all can learn from each other


You can not claim “neutrality”🙄 You can reject a karma system all you want, but it will do you no good. Your evil ways are written on your heart. When you die you can’t just think your way out of it. Your soul(the word psyche) knows everything you’ve ever said, done, felt, etc You will either be weighed down by your wickedness and go to the lower realm of hell or you will have been forgiven and will be light enough to ascend.


Neutrality is not claimed. It is returned to. Spiritual beings should not be in a prison realm of physical reality in the first place. Let alone desires and attachments to said physical reality imprisoning them. That false system of 'karma' and 'sin' is blind like its creator. And those 'evil ways' written on the heart, are written by the very mind and ego that the creator of this place put into us. That ego is the one generating selfish desires to stay in this place and keep coming back. Our spirit is apart of God. Perfect. And that's why we always knew there is something terribly wrong and suspicious about this world. And the fact that we find ourselves on a floating rock in space in these flesh suits. No loving god watches its creations suffer and then continues to hide itself while also begging us for prayer and belief in it. The 'Lord God' made the human body in his own image. His own evil, addicted, violent, and selfish image. There is no forgiveness from a pscyhopath or need to repent when we didn't even ask to be here. The false deity creator of this world needs to ask us for forgiveness. It needs us as a source of food. And not the other way around. The only winning move is not to play the game. And when the "employees" quit the company and realize they can quit at anytime, then that CEO of the company goes bye bye bankrupt. Only that in our case, we don't pay or make money for this CEO, but pay with our souls. That's the hidden price tag of this carnival ride filled with pleasures, and death. But people love it so much. There is only neutralizing that battery cycle and victimhood within ourselves to awaken and see what we were purposely being blinded from this whole time. Yet, one also has the free will to choose to stay blind and avoid thinking about the truth. It's all up to the indiviudal.


> or you will have been forgiven Are you talking about Grace, Penance, Deliverance or what here?


Grace entirely. It is not possible to pay for your actions. If you punch someone in the face and then go and take care of 20 kids who have been punched in the face, you still feel guilty of the one you punched. It will always be there. That’s why karma is nonsense. Anything positive you do in this life does not give you positive credit because it is what you’re supposed to do anyway. It’s like asking for money because you cleaned your room as a child… your expected to clean your room just to stay neutral. You’re not rewarded for it. The same is true for your positive actions here. You’re supposed to forsake worldly things and care for others to stay neutral.


So even with this so-called positive acts, there is no merit obtained, correct? Grace is bestowed through faith and purification, traditionally.


Correct. Karma is a lie. You can not earn positive “points” by doing what you should be doing anyway. Grace is obtained purely through faith. Here’s the deal: The God of the Bible may very well be evil in some ways, but He is also good. It is all dependent on which side you look at Him from. Sheep/goats, left side/right side. He tells all of us that Jesus died as a perfect sacrifice to atone for the wickedness we commit. You can either completely trust Him to pay for your sin, or you can pay for it yourself. This is the separation of the negative loosh and the positive. You can hate the farm all you want, but it’s reality. I assure you that you would prefer to be on the positive side. We were created to either worship or curse God. Worshipping Him will give you the greatest joy and pleasure imaginable. Cursing Him will give you the worst torment imaginable. Either way, the maximum amount of loosh will be extracted for eternity. I recommend you take the positive side. The negative is worse than you can imagine.


I see, that is surely an interesting perspective. We were created by God, in the image of God, for the veneration and worship of God. He can either take the positive energy of worship, or the negative energy of the suffering, which in fact occurs whenever we separate ourselves from God, the original sin. So under this paradigm, it's in our best interest to worship and venerate God, follow his Laws, and be obedient as we were created to be.


Bingo. The alternative is unimaginable suffering. I hate that it’s true, but it is. Jesus said the way to life is narrow but the path of destruction is broad. He’s telling us that there will be all these different kooky ideas of how to save yourself but they all lead to destruction. He is the narrow path that leads to life, the ONLY one.


Be careful. This person is a Christian who found out about prison plant then said he has taken psychedellics and was "at the feet" of the Demiurge and felt its power, he said he submitted to the Demiurge and that there is no point of escaping and that we should only worship the Demiurge, give it our energy, and give up. Yet there's an obvious contradiction there because if it were so powerful it wouldn't need to use threats and fear against us. As well as detail what it wants to expect to see after physical death. God doesn't create anything to do anything for it because it is complete and self-sufficent. And it made us (the spirit) in the same manner. God made us, the spirit perfect. Not better or worse than it. But with free will and individuality. And not as weak, small and insignifcant beings who "sinned" and then get gaslighted for being on a planet and human body nome of us ever asked to exist in. That was the Demiurge's work. The "Lord God" / "Father" then came along and tricked a couple of beings to enter this dimension without knowing what the "new experiences" it offered were. And thus this false deity who is Satan, claims to be our "God" and re-made us in its own demented, imperfect and predatory image. Be aware of the deception.


Can both not be true? On the surface level, worshiping 'The Father' would be an option for those who see no way out, still in ignorance of what exists beyond this construct. Better that they lead honorable lives with a set of principles, than sink into atheistic immorality (in my view). And yes, of course there is a lot of corruption in organised religion, heck, it could even be said to be a corrupting force in and of itself. I'm more referring to the simple man, the 'God-fearing' man. A set of moral laws applied to him and his community can be beneficial, at least in part. Maybe i'm getting off track here, have i lost you? I'm just typing as I think it. On a deeper level, we have recognized this Demiurgic doling out of rewards and punishments as a game we would rather not play, so we take the path of Neutrality. We neither worship, nor fear 'The Lord'. We are virtuous, not because a book or code tells us so, but because we see all as One, which closely aligns with the golden rule. What one does to another, one does to themselves. Through Unity conscious and Neutrality, you end up in a virtuous state, without attaching labels to it, or thinking you will receive any merit for it. There is actually very little thought process going on after you have reached this point, but that's where my Gno-ledge ends. I know it has something to do with the heart and the pineal, the opening and lightening of the heart, we have discussed these things. If it is abhorrent to you that i suggest some may be better off in their worship rather than in their rebellion.. I understand. I'm still grappling with my own faith and recognize my Apologetic tendencies do arise when it comes to this specific topic.


No, not off track. I get it, I also went through the same things when I believed in Abrahamic religion. A God fearing man who follows morals still gets reincarnated. Because God doesn't want to be feared, only the creator of this body does. The fact that there's a word for morals in the first place; well means there is a need for morals. And then one needs to ask, why is there a *need* for morals? Why do we have to be taught morals? Why do we *need* anything in the first place? Why were we created with morals and immoralities? It's by design of course. Not a slip up or accident, otherwise, one declares this "powerful" and "perfect" God to be imperfect if it created an imperfect human being. And that it did. Our human body and limited brain was created in a state of lack, flaw and deficency by a lacking being, on purpose. The heart and spirit was demoted, and the brain placed above the heart with the physical matter and flesh by favored by default if one is born here and memory wiped again. It's in the same way that a game developer makes sure that their game has no cheats and glitches. Everything here is designed to make sure we stay here. Nothing is here to serve and benefit us, only the illusion of it. Just like religion. That's why they have to include good, moral and promising beliefs, ideas and stories to appeal to your heart. To your soul. Because that's what the creator of this place aims for. And if that doesn't work, there's the other 50% half which are the endless threats of eternal torturing and burning because you didn't do xyz and obey it like a slave. If one follows the path of neutrality then they are following their heart. The God within. Morals come from our innate nature, from the only source of empathy and ability to feel things in the human body, is the heart. We don't need a being lording all over us to know about logical morals. Religions are just organized structures used to better help control the human vessels so they don't get out of line. The human vessels who were purposely memory wiped and implanted with an ego and endless amounts of desires, selfishness and immorality. Of course religions have to include and act like they are moral, righteous and great. Because if they didn't, and only the negative verses were left in, everyone would know who really created these religions and world, and why. Remember, it's not just a negative and evil prison. It's dualistic. Positive and negative. Both of those are used against us to keep manipulating our senses and appealing to the seemingly logical mind and its 2 divided polarized hemispheres of positive and negative. Which in turn controls the heart through the lens of the ego. The spirit just does what's right. Not because there is going to be a reward or punishment, or any expectations of the future (or due to the past behaviors). The past and future are both aspects of time, of course. And thus, the mind itself is time. It's the source from where one thinks and "sees" (imagines) about the past and future. > We are virtuous, not because a book or code tells us so, but because we see all as One, which closely aligns with the golden rule. What one does to another, one does to themselves. Through Unity conscious and Neutrality, you end up in a virtuous state, without attaching labels to it, or thinking you will receive any merit for it. This is following your heart. The heart is undivided. The spirit is undivided. Love is undivided. God is absolute and undivided. But the mind is divided. All religions write about the same lifestyle in one way or another or scatter some seemingly positive and logical morals to follow which appeal to your heart... and then threaten you with punishment if you don't follow them. And say all other religions and people will be burnt and tortured because they didn't worship "god" or worship it in XYZ way or believe in this prophet or savior figure. It's all designed to make for an easy reincarnation and herding of their cattle. They love to appeal to our curious, inquisitive and moral seeking mind, because the brain has a positive and negative side. It makes for an easy manipulation tool which they developed for that very reason. Of course the vast majority of Christians think Christ is their "savior" and that he's a great, loving, humble and amazing person who did miracles and "died for our sins" and will take us to heaven. When they physically die and are love bombed, and then see the Archons masquerading as Jesus, they will go into the warm whitelight to another womb. Without question. How could the god and savior who was the perfect example of morals and love ever harm them? > If it is abhorrent to you that i suggest some may be better off in their worship rather than in their rebellion.. It has to work in this dualistic manner. Half-obedience, half-rebellion. Half-good morals, half-evil immorals. If the Bible said go to the strip club and have sex with prostitutes everyday, get drunk and go crazy... how many people would still believe it and worship The Father and Jesus? Not many of course. That makes for too much cows escaping the Archon's farm, so they have to cater to the moral force inside of us which will then war against the immoral force, thus creating energy through an internal set of emotional friction. That's why neutrality is the way out. It's the choiceless choice. But if one looks at the Bible again, then it's said to go be fruitful and multiply. They say to have as many children and a "strong" family core as possible. So no "sex out of marriage", but as long as you are married and put that wedding ring/Saturn ring on your finger during the marriage (married to age/time), you are encouraged to pop out as many souls as possible. Remember it's not just the reincarnation cycle prison that needs to harvest souls, but the governments and religions here need more workers for the economy. It plays both sides. Don't have sex one is told, but then told to have sex and bring kids here if it's done in this certain way. No morals here, just an illusion of it to keep this farm powered and provide a carrot-on-the-stick for everyone buying into it.


> Remember, it's not just a negative and evil prison. It's dualistic. This was a useful perspective you shared earlier that i forgot to comment on. Indeed the fact is that positive experiences often keep you attached as much as the negative ones keep you in a fear state. >It plays both sides. Don't have sex one is told, but then told to have sex and bring kids here if it's done in this certain way. Yes I've also noticed the contradictions that exist in many of these texts. There is a mystic quality contained in most of them that encourages fasting, prayer, humility, simplicity and so on, as the direct teachings of Yeshua (or Jesus, still uncertain about this). Then, there is the 'spoken' word of God, which of course was divined or interpreted by a man, telling us to follow commandments, rout our enemies in wars, be fruitful and multiply and so on. As you say, they could not just give the good, or just give the punishments, most texts are an amalgamation of many different teachings and philosophies, which is one of the reasons i don't disregard the Bible totally, in my view there is still value contained within, especially from the perspective of both astrological observations and the process of activating the pineal.