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Thank you for submitting to r/EscapingPrisonPlanet! Unfortunately, your submission has been removed because of the following rule: **Rule 2: Posts must be relevant to this sub** Posts that are not relevant to the discussion about the prison planet theory, and are about something else, will be removed. The following topics must be discussed in the context of the prison planet theory in order for your post to be relevant to this sub: prison planet, gnosticism, soul traps, reincarnation, the afterlife, archons, reptilians, aliens, the elites/illuminati, the matrix, near death experiences, astral projection & out of body experiences, past life regression hypnosis, entity attachments, remote viewing, psychedelic experiences. **Important**: Remember that all subjects from the list above must be discussed in the context of the prison planet theory. Example: reincarnation. There are thousands of articles and videos about reincarnation on the internet. However, few of them talk about reincarnation in the context of this sub, so you need to make sure that your post is relevant to this subreddit. Other examples: NDEs and psychedelics. If your post is about one or multiple NDEs or about psychedelic experiences, then you need to make sure that these experiences are being discussed in the context of this sub either by yourself or by the person who's video/post you are sharing. Same logic applies to all other subjects included in the list above. If this is not the case, then other subreddits are probably more relevant for your post. Thank you for your understanding. If you still have questions in regards to the removal of your post, do **not** reply to this message, instead message the mods [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FEscapingPrisonPlanet).