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Then why does something like religion even exist? The fact that they actually need to tell us that "God" is some external conscious being outside of us handing out rewards and punishments like some abusive teacher tells one all they need to know about this deceptive narcissist that needs us to keep us here for energy. It needs us, and not the other way around. Or else it wouldn't bother having to create all these deceptions and lies like religion. God is within us. And the false creator of this human body and realm hates that. The belief that God is external to us and is some abusive punisher of "sins" and "karma" is the seperation that causes pain and fear. Which only serves to benefits the parasites who rule this dimension. Life doesn't eat life. Life doesn't need to eat anything to survive. Because life, which is existence itself, is spirit. Or Source, God, Awareness, Soul or whatever you want to call it. That's what we all are. God is spirit. And the flesh is death. Only death dies. And the physical body is death. Otherwise, it wouldn't be dying, aging and getting older due to time (Saturn) during every second. Life never dies. And we, are eternal life. The Pleroma, Monad, and so on are just the Gnostic terms for that which transcends and time, flesh, physical matter and the finite limited mind and ego. The Pleroma is inside of us, and outside of us. But the infinite cannot be comprehended with a mind that was created not to comprehend it and even keep you ignorant and in the dark of its existence. Only the heart, which is the seat of your spirit , is able to comprehend the infinite. And why do billions and billions of people in the world worship a black cube or dead body on a cross (unfolded cube). Due to the fact that they actually have to tell us in the Bible, Quran, Torah, Bhagvad Gita, etc about what happens after physical death, who to see, what to see and so on, is proof that they need your consent through action and belief to keep you coming back here. Otherwise, there would be no need for them to create religion in the first place nor threaten us with eternal torture and hellfire and scary stories to keep us in a state of fear and survival. And they even design the architecture of Churches, Mosques, Syngagogues and Temples in a way with geometric designs to reverbeate the energy and prayers of the followers. That positive energy of worshipping the Demiurge is harvested and sent through the ether. Same with the negative energy of suffering, trauma and pain. Batteries need 2 polarities to function.


You are very intelligent, thank you for this explanation 🙏


That was refreshing; some real Gnosis.


Scientists already said that the odds of us being in only one level of a simulation are extremely low. We are several levels deep and very removed from Prime Reality. It's important to keep this in mind if you want to exit this place after death.


sometimes the pig will escape the pen, but they’re still trapped on the farm


can he ever escape the farm?


no. but fortunately he isn’t intelligent enough to know he’s in captivity at all.


I heard from a few sources that the next dimension up astroworld/5th dimension/heaven is almost as shitty as this one. You still have to have a job most things are similar. America is nothing but a corporation. As above so below. Heaven Corp. Protected from all liability. "All they did was set the conditions.Youuuuuu made it happen." Wheel goes round n round.


So how do we know it's not Walmart/Disneyland layers the whole way up?


It's probably akin to being a entry level employee to manager . You might get a few extra perks but also more responsibilities. I'm agreeing with you just spitballing ideas for discussion sake.


L. Ron Hubbard, before he turned entirely into a copy of Kronos, his own Yaldabaoth running his own material game, used to say that in his astral travels, he saw Heaven. Said it was basically like Disneyland's "It's a small world" with a soul catcher at the end, shaped like a pyramid without the top. I think Hubbard had a point, he got corrupted by the money and the power. He was a Christ candidate just like Koresh and Manson. Jones was never going to make it. By the way, the only reason the USA has survived as long as it has is because we crucified Charlie, a petty drug dealer and pimp who had a good talk game, ain't never committed a murder himself, sentenced him to life. Charlie was an idiot, he played the early-midgame stupid, should have held it down and kicked out Tex. But he's like Kurtz, where he's also a genius.


Lol Hubbard a Christ candidate? Have you heard that fool speak? He’s noticeably cognitively dim.


He spoke of the soul catchers out by Saturn. He knew. He was just corrupt. Too interested in the money and power.




Sometimes, I wonder if Yaldabaoth/Yahweh, on that Jehovah Jirah, was a physical being. I think so. Back in those days, they walked the earth.


Praise Yahuah and Yeshua.


Watch the Matrix, same thing


It's not. There is the physical world. The real time zone which is the area of the astral that borders and overlays the physical world (where you find negative entities, ghosts, and the energy of objects and locations). And then there is an area where you are outside the matrix and can go into another matrix or create your own. How do I know this? I'm an experienced astral projector. So I've been outside the matrix.


This is such an important thought we need to consider. This def reminds me of the series The good Place!


That’s what happened to Neo


I just thought that was a metaphor for being stuck inside of the matrix, but knowing all about it.


Look up the six realms of rebirth according to buddhism


Who says we can escape? I've heard that you get pulled into the light no matter what


heard from where?


I’m pretty sure it is lol