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Damn, worse part is that the negative emotions they feel transfers over to their products


You've seriously caused me to rethink some things


This is just exactly true.


If you eat flesh, you eat death. It’s called adrenachrome


That's nonsense adrenachrome is a chemical made in the brain and contrary to what hunter Thompson said and what people say that elites are eating babies for, it doesn't really have any drug like effect. It can be synthesized in a lab just as easily as other drugs yet nobody does it because it's not valuable as a drug. Besides that how would it end up in the flesh and how is eating dead flesh even related to adrenachrome? I love a good conspiracy but cmon at least make sense. The emotion / vibrational thing makes sense at least.


Adrenal glands. Adrenalised blood. I’m not sure what part of it doesn’t make sense. Its all vibrational. Synthetic lab grown meat is obviously different to a dead animal that was alive and breathing. What’s your point?


I wasn't talking about synthetic meat but synthetic adrenachrome. It does nothing from those who have tried it.


Agreed. Every thought and emotion you have has it's own vibrational frequency and the intent behind the thought dictates it's frequency. Hate, fear, anxiety are very low emotions in terms of frequency. Love, joy, serenity are high emotional frequencies. That being said, animals can feel these emotions just as we do. When animals are slaughtered for food they endure a horrific process. In the process of being killed, they feel extreme levels of fear, pain, suffering, terror, anxiety, sadness, powerlessness, agony. These frequencies that the animal produced before it died don't "go away" just because the animal died. These frequencies are embedded in every single cell of the meat that will later be consumed by people. So when you eat the meat of a dead animal you feed yourself with these extremely low frequencies that the animal was in when it died. Have you ever wondered, when you feel like eating a steak, how much are you craving the taste of the meat, and how much are you subconsciously craving those low frequencies? The masses have become so accustomed to eating low vibratory food, that when they feel like eating a steak, they don't even realize they're actually craving these low frequencies in the meat just as much as they're craving the taste of the meat. And that's because they've eaten meat their entire lives since they were children and their bodies are very accustomed to consuming low vibratory food. It's like when someone becomes an alcoholic, that person will constantly feel the urge to drink and that's not because of the taste of the drink, it's because of the alcohol that's in it. The alcoholic feels the urge to consume alcohol just like regular, sober people feel the urge to consume these low frequency emotions that are embbed in the meat of an animal.


Ok but we don’t have a choice here. Outside of this prison I understand energy from source flows free and we don’t need to consume anything to replenish energy. But here animals need to consume to replenish. Our body traps are designed to require animals products. A trip over to r/exvegan shows for many who try that diet it’s unsustainable. It may be better spiritually but eventually the body gets sick. A weak, sick body will make us suffer greater. All we can do here is try to eat ethically raised and processed animals. I’m doing what I can, taking an agricultural management course starting in the fall to hopefully raise my own animals one day so I can do it as best I can. I got my firearms license so I can also learn how to hunt. It’s just the way it has to be here until I can hopefully escape.


Or you could do the right thing, regardless of whether it makes sense from an evolutionary/biological/materialist point of view. You could treat it as though you, yourself, would have to go through what that animal did, every time you ate a piece of meat, for instance. Would you still do it? I wouldn't. But I've never had any health issues from being vegan either, even though I worried initially whether I would.


I used to think just like you a couple of years ago but I don't care anymore now. This body is just a temporary vessel, I eat meat and drink milk to be strong, who I am really, behind all this physical reality is not affected by anything worldy like eating milk.


> who I am really, behind all this physical reality is not affected by anything worldy like eating milk. You need to look at it from a wider perspective. Other beings are affected in a very negative way if you contribute to their suffering and death, don't you think? It's not just about who you are as a being. It's about realizing that each one of us can contribute to a better world by minimizing suffering as much as possible for all living beings.


Well since we are all one you're probably right but I choose to stay ignorant. Also I'm skinny and I need milk, meat & protein to bulk up. Priorities.


But the choices you make do say at least something about you, in a certain sense. Would you accept an equivalent explanation from a demon or an archon? "oh I just need your loosh to survive and be strong, that's all"?


We don't eat dairy cows do we?


Eventually they are slaughtered for hamburger for schools.


Makes sense i guess for them to be used for low quality meat. The meat quality has gotta take a dive after a lifetime of being harvested for milk.


I use to work in a cow/bull harvesting plant. It was in the middle of a large dairy area of Texas.


I always feel sluggish after eating pork. With wild boars that was free to roam around? I feel light as if I ate fish.




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Damn I've never thought about that before


Lol thats like saying the worst part of kidnapping someone is going to jail




Absolutely horrific


What is that pinkish red lake?




Blood, too.


What do you think? Cow shit.


It's stuff like this that makes me completely against both archons and humans, they are no different from each other.


The humans who set up this animal farming system and food system are the ones to blame; unfortunately, most of us are just trying to eat and survive here.


>The humans who set up this animal farming system and food system are the ones to blame; Very true but keep in mind the public are not innocent either, lots of the public even support this torture farm system and are just as bad as their societal masters. >unfortunately, most of us are just trying to eat and survive here. I can never be ok with the "it's just survival" garbage that always gets brought up because of the fact that we are just souls and our true glory/natural state is not needing any other creatures flesh to sustain ourselves but just existance is enough, existence/aura itself all soul needs. It's truly sad that we are tricked so bad by the forms we take. There's no point in trying to "survive" when you look at everything on a deep scale honestly, most people only do it out of fear and ignorance. According to gnosticism there don't seem to be any "good guys" theres just existance and souls and honestly, when it comes to humans and archons I really dont understand why these 2 shouldn't just be in hell together forever, cuz none of em deserve anything good with how much suffering they caused.


fact unused rain snails cooing roof historical rustic bored heavy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If it weren't for modern society we'd still just be hunting animals too easy though. Would that be different in terms of investing vibrational energy because those animals didn't suffer all their lives? Their still feel a lot of fear and suffering when being hunted. Would it be better if we kept them free range on small farms so they don't suffer and then killed them with nitrogen asphyxiation so that they don't suffer in death? We have the ability to do this the only thing stopping us is the same thing that's enshittifying everything else around us, the persuit of squeezing more and more money out of everything.


Yeah except most people have alternatives that are both cheaper and healthier and still choose to pay for this. This system had to be set up in order to satisfy demand. The consumer has to take responsibility too.


This is us. Except on a galactic scale.


Nah the cows get studio apartments at least


Back in the day, animals at least saw the people farming them. Now, it's just machines and algorithms to maximize production. And that is even worse.


Old school farms still exist, you just have to find them, and be willing to pay the extra.


It's like the Matrix. But it's real.


And then people insult vegans for "killing crickets" for their crops when they are literally doing this:


Vegan idk is the most unhealthy and retarded choice of diet Meat majority based is fundamentally better for you If not for citric acids Humans can be sustained of pork chicken and beef plus dairy, but it requires total consumption of the animals (offal aka organs) Chinese vs mongols easiest example Soy is terrible for you And most of veganism is only possible due to horrific farming requirements Avocados, palm trees for oil, certain types of nuts, and much more require so much water and land it’s absolutely atrocious to even suggest eating them I’m a chef 16 years on the job with le cordon blue certificates and graduate degree from a magnate art high school for culinary Veganism is literally symptom of a weak mind and a failing body What’s more, veganism is more in line with the elitist ideal for “ you will eat ze bugs and live in ze pod”


If "vegan" COMPANIES are destroying water and nature for crops, that is the fault of the system and the millionaire owners of these companies and lands, not veganism, which is an ideology and a way of life, which I don't follow, but I am aware that is the best alternative objectively. Keep trying to do your authority fallacy, that doesn't work here. And I already read your other main comment. It's really sad to have you here, you're more involved in the prison planet system than you think. Good luck in your next life as a pig


True raw vegans who take some necessary supplements (like B12) can be very healthy. I understand how you feel about needing meat, since protein is very important and hard to get in sufficient quantities, but it can be done (an older, married couple I know is incredibly healthy & youthful and they attribute it to a decade of raw veganism.)


You sound like you seriously need some sleep my man


Mongols literally have the 2nd highest rate of diet related diseases in the world brainiac


First Yes with modern globalist movement and therefore mixing of populations with diseases they’d never other wise encounter, coupled with a Soviet Union built country that hasn’t modernized or built anything new since relatively im of no disillusion to their current health status Which brings me to my second point IM REFERING TO 1000+ YEARS AGO YOU COMPLETE BRAINLET WHEN WAS THE LASY TIME THE MONGOLS AND THE CHINESE HAD ARMIES MARCHING TO WAR AGAINST EACH OTHER THAT USED BASIC CAMPFIRES TO COOK FOR INDIVIDUALS INSTEAD OF SOME KIND OF PORTABLE STOVE OR MRE TYPE RATION? That’s the easiest historical context to research BECAUSE THE CHINESE WROTE MULTIPLE BOOKS ABOUT IT btw not the only example of this Seriously the only people who push these two retarded diets are those that do it themselves and look like they fucking crackheads cuz they have no body mass Ask a damn dentist what all those nuts do to your teeth Ask any given gastroenterologist what it requires for the body to break down complex carbohydrates like rice THESE REQUIRES ADVOCATES AND MARKETING BUT YOU KNOW WHAT DOESNT? GODDAMN MEAT RICH DIETS AND FOR FUCKS SAKE THERES MORE NUTRIENTS IN THE ORGANS THAN IN VEGETABLES but I’m done Let you dipshits die early from lack of proper cholesterol levels and broken bones and teeth Just wish you’d get the fuck out of here saying us meat eaters are not good We literally advocate against factory cattle farms like this more than yall Wanna know why? cuz we know what adrenaline and improper diets due to meat We fight keep enviremont in check when y’all fucking pansies kill the predators, or more likely, get killed by a predator causing massive normie backlash which destabilize the predator populations and lead to a explosion in the prey animal populations which then fucks everything up Not even one of you has even admitted to the massive water requirements of youre goddamn avocados or the space requirements for palm trees How bout the fact that more of the Amazon has been clear cut for retarded shit like palm tree (and no not the beach kind, it’s palm like palm oil and heart of palm) and other products like soy beans to feed you damn clowns


Are we any better?


Only if we fight against stuff like this. I started fighting back 8 years ago.


Wasn't expecting a river of blood, but good to now know THAT exists


:( get me out


Annnnnnd I’m vegan again for the 10th try.


No different than a corporate cubicle farm.


Hey, those calfs got a window office, atm, lol. Fml


This is why I’m vegan 😞 This planets treatment of animals and people makes my heart (and soul) so sad 💔


You can choose to not support factory farms and consume organic, free range animal products so you can still nourish your body properly. Our body prisons were unfortunately designed to need to consume animal products while trapped here. Lack of nutrition will eventually catch up to you and make you weak and sick. It’s just a matter of time.


Plants have emotions too.


Humans are brutal to animals, people need to realize we are animals ourselves


Is the water red because of blood?


No, its red algae.


Going vegan opened me up to so much more compassion and caring than I ever thought possible, cows are such lovely gentle creatures and don't deserve to be treated this way simply for us to drink something that is meant for their own offspring.


Do you mean that being vegan has raised your frequency? Like beyond feeling good about yourself morally, you also felt other benefits?


It shouldn't be happening on US soil. This is abuse.


Lol the US is built on abuse. I couldn't think of a more appropriate place for this to happen.


Not wrong.


Got Raw Milk.


I worked a short while at a dairy farm in New Zealand. 800 head of cattle. It was overall very pleasant, especially for the cows. They lived outside and only came to the shed for the milking.


Those places are a rare exception on the global scale


Literally us right now to government with their tax farm


We deserve no better than what we do to others


The animals don't deserve this, this part really does seem like a prison. Can't help them, we are built to eat meat, you realize too late in life to change your diet. What can you do ?


Plants don't deserve that too..they have emotions and feelings too...this is the system of the matrix and we cannot escape.




it's beyond "deserving" because that implies judgment. I feel it's more like actively choosing to be here and keep reeincarnating in realms where beings actively exploit one another, like addicts, as above so below, even though our true essence already has everything it needs.


The smart phone you typed this on was made by child slaves so thats going to be a couple reincarnations for you, oh, and the clothes you have were made in the sweat shop, and your "organic" veggies required tons of pesticides that killed a ton of wildlife so we're looking at about ten extra lives now.


Its a good point. Causing suffering is impossible to avoid.


So pay for the people who don't abuse animals


People as a chef (16 years of experience plus a certificates from a culinary high school and le cordon blue) What you see here is only required due to several factors 1 cities-they grow no food and raise no livestock, but hold millions l, so blame city dwellers 2 food monopolization- these ranchers don’t have a choice the companies have cornered them into evil contracts that force them into debt slavery or lose everything 3 cattle diet/farming regulations-thanks to govt, these ranchers generally must feed these cattle corn and wheat instead of grass. It’s incredibly difficult for the cattle to break this down which requires monitoring to prevent diseases and other issues 4 cattle health regulations- the government and the companies force these ranchers to do practices they’d otherwise avoid, like using chemicals to artificially enlarge musculature at a faster pace So you want to blame someone look in the mirror and look at government, you’re vote via ballot and purchase is what allows this. Veganism is so pathetically wrong Real fat (like lard) is far better for you than carbs A majority meat based diet is not only better for you, it’s more natural as it’s how we as a species survived for tens of thousands of years These idiots preaching plant diets are the problem, weak physically and mentally, allowing goverment tyranny as they become so overly emotional they virtue signal and believe in idiocies like veganism, vegetarianism, communism, and more


Why do we have to eat other living beings dead meat or this weird colorful mushy plant material called "fruits" and "vegetables" of physical matter to survive on a planet we never asked to even exist on. Why do we have to work 9-5 jobs and drain our energy just to pay for that food and shelter on a planet we never even asked to be on. Just the fact that the concept of things like diseases and cancer even exist in the first place makes you really wonder what the fuck is up with this place? Why is there even 1 homeless person? Why does down syndrome exist? Why is there a "God" commanding us to worship it or be eternally tortured in some fire. Just shit. The temporary distractions and pleasures don't do a good job of hiding it anymore. Truly a prison planet. It's clear who and what this world was really created for.


6cancer is when cells on your body replicate incorrectly and the bodies defensive abilities go to destroy those faulty cells aka cancerous cells and the begin to destroy healthy cells as well. This due to aging, dna strands have what’s called a telomere cap on the ends to end the process of cell replication. Like a computer code has a end of function and sentence has a period (aka a full stop). Otherwise the computer fire will keep recreating until it fills all the computer memory and then begins overwriting the things requires to make the computer function (commonly referred to as bricking a computer). Some cancers are cause by harmful chemicals like carcinogens others from unhealthy living. Why aging also wears thr caid down has several explanations ranging from natural to spiritual to extra terrestrial. All basically under the same idea as the computer analogy, to prevent repetition causing over abundance of one thing . Fun fact cancer cells can be given nutrients even when not connected to the original life form, and since the replication process doesn’t ever end, it is technically a form of immortality although not in the way we tend to envision. There a woman’s cancer cells that have been kept replicating for the purpose of lab samples for over a 100 years after she had died, they’re still used to this day 7 homelessness is due to multiple factors most of which are due to the choices of the individual they choose to live in an area where they can’t afford due to Millie reasons ranging from inability/handicaps of some kind to overpopulation to bad life choices which lead to insufficient funds (which is apart of the overpopulation reason- supply/demand competition- too many competitors with greater funds to outbid for things like a home) to the abuse of vices (moderation can solve this, every kitchen is a prime example, some of the best chefs/cooks are not sober to put it mildly). There’s also factors that work against the individual to prevent them from accessing opportunities or incentivize bad behaviors/choices. Most of these factors fall into 3 categories; actions of individuals,actions of private entities (business, NGOs, mob/mafia/cartel, etc), and actions of government. All are either naive, selfish, or malicious aka acting under wrong assumptions, acting in self interest, and acting to deliberately harm. I can go farther in depth some other time 8 Down syndrome is usually problems in the creation of life in the gestation period of child birth, the factors that caused cancer and death are also to blame here 5.5/6.5/8.5 cuz that’s life, you struggle to survive despite any and all factors or you suffer and enter into the next realm/life, sometimes it’s better sometimes it’s worse, most prefer the devil they know over the one they don’t. That’s really all their is. But the next answer will explain some of this more 9 That’s a purely modern liberal Christian perspective of the abrahamic god. This is the god of all Jewish-Christian-Muslim religious sects known as Yahweh. So there’s deferral answers that fall into two groups sola sanctum and other (the Bible is hard facts vs maybe some extra stuff is added as parables). For sola sanctum: Simple answer, cuz god witless in mysterious way; controversial answer, cuz he wanted problems and allowed a series of events to occur as means to that end; very controversial narrow, mainly cuz the first two females ever (Lillith and Eve) a boy named Cain, the frickin Jews, and one middle eastern caravanning-trading man , with a minority cause of elites and other assholes being malicious and narcissistic; very controversial wide view, the sane as the Mattie version but also different which summarizes to the Bible of truth but the true Bible if not what we receive (kings names is literally missing verses ranging from a few key words to full lines which change certain meanings and/or change entire contexts. Not to mention the missing 24 books like the book of Enoch ) the there’s the others which is vary but I’ll say two examples that being 1 it’s just false and 2 my personal choice, it’s a misunderstanding of the annunaki and other beings that aren’t human some being earth kings but not human interplanetary or inter dimensional or of a different reality etc Lots of stuff to show that most would say it’s the gnostic idea of everything but whatever 10 Prison planet is the idea that one of those groups has trapped our reincarnation cycle keeping our souls stuck on earth and basically feeding off our energy since they have no soul or eternal form (part of the 3 aspects of everything physical-your body spiritual-your soul eternal-the amalgamation of all your souls across the infinite realities and and infinity of time) which ties to my personal spiritual understanding after a lot of research into ancient culture religions and artifacts with tech and science most of which is now being finally revealed or re-revealed as it was forgotten, like frequency based understanding of matter and elements and the use of frequency to do what is…well tbh…it’s basically magic but via science again for another time Conclusion Don’t be a damn nihilist or an arrogant atheist fool I’ve dealt with enough that bumps in the night backed up with others (I wrote my experience down and then ask what the other person that’s with me experienced, if they align exaclty then it’s not hallucinatory/mind fuckery and is not some misconception based on specific details) So yea Also Fuck bro what do I look like your dad or a teacher You’re lucky I’m well rounded to know most of these answers off the top of my head thanks to a microbiologist Christian mother and a heavy dose of personal desire to research and understand everything and an extremely rare set of personal experiences


Alright- 1 physical bodies require energy to maintain and repair themselves, not to mention grow, food is what our bodies turn into energy, some of which better or worse depending on adaptions of our ancient tribal groups (that’s any and all that you descend from) but we are herbivores with a let’s say 3/4 lean towards carnivorous diet adaption 2 Fruits and vegetables are the scientific categorizations of the type of plant seeds that have a buoy in protective capsule either nutrients and etc to increase thr chance kf growth 3 You have a spiritual essence with in you, it chose to get on this merry go round of physical life instead staying in the spirit realm meaning you did choose life you just don’t realize it 4 You have to struggle or work to survive be it farming or hunting but thanks to technology we made it possible to for you to not need to youl physicality in the dirt. You can now choose how you’ll contribute to society, earning a pay of tokens that can be exchanged for food others have grown. You can sit in a nice office with a heater and ac and do menial mental tasks, it’s providing your labor to earn the access to food, security, shelter, and possibly companionship without having to do the physical leg work if you do choose not to. No matter what tho , you’ll be working, but now you have choice of back breaking labor with major risks like predators weather disease and etc being s constant threat, slow and painful death or a long fruitful life with a undecided fate are you only choices How you avoid the former Iesha up to you atleast in America 5 disease is is struggling against other life, be it a virus a bacteria or something ther The struggle to survive and consume resources is universal to all life, even single cell organisms . Everything has defenses and offense adaptions to maintain survival and ultimately procreate successfully So things are going get too weak to stop or just never adapted properly to stop.


You make some great points and I agree with you. But gently, you will reach more people if you use more punctuation. It will make your words easier to read and people will take you more seriously.


Thank you Tbh, in regards to punctuation, I’m a little more used to letter counts and, sadly, thus let me grammar devolve to fit more words. I preferred losing commas and apostrophes over posting 3+ messages, which I’ve already had to do in as a response to someone in this post. I was also working, which for me, is delivering pastries in the night; so I had to write a sentence or two and then return later, skim what I wrote, finish another sentence or two, and then put my phone down to drive. I’m also still extremely used to using multiple lines of text, which reddit seems to cut out. I’ve been trying double spacing between paragraphs to keep them separate. Sometimes it works, other times it’s still condense and thus becomes just a big block o text Overall though, thank your, your constructive criticism is much appreciated and I’ll be trying to be more aware of my grammar.


Careful, this the type of response that brings out the ban hammer.


Only people who fear censorship fear the ban hammer Those of us that bring truth and reason, and enough experience and data to back it up, don’t fear the ban hammer; we simply despise jt and the cowards, the mentally and morally weak losers, and the corrupt garbage masquerading as humans that use it Becuase their feelings or narratives can’t handle any pushback or challenge It’s called having a spine, sometimes colloquially referred to as growing pair (balls or ovaries) or to have a thick skin, to otherwise imply a sense of humbleness to accept criticism with an emotional fortitude to accept mean word Those that hate ideas to the point of censorship, yea we got a word for that, one which the left misuses hourly, it’s called bigotry Just like fascism/being a fascist; a word coined by the socialist student of Marx, Giovanni gentile. He defined it as socialism (society built around the idea that everyone works for everyone which targets class inequalities as the source of all societal issues) with the addition of national identity. That’s why a Mr H of mid-century Germany was a fascist, a nationalist socialist, a socialist that deems class warfare and national pride as the virtues that will save everyone. Now, socialism, like Marxism, is far left, so how is fascism far right? It’s not l, but if leftists admit that they admit that literally every bad person in ww2 was a leftist and everyone version of their ideas has failed, not only did it not work, it resulted in death counts upwards of 1/ 10 of a billion people (some where along the lines of 100 to 200 million) in the span of 20-30 years. Fascism like socialism means the government has control like a father to his family. Conservatism is small government in the hands of the people, capitalism is the idea of trade ad using coinage doesn’t change that, these together rely on the citizens/consumers to vote via purchases on which businesses will survive; which is totally opposite of Marxism, communism, fascism, and the left


My heart😰😰😰😰 That's why I won't touch Milk anymore.. why do humans not See those consequences of their actions? How sick is this world we live in.


Guys I know most don’t want to hear this but veganism rearranged is saving me. You putting these animals that have suffered affects you a lot. Also eating these animals that have low brain capacity is going to lower yours. Eating meat is one of the main ways they control people.


What about ethical meat from healthy animals that lived outside, frequencies on that should not be bad?


Every animal that is a carnivore has claws and/or sharp teeth. You try going out with your bare hands and teeth and try to hunt down an animal god didn’t make you to eat meat.


God didn’t design us with the need to consume *at all*. I believe outside this trap energy from source flows freely. Animals shouldn’t have to tear other animals apart to live. That can’t be god’s design. Our bodies were evily designed to require consumption of animal products. Without that we become weak and sick over time. While we are trapped here we need to consume them, but we can choose organic, free range and reject factory farming.




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So sick of the vegan propaganda in this sub.


Wild that you think drone footage is propaganda, it’s reality. If you don’t like prison planet, set the captives free and we will all be free