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Honestly, building a solid clientele can take anywhere from a few months to a year or two. It depends on a bunch of factors, like how much you hustle and how you market yourself!  There’s no real “magic pill”, but what I’ve seen work best from some of my clients that are just starting out and I recommend everyone do the same is showing up and being consistent. I work with a lot of estheticians that rent salon suites and one common thing I have noticed over the years is that sometimes those suites make them lazier. They’ll come in for a few hours a day and leave. On the flipside, to answer your question without all the fluff, here;s a few tips that can help you out. If you haven't already started an email list. Start one. Every marketing action you take, whether it’s on social media or in an ad, should have a way for them to get on your list.  You should be mailing your list consistently, not just to sell, sell, sell,,,but to give tips and tricks to maintain their skin between appointments. This goes a long way in building loyalty. For every 5 emails you send, only one should be promoting or selling (sending constant selling messages is the easiest way to get unsubscribers) Think long-term and consider the lifetime value of a new client. Don’t be afraid to run loss leader promotions for new clients. Make an offer where a new client would feel stupid if they didn’t take you up on your offer.  Be clear on who your ideal client is. When you try to sell to everyone, you wind up selling to no one. Your messaging should be crystal clear in who you are trying to attract. Everyone is NOT your ideal client. These tips should get you started and if you have additional questions, please feel free to ask in this thread. If you feel you need professional messaging or marketing help feel free to reach out to me personally.


to be honest, ive been an solo estie for 6 months now and the best thing ive done is pre-book appointments, have a referral program and be active on socials. now, im not booked out, but im getting closer to it! make every client experience the best it can be every single time. you want people to do your advertising for you.

