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I’d just like to add some perspective as some one who worked front desk for a year and as an esthetician for 3 years… people are SO rude to you as front desk staff!! Idk what their deal is. But the level of disrespect I would receive in that role was wild. And then as an esthetician it’s completely different. My clients are great to me in this role. I think a lot of it very much has to do with people’s stupid biases toward others they view as having a less important job than them or something. Very bizarre and stupid. But yeah, there are crazies everywhere. Just wanted to say this so you know it’s not all bad lol.


I've always heard from the people at the front desk where I work, that the clients are way more mean to them than to the service providers. I have one lady who I absolutely adore, but the front desk can't stand her because they said she's so rude to them everytime. I don't understand why they are so rude to you guys but it makes me furious for you guys! ETA I'm so sorry I posted this under the comment above. I don't know what the heck happened 😂


This is a relief to read as I am going to school for esthetics next month!


Yeah seriously…I just started esti school yesterday lol


I’ve been an estie for 4 years. Worked front desk at ME during school and at my current spa for a year and oh my god I’ve had to cut a few guests off because we’re INSANELY nasty to the front desk staff. I don’t tolerate nasty guests whether it’s to me or my coworkers!


Front desk and esties get treated SO differently. I also feel that it depends on the business and if they tolerate their employees being disrespected. Front desk is literally the backbone of the office and they deserve to be heard and treated right!


I'd like to give my opinion. Yes people can be nasty! I have my own business, and I can agree that clients can be extremely nasty. But you know the best part about having your business is you CAN ban them and not take them as your client anymore. Don't let bad / rude customers discourage you from esthetics because I got some amazing clients that I absolutely love and adore.


people usually treat front desk staff a lot worse than technicians :/


Worked rhe front desk of my spa for a year and as an esthi four and a half. The different is night and day. It's unfortunate that front desk gets treated so badly mainly because you have to enforce the rules while we get to pamper them.


Dang I’ve been an esthetician for almost 2 years with my own business the entire time. I have come across maybe 1 client that’s been rude in person. Maybe it’s the state I live in people are generally pretty kind


Generally in the beauty industry people can be very rude to staff that isn’t their service provider. I work front desk for a salon as well and clients are SO rude to me off the bat til I do something like help with their blowout and they see i’m also a service provider and the switch flips. it is odd.


I wish I could simply do the facials & treatments and play around with products but not deal with clients at all lol


Maybe an educator for a skincare brand!


That’s actually a good idea!


I’ve been an aesthetician for almost 20 years, the clients who were rude to me are not my clients for long. I just become unavailable when they want to schedule. This applies when I work at a salon as well as independently. I also realized that I can probably get another job, but it takes my boss a lot longer to find another aesthetician so sometimes if somebody’s rude with me, I just say “let me walk to the front” and I no longer continue the service.


That’s a bummer:( most of my clients are lovely


I work as both, and can confirm with a few other comments - they’re so much meaner to the person at the desk than the person performing a service, and it’s so not ok


I’m currently in school for esthetics and work front desk at a salon. I’ve had people talking and laughing with their providers, even semi-including me in the conversation at the desk, but the minute the provider leaves, the client’s smile disappears, and they hand me their card like I’m a soulless payment terminal. I’d say maybe 5% do this. The rest are pleasant. You’re going to meet nasty people as an esthetician, but it’s different. Most people know to not piss off their service providers.


I’ve never had rude clients but I can def see them being rude to front desk lol


I will say the front desk gets the brunt of the abuse unfortunately. I have seen how clients are with estheticians vs how they change at front desk. Because we pamper them and care for them psychologically they are more likely to be kinder as they are in a vulnerable position but they flip a switch when it’s back to normal! Obviously they are the a**holes.


99% of my clientele are amazing kind generous humans. Sad you hate this industry based on the clients the business you work in attracts.