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Well, didnt expect to see this today. And another thing, how the fuck does this take a year to set up a trial? It doesnt seem like a very complicated case


I don’t know if I’d have expected to see this ever.


The court system is screwed after 14 years of austerity and that's before we get into the ramifications of the pandemic. Criminal law is by far and away the least lucrative of all the branches of law for practitioners, so there simply aren't the personnel to keep things moving at a timely pace.


Can confirm, I was a legal secretary for a criminal defence firm and it is not a well paid field. A horrible job for little reward.


There’s a massive backlog of criminal cases. COVID is one of the big reasons.


Covid has nothing to do with the backlog. It’s decades of underfunding of the criminal justice system. There aren’t enough judges and lawyers to handle the number of cases in the system, and the court estate is crumbling.


COVID absolutely increased the backlog. You’re explaining reasons why.


While COVID did exacerbate the problem, the backlog was very much there before. COVID was a double-edged sword. Most crime reduced significantly, with the exception of domestic violence and abuse. These backlogs have been getting worse for years, I don't think we're much worse off than we would have been without COVID, if at all.


Again I never said the problem didn’t exist before COVID. In my first post I said it was one of the reasons. Given you wrote that it exacerbated the problem, you agree.


Said this on a crosspost of this but since you asked I'll repeat it here: The Criminal Justice System here is, like many public services, on its knees. A trial being scheduled for give or take a year in the future is actually very normal, unfortunately. I'm an ex-officer and I had cases scheduled this far ahead all the time. I also had several cases that got delayed again and again. I'm due to give evidence for a case later this year where the original arrest took place at the beginning of 2021.


Woah. Has it been reported what she specifically said or what the circumstances were? I haven’t been able to find much.


Given it's gone to criminal trial at a crown court, it must have been pretty bad.


I'm not sure how it works in England but do the police have body cams on at all times? You'd think that would be pretty difficult to dispute if they have that footage.


Once a call comes through on their radios from a dispatcher, they switch the body cameras on and head/drive off to the incident. So they will definitely have footage of it. They're not allowed to turn bodycams on if they are on patrol because that breaches privacy laws. The fact it's gone to crown court and a trial suggests it's pretty damning.


Most do, especially uniform officers.Detectives less so but it's likely this was an encounter with uniform officers. It's not unheard of that officers forget to turn their cameras on but best practice would be to turn them on before you arrive on scene at an incident. The cameras record video for a minute, rolling constantly but without audio. So when an officer activates their camera, the eventual footage will have a minute with no audio, followed by the rest of the footage (with audio) from then on.


Legally the specific circumstances can't be publicly revealed nor reported until the trial as it could prejudice the jury's perception of events and affect the outcome of an eventual trial.




Whaaaaaaaaaaat, this is wild. And incredibly disappointing if she racially harassed anyone.


I mean, this is also dragging up some not so good tweets from McCabe as well from what I've seen on Twitter.


That’s not ok either. Has nothing to do with the club one supports. I don’t support any form of racism, whether it’s from my fave or not.


Sorry. I actually meant to send this in response to a different comment. I 100% understand you weren't coming from that angle.


What McCabe tweets?


What, where on twitter?


To me it’s kinda wild because it’s the Aussie bogan in her at war with her South Asian background. No idea what was said. Someone in the r/aleague thread on this asked if it “was the same PFC Lovell” - not sure if that means anything to anyone but is one cop picking on Sammy or something…? And what even was said? Aussie slang gets real colourful to others without us even knowing it… That said we can be an awful bunch sometimes so maybe it’s all disappointingly for real 😭


Nah that was some Australian googling "PC Lovell" and finding a news article about an officer being accused of domestic violence, ignoring the fact the officer was in a completely different part of the country (and so didn't work for the met) and it's a common enough name that it was almost certainly about a different officer.


Horrendous for her status as basically the biggest name in women's football. She doesnt deny using the words either, by the sound of it, so not sure how she can defend it




She’s not indigenous. Her dad’s heritage is English and her mum’s is Indian


Girl saw brown skin and immediately pulled the indigenous card.


I know I shouldn't laugh but in a thread about racism this person automatically assuming that Kerr is indigenous (and that somehow gives her a pass) because of her skin colour is amusing.


I mean, given that I am also that would be a very original form of racism.


I stand corrected. I actually saw her with the flag and Daniel playing football in Western Australia and thought that she was. FWIW I am also part indigenous lol.


What does her dickhead brother playing in WA have to do with anything?


Or her being part indigenous herself lol


Am just learning about all the ins and outs of woso, what’s her brother done?


I responded to someone else but this is him. A huge list of issues. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Kerr


Holy shit. The listed issues start in the early 2000’s and I thought “Surely he’ll grow out of it…” but no, he just kept going…


Man is consistent, what more can you ask from a player?


No, it’s on her father’s side. He’s half-Indian, half-English.


Her father is Indian.


Lol she's not though. Nice try


Yeah this is unexpected.


Ok so wtf this is incredibly disappointing and also this comment thread has led me to see a lot of disappointing stuff from lots of favourites. 


Yup. This comment thread 🙄


I mean…she did use the n word in those tweets…


She used the n-word? This is the first I’m hearing about that but admittedly have not followed Kerr super closely. Off to Google.


oh my chest sank. What tweets …. Yikes I hate racism


There were two insta posts or tweets. They tend to get deleted by mods here but [here’s one](https://twitter.com/ajabbaruk/status/1268499546558128136?lang=en) ​ Edit: [Second one](https://twitter.com/jackie_wan18/status/1764757521896481131?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1764757521896481131%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=) Edit 2: There was also the time a pitch invader was exiting and Kerr got a card for [Knocking him over](https://tenor.com/view/sam-kerr-chelsea-football-shoulder-check-matildas-i-am-matildas-gif-14535453501046657728) . I mean, yeah the guy shouldn’t have done that, but he was leaving and there was no reason for Kerr to be that aggressive. This certainly won’t help her case.


wtf thats so random.


Yeah I agree. I mean it doesn’t even make sense in any way to the context (not that it would ever male sense as in being appropriate) but what the heck was her thought behind adding that hashtag???


Not defending her, but I'm not surprised. Especially if she was very into hip hop growing up. People need to remember that A LOT of people (i) outside of the US (ii) who didn't grow up online - thought that using the n word was "cool" because all the rappers were using it. For some context, Kerr is a few years younger than I am, and I remember when I was 17, I had a few friends who would use the n word when walking into class... to greet people. The one I remember most clearly is "Yo wassup, mama n" which iirc was in some rap song. 50 Cent, maybe? This was in Southeast Asia, and this was before Twitter, and when Friendster was Big. No one really knew it was Bad to say the word, all we knew was that rappers used it all the time, and rappers were cool, so...! There was no American friend to give guidance/correct. I wouldn't be surprised if Kerr herself, being brown, thought using the n word was okay for her (and also cool, because again, rappers!). But she'd have been playing in the US by then, so she really should have known better than to (i) use the word; and (ii) double down when she received backlash.


She's a 30 year old multi millionaire world travelled celebrity, public figure and role model. She knows damned well that word isn't for her. And even if it was, it is NOT to be used aggressively at a police officer or anyone else to insult and enrage them.


I think you're conflating 2 different things here. With the insta post, she was what? 19? And practically living in a bubble of football (she has said in many interviews that she didn't care about school and all she wanted to do was play football). That one was somewhat understandable, and as long as she no longer uses the word, fine. With this incident, we don't know what was said. She should know that racist words shouldn't be used. But it doesn't mean she threw the n word at a police officer. I agree with you that at her age, she should know better. But I just wanted to be clear that we should not make assumptions on what was said. If the CPS has enough evidence to want to charge/go to court with this, the evidence will come out when it needs to. Until then, it is needless speculation.


thank u! I feel like I can give her a little grace (she looked 10) but she is for sure not entitled to it


She was 19


Unfortunately 11 years ago in Australia it was kinda common to use this word. When I called it out, people said “it just means mates/circle of friends, like the way rappers use in songs”. We, especially younger teenagers didn’t fully understand the negative history until we actually went and educated ourselves. All our basic history lessons were either ancient Greeks, China, Japan etc and then Australian history. Can’t seem to reply to the other person so: Maybe it was just my school then. It was an almost all white girls private school and people from similar schools Reddit’s not letting me reply so to clarify: they weren’t calling black people that, they were using it to refer to their friends who were also mostly white girls. Not saying it was Ok but I genuinely don’t think it was malicious per se


I was about to come here and say this. It's unheard of now but 10-15 years ago in the early 2000s it was a totally different world


I have Aussie cousins and I had to explain to one of them that no, it is not acceptable to use the word ‘Paki’ in the UK.


What, the N word? Nah that's bullshit sorry. I was a kid in the late 80s, early 90s, we all knew what that word meant and what its historical implications were. Maybe not to the level where we could write an essay on Jim Crow, sure, but enough to know that it is VERY different from other "naughty" words.


Definitely not bullshit. I’m not one who would be drawn to hip hop or rap music circles at all but even then it couldn’t be avoided. My entire school had a “wassup my N” phase. As someone who was always around West and South West Sydney it was hugely prevalent in the mid-late 90’s. Obviously people knew it was a “naughty” word, but you’re seriously thinking 12-18 year old rap loving kids give a shit about your historical implications lol You either have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about or you’re living with your head in the sand up in Rose Bay or somewhere


I don’t really know what to make of this. I definitely believe you, don’t get me wrong. It just strikes me as really odd that the whole country of Australia was just oblivious to the offensive nature of the n word in the late 20th century. The image of a bunch of white kids in school calling each other the n word makes you look like clowns.


unfortunately it‘s the same with using r*tarded, even today I still see/hear it being used, or referring to negative things as “gay”! (not talking about australia, but my country)


I feel like they knew it was wrong but at the same time because they weren’t calling black kids that, it was ok. Honestly I stayed away from using any “swear” (that is what they kinda thought it meant) words because I was a goody two shoes


Absolutely not. I never heard this as a "commonly used" and I'm the same age as her.


Oh wow…


the likes on the picture as well…


Wait you’ve posted this here before and it was deleted?


I haven’t posted it, but I’ve seen others do it on one of these soccer subs before and it get deleted a few minutes later.


Ahh ok gotcha just thought it was a bit odd considering there are no mod actions on your account for this sub. We can see who takes what action and while we have differing views on various things there are a set of values we all agree upon.


Yikes, yes, that’s not ok. She does look very young, and it’s not an excuse but one can hope she matured from that and educated herself.


She was 19. I looked 15 at 21 and it was a nightmare convincing bouncers my ID was real. Given the situation, I don’t think the maturing happened for her.


It’s maybe immature, but I can’t see anything ill towards, who is the victim here?


Hold up, is this real though? This stuff can be faked so easily.


They are real. She got called out when it originally happened by fans. I believe she then blocked some people who did and went back to try and change the captions. It has been brought up a bunch of times. People brushed it off as, she was 19 and shes 1/4 Indian so she can’t be racist…but now she’s been criminally charged and people are now noticing.


the last hashtag of the first post is fake, the post is still up if you scroll!


She changed the posts after she got called out by fans for saying it Edit: I’m not the only one around Kerrs age that remembers [this](https://twitter.com/KelFCF/status/1764743551630430483?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1764743551630430483%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=) happening




Lol so? I‘m Arab with family from North Africa but I don’t use the n word because it would be racist.


Why do you keep saying this? She isn't.


I stand corrected


She's not.


Racially aggravated harassment/public disorder charges can result in a six-month custodial sentence. 'Millionaire Matilda' needs to spend some of her cash on a decent lawyer if she wants to walk away with only the fine.


Literally no one has ever called her that. We have no idea where that came from.


First criminal offence, she’s not seeing jail time. Suspended sentence at the absolute most, and it’s more than likely to be a community punishment and a fine.


Lots of offences *can* yield custodial sentences - but that frequently isn't the case. The prisons are full (or at least there aren't enough prisoner officers to have them full) and it's rare for first time offenders to go to prison unless they can be considered a threat to society.


Lol, what the fuck.


Given her defence, there's one specific word I could see being used which has different connotations between countries - >[W*g is a racial slur used to refer, in British English, to black and South Asian people, and, in Australian English, to people from the Mediterranean region such as Southern Europeans. Whilst it is extremely derogatory in British English, in Australian English it may be considered non-offensive depending on how the word is used, due to reclamation and changing connotations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wog)


This word doesn't even exist in common dialog in Canada/America, crazy


I’ve never heard of it


Oh if you use them in the UK or Ireland, that's bad. Used in Aussie.... well that type of language is accepted, but slowly getting removed I'd day.


If someone used w*g in Australia during a heated argument, it absolutely wouldn’t be okay. Context makes a huge different and it would still be seen as discriminatory here given the history of the word.


What did she actually say?


Lmao, if you followed what her brother got up to then this isn't all that surprising tbh


Go on then…


'Former West Coast Eagles star Daniel Kerr has been jailed for setting fire to a house owned by his parents, with a Perth court hearing he has now been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, which could be related to head knocks he received during his playing years.' Comes up when you search *What did Daniel Kerr do?* I mean there's a lot he did but that particular one takes the cake.


Thank you didn’t know any of this


Her brother was a good AFL player back in his day but he has a long list of issues and arrests: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Kerr


Thank you


Do court records and proceedings become publicly available like in the U.S.? Usually not till after trial here.


Not really no. But the media can report on a trial once it has begun.


That’s a shame


Oh Sam. You fucking idiot. (If this is true)




We are a very racist country, don’t think many Aussies would deny that.


You’d be surprised. I remember meeting an Aussie woman on a train journey and she was desperate to ask me how I felt living in such a racist country, said she couldn’t believe how racist the UK was. Thought she was having me on but she was 100% serious.


Awful for her image. Guess she fits right in at Chelsea, eh? Edit: Chelsea fans with the downvotes 🤣


Racism is not a aha gotcha moment for club rivalry. Grow up.


Likes on this post are interesting: https://x.com/darwinn66/status/1764729181634449522?s=20 Or what about this from McCabe: https://x.com/darwinn66/status/1764729849304715449?s=20


And all the other aussies liked that post not to mention one is dating McCabe too is the whole lot just racist?


Posts by 15/16 year olds are very different to an adult racially abusing someone.


I know that but if you're going to sit there and paint an entire club as racist then your own team better be perfect. There's some pretty horrid Viv tweets out there as well. Edit to add: I misspoke and it was Jill Roord that had the hard r tweet. Viv also had one: https://imgur.com/a/DTWJg5H


Wait what are the Viv tweets? Like in the same boat as the other ones?


It's hard to find them but I'll see if I can. Think similar to the McCabe one but hard r instead. Edit to add: it was Jill that had the hard R tweet


Ah, lovely stuff. Wasnt there also some shizzle about Beth supporting Thatcher or smt? Thought I'd seen that somewhere


You mean Beth "there is no racism in women's football" Mead? I think that was the case.


Could be. But jesus christ I forgot how out of touch and stupid that comment was


Oh wow I need to leave this thread before I discover things about all my favourites that I didn't want to know. Lol wtf.  Also why on earth is anyone of that age supporting Thatcher??


lol at this being considered the same thing


Could you provide any evidence? I've never seen any reference to these before and have been following her for nearly half a decade. I'm not saying they don't exist, but I'm surprised.


I found the screenshot of what she wrote, it was actually Jill Roord that had the 'hard r' tweet. I'm old as shit so I'm trying to workout how to post screenshots. I think I worked it out: https://imgur.com/a/DTWJg5H


Thank you so much for sharing. Honestly, I'm glad this event is revealing these screenshots and histories. It's good for the racism to be out in the open so we know these players' true backgrounds.


Have you actually seen them or are you just repeating what someone else said on Twitter?




Out of curiosity where did you find them? I only ask because I had tried to search everywhere and nothing came up. Reverse image search the screenshot and nothing.


They've been floating around online for years. You're very obviously implying that I've made these up myself, which would be incredible seeing as I could barely upload them to imugr


I mean, are we going to overlook the history of Chelsea and the N-word? To be clear I think what the first user said is ridiculous and not at all the point here, especially because Chelsea men’s and women’s are separate, but there is a reason that Chelsea fans from 2000 to 2020 earned the reputation they have.


I didn’t paint any club as anything.


The person I responded to originally did.


You don’t need to go trawling through what children tweeted because someone posts something dumb about Chelsea.


You're just repeatedly trying to make me look like the bad guy here. Those twitter links were all attached to comments on twitter about this Sam Kerr case. I didn't dig into anything.


It’s a troll bot, I wouldn’t bother replying to them. They’ve barely been in here a month but have almost as many comment points as I do from over two years on the app!


I strongly disagree with your argument style here and feel it’s very poor to link to something Katie wrote when she was 15. It’s perfectly possible to criticise another post while also criticising you.


I think there’s a word in Australia, which is in the title of a comedy show, which doesn’t seem to be seen as offensive in Australia but it is in the UK Super










Wow, this entire post downvoted massively over the past two minutes. Are these Chelsea fans or Kerrs PR hard at work? Edit: [To all the downvoters](https://twitter.com/benrunsalot/status/1764787770512318827?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1764787770512318827%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=)




Chelsea for ya


Let's not curicfy her please, remember there is an agenda against women players right now, let's wait and see the facts 


You think Joey Barton has cache with the London Metropolitan Police?


Definitely right to say wait and see the facts. I'd be careful saying things like "there's an agenda" though. People could easily misconstrue your comment as suggesting the Crown Prosecution Service or the Police have an agenda against female footballers...


If she was a man it would be equally disgusting.


This should be the most upvoted comment.


lol it’s always Chelsea 😂


Some of you are so incredibly annoying acting like racist abuse is not something that’s actually serious and traumatizing for POC, not just “gotcha,” moment for your stupid club rivalry. What’s even funny about this situation for a laughing emoji?


Let’s not jump to conclusions Maybe there is an Australian meaning for the word disgrace