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Monument Valley is on the northern border of Arizona not Texas.


Legion territory then


The goober on the burro is barefoot and could be wearing a Legion helmet, so that tracks.


so many people view those formations as generic when they are incredibly unique


Haha thank you. That irked me. Is that supposed to be the Alamo in the right?


Nah looks completely different. The Alamo is in downtown San Antonio as well so it'd have a lot of crap around it if that area didn't get directly nuked.


Literally This ain't Texas


I really want a Fallout: New Phoenix typa game, Arizona genuinely has a shit ton of potential


the sheer number of guns laying around would definitely make more sense lol


every single person is armed with 3 different ammo types, no matter who they are


Regardless if they were armed or not. (It's Texas, they were)


“Wow they really nailed the hostile wasteland aspect” “This is actually the tutorial level where you play in 2006, this is just El Paso”


I actually have a theory on this. In the TV show during the vault tec hq scene, there’s a map of all the vaults in the US. There are (naturally) a high concentration of vaults surrounding the locations of the actual games (WV, Vegas, etc). The only other area where I noticed a high concentration like this was in the Houston/East TX area. Will FO5 be located there? Of course it could also be because a lot of people live there, but hey, it’s fun to theorize.


As a Houston native, it would be a dream come true to play a fallout game based here in my hometown. Even if it was just a small portion of the map I'd be satisfied. Always wondered how we fared when the bombs dropped.


Fallout 4 came out when I was in I think year 3 of college in Boston, a lot of people hate on 4 but it’s by far my favorite fallout for this exact reason Edit: I also grew up in San Antonio and seeing how much land new Vegas is supposed to cover, I can see them doing the whole state of Texas so I’d get to play in San Antonio too which would be sick


Glad you got to experience that. I can imagine how much more fun that must have added to your playthrough. I can only hope that Bethesda gives me that same opportunity at some point.


Yeah lol I think I’ve beaten 4 and all of its dlcs like 5 times because of it


I don't blame you. I'd do the same thing if Houston was ever in the game.


I’m in Seattle now and I just found out the other day that there’s a cascadia mod (aka Seattle), might need to figure out how to install that next if it’s out! 😅


I was about to say I've always wanted to see the PNW in fallout, especially the cascades and the high desert Def gonna check this out


[this trailer](https://youtu.be/d1jeloS2s_w?si=32SM3X9_Fd78cV7P) is the only thing I’ve seen on it (I haven’t done any looking further into it yet to be fair) Edit: I lied, that’s not the trailer I saw, the one I did showed more of the city of Seattle. Seems to be the same YouTube channel though which I believe is owned by the mod devs


I’m playing Fallout New Vegas rn and I’m having blast with it.(I live in Vegas) it’s really cool how they decided to include local environmental landmarks like hover dam, lake mead, red rock, etc. You can also go to Zion national park in New Vegas which is cool asf too bc it’s only a 2 hour drive from Vegas irl. If they have Fallout in Texas, I think it would be a very sick map and can implement so many new things.


Yeah lol I’ve been to all of those places well after my first play through and lived in Phoenix doing the drive to and from Vegas twice, it definitely heightened my play through after experiencing all of that in person. Also did Zion, lake mead, Hoover dam on a road trip back in 2016


I live here so it's really cool to experience home in game.


Currently in Boston (moved in 2020 for my degree program), picked up fallout 4 on the PC to replay it all again and it's hitting different this time around.


Eh, these days it's only a small (but vocal) group that hate on 4. Most agree that it's a really fun game, even if it's not their favorite Fallout. It's a sales juggernaut as well, so it obviously did something right! I've personally spent most of my time in 4 - it's an incredibly fun sandbox with an addictive gameplay loop and I enjoy exploring Boston, Concord, etc.


Relate to that hard, I live in Utah and was super hyped to find out you could visit southern Utah in New Vegas


Yeah man, I've got my fingers crossed to see my city in the game some day.


I live in Anchorage, and Project Anchorage had 0 Anchorage landmarks. Just snow. Oh and the trans-Alaska pipeline that doesn’t actually go through Anchorage (it’s over 100 miles away at its closest)


As a Calgarian I agree, but it seems highly unlikely we'll ever get a Canadian Fallout given Todd's recent comments. Oh well, a guy can dream... Although based on the map, there are clearly Canadian vaults. I'd be happy to have a Texas Fallout though. After all, Alberta and Texas are damn near brothers.


Oh, I think I should probably clarify. I was talking about Houston Texas in America. I can see how that might have been unclear. However, I think it might be possible to get a DLC outside of the USA. Especially for a country like Canada that is right next to America.


Houston native also Thank god, no more traffic. Still humid though


Playing a video game based where you’re from/live is a surreal experience. Far Cry 5 was a blast.


>Always wondered how we fared when the bombs dropped Depends on if people adopted mutualism or became raiders. Communities like shady sands would develop, over time. There would be a large presence of BOS/Enclave just from the former military there. Abbot would be a ghoul for sure, he already is getting close.


I noticed that too, also some clusters in the Midwest if I remember correctly. But Texas would be really interesting!


I saw a few NW. We are due for a Seattle or similar story.


That would be fun. The Fallout Cascadia mod looks promising but I’m guessing it’s gonna be awhile before it comes out.


Hawaii could be awesome, Pearl Harbor military base, mutated sharks and snakes… other Hawaii things (I’ve never been to Hawaii) Edit: apparently no snakes in Hawaii… (definitely seems like there would be snakes). this is disappointing because I want mutated snakes in my fallout


I've been on a Hawaii kick lately after playing Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth. I just wonder if there's enough going on in Hawaii to fill an open world story.


They have a huge cockroach population, so maybe we’d get a ton of new radroach variants.


Radroach merchants. And am obligatory reference to Joe's apartment.


Don’t forget about Naked Lunch


Hawaii would be cool but I feel like boats would be needed and I do not see Bethesda being able to do boats.


My brother lives on Maui and I spend a fair amount of time there. I’d say there is definitely enough going on 


I mean in the Fallout lore lol


If the Chinese are invading Alaska, I doubt they’d just ignore Hawaii, even if their whole goal is natural resources


My personal headcanon is that they didn't get to Hawaii because in the Fallout universe the US never gave independence to the Philippines, so China tried to invade that first but failed. The News Reader in Fallout 4 reports on US power armor troops driving Chinese forces back into the sea in the Philippines >"*It would also appear our troops stationed overseas are experiencing some unusual weather, as well. On the Island of* [*Mambajao*](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Mambajao) *the nights are cold. Unseasonably so for Southeast Asia. But for the* [*5th Infantry*](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/5th_Infantry)*, that's as comfortable as an Autumn jamboree. All the easier for our mechanized hellcats to drive any screaming Commie meamies right into the* [*Bohol Sea*](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Bohol_Sea)*.*"


I mean there’s a lottttt of islands. But we don’t really know what went down during the war in Hawaii.


would be a perfect location for a spinoff for another studio to handle while we wait for fallout 5. They would have all the freedom to get weird with it


id like to think hawaii could be some other map like nuka world of fh. id love a new massive city and surrounding area with some areas that can be traveled to by some kind of player built transportation like a car or a plane/vertibird or maybe even a train network to link workshops between distant locations on the same land mass


That would be so cool, imagine a cult similar to the children of atom worshiping naval ships and making the USS Arizona a shrine


I feel like bethesda just doesn't know how to use water in their games. I feel like a fallout that's island, water-based would be awesome, but I feel like they'd completely make it a disaster.


There was a bunch of underwater content including a vault planned for fallout 4, but most of it got scrapped, witch is a shame so much of fo4's map is water.


Hell, I'd just settle for some mutated fish swimming around. I think they missed out on some prime creature designs.


Fallout 5: Waterworld


Kauai would just be a shitload of mutated chickens


Irradiated tourists, misterious surfer, need to nukes a volcano because the smoke cloud ruins some bigshot's view, nuka coco, grass skirt +2 charisma... Yeah, that could be fun


Hawaiian shirt mysterious stranger is good for a giggle.


Giant Mutated Parasitic Wasps


Ooh, my first pick is Detroit and the second is New Orleans, but I hadn't considered Hawaii. That's a cool idea!


No snakes in Hawaii man


Jungle Fallout would go hard. They'll never go outside the US but imagine the creatures you could find in the Amazon. Amazon already makes Australia seem like child's play without any radiation.


I feel like that’d make for a cool DLC, like you sail to Hawaii, or manage to fly there.


My homie, you're not thinking of the possibilities enough. We could get a surf-rock based radio... And pirate raiders.


A boomer like faction restores the museum battleship


Hawaii has no snakes lol


There’s no snakes here. Wild boars and chickens are everywhere tho


The homeless people on drugs would probably make interesting ghouls


Definitely a great candidate for a spin-off or DLC


Totally agree. And just imagine the sound track. I am totally up for that nuclear vacation!


And using the native Hawaiian folklore


I think Hawaii would work better as a DLC


New Orleans or San Antonio. I would stay away from Baton Rouge for now


I feel like Houston would be better since the game would still have a nice bit of terrain variation. You'd have a coastline to the south, wetlands to the east, flat plains to the west, and forests to the north with the city in the center of the map.


Plus explore what’s left of NASA


You mean RobCo presents: NASA adventures


I feel like NASA would have been a target one of the strikes.


Space station/moon dlc?


New Orleans would be by far the best setting for a Fallout. It’s a location that’s iconic internationally, has an amazing and unique culture, has the best music scene in the world and is considered a hub for Jazz & Blues, and it has a distinct architecture and geography. New Orleans would be absolutely PERFECT for a Fallout game.


I want it to be Florida , think it has potential. Imagine fighting huge mutated gators


We already got mutated gators


He was probably envisioning something more than a deathclaw with an alligatorish head.


Same. Scary swaps and spooky “Disney” would be cool


A disney land type park would probably end up feeling a little redundant, since Nuka-World already covered that concept in depth


I agree it’d still be redundant but just in case you were curious, Nuka-world is supposed to be six flags New England


Yeah but even still, between the vibe of Kiddy Kingdom and having the founder’s frozen head in the basement you can’t really deny that Disney was an influence too


So basically Nuka World?


Absolutely nothing has changed after the bombs, yet it is still considered one of the most inhospitable places in the wasteland.


Florida Man is considered a scary myth that not even Super Mutants would dare venture in that hellhole


I would like to see the mutant gators again ngl


Florida Man, a special kind of Feral Ghoul


I can't imagine what would Florida supermutants be like.


Already exist https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Swampfolk


Fallout Miami is an upcoming mod!


Is it still upcoming? I feel like I saw a trailer for it like 8 years ago


Still is in production, although I'm guessing it's close to completion


Weird because I heard about it before London and I heard London did get released (just that the recent patch for 4 broke it)


Most of the big ‘new game’ total conversion mods for Fallout 4 are still going well, I recommend joining the discords for the mods if you want to stay updated. Fallout London was finished but they haven’t released it since they’re trying to fix it to be compatible with the new patch (shouldn’t take long), fallout Miami is going strong, I’d say Miami along with the Vault 13 project (fallout 1 in FO4) look most likely to release the earliest, then there’s fallout Capital Wasteland (FO3 in 4), fallout Cascadia, and project arroyo (FO2 in 4) which also have released a bunch of teasers and are going well but could be a while away (capital wasteland has a whole DLC they released a while back so they’ve definitely made a ton of progress) then there’s also fallout 4 new Vegas which is also going strong I think but I’ve heard they’ve been sluggish with progress, might just be rumours though. All the ‘new game’ mods in the new Vegas engine are either dead or released (the only two that released were new California which was decent and the frontier which was a disaster) the exception is fallout New Mexico which was going strong until a couple weeks ago when the YouTube channel and most of the discord got wiped, apparently the author had some real life issues so the project is on hold


I'd much rather have Louisiana. Cajuns, voodoo, more gators than Florida. It has so much potential


Florida only had like two vaults, I think, so probably not. Usually the games are set with at least 3 in the map.


Austin would be such a fun wasteland. You’d have the hill country right there, plains, probably north Texas woods, San Antonio and the river walk etc..


I’m just curious to see what becomes of 6th street.


It would literally stay the same


Probably be cleaner TBH.


Lol, dead on. The 6th after crowds are already ghouls after 10 anyway.


“Who you callin a ghoul, smooth skin”- crackhead


You could have a dlc that takes you to Mexico and a dlc that uses the nasa facilities in Houston to take you to the moon.


Or ride a mutated wild hog and be a hog rider 


Did someone say Hog Riiiiiiiiiiider?!?






They can’t slap “new” in front of everything, god knows they try though


Texas is part of Caesar Legion territory, so yeah not much different


Why just Texas? All the other games did multiple states so it's only fair we add a little bit to the mix. * Fallout 1 took place in California and Nevada * Fallout 2 took place in California, Nevada and Oregon * Fallout 3 took place in Washington DC, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Alaska * Fallout Tactics took place in Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, and Colorado * FNV took place in Nevada, California, Arizona and Utah * Fallout 4 took place in Massachussets and Maine * Fallout 76 takes place in West Virginia, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and now Virginia Personally, I wanna see Fallout 5 taking place in Colorado + Wyoming showcasing the lands of the Legion before FNV with DLC/Expansion towards Texas or New Mexico. That region is already rich in lore because of the tribes the Legion conquered and Bethesda could introduce some new factions based off pre-existing lore. If not that, I want Florida.


Because Texas is a big enough area that’s it’s basically 4-5 states in itself


Because Texas was teased by John Cassidy in Fallout 2.


I mean the base game could be in Texas with DLC that took you to neighboring states like Louisiana.


I think New Orleans or San Francisco would be excellent candidates for the next fallout game. I feel like Texas would be too big.


I'd like to see something different to what has been done in gaming. New Orleans was done really well in RDR2, and Florida will be GTA6. You can't touch Florida after that. San Fran has been done by a couple different IPs, but it's such a cultural powerhouse and has a really cool geography and city for a game map. I feel like some obvious choices are Chicago, Philly and Detroit. Go Midwest, get some snow in the game. I feel like there's a bit of lore that could be made because those areas were much more important in the 50s.


You missed brotherhood of steel /s


The Texoma area would be pretty badass other than there's not any large cities. You do have the world's largest casino in Oklahoma, and there's Choctaw casino in Durant which is also huge, though I'm not sure how much they'd want to do another casino location because of NV. Texas/Mexico would also be pretty badass, but I feel like it'd also be too similar to NV.


Texas big 🤠


San Francisco would be cool.


Fallout Cascadia, Midwest, and deep south is what I like to see


I think it would be interesting to see what the fallout would be like around in Washington/oregon. Like what would happen if a nuclear bomb dropped on or near Mt. Saint Helens. That would be an insane explosion and the area around bomb drop would be a disaster. Or fallout could dive into the lore of Bigfoot.


I think New Orleans or NY would be cool. Maybe even Washington. The Space Needle would be really cool.


I have heard a rumer that it would take place in KCMO KCKS but i take it with a grain of salt.


Interesting… where’d you hear that?


All unofficial sources and mostly guesstimating. I first heard about it back when fallout 4 first released. KCMO being the next area since Bethesda likes to pick areas based on historical events, military status, and geo location. Bethesda Fallout has not touched the midwest yet and KCMO/KCKS has tech and military R&D facilities out the wazoo. With some of USA's biggest tech firms in the south side of Kansas city. Super easy to write in some Fallout lore. There has also been a few wispers on how massive the next game would be and they would need a way to fill it. St.Louis also fits the bill. Both cities are very massive, close to 8.5k square miles per city. I just recently started to hear about it again here and there in different chats. I am wondering if it does not hold some wieght since the idea is still floating around.


I think New Orleans, San Diego or Seattle would be my picks


Oregon and Washington would be great. 2 major cities, volcanoes, Crater Lake, lots of coastline, Puget Sound.


I'm hoping for big city and surrounding areas. Chicago or New York.


I feel like New York would be too big to recreate and it doesn't have clear boundaries. I guess you could put the borders at Jamaica, Yonkers, Pelham, and have New Jersey be the glowing sea. It would be cool to have some NPCs based off Gordon Gecko, The Notorious BIG, and a few others.


Or San francisco


Supposedly San Fran was on the short list for potential FO4 locations.


I just wanna go to Canada or some place cold. The US annexed Canada damn it, maybe a border town? Though a plateau in Arizona would be cool.


I think a Seattle game could incorporate Vancouver. Aside from that, Detroit MI and Buffalo NY could work as border cities. Buffalo’s close to Niagara Falls, which isn’t too far off from Toronto.


Sounds like you're wishing for a nuclear winter.


I've wanted a fallout Alaska game for a while. It's up north so dealing with freezing weather would be a great addition to survival mode. There's also a lot of cool stuff up there. We could see a city descended from anchorage military remnants huddling around the last oil reserves and jealously protecting them others. Maybe a communist Yukon Federation formed after the bombs in direct opposition to American Annexation. Inuit Tribes like the Inupiat and the Yuit could be roaming around living a nomadic lifestyle hunting, trapping, and fishing the wasteland tundra. We might also be able to find a small enclave of ghoulified Chinese veterans from Anchorage who managed to survive with their wits and advanced stealth tech. Don't forget about all the deadly irradiated wildlife we could see. Mongrel Wolves, Polar Yao Guai, Radreindeer, Mutant Moose, Irradiated Wolverines, and more.


I’m still hoping for somewhere up north with snow everywhere. We’ve seen a lot of deserts and dense city scapes already, and the Midwest/ pacific northwest are almost completely untouched in fallout besides Tactics (which is only Semi-Canon). Some new terrain would be good to see all new creatures, and being so far away from previous games would hopefully lead to a lot of new factions and story lines


Personally tired of dessert, I am begging for one in the Northwest or Montana area


I’d love to see one taking place in Canada or Alaska, as you said we already had a lot of deser, so snowy terrain with possibly a warmth feature could be interesting otherwise the Northwest could also be nice


I want to see China Nuke Ted Cruz's mansion.


Washington state would be interesting.


I’m really hoping for the Bay Area after seeing the TV show. A resurgent BoS, an NCR on the ropes, and new developments with the Shi could make for a very interesting conflict in the region.


i don't really want another all brown fallout


I mean… to be fair we had two mostly green ones after NV. Wouldn’t mind it


I'd love Fallout to be set somewhere with Twin Cities, like Dallas/Ft. Worth, or St. Paul/Minneapolis. Two major cities with their own factions vying for control of the whole region, and mini factions that have align with either side.


As a St Paul resident id be so hyped it would be so cool to see the twin cities in some form of media outside of Fargo lol


I saw someone suggest Memphis and then have a ghoul wearing a metal mask ruling a kingdom from the top of the bass pro shot pyramid


Florida would be cool and instead of deathclaws it would be that and gatorclaws and mutant sea creatures a fallout game with more sea life into it would be so cool


We need either Chicago or Northern California again


I would rather it be New Orleans, Chicago, or West Coast again.


IMO my guess is FO5 is in San Francisco. Bethesda has a long history of tinkering around with a project or idea, shelving it and then making it the next game. And then also dropping hints in the current game about their next idea. A Fallout in West Virginia was the original plan for FO3 but later worked into FO76. Fallout 3 had an entire quest hinting at the Institute, Boston and synths. Van Beuren/ original Fallout 3 later was mostly recycled into New Vegas. Fallout 4 has a few early references and Easter eggs for Vault 76 as well. Well it turns out before they settled on Boston, FO4 had some early ideas to be set in San Francisco. And FO4s quasi early villain also spends significant amount of time in SF as a merc before moving coasts, which you can see in the Memory Den. One of the few studio notes given by Bethesda on New Vegas was a few dialog changes to supposedly allow SF as a future game option (a character in New Vegas was supposed to refer to San Francisco being wiped out)


This would make the most sense not to mention San Francisco Bay Areas technological facilities in uc Berkeley were crucial in developing the nuclear bomb and you have Silicon Valley there plus redwoods and lots to be explored.


Setting it in Texas would allow them to erase Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel. I approve.


Hawaii could be the most interesting imo.


AI dogshit


I was just thinking about this actually. Dallas and Houston would be Glowing Sea levels of irradiated, if not outright craters. But if the White House can still stand then those cities might have stayed mostly intact.


The most unrealistic thing about Fallout 3 is that DC still has all of the iconic buildings intact, just run down, and isn't a glowing crater from getting hit by like 10 nukes. So it wouldn't be off the table for basically any other city to be intact enough for a game to be set there.


I read somewhere that DC actually reinforced its infrastructure to withstand the shockwave of a nuclear blast as a precaution in case the cold war with China went hot in the Fallout universe.


The Pentagon has extra strong floors because there was the possibility of converting it into a records archive after World War 2. Plus it was heavily reinforced after the Oklahoma City bombing. That reinforcement ended up saving a substantial part of the building on 9/11. 


Texas would be the most boring damn setting ever. Give us San Francisco


Hear me out: it should be in Seattle. We've done DC, we've done New England, and we've done the wild west with Fallout New Vegas. We've done California. We've never done the Pacific Northwest or anything like it! 1. The Space Needle was built in 1961, so it looks and feels retro. 2. We're on the ring of fire: plenty of fault lines and volcanoes. 3. We have thick forests, which have plenty of wildlife and are a huge natural resource. Also, it rains. Constantly. There would be plenty of wildlife to fight. And bandits. 4. We are home to a massive storage of nuclear weapons at Indian Island and Bangor Naval Bases because of the submarines. We also have several military bases. 5. We are home to a large part of the aerospace and tech industry. I would guess that in the event of a missile strike, Washington State would be a priority target because of the resources and because of the military facilities there. We knew that because we lived so close, we'd probably be evaporated lmao.




Finale at the Alamo


I want it to take place in New Orleans


I was going to say Montana has more nuclear warheads but you guys in Texas haveabout 20,000 plutonium cores and 4,000 Canned Assemblies from dismantled warheads in storage. The Pantex Plant is a 16,000-acre facility that maintains, modifies, and evaluates nuclear weapons, and also dismantles retired weapons and stores plutonium components. So it'd make more sense to be in Texas we only have 150 minuteman 3 ICBMs in Montana they were recently upgraded from previous models.


I’m not a betting man but I willing to bet it’ll be a combination of California and Nevada


I kinda hope Fallout 5 takes place in an overgrown green place. Just, nature gone wild.


I don't care where it takes place I just want it to come out before I'm 40 lol. But Texas WOULD be cool. My top picks are Florida or Pennsylvania. Imagine having a "Florida Man" lore character or Amish adjacent faction. So much fun to be had. That's what's cool about Fallout, you can do so much by building off of real world things.


That could be a BIG map.


My top picks are Phoenix, Los Angeles or San Diego.


I hope fallout 5 takes place in all of usa


I too, would like to ride a house


Give me Fallout set in el paso, Juarez, Mexico and some new Mexico.


Given we already seen the East Coast 3 times and the West Coast as 3D games, I'd say we have a good chance of the next Fallout game taking place somewhere in the Midwest.


I was hoping for Miami


New Mexico and a part of Mexico


Or Utah dessert🏜️


San Francisco would be cool


We need more of the southern cities. Atlanta would be awesome, Houston, Miami, just any of them


Florida would be a good one because we already have canonical Gatorclaws (Deathclaws but gators) Or New Orleans because I’d love to see them lean more into the spooky side of Fallout (again, canonical cults and eldritch horror exists)


Got my fingers crossed for Seattle or San Fran


Rio grande republic


Why? You can experience it by going there today...


Could be fun... but I want something set in the southeast. Louisiana, GA, fuck it even Florida. You thought the Gatorclaws in Nuka-World were fucked? Imagine the mutated gators down here dude.


Most insiders and an Easter eggs from the show endgames seem like San Francisco will be the most likely fit for the new game


Louisiana would be absolutely preem


Yeaaah I'd love to see Texas bombed =D


Can’t think of anything more dull than


If it is there better be some cowboy drip


That would be one hell of a walking simulator. Nothing in texas


Honestly, this might be a unpopular opinion but i want Louisiana or Florida fallout.


San Francisco is most likely the next. fallout Texas would be amazing tho




We already had a desert type world in new vegas. I think something like New Orleans would be more interesting.


I’ve always wanted one set in Louisiana/New Orleans


Give me Louisiana/new Orleans MORE mirelurks!