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I like the gunplay


The gunplay is fun, wish we didn't have only 4 guns in the game, modding helps but once you get max perks its always the same mods for those few weapons


I understand why they did it I would of appreciated nv weaponry ot would've been so good also 4 should have added gambling


Most of new vegas weapons were unusably weak af, they were just there, thats it


Weak sure I meant the designs and shit there where so many and fo4 basically gave us 6


Idk dude, it took a different approach and I find it one of the best way weapon modding was implemented in a game, you can take a gun and make it fit your playstyle, for example, if you found an explosive pipe pistol or something or with bleed effect, you can give it rapid auto fire and make it so that it can wreck shit up while remaining a pistol wouldn't so much, you can take an instigating plasma pistol and make it a sniper so that its effect gets better used, heck you can make a pistol, rifle, sniper, shotgun or even a flamer out of a plasma weapon that shit is cool af, sure not every gun had that level of versatility but give me more of that than oceans of weapons i'll never use, it's cool to find a good legendary effect on an unassuming weapon that makes it badass


I *love* the gunsmithing in Fallout 4 What I don’t love is creating a false abundance of variation by stretching limited assets to their absolute limits. And that’s not even to speak of the horrible mechanical designs (bolt on the left side of a pipe gun, right above the magazine breech? Bolt action rifle with a lefty assembly?) I just don’t want to be able to use a .308 weapon as a potential pistol and I don’t want to be able to use a .45 weapon as a potential sniper rifle. What I would’ve *really* loved is if instead of giving so many caliber conversions, if they had specific models that shot more obscure rounds. I hated that the Hunting Rifle (which is at its core a R700) was convertible to a .50 Cal. Would’ve much preferred a .50 Cal Sniper Rifle that had its own model and mods. Or even a dedicated .38 Revolver. They even added a new revolver in Nuka World and made it the same caliber as the original. I actually liked the Assault Rifle but I really didn’t like how they omitted the existence of the R91 and even the Chinese Assault Rifle for something that’s clearly a water cooled LMG.


I like the modding don't get me wrong I just wish the guns were a little more realistic there's 2-3 guns I actually like


I wish they had more guns with more modding options as well, but to me new vegas always felt like it cornered me into very few guns and weapons in every playthrough, fallout 4 can sometimes throw you some legendaries that with the correct know how you can make some surprisingly effective weapons out of that you wouldn't have thoight of twice using their basic versions


Ugly weapon designs and legendary effect are stupid rather have unique weapons like 3 and nv


Legendary Effects are okay imo. The main issue is that the actual uniques in the game utilize the same effects as said Legendaries so they both diminish each other without adding anything.


In new vegas the uniques for the most park looked different and were better then the base counter part Fallout 4 felt lazy and the effects didn't makes sense and toom me out of the game world


I can't think of many differences between unique weapons and regular ones in NV tbh, I read they have mods added on but... I just don't use em.


>you can take a gun and make it fit your playstyle The attachments are an obligatory upgrade list and the best stats are put on the most expensive mods and scopes have the best range and accuracy. Not using a mod or using wasn't a custom choice it just meant doing less damage.


New vegas also had weapon modding, GRA guns also had that, 4 took it to the next logical step which i apreciate, it's just not an excuse to be lazy and have so few weapons and even have some be clones of each other (combat rifle/shotgun model & anims)


Mittensquad would like to disagree.


Bro was not cooking with this statement


Utter lies. There is a build for the unique BB gun ffs. Every vet player knows playing very hard survival mode is still too easy. Hence why there's a "can I beat NV using only X" genre on YouTube. And yet Fallout 4 gets the bullet sponge criticism constantly.


The legendaries are just so shit. I remember the utter joy of getting the Gobi sniper, or Lucky or A Light Shining in Darkness. I cannot give a shit about a Crippling Walking Cane or a Neverending Pipe Revolver.


4 guns? Various pipe weapons, multiple 10mm pistols, a literal can, Minigun, Gatling Laser, distinctive Fat Man variants, two kinds of laser weapons, plasma weapons, .44 magnum - the most powerfull handgun in the world, an AK clone, the assault rifle, hunting rifle, combat weapons, double barell shotgun, radium rifle, radiation gun etc.


NV has like twice as many gun times and actual uniques.


Fallout 4 doesn't have uniques? I dunno about that and I don't mean the random legendaries.


>Fallout 4 doesn't have uniques? Iirc only DLCs have interesting looking ones (like the painted AK from nukaworld) but mechanically I think they're just fixed rolls from the usual legendary pool.


Doesn't the Deliverer count? Or the Broadsider? Or the Cryolator? Technically the Flare Gun is unique too...


And there is a hook in far harbor that you can add more hooks too. It’s really good for hooking stuff with up to four hooks.


> Doesn't the Deliverer count? Or the Broadsider? Or the Cryolator? That's three. NV has like two dozens. Cryolator is amazing though and the only unique you actually have to meaningfully work for.


What do you mean with "meaningfully"? And the "uniques" in FNV aren't that unique either. In the base game it's only the Euklid's C-Finder which is comparable to the flare gun, the pulse gun, the alien blaster - not that uniwue as it apears in almost every game and Fallout 4 has it too, so I would even argue that Fallout 4 has more actual uniques. And other uniques that are just variants of normal weapons are more in Fallout 4. I think your nostalgia just makes you believe what you wrote previously...


> What do you mean with "meaningfully"? Different looks, usually different functions. See The Smitty Special. > In the base game it's only the Euklid's C-Finder which is comparable to the flare gun, the pulse gun, the alien blaste No? It's an orbital laser designator that only works if you finish That Lucky Old Sun and pick one of the 5 choices available. > not that uniwue as it apears in almost every game and Fallout 4 has it too, so I would even argue that Fallout 4 has more actual uniques what


https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_4_unique_weapons You are horribly incorrect, quit fan boying, NV is good but it's nkt god come down to earth.


You can pick up a 10mm and use it till end game, you can mod it to suit your playstile, make it an smg or pistol, pipe weapons can be smg, sniper, or pistols or rifles etc depending on ur playstyle, in F4 very few weapons are wasted and become obsolete, unlike new vegas, it has tons of weapons but we end up using very few of them and we can't even mod those weapons


>You can pick up a 10mm and use it till end game That's kinda the issue. It's an RPG, you gotta have loot progression. >you can mod it to suit your playstile, No you don't, you're always gonna settle on the last two receivers and the best available attachments overall. Scatter and flamer options on guns that have them aren't interesting at all. >in F4 very few weapons are wasted and become obsolete Because it doesn't have any. Only one revolver. NV has 4. And so on and so forth. >but we end up using very few of them and we can't even mod those weapons Did we play the same game? >we can't even mod those weapons Please buy Gun Runners Arsenal.


You can't mod unique weapons, sorry i didn't mention that


Yeah that's the point, they're actually unique.


Unique doesn't mean they don't need modding, where did all the loot progression go all of a sudden


You don't need modding *because* they're unique.


>actually uniques And most aren't worth using...


Yes, and the like 4 different revolver's all got merged together, 9 and 22s were removed, awesome throwables were nerfed or removed, we had loads of different rifles and shotguns that got turned into "Assault rifle, Combat rifle, Double barrel shotgun, Combat shotgun, Hunting rifle" The hunting rifle was it's own thing! With a freaking anti material rifle to scratch peoples .50cal itch that made detahclaws look like rad roaches Instead in 4 you put a .50 receiver on a .308 gun for a damage boost The unique "Handmade rifle" or whatever is just a knockoff Chinese assault rifle, what happened to the Chinese weapons? Those were awesome! I like weapon modding but man, losing the huge weapon selection and finding a "recoliless ghoul slayer bashing automatic pipe pistol" on every other dude is lame compared to finding an assortment of rifles and handguns.


the point they were making was that many of the various pipe weapons are all technically one gun, like the pipe pistols, rifles, etc . Pretty sure the bolt action and revolver are separate but idk? 10mm are all the same base gun. Plasma weapons all the same base gun. Laser weapons. There’s less guns bc a lot of the unique variants are just mods of a base gun. Which is cool! it’s just that there’s not a lot of unique legendaries either. Like ones that don’t just have a stat boost/status effect, ones with a unique appearance and/or characteristic


Fallout 4 but with 76 weapons would be so awesome


No lie, I would 100% spend money on CC if they made a pack with those guns.


As if we didn't use the few end game weapons in any other fallouts


Endgame weapons and having a very short selection of them to begin with are 2 very different things


*"A laser tommy gun!? A bulpup full-auto sniper!? A plasma shotgun!? THAT'S FUCKING SWEET!"* *proceeds to use nothing but the AMR and Assault Carbine through the entire game*


Yeah, 76 did a pretty good job of expanding that list I think though. Being live service and getting constant updates helps too, so we get new mods and stuff.


I believe the gunplay was done by the guys who did Wolfenstein the new order which goes hard


I personally like New Vegas guns more


Gunplay not guns


Gun play also


Nv gunplay was shit honestly fo4s gunplay was a lot smoother


I like new Vegas guns more idk why


Because it doesnt have headbob and it doesn't have oversized cartoon guns


I like the guns in nv I like the gunplay of fo4


Why tf are you getting downvoted for this?




Idk I just like it


This is cap


Hottest take ever, wow.




Idk with nv gun runners I had a enough guns on me to fuel the ncr war machine


I agree but I wish the rpg mechanics were better


Daring, aren't we?


In my opinion: Fallout 4 has the best gunplay, looting, and crafting. Fallout 3 has the best atmosphere and exploration. Fallout NV has the best RPG mechanics and dialogue. (I haven’t played 1,2, Brotherhood of Steel, or 76 so I can’t comment of those). All of the games have their pros and cons, just let people enjoy whatever games they like is my take. I’m just happy that Fallout is becoming popular again 👍 Edit: forgot to mention but I love how Power Armor is done in Fallout 4. Just not a fan of how early and easily you can get it. Edit 2: Also forgot to mention that I haven’t played Fallout Tactics.


Yeah, they kinda made raider power armor completely worthless. Its only advantage is being slightly cheaper to repair. Since youre given a full set of T-45 immediately you just have no reason to use it except for if you just like how it looks. It also doesnt help that raider power armor is surprisingly difficult to get your hands on unless you already know the handful of places you can find pieces of it early game. Really your only choice for a full set of it early game is rushing to the glowing sea and getting the full set thats in that one cave. Thats my only complaint with fo4 power armor tho. The raider armor even looks really cool imo, theres just no reason to use it except for how cool it looks. Oh and theres that (presumably) bug where the head light on the x-01 is messed up, idk how to describe it but im sure you know what i mean.


With the new update I got a full set of hellfire and within five minutes I was hunted down by someone in hellfire mark five so that was fun.


Me to I got killed like 5 times before I decided to take drugs to kill the hit squad


I think 76 has the best map. It is huge and has a whole lot of variety


1 and 2 might give 3 and NV and run for their titles.


Wait how would 3 also not have the best RPG mechanics?


you are destined to be the son of a doctor who you go and look for before helping the BoS and have very limited options on who you wanna ROLEPLAY as (I don't say none cause there's actual karma systems that the game doesn't set it stone), in fnv or 76 you can be a fuckin janitor if you want, fo3 we have a whole backstory and goals already set out, story is still fun and that game most definitely has it's moment, but the RP of RPG was not there


Yeah... and in NV you're a Courier. You deliver stuff for a living. You have a point, but just because your character has a basis in the story doesn't make it less of an RPG.


You forgot Fallout Tactics


My bad, editing now


Have you played Fallout Shelter? /s


FO4 is my favorite fallout game and I grew up on NV and 3


Yeah, I think Fallout 4 has a load of the features we all wished NV and 3 had. Gameplay wise and mechanically, it was a really good game that I play more than NV these days. I just play it more like a sandbox looter shooter than a story driven RPG. My biggest gripes were that due to the nature of gun mods a lot of the weapons felt very samey, the legendaries didn't feel as impactful as they did in 3 and NV (despite some of them being nearly cheat level good), and last but not least, the main story was not compelling in any way (to me).


Agreed, I think what doesn’t help with the legendaries is that they’re not unique like they are in NV or FO3 they’re just kinda random and can be found pretty much anywhere due to the random legendary spawn chance. Also doesn’t help that a good 90% of them are just kinda ass and are gonna be worse than what you’re already using


Fallout 4 felt like an above average Far Cry rather than a fallout game in my opinion. Fine, but not what I was looking for.


Fallout 4 is pretty easy to make good. Cut the beginning, just have you make up in the malfunctioning cryopod with no other knowledge. Maybe have it so the institute caused the crypods to malfunction trying to kidnap other vault dwellers. But the family bs and pre war stuff is too long and sucks. Flesh out The Railroad more, have the fall of the switchboard be something you experience, not something that happened before, make their questline you doing spy craft from the switchboard, being attacked, and then having to pull everything you've got together to overthrow the BoS and Institute against the odds. Actually think about the consequences of stuff, Piper vs The Mayor isn't as simple as "Are you pro Freedom of the Press?", it should be an actual discussion, Piper doesn't have an editor, when she publicly accuses someone of being a Synth she's risking their life, who makes sure she has evidence? who gets her to face consequences if her accusation causes someone to be harmed? why should she be treated as anything more than a paranoid lunatic shouting in the town square? (This particularly annoys me because it's the stupid LibsOfTikTok version of "journalism" where she just makes accusations with no evidence, claims she's not responsible for the violence that results, and then claims she's free to do this because she's "a journalist") This could also be done really well with Goodneighbour vs Diamond City, the opposing viewpoints and views on crime of the two settlements, maybe have them waring slightly with Diamond City wanting to "bring law and order to Goodneighbour" but also bringing their anti ghoul sentiments to it, so you could have a discussion about how much is enforcement of law a function of racism. Make The Institute less dumb, maybe have a quest line where you have to actually make the department heads trust you (either genuinely or falsely if you're planning on destroying the institute) or promote paranoia between some department heads to destabilize it before the attack (getting all department heads and Father on your side, apart from Security so that that department rebels, and then when you launch the proper attack there isn't as much of a fight back. But just having them go "Well we're unhappy with this but if it's what Daddy wants Oki" The world is beautiful, the combat is fun, the factions could be interesting, they just need some work and some more freedom.


That's only a tiny part of FO4 issues. You also need to fix incredibly uninspired quest design, the dialogue system that ain't worth shit and like a zillion worldbuilding and location design issues (like your first encounter with institute doing bad stuff is University Point which is a giant ass detour and is retarded).


I forgot about the dialogue system, yeah that is the worst thing ever I audibly groan every time I get to that first conversation and have to use th stupid wheel


You can use XDI to get rid of the shitwheel but the game is still horribly constrained by it. It's especially pronounced in Far Harbor where the lead writer actually tried and had to furiously tapdance around the wheel, particularly in the Vault 118 whodunnit quest.


Yeah I've looked at the mods that replace the wheel but then I always get kinda bummed out when I have to see that all the dialogue options are the same in like 70% of scenarios


Don’t play the main quest and it be fun as hell The glowing sea is such a good location and it makes me feel like it’s the closest a modern fallout game has come to the atmosphere in fallout 1 Also power armour rocks


Right. Leave Preston in Conchord and stay away from the main quest and it's awesome. Treat it more like "just another wastelander trying to get by"


PA is my most favorite thing in the game. I just love how you can customize it and make it feel like it's your best buddy on all occasions. Not even talking about the way it's shown that you're basically wearing a tank on your shoulders, with all those sounds of servos clicking and screeching whenever you move or enter/exit it.


True, but I think to be fair a lot of the complaint was that your choices were less open ended and an evil play through wasn’t really possible. This didn’t matter to me because I would have played it the way it was kinda guiding me to anyway


People's criticism of the games are still valid, it gets annoying when people are just like "Let others enjoy it" or accuse people of being fallout nv fanboys by insulting them and not bringing up why they're criticising the games


Yeah I agree


fallout 4 has fallout 4 power armor and far habor so its already the best fallout


Regardless of my love for NV, FO4 with all of its faults and problems still manages to be a fun game. Bethesda does still know how to make an open world game feel like an adventure.


*starfield quietly exits*


Still feels like an adventure regardless of the story being weak


Pops psycho jet* Clears badtfl office in Call of Duty slowmo breaching sequence* Eats the corpses in front of Preston*.


[Preston disliked that]


Would rather be playing Fallout London rn but oh well


I know! Come on F4SE TEAM, DO IT!!!!


fallout 76


Personally it's not for me but I understand why people like it, I just prefer more dialogue and character freedom.


Fallout 4 is a classic Bethesda game. If you like it for that, it's fun. I like the settlement building and exploration. I also like playing with different play styles and even engaging in the game's light roleplaying. I was hoping for more of that in Starfield only to be disappointed.


Tbh I'm tired of people fighting Especially due to the arguments being so fucking dumb "Yeah it's good when it doesn't crash" It's a fallout game They all crash It came free with the fallout game!


Comparing fallout 4 to, yk let's be real, New Vegas is just kinda unfair because 4 and NV are not the same kind of game 4 is an action game with rpg elements, while NV is an RPG with Action elements, so comparing 4 to NV over something they both had entirely different approaches to isnt fair I love 4 because it made so much of the action the past two games had so much more fun But NV is still my go to because the world has so much more depth and I have so much more agency in it I am a big fan of 4 and I think it did a whole lot really well, it's just that game took a different direction. Not a bad direction, imo, but one that kinda downplayed or even removed some of the best parts of Fallout everyone enjoyed from like the franchise's inception


Completely unrelated to Fallout, but it's essentially the same problem with comparing the first two Dissidia Final Fantasy games to Dissida NT. The original Dissidia format was "RPG with fighting game elements" whereas NT was a "fighting game with RPG elements" instead. People who primarily played them for the RPG elements *hated* what the series became, while people who cared more about the "competitive" aspects thought it was a huge step forward. If that makes any sense.


Here we go 'round the circlejerk....


Redditors when people like something


Redditors when they feel the need to reignite the same shitflinging competition every single time for absolutely no reason:






Yeah it's the most fun to play. Shame about that writing tho, and the writing is why I play Fallout. If you don't, I respect that but I don't care about shooting stuff I want to be talked to, and 80 percent in the commonwealth has no brains. That's not to say I didn't love playing it, but I don't remember most of it or when I try to, I can't care about most of it because they never give you a reason.


The only thing I really didn't like about FO4 was the fact that you have to build your character a very specific way to have access to the good functions. One time I made a stupid but lucky character, but having your intelligence below 4 wipes out virtually all crafting. Also if your character doesn't have 6 charisma, it really kills your settlement-building. Other strategies are still definitely playable, you just miss out on a lot of interesting stuff.


Fo4 mans are the majority of fallout fans so I don't see where the meme is coming from lol


FO4 on survival is fuckin *goated*. I thought the game would be too janky to support it but it really feels like the way it was meant to be played


I don’t even realize until years after playing it that people didn’t like it. I enjoyed it just as much as NV. Never got behind FO3 for some reason though


Fo3 (saying this as someone who loves it over the rest) can get boring AS FUCK! It's a super desolate wasteland, and with the best post apocalypse setting can make it boring when you're experienced.


"I'll have a FO4 is actually good post" "how original" "With extra 'B-but the gunplay!'" "Daring today, aren't we?"


Thing fallout 4 did amazing with: Gunplay Actual good power armor design [edit] Character creation Things fallout 4 didn’t do well: The rest


You forgot exploration and aesthetic/ atmosphere. Also the game design of nuka world is actually good.


Personally I am not a fan of the atmosphere. It feels like I am walking through a theme park when playing it. Since Bethesda was going for the uncivilized tin shack wasteland in fallout 4, I wish they went all in with the bleak atmosphere like fallout 3.


Nuka World the theme park being literally a game design "theme park" is a little on the nose, don't you think?


And the environmental storytelling. Bethesda is by far and away the best game dev i know for that kind of stuff.


So I'm guessing you've never played a Fromsoft game before?


the story and rpg elements are just not good. and the god awful performance of downtown boston is just downright dogshit. i've played on xbox one and pc and the difference is insulting. literally everything else is amazing. the companions, the dlc, the exploration, the atmosphere, and the art direction is just perfect.


the character creator was much better than fo3 and nv


You right


Pineapple pizza is only good if you add jalapeños. For fallout 4 the equivalent is 600+ mods.


This guy doesn't know how good chicken and pineapple pizza is and it really shows


600+, how? I thought Fallout 4 struggles to even launch (if at all) when it goes above a certain amount of esps?


Nope! That's NV (and there's now workarounds). Fallout 4 has 'esl' plugins that don't count against the limit so it can get ridiculous *very* quickly.


A storywealth mod collection is currently at 732. It's performs very well and my set up.is shit. I run it on a nitro 5 an515-58


Nice, time to add more mods to mine.


Look here mf it is nasty but being healthy all the time gets fucking boring so while fnv is the best and all that. Sometimes I want to lead a vertibird assault against supermutants that have been harassing my heavily armed settlers ok?


I had the opposite impression, when I finished the game during COVID I had like 120 mods installed Got a new pc since then and of course useless vortex doesn’t remember my mod list or download and install them automatically either So I load up my save to see if it works without mods, surprisingly it does…then I remember how barebones the vanilla game is without a hundred plus mods smoothing off every rough edge You literally can’t even control FOV, vsync or control framerate in any way in a first person PC game without mods. Embarrassingly lazy. No DLSS support added in this half assed latest update either despite it taking years to release. Uninstalled and going to be installing and playing metro exodus instead.


How it feels to call fallout four a piece of shit without someone moaning about gatekeeping


It may not be the best but it's the game that introduced me to the fallout series so I'm biased towards it


this made me laugh too damn hard gg


I like fallout 4 the same as games like stalker great bases for a fun modded playthroughs (and he's ive played both vanilla)


Cause we got that cheese danny


Good God absolutely!


Fallout 4 is the best. Fight me.


Got hundreds of hours in FO4, FO3, FNV and Even Fallout Shelter I gotta day that while FO4 was a bug step forward and definitely a next gen FO game it was equally a big step back in many others, mainly the ability to be invested in the story and the game almost seems to know and encourage ignoring the story with the settlement system, which tbh is probably what I spend more than half my time doing. Whoever removed the karma system needs to be fired, especially since FO4 enables you to be evil and rewarded more for it with the settlement system and nuke world but it's missing the foundation. Some basic features like a holster system is boggling for it to not have. This might be just me but I feel like the map design was a step back, maybe it's just more colorful than I was expecting, love the glowing sea, will spend hours running laps mowing down everything in the way (with Wars of the Commonweath mod mind you). The lack of ammo types was definitely disappointing and Far Harbour is a masterpiece but the rest of the dlc leave the taste of white bread in my mouth, Automatons is cool to have but the story definelty takes as much of a backseat as the main game's. Don't even get started on how they once again fucked the lore of the whole universe with not just the show but the content updates which in their own right are fine I guess.


Fallout 4 is outstanding. Love it just as much as the others!


Ya know. Fuck em.


Hahaha he looks high as fuck.


Getting to play it with a 3070ti and with all the DLC's today vs. playing the base game in 2016 with a 1060 has been such a massively satisfying experience. I get to play the game like it was meant to be enjoyed at 60fps instead of barely being able to run it on medium. I just got to level 4 last night and was walking up to Trashcan Carla and trading, when suddenly a Legendary Mr Gutsy just sprints up the road and absolutely dumpsters me. And I was like "We are **so** back, baby!"


Heck yeah! One think I appreciate about fallout 4 is how much freedom of choice it gives you in play style. The older games have much better rpg mechanics but play styles tend to fall into a few categories. But there are soo many more play styles in fallout 4 because of the new perk system, unlimited level cap, weapons/armour/power armour modifications and consumables. You can make something a run and gun shooter or an insane luck critical shot powerhouse or a 10 endurance, power armoured monster either way electric fists. Heck one of my favourite play styles is the jet-flamethrower combo. Get the chemist and check resistance perks, grab a flamethrower and go to town.


Isn't enduring the story akin yo a bitch telling you some nasty shit?


Man I do love little ceasars


I might be a weirdo but I actually enjoyed a lot of the themes and ideas of 4. I wish there were moral quandaries or quests that emphasized certain aspects of the faction struggle (for example, why the Railroad doesn't want to outright ally with the minutemen/ doesn't trust them because of casual wastelander's distrust of synths. I think it could be cool if you had a quest where some minutemen had committed a hate crime against synths and you had to resolve it), but I like the core of it for the most part. I got hit by the Railroad ending where patriot commits suicide because you betrayed his trust, and you keep it secret from the rest of the railroad. Just kinda hit me hard.


I started on Fallout 4 and while I have more hours in it than any Fallout game I would have to say I sit in camp New Vegas. That being said I absolutely love the settlement system and weapon modding system and I hope they are in every main fallout game to come


This is just bait at this point.




The trend of Fallout 4 fans shitting on New Vegas and/or defending Bethesda for questionable decisions, leading to New Vegas fanboys lashing back, has gotten stale. At this point, making posts like this is just farming for interaction.


I've played Fallout 3, NV, 4, and 76. Storywise, NV is my favorite and none of the others match it. Gameplaywise, I've played Fallout 4 the most. The gunplay in 4 is just so far above the others it feels bad when I go back to the older games. Where the older games were almost unplayable without using VATs every fight, 4 seemed to at least reward me for being a good shot outside of it, and it felt really nice customizing and playing around with the different weapons. (It's why I'm hyped for the NV mod for 4) NV, while the story is the best, I just can't play playthroughs back to back, or constantly like 4. The combat feels bad and clunky, which is sadly a problem with a lot of old Creation Engine games. I enjoy the perk system more in NV, but I like the way the base SPECIAL stats function in 4. Plus, I actually don't mind the way 4 looks vanilla, and when I got to modding, I only added some environmental add-ons and touchups instead of full graphic replacements.


It's not bad but we need to make sure Bethesda knows FO4 was a step in the wrong direction. We want more rpg aspects.


My fiance and I are replaying through together. Been super fun.


this meme format applies to a lot of things


Idk why, I just couldn’t fully get into it. I think I miss the dialogue tree and the skills.


Damn, Travis Kelce has to eat pizza in his car to get away from Taylor Swift?


I have a put a shit ton of hours into fallout 4. It's fun, it truly is, but it deserves no praise. It was new and did the bare minimum, look better and function better. Crafting system, legendary drops, and combat is all it uses to generate player hours through tedious unintelligent grinding. Its especially frustrating because all they had to do was respect THEIR source material and it would've been beyond perfect. Implement the amazing mechanics of New Vegas and it's a game of the decade. But people finding uniques doesn't generate the same steam play time as save scumming legendary drops. But it sells well so who cares


Fallout 4 is shitty. Apocalypse is shitty. Makes for good roleplay.


All of the fallout games are good Except BoS, we don’t talk about that one.


I've tried, I honestly just can't get into it. Bad writing and awful dialogue system aside, most of the game is like MMO style random generated quests killing ghouls and mutants or defending a settlement.


I've been playing Fallout since Fallout 1 (including Fallout Tactics!), and I enjoyed Fallout 4 immensely on release. I've been happy to see all of the positivity about the series lately.


Man this subreddit must be the bitch in ya ear then


Yup I've been enjoying it recently and might do another player that's melee only.


It really is ass tho. I stopped playing after a couple hours it was so boring. And the NPCs and enemies are all soulless and braindead.


Lol sorry


4 is great, just feels less emerssive to me. I like and own all of the Fallouts though


What’s your favorite


Its fine to like bad games, fallout 3 is not a good game but I still like it, the room is a bad movie but people still like it while acknowledging that its objectively not well made


Oh boy the 10th "fallout 4 is good dont listen to other fans" post today, get that karma buddy


The settlements are overwhelming for me, but other than that, I like it.


Bitch dat shit nasty


Its fun but fun in the same way cod is. Doesn't leave me afterwards saying wow that was beautiful. More like cool, this is really relaxing.


Playing survival mode in earnest for the first time has completely refreshed the game for me. Finally gave me reason to join the brotherhood, and it sometimes forces me to "live" in spots on the map while I heal/loot/repair my power armor. Then calling a vertibird to go home for R&R. It's so good. Sure, the main story is kind of a wet fart but it still plays so well.


I've always been of the opinion if you like eating shit eat as much as you'd like! More power to you! But can't get mad when others don't agree its gourmet


Only played NV and 4 so far. I love the atmosphere of NV, but damn is 4’s gameplay good


Should rename this sub I like Todd Howard’s stinky nuts in my mouth


If Fallput 4 were so bad, then people wouldn't keep modding New Vegas to make it play more like it


On god bro


Fallout 76 too


Started playing fallout again, me and my friend started 4 and another started NV. NV friend switched to 4 because we were talking about it being fun. Same friend hasn't played through all of disco elysium and it's entirely their jam, they should love it story wise. The reality is that gameplay and how doing shit feels is so important to a game that story comes in second as far as replay and consistent enjoyment. You might not get the highs of the first few times you played NV when you play 4 the first time but you won't the 12th time you beat NV either. I love NV but I don't go back to it nearly as often as modded 4 because 1 just feels better to do things in.


That how i feel about 76 i bought on release cuz im dumb and it was shit, ive went back to it the last couple weeks and im having a blast but everyone hates it


Fallout 4 is pretty good. Survival mode is where it really shines because it puts what the game does well to the forefront


Fallout 4 is like the Larosas of fallout




Fallout 4 is the tits. It has the best gameplay loop and its systems are just too damn addicting. The story is a bit shallow, but I have other games to return to when I want to scratch that itch. Settlements, crafting, power armor, levelling system, interesting places to explore. They took what they learned from their past titles and knocked it outta the park. It would be a perfect game if the story was as well thought out as the gameplay.


The most fun of all the single player fallout games


You do realize that you're supposed to *play* the games, not eat them, right? /j


I'm replacing FO3 and I'm loving it, but God do I miss FO4's power armor.


Fallout 4 actually taste good when you don’t have someone in your ear constantly telling you another settlement needs your help


Been playing modded Fallout 4 VR. Is it a viable way to play? It has issues, but I think so. But man is it an epic experience. Modders have fixed a ton of issues and actually aiming with guns irl and taking cover only using my hand to shoot around corners is epic. Everything being lifesize makes it feel like you're there. (Radroachs are nasty in VR. death claws and ferals are awful and terrifying) I wish Bethesda didn't drop the ball so hard with Fallout VR though. Modders took an unplayable game and made it a decent experience (not perfect) and an amazing experience for Fallout fans. Imagine if modders were working with a good port instead of an unplayable one. It would have been epic.


I'm a big NV fan, but I have to admit despite that fo4 being just a tad bit empty, it is the game with the best replayability (this is just my opinion, please dont crucify me) Edit: here is a list of pros and cons compared to the other games in fallout that i have: Pros: good replayability, building system, power armor customization, nice graphics, large map, four factions, good amount of content, and power armor design is better, great location, Fun DLC, Cons: kinda empty world, bland quests, micro purchases, fusion core system, constantly stressing about caps and ammo, legendary weapons are bland, kinda boring villain faction, a lot of missed opportunity for interesting story, lack of weapon and armor variety, most of the interesting building elements are locked behind an overpriced DLC, super mutants are very basic, slight retcons to established lore (I care about this the least), and the leveling and perk system is very basic and watered down(I care about this the most).


It's got the best environments and environmental story telling. The best gunplay, the most mods, the best companion in Cate, the best sounds track in my opinion, the most complete art style of any of the games, fully embracing the 50's aesthetic. It also has the largest gameplay diversity from in settlement building to robot designing. I've never played New Vegas or 3 all the way through, but what id enjoy the most from them is their stories. But because of the games dated gameplay, bugs and kinda looking ugly in my opinion, I've opted to just get that content from people like epicnate315, oxhorn and other fallout dedicated channels. They're great to listen to, and help me get a greater picture of the game without having played them myself. There may be a time when I do sit down to play them myself, but it most likely won't be as good as an experience as it is to play 4.


I’ve always said the game is great and absolutely does not deserve the hate it got.


Fans when 4 wasnt new vegas 2: "Brotha eeeeuuh, whats that?"