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I liked that the “power level” of the show was so low to show that all the low level common enemies we see in the games are still plenty dangerous.


This is a really great point. Especially how even in PA you can still get killed by a Yao Guai


And that a single bullet to the head also killed it. I've always suspected that a lot of the creatures of the wasteland realistically were way more fragile then they are portrayed in games. Even the mighty death law could probably take only so many high caliber shots to the torso before succumbing to the wounds


and that way they don't show us every creature in the fallout universe in the first season which could take a lot out of future seasons


Elee enemies will stay easy until they head south and east. :)


I also liked that they didn't feel forced to Cram™ every single reference they could into the first season, it leaves lots of room for fleshing out the world later without getting repetitive. Seeing that assaultron "corpse" when Lucy first left the vault freaked me out for a minute though, it may be one of the most deadly enemies we got a glimpse of in the show.


Considering the show is heading to Vegas, and that the showrunner (I think) confirmed they’re including a Deathclaw, gives me some hope we’ll be seeing more in the cases of creatures. Geckos, Cazadores, Nightstalkers, Deathclaws, all have the potential of being shown and I’m all for it. Super Mutants as well, depending on if Marcus and Jacobstown survived over the last 20 years.


I feel like we are at the very least going to see a deathclaw. I really doubt they’d show us a deathclaw skull in the finale just to not show us one in the next season.


They just do the [Emil Pagliarulo](https://preview.redd.it/nate-loves-executing-canadians-canon-v0-z90ho67jv9uc1.jpeg?auto=webp&s=8a4036808db4929bdf7a55a37f6c902a1fa12088) tweet again to hype up season 2. “Given the great vibes recently, and the millions of Fallout fans (that’s you!) I feel like the time is right to finally share an unknown link between Fallout 2 and Fallout season 1. Remember the Deathclaw skull? New Vegas overview? SAME. GUY. (No, NOT the human.)” [BEFORE](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/e/e2/Fo2_Goris.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width/360?cb=20130822141854) [AFTER.](https://static1.thegamerimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/fallout-tv-show-deathclaw-skull.jpg).


Fuck me that’d be an awful idea. Would like to know what happened to Goris after Fallout 2.


I think Cooper is gonna have a stop in Jacobs town. I'm sure Marcus is a buddy of his. Might have plot reasons to go there. Maybe Lucy gets sick and he knows about the doctor at jacobsyown


Pretty sure Doc Henry would be dead at this point. It is 20 years later since New Vegas.


His ghoul assistant


Oh, Calamity. Forgot about her.


She might have a different name. Calamity says she changes her name every few years to keep it fresh.


More than likely.


And they could bring Michael Dorn in to voice him!


They honestly have several options with bringing an in-game character as a little cameo that would actually make sense: Michael Dorne as Marcus. Dave Foley as Yes Man. Felicia Day as Veronica. Danny Trejo as Raul. And the best for last…. Yuri Lowenthal as Oliver Swanick.


Charlie Adler! If Harold is still capable of speech, that is.


Considering Harold’s stuck in DC as a tree, more than likely we won’t see him. Unless the tree sprouted off Harold seedlings that can roam around, then we ain’t seeing him.


Oh shit! It's been awhile since I played 3 or NV. I thought he was still in the Mojave Wasteland. Couldn't remember which game I ran into him in.


Fallout 2 is the last game you run into him when he’s mobile. Fallout 3 he is stuck as a talking tree.


Yep. I just forgot that he was in 3 and not NV.


Wasn’t there a death claw skull on the ground in the final scenes of the finale?


🤣🤣🤣 I'd quite like a good story y'know.


I just want to hear Matt Berry try to do the Mr. Gutsy voice.


Problem with super mutants on the west coast is that they ALL originate from the master's army. The last few we know of established in broken hills, but had to move when their uranium mines was emptied. Since we're going to New Vegas next season, we might see Jacobstown's mutants (including marcus!!) And maybe black mountain's.


Well, not all of them. The 2nd Gen wasn’t part of Unity


Now that's interesting. What's that?


The 2nd Generation of Mariposa super mutants were created by accident when the Enclave was excavating Mariposa for FEV. They’re generally more idiotic and violent than other Mariposa mutants (though that’s not saying much for most), they’re also a large portion of the surviving mutants by the time of New Vegas as a lot of Unity has died by then.


I knew about the mariposa excavation, but I didn't know it made that many mutants.


Thats were Frank the Tank got his hit as well, right?


Yes, though that was only the start of what he is, Frank Horrigan is a combination of FEV, mechanical engineering (his power armor is basically welded to his flesh), and so many combat chems he’d probably drop dead without them


Not necessarily more idiotic, we never get to speak to any Gen 2 to make that assessment, just more psychotic to the point of outright hostility to anyone not a Super Mutant. Theory I’ve been floating around is that the Master’s Unity is really only the sane Super Mutants due to its telekinetic telepathy it had over its army. Think about it, the process is extremely traumatic physically and mentally. A guide through the process would be extremely invaluable. It’s hinted a bit with every Unity member knowing when the Master died, and a cloud over their heads lifted (so to speak); not outright control but an overbearing presence was felt. Would explain: Vault 87’s Super Mutants (Fallout 3) always hostile from the beginning with Fawkes being a Vault Dweller locked up as a “freak”. Institute and Appalachian strains being more intelligent on average but lack sanity to coordinate properly.


Super Mutants are an endangered species on the west coast. Unless Jacobstown is still standing, or the writers conjure up some other reason for their presence this late in the timeline, we likely won't be seeing them in season two.


That serum Thaddeus drank was the FEV, I'm sure of it.


Isn't FEV usually applied via direct skin contact or injections? I suppose they could always retcon some type of ingestible liquid form of it, but still.


Wherever there is FEV, there can be super mutants. We can be pretty certain that the Enclave branch Wilzig was a part of had it (we saw a mutated corpse hand). Who knows how many FEV Vaults there were.


By fighting. You mean getting owned by a deathclaw....yep that would be pretty sweet. Max walks around a corner and comes face to face with supermutan. Goddam Mutie" deathclaw steps out and swipes it's head off. Max shits his power armor. Lucy says "whats that smell?" Lol


I personally think that for future seasons they’re going to keep heading east until they reach the coast, giving them an opportunity to show us a thriving Enclave and maybe even some of the newer factions like the Institute or Talon Company. Even the Railroad is already established as a far reaching that could show up outside of the Commonwealth.


I kind of just want Mutants and a faction other than the Enclave personally. I would like to see the series go beyond BoS or Other Faction vs Enclave again


Super mutants seem overdone to me in BGS fallout titles. In the original games they killed the source of super mutants and the remaining few spread out mostly across the west. I’m sure BGS has a *reason* for this but it’s always felt forced to me.


I would like, the exact opposite thing actually. not every piece of fallout media needs super mutants deathclaws and enclave. I would rather them do something new and add to the lore.


Sgt Dornan yelling at someone


I want them to foe whatever reason walk up to a cave, zee a sign saying death claw cave and just turn around and leave. Never seeing an actual one for real just.