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I thought she was too far gone by that point. Even her own daughter couldn't get through until she tugged at instinct instead of reason. Hunting dinosaurs, eh? I hope you enjoy it. Are you trying to bag the really big ones, like a T-rex? I'm going to go full narcissist and spend my island stay as a superfamous pop star. I'm sure I'll end up learning a valuable lesson, but I hope I have fun as well, and I want to leave with recordings of my performance at the big show.


She probably wouldn't have believed them at that point Isla had beguiled her so far away from being herself. Isla is pretty much this FI's version of the mermaid Nya played by Michelle Phillips on the original series. It wasn't very hard to guess if you knew much about the original show. At this point in my life I'd love to be like Ruby, pain all gone, young again, new life even if it meant staying on the island and working there. I was in pain off and on even in my teens and 20s but it was not nearly as bad as it is now. I can barely remember now what it was like to be young and semi-healthy, to have good days, to be able to dance and have a good time. I took my health totally for granted back then. I worked too hard, played hard, took care of everyone but myself and never thought twice about it. Now I'm paying for that neglect of myself. 5 herniated discs last check they did and I've already had spinal surgery twice. It failed spectacularly. Autoimmune disease, arthritis so bad I can barely walk most days sans a walker or cane. I'm just middle aged but it's like I'm in the body of an 80 year old most days. My dancing days are over, alas... I'd definitely want to bring my cat and stay, leave all that pain and aging behind forever. I'm not much on the tropics but I'd make an exception for Fantasy Island. Even as a kid I loved the old show. I have it and still watch it from time to time. I've enjoyed every version of it except for the updated movie they tried to make a few years ago. That one was just too dumb, I thought. I was hoping for 3 seasons at least of this one but at least it ended in a happy place pretty much.