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6, 7, 9 and 10? Sometimes I've seen 12 mentioned, but that's more rare


The zodiac version of 12 is great, og version is meh.


I actually am really enjoying the OG game. I’m excited to play Zodiac Age in the future.


The problem with og 12 is that they all end up being the same character with a different face combat-wise once you fill up the license board.


Not really they have all the same abilities but different stats. Vaan has very high all around stats and the highest defense so I put him in the front line, Fran has the worst stats so I never use her, Basch has the highest hp but that isn't very helpful so I never use him either, Ashe and Penelo are tied for best magic, and Balthier has the best speed.


Those stats barely make a difference at end game though.


It absolutely matters in Vaans case I pretty much always use him as a dedicated Frontline. And if I'm gonna make someone a dedicated mage it's gonna be Ashe and/or Penelo.


12 is woefully underrated


Wild, I think which one you prefer very much comes down to which one you tried first. 8 was my first, then 7. After that I thought 9 was awful and X immaculate.


why people skipping 8 T.T. its my fav


There are always those that claim 8, but they are thoroughly and rightfully ignored. 14 is also an amazinf contender, but it's kinda complicated as it's an MMO and this blurs quite a few lines.


14 is very difficult to put forth because it’s an MMO. You either love it or hate it.


I mean, I've always been an MMO hater but XIV is now rivaling IX for my all-time fave. It's still complicated largely because it's *so massive*, but being an MMO isn't make or break once you get past the hurdle of actually starting it.


I love 8! For me it’s still the best of them


8 is a masterpiece. It's far better than 9. 9 was made for a younger audience.


6, 7, 10 are usually the three. 9 is not too far behind.


I think this matches what I’ve seen most often as well. I’d put tactics as the same level as 9 for how often it gets praised as the “best” one.


7 and Tactics are my favorites, so I’d agree with all that.


I think tactics is my #2, but I haven’t played it in 15 years because it’s not available on modern systems.


Pretty much every game is available on modern systems if you want it to be


Avast, ye matey


Unless it's you're cell phone


I wish tactics was my cell phone. Wait, what?


I’m not sure if it’s available on the Google play store but it is available for Apple! Was playing it the other day on my iPhone :)


Tactics is definitely in the Google Play store.


People who play 14 would probably include it in the list.


XI > XIV I'll die on this hill


XI came out before MMOs were really fully “figured out” and I love it for that. It didn’t try to just be EQ, it was a FF game first and then they had to figure out how to make the rest.


It was so different from EQ, and I really appreciated that. Loved EQ but wanted something different when FFXI came out. My computer shit the bed on me around that time, so I didn’t get to play as much as I’d like. Had a blast playing when I could though.


On the flip side that did mean it had a lot of jank that’s since been ironed out of MMOs.


Hard agree, and it’s not even close.


It comes to very particular tastes, but I find xi more fun, and artistically interesting. Xiv is more accessible, simpler to just turn on and play content. and I like the stories in it. but i will always rather be adventuring in xi. And at this point, xi feels like the more immersive game of the two. Though xiv started off quite similar.


To be honest, I don't think most would. Even diehard XIV stans tend to hate on ARR and Stormblood. 


Stormblood doesn’t get hate. It’s just considered average compared to the others. But I like it better than both HW and Shb.


There are definitely lots of opinions that go against the hivemind's judgement. I like Stormblood more than Shadowbrings but not quite as much as Heavensward. Haven't played Endwalker yet.


Nah arr gets downplayed because it's before HW and had a lot of weirdly paces stuff. If I'm allowed to include xiv in the best ff lists, shadowbringers and endwalker are easily 1-2.


ARR gets a pass for being made during the rough phase where they were still figuring everything out and their budget was being stretched between making ARR and the last updates for 1.0. Stormblood is actually pretty good, especially gameplay wise, but had a muddy base story and isn't Shadowbringers.


Nearly nobody hates on Stormblood, its just not as good as the others. An ARR got a major overhaul last year making the pacing much much better.


I personally wouldn't, and I definitely wouldn't recommend it as broadly as I would most of the other titles in the series simply based on the fact that it's an MMO. ARR is straight-up terrible, my pick for worst entry in the mainline series, and I think Heavensward is fairly safe and middling; it's well-written, but I find it incredibly bland and unmemorable. I like Stormblood a lot, and even then I still wouldn't put it in the top 5 FF titles simply due to awful pacing, which every aspect of XIV suffers from. While I acknowledge Shadowbringers is adored by most and in many objective aspects amazing, it was my personal least favourite expansion by a good amount. Endwalker is probably the only one that comes close to the top 5 in the series, although it would likely narrowly miss out, but it's hard for me to recommend XIV on the basis that the best story content comes after hundreds of hours, and even then Endwalker still has horrendous pacing amongst other flaws.


The content in between ARR and Heavenward is such a slog I cannot recommend 14 at all.  I only made it through because I played during Covid times


Generally, VI and VII are considered the best all around, many will also throw in Final Fantasy Tactics. VII’s got a lot of buzz around it right now with part 2 of the remake coming out, so it may be fun to dip into that one first. I would personally put IV and IX and up there as well. If you really liked the class system in the one you played, Final Fantasy V and Tactics will probably right up your alley. V’s story is pretty barebones though. If you value story, VI, VII, IX, and X are all wonderful.


So, probably a dumb question, but you don't have to play each one chronologically right? Since each story is totally different in each game.


It’s an anthology. you’re good to jump around. I’d never recommend going in linear order except as a sort of academic exercise to see how the series evolves systems-wise.


I'm doing this right now, and I'd absolutely suggest it. It feels like I'm traveling through time as I do it. Granted, I'm not that far in, I'm on 7, which starts the handful I'd played previously.


I totally agree with you. I started with FF1 and am currently playing through FFX. It's been a fun journey through the years as I've played through each one. I think it gives a good perspective of what the older games were while appreciating the more modern aspects as they get introduced with each title.


7 is almost halfway through, *if* you count the MMOs, more than half of you don’t, what do you mean not that far in? LMAO


Haha, true! I believe (correct me if I'm wrong), I'm far from halfway through if we're calculating by playtime. I'm going for 100% steam achievements, and my understanding is that those get FAR more time-consuming.


Unless they have a shared number, like X and X-2, they're set in completely different universes and aren't connected at all.


No, whatever order you like is fine. I started in the ps1 era forward, then backward


It's not even the same universe shared between the games so, yes, any order you want. :3


None of the mainline games are connected. Some of the mainline games have sequels or prequels, notably IV, VII, X, XII, and XIII. I would recommend that you play them in chronological order. It's really neat to see how the series has progressed as more games were released. FFI-VI are classic 2D RPGs, VII-IX is the early 3D era with pre-rendered backgrounds on PS1. X-XIII is the following 3D era on PS2 and PS3. XV and XVI are the newest era of FF. It, of course, depends on what your preferences are. Imo, it would be harder to get into the older games if I played the newer games first. Playing them in chronological order feels like I'm going through a semblance of the journey that people who've been fans since the beginning have gone through. It's really fun to play each one and kind of compare and contrast what I like or dislike about each one that I play through. No matter what, I hope you have a fun time if you decide to give them a try.


Nope every story is different except for X-2 and XIII-2 and -3.


corrent, they have no connection to each other


There are sequels, but they are numbered after the game they are a continuation of. So FF X has a sequel, but it isn't FF XI. It's FF X-2. Basically if it has a dash or a subtitle (eg. FF VII: Crisis Core) it is a continuation of another series. If it is just FF and a number by itself, then you don't need to play anything before it.


Think of the like Zelda games or Mario games. But with even more self-reinvention with each iteration. This is definitely not like Legend of Heroes. As others have said, you'll see mechanics and tropes evolve across the series, but each game is basically in a vacuum. Some of the spin-offs are kinda isekai/meta where all of the "dimensions" have some macguffin that connects each one, but canonically, each numbered game has nothing to do with any other one. ​ That said, I'm throwing another vote in for 6, as that represents peak 2D Final Fantasy and the culmination and refinement of story-telling and character customization. Based on other times this question has come up, 6 generally holds up pretty well today. Once you have played 6, you can try out 5, then 4 and see how various systems and story-telling has evolved. IMO, The NES Final Fantasy games are harder to stomach these days, even with the Pixel Remasters. ​ With regards to 7, I'd recommend playing it first, and then eventually diving in to the Remake/Rebirth/Re????? trilogy. They are doing a timey-wimey multi-verse thingy, so the "Re" trilogy is technically a sequel to the original. So, the "original" game happened, then some timey-wimey memory Lifestream stuff happens and some key characters now "know" what happened in the original game. So, things will be different and the same in the Re trilogy. ​ Hopefully once you have a few more under your belt, you can give 8 a try.


You do not apart from an easter egg or insignificant cameo here and there they have their own self-contained story and universe. Only exception is XII takes place in the same universe as Tactics. But you still don't need to play tactics to play 12.


The only time to play chronologically is if you play the direct sequels, like X-2 or IV: the after years or XIII-2, and even then sometimes something might sound like a direct sequel when it totally isn't (tactics and tactics advance for example)


You don’t. Unless there is a direct sequel like X’s X-2. All of them are essentially stand alone with overlapping themes, etc. I do recommend playing them chronologically if you’d like to see the progression of gameplay, and all that.


Yeah most the top comments are giving three or four answers, but if someone busted into the room, put a gun to my head and forced me to guess what statistically is the most peoples favorite final fantasy, Id say 7.


6-10 are going to be your answers and most will answer one of these with the occasional tactics or 4. For myself, I think 9 is peak Final Fantasy.


The proverbial Dark Side of the Moon has historically always been 6. That said, 7 and 10 are Wish You Were Here and The Wall. Do with that analogy what you will.


IV is Meddle VIII is Ummagumma


For me VIII is Animals.


For me VIII is Justin Bieber.


6 and 7 are the most common answer. 9 and 10 are also sometimes mentioned, and 4, 11, and 14 definitely have big fans but aren't too common as "best FF games".


4 huh? I just finished pixel remaster and it didn't stand out to me as much as 5 and 6. The only thing i really remeber about it is ex death is an asshole.


IV is one that I definitely had rose-tinted glasses for. I’ve been replaying the series and I definitely overestimated IV and underestimated V. Theres a very specific storytelling trope I hate that IV does a lot of>! ”killing” off characters and surprise, they are actually totally fine!!<


Ex death was V. IV was Golbez.


Wow. I played them all in a pretty short time so they all got pretty mixed together, tbh. Thanks for the heads up


I totally get that. The pixel remaster made it so you could breeze through them.


IV was super amazing back when it first came out.


There isn't one that's considered best.  Ask 10 people and you're likely to get 10 different answers.  6, 7, 9, and 10 are probably the most common favorites, but basically every game has its fans.


8 gang.


Best, not worst...


7 is by far the most popular. Which is best is subjective, but 7 will win most polls for this question. Its no coincidence that 7 is used for this huge remake project. It might be because 7 is the first final fantasy for many gamers, but I know ff6 fans are fighting hardest to debunk this.


7 had a huge marketing campaign when it was originally released, definitely caught a lot of more “mainstream” gamers at the time who never played Final Fantasy, especially with the cutscene commercials and more modern setting, opposed to the “classic fantasy” setting of prior games.


VII had a really good printed guide too. Not sure if that really matters, but I appreciated it haha.


Also, I think VI wasnt released in europe until ps1 in the year 2000+ , so after VII. I dont think many europeans have played the game because of this. It never got that huge release or hype here


I got 6 on Switch and I have to agree it's up there for me. I need to finish it but the story is bonkers at times.


I'm stuck on the ghost train. It seems like I can't keep walking through the train to the left I'm like blocked off and don't know how to get around it so it made me stop playing :/


"FF7 is the best because I'm young and that's all my young friends know about so it's the best." is quite the argument my dude.


Where do you see this argument? Stop taking drugs my guy


Google "Final Fantasy Games Ranked". FF6 is at LEAST ranked #1 80% of these lists. I'm not saying FF7 is bad. It just sounds like you've never even played FF6.


6, 7, 9, 10 are the main ones people think are the best. 4, 5, and 14 come up in the conversation too but aren’t quite as popular. My personal favorites are 6, 10, 13 and 16.


Tactics is my personal favorite but I consider that a spinoff. VI, VII, IX, X, and XII out of the main series.


I agree with everyone that says X.






The one people said yesterday when someone posted it this exact question and the day before that and the day before that.


I love 4, but I know that’s “incorrect”.


I would play 6 before you play the other pixel remasters. You may want to play at 2x XP and gold if you do play the first one.


Usually 6, 7 and 10, but opinions always differ, I've seen people that have 4, 8, 9 as their favourites


IV is short but it’s actually pretty good. I played VI as a kid and was captivated by the story and characters. The character development was so well done and it was more impressive that they did it with like 14 characters. VII original is very popular but I thought the story was convoluted not as good as VI. I didn’t love it as much. VI has the edge over it for me. VII remake was amazing, though. I played X for the first time a couple years ago and it was unbearable. I’m sure it was good for its time but the voice acting made me wanna vomit and the story and characters were not as profound as VI was for me. XII was amazing when I played it back in 2006. For its time it was revolutionary because the voice acting was professionally done and there was more of an epic, medieval tone to the world. The gambit level up system is really, really cool. I didn’t want to beat it so I took forever getting to finish the game, and I completely forgot what the plot was when I did, haha. XIII was a disappointment. XIII-2 was even worse. XV’s story was really poorly delivered, but the game had a lot of potential. Graphically and gameplay, not bad. But I would never play it again. XVI was a bit slow but solid. Good game. So for me it’s between VI, VII Remake, XII and XVI.


6 and Tactics.


6, 7, tactics


The general answer among fans seems to be "the one I played when I was a kid" (or "the one where my parents were still together" if you want to be more cynical). But usually the answers are 6, 7, 9, and 10 among the singleplayer games. 14 is also really great, but this sub doesn't like the MMOs and likes to pretend they don't exist.


Broadly accepted: 6, 7, 10 Runner Ups: 4, 9, 12 Contrarian: 2, 8, 13


VI because one of the characters uses Street Fighter movements to attack. No joke. Blew my mind back then.


Another way to look at it would be the meta critic scores, which look like this: 1. IX (94) 2. VI (92) 2. VII (92) 2. X (92) 2. XII (92) 3. VIII (90) 4. IV (89) 4. VII Remake Intergrade (89) 5. XVI (88) 5. Tactics (88)


You forgot about XIV's Endwalker with 92 and Shadowbringers with 90.


Yeah using Metacritic for 14 is silly since it’s 6 soon to be 7 different campaigns.


Final Fantasy 6 is universally considered the best by everyone, and there is never any disagreement on this matter.


Had me in the first half.




I know this sounds dismissive, but it really depends who you ask. I grew up with SNES so I consider FF IV to be the best, even though objectively speaking it probably isn’t.


Final fantasy tactics


Mystic Quest of course


You’ll probably hear best/worst arguments for every game in the series, it is pretty subjective. 6 is probably the consensus answer. Even people who don’t rank it number one generally have a favorable view of it. I think I’ve only talked to one person who outright didn’t My personal choices are tactics and VIII, but I still regard VI very highly.


That would be 6 as it is either first or second place of in best RPGs lists.


IX. Because it is.




It’s VII or X.  Those are the two that routinely win in the various polls out there.


I'd say 6 or 9 as well. Those 4 are the most popular


VII is the big one, it popularised the series and genre in much of the west. VI is the final 16-bit one, is hugely polished and represents the final form of what bought the series to prominence in Japan and the US. X is incredibly popular amongst a new generation of fans who were younger when it came out. IX is the general choice for people who have played them all. Tactics is incredible and is another choice amongst hardcore fans. XII is actually the best one though.


VI will never be toppled, but XII is my second favourite




6, 7, and 10 are generally considered to be the best. Personally, I’d go with 6. It has such a strong ensemble cast, beautiful music, and a somber yet beautiful vibe.


X, but don't let the VII fanatics know Honorable mention to Tactics; not part of the main series but definitely a classic 


You’ll never find a VII fan that dislikes X.


FF7 is the mainstream "best in the series" answer. I personally agree that it's the best, but I also loved FFX almost as much.


I just feel VII introduced FF to so many new fans all at once! It was my first and still one of my favourite. VII and X for me




VI, VII and X are among the list of “greatest video games of all time”


What list?


greatest video games of all time


[This list](https://www.ign.com/articles/the-best-100-video-games-of-all-time) to save you the trouble 98 - VII 44 - VI 30 - XIV


X actually wasn't in the last list, unless you're talking about a different list [This list](https://www.ign.com/articles/the-best-100-video-games-of-all-time) to save you the trouble 98 - VII 44 - VI 30 - XIV


they all pretty good


VII is the one that grabbed me the most as a kid and interestingly, I found XII to be really enjoyable on PS2 as a young teen. VII is the best to me because of the narrative and the music. IV was the first FF I ever played. I’m not a JRPG lover by any means but VII feels the most memorable, which to me means it’s the best imo. The music is timeless and warrants a play through just for that alone.


People that can build an attachment to 2d sprites will probably say 6. Otherwise they'll probably say 7. It's pretty evenly split I'd say


As asked the answer is 6 then 7. 7 is maybe more popular, but people who played both generally say 6 is better. I am about 40% through 6, after years of discussing with my cousins who still call it FF3/(6), and honestly, and I get it. 6 is really a great game at the core of a game. 7 is always going to have legendary status especially in the US. This was my starting point after the Electronics Boutique employee directed me away from 9 (saving me $20 and changing my life). I love 7. It completely changed what a video game could be for me. It was my first non-Pokemon JRPG. I think there are a lot of people in my age or a few years older who shared the 7 revolution. The ones that didn't get US initial releases are probably off the list. 10, 9, and tactics all are great and are the favorite for some percentage of people. I know many 6/tactics die-hards. 10 especially has some serious fans, but overall has a weaker fanbase than 6 and 7 especially after 10-2. I try to avoid Grognard behavior, but 6 and 7 just have something going for them that didn't carry forward. I feel 10 at the time of release (I was 10) was a prime example of the feeling of "yes it is fantastic but it isn't 6/7". Releasing 6 now the story would be ridiculed for being silly, but even playing in 2024 the game is obviously a, if not THE (chrono trigger?) masterpiece of it's time. Most common opinion: 6, 7, 10/tactics/9


FF6 is considered the best one by people have played at least two Final Fantasy games.


I usually hear people who've only played a few say 7. Most hardcore fans, particularly older ones usually say 4 or 6 in my experience. I've played all of them and 10 is my favorite even though my first play through I almost chucked my controller through the window because of the ending. 4 + 6 are probably tied for me in 2nd. 7 is of course great, amazing story, first 3d FF and probably some of the best characters in all of FF if not JRPG-dom in general, although for some reason I just don't love it as much as other people. The series is over 35 years old and the graphics, world building and mechanics have changed so much it's really hard to compare them. I've met some people who say FF after PS1 is all trash and others who have never played anything before PS2 era and have no intention to.


My favorites are IV, VI, VII, X, and XIII, but really, I like them all (except I haven't played and am not interested in the MMOs XI and XIV). Yeah, I know XIII isn't one of the more popular games, but I really like it.


10 will always be #1 for me


6 and 9 are the best IMO. 7 also incredible but way more people played that meaning people who haven't played 6 and 9 are saying it's the best. Best to also play 6 and 9!




IMO Tactics is #1 for gameplay AND story (though the cutscenes may not always be as visually appealing as some others) 7 and 9 i'd say are tied for second place story, while 7 has more to do and a much better battle system than 9 (Though 9 is simplistic and fun to just pick up and play with less investment in battle development) Of course just my opinions, the whole franchise is incredible and you can't go wrong in any case, tbh.


People don't talk about FF 4 enough, amazing story telling and character development


7 is the best selling and generally most praised of all time. Top 3 are 7, 10 and 6. Tactics and 6 are pretty close up there too. 2 and 13 typically are regarded the lowest by Western fans although 13 found some success in the Japanese audience. 8 and 15 are pretty divisive and gets a good amount of hate/critique. Overall Top 3: 7, 10, 6 Low 3: 2, 13, 15 Keep in mind I base this on a mix of sales and generally what is said online about them, not necessarily my own preference.


7 of course. People like 6 for some reason, and 9. Most people play the MMO though, so that's the best. To me, 8 is the best.





Simply being in that world and listening to music makes me happy man. Characters are awesome. This game needs a remake. I guess people don't like the whole time travel stuff, normally I don't either, but in this game I don't mind.


because of the junction system, it was pretty devicive I like 8 a lot myself.


8 is the black sheep but the secret goat.


Back in the day it used to get ripped for its story… but honestly I think it was mostly slander from 7 lovers… I think 8 was misunderstood but to me it has the best environments, battles, side quest, card game, story, and characters… the only thing I wish it had was a bit of a gold saucer type area but overall it will always be my favorite


Personally it's X by a lot, but universally I feel like it's X, VII, VIIr or IX


6 and 7 for sure. But imo 8 is up there tied with 7. It’s been getting a lot more deserved appreciation as of late.


Final Fantasy Tactics is the objectively best game in the series. There is no debate and I will fight anyone who disagrees


7 is the big guns. That’s why it gets the big fancy 3 part remake. 6 as well but it’s a little more antiquated


7 most would say 4 hold a place in my hart as my first FF but 10 maybe the best


FF7 most commonly referred to as best. They also got the remake. IT’s acknowledged even by square. Then 9 and 10 are commonly referred to as 2nd best in no particular order.


6 technically but I would say 9 has the best story, 7 is the most popular, 8 is the most underrated and 10 is the gateway drug.




\- My personal favorites are FF10 and FF7, but below are the number of units sold to kinda see where everyone's mind was: Final Fantasy XIV 2010 Multi-platform 24,000,000 Final Fantasy VII 1997 Multi-platform 14,991,183 Final Fantasy VIII 1999 Multi-platform 12,000,000 Final Fantasy XII 2006 Multi-platform 11,300,000 Final Fantasy XV 2016 Multi-platform 10,270,000 Final Fantasy XIII 2009 Multi-platform 9,605,000 Final Fantasy X 2001 PS2 / PSV 8,956,188 Final Fantasy IX 2000 Multi-platform 8,900,000 Final Fantasy VII Remake 2020 PS4 / PS5 / PC 8,737,060 Final Fantasy XIII-2 2011 Multi-platform 7,197,000 Final Fantasy X/X-2 2013 Multi-platform 6,757,457 Final Fantasy Type-0 2011 Multi-platform 5,971,041 Final Fantasy X-2 2003 PS2 / PSV 5,416,355 Final Fantasy III 1990 Multi-platform 5,522,808 Final Fantasy VI 1994 Multi-platform 5,084,649 Final Fantasy IV: The After Years 2008 Multi-platform 5,034,000 Final Fantasy IV 1991 Multi-platform 4,675,851 Final Fantasy V 1992 Multi-platform 3,913,000 Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII 2007 Multi-platform 3,918,448 Final Fantasy Tactics 1997 PS1 / PSP / MOB 3,659,397 Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII 2013 Multi-platform 3,585,000


7 for sure. Not just a good ff game but a good game in general. Personally I’d say X or 14


In general terms its pretty much always been some combination of X, VII, VI, XI and XIV(if you're an mmo person) in polling its been pretty much the same. [in Japan its](https://twitter.com/aitaikimochi/status/1604439013825183745) 1st - XIV (this started to be the trend later in XIV live cycle) 2nd/3rd - [X and VII with them trading places here and there] (https://nintendosoup.com/japan-votes-for-its-favorite-final-fantasy-games-and-characters/) 4th - VI 5th - XI On reddit? XIV isn't normally at the top as the conversation around it being a considered a mainline game is pretty muddy depending on whos comment your reading but in the last two big polls it was([first poll](https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasy/comments/rlder3/the_winner_is_ffx_ffvii_is_defeated_in_the_final/), [Second poll](https://www.reddit.com/r/finalfantasyx/comments/17pc9dm/ff10_finishes_1_overall_in_top5_ff_mainline_survey/)) 1st - X 2nd - VII 3rd - XI 4th - VIII/VI 5th - XIV for me personally? its the same combination but I'd add FF7Remake(and probably the other 2 games when they come out) to that list


9,10,7,8,12,13,6,15 for me. Yes, 6 is all the way in the back.


would love to see where you eventually put 4, interesting list!


FFX is my favorite. VII is a close second. There isn't one in the series that is universally considered the best. It's all preference based on story, gameplay, and combat. From what I've heard and researched, 6, 7, 9, and 10 are among the top favorites throughout the fan base. Hopefully that helps a little.


For me, it's FF2. The leveling system is kinda unique, but I hate the dungeon design




I had a lot of fun with the ds version of 3, the job system goes hard. I love X though, I have massive nostalgia for it though so some may not like it as much. But Auron is one of the coolest ff characters. And the cutscenes are amazing quality. 15 not a huge fan, but is definitely unique. I also played tactics a2 and that one was fire.


It's VII and X on the top. I think people putting VI in the same tier are fooling themselves a bit. Maybe in some insular forums like this one VI is considered up there but in the greater world and polls it's not spoken of the same way as VII and X, or even VIII or IX.


Everyone will tell you a different answer. It’s subjective. My favorites are 10 and 4.


Will always be 4 for me


Shh! Don’t ask that. You’ll start shenanigans.


X is my favorite but 7 is a close second 6 is also amazing.


my favorite game, specifically


Final Fantasy 14: Shadowbringers by itself is one of the most outstanding moments in the entire series. Unfortunately, the bloated base game and being 3 expansions in makes it difficult to access for some, but I've played every single Final Fantasy entry multiple times, and I still think Shadowbringers is almost perfect.


This thread is like Eris tossing the golden apple.


My personal favorite is 6. However, from what I've seen, the community largely favors 7, 10, and 12, depending.


It used to be that 7 was hailed not only as the best Final Fantasy game, but the best game ever made, an accolade it shared with Ocarina of Time back in the 2000s and very early 2010s. Now, that's not to say that other games weren't in the conversation of "best Final Fantasy", a LOT of people (my teenage self included!) would loudly proclaim 6 as the best Final Fantasy, and claim that 7 was overrated (a common argument was that Kefka was a better villain because he "won") As well, a growing amount of people around that time would say 9 was not only the best, but grossly underrated; at the time, FF9 was probably the least played and lowest selling game in the series. Nowadays, I really don't see anything resembling a consensus on which game is generally considered "the best", both because there are just a lot more people playing these games and talking about them online, and many of the people who were talking about them back in the day are older


Reading this thread after a few hundred replies and I just want to acknowledge how cordial everyone has been. I'm proud of you all.


My order: FF7 FF tactics FF8 FF9 FF6 FF15


I second that 6, 7, 9, and 10 are the titles that are most often claimed to be the best. Of course, it’s entirely subjective, and everyone had their own personal favorite! 9 is my favorite, but it’s probably nostalgia that puts it over the top for me. I can find reasons to argue for the other titles to be the best too.


FFVII. I personally think FFX being considered the best is exaggerated, though it does have iconic moments


6, 7, 10 for single player games. 14 is different since it’s an MMO but Shadowbringers and Endwalker might be the 2 best stories in the franchise on their own.


6 and 7 are generally the games people will list (these comments back that up), but 5 is my favourite


7, 9, and 10 I think are regarded as the best games. Which is accurate, because I personally believe this to be true


"Which Final Fantasy is considered the best" Way to lob a grenade into this sub reddit, lmao


6 and 7 are generally considered best, with 10 as a close third. For the rest, it's highly subjective. I regularly hear people mentioning 4, 5, 8, 9, or 12 as their personal favorite (and equally regularly hear people saying they hate 8, 12, or others).


If I remember correctly, this subreddit did a daily poll of everyone’s least favorite in the series and eliminating the highest voted game. The last game standing was X.


Most loved by far FF7. It's seen as the best game ever made. Otherwise it's pretty even between FF9, 10 and 7 Remake and after that you have 6, 8, 14 and 16.




The one you enjoy the most


most people will probably say something like vi, vii and x. maybe some oddballs with viii and ix. Me? hard to say, but the ones i like the most are v, xii and xiii-2.


6,7,9 is the holy trinity, but X gives them a good run.


Final Fantasy 6-10 is peak Final Fantasy. Definitely give them all a try tho and see for yourself!


6 + 8


So 14?


If you're a nerd the answer is 6 If you're not the answer is 7 or 10


Hands down, 7. Obviously it was so good, they just had to remake it.


FFX was the best game I ever played Time is a bitch tho


VII is pretty much the go to, it's hailed not just as one of, if not the, best FF games. But one of the best games ever. You will *maybe* see VI from time to time be up there as one of the best games ever. But VII is pretty much on most big lists. X and VI and maybe IX (IXs my personal favourite) are the ones that generally hold any competition.


Everyone is different. For me it is VIII. I don't have a proper answer why, its just the one that lives rent free in my mind. I always go back to it. It always hits emotional cords with me, especially at different stages of my life.