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You can also just force it in the extras menu post game, was much easier to do. A for effort on doing it legit though.


For some reason once I got to chapter select I never got the option to pick. It just gave me Tifa again.


There’s another settings menu you need to adjust, I think it’s labeled as extra settings in the same menu as the chapter select and it’s super easy to miss.


Ah, good to know


That is correct and that is why I specifically wrote "during your run through"!


Barret still number one Gold Saucer date and you can't tell me otherwise. Lol but the joke date night with the boys is hilarious


I got this date on my first playthrough haha. I was speed running the game because I only had 4 days to finish it. I think my party relationship with tifa and aerith were both one step below the maximum and did no side quests at all. The price I paid for avoiding spoilers I guess


Same, it was hilariously unexpected. "So you're kind of a Shinra guy too. Let's hang out as awkwardly as possible."


I did the same. Idk, I kind of liked the brodate.


See, now *THIS!* is an achievement. Doing something that normally no one would even dare attempt to do.


Pretty sure you just have to not max out anyone's meter. I was trying to romance Aerith or Tifa but I was also rushing through the main story and ended up with the Cait/Cid/Vincent date.


Nah first go I had barret slightly above Aerith but neither maxed and got his date so I reset and maxed Aerith


Maxing someone gives you the intimate version of their date. One step below that gives you the job-intimate version of their date.  If you don’t have *anyone* at that level, you get the boys’ night date. Edit: It’s not really quite as hard as OP makes it seem. I know people who got it because they were just running through and skipping the side quests.


I wonder how the Cait Sith date goes since the date sequence leads to a cutscene involving Cait Sith (idk how to do the spoilers thing, so I'm just not gonna say what that cutscene is)