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If you're looking for a classic RPG with a class focus, FFV would be your best bet. It was originally on the SNES and you can change classes ("jobs") on the fly (outside of battle). You can even equip a single ability from a second class to customize each party member to your liking. It's on PS4/PC/Switch/mobile Another option is FFXII: The Zodiac Age. It's a remaster of the PS2 game and each character can dual-class two jobs, and you can respec at an NPC if you don't like your loadout. It's on PS4/One/Switch/PC Keep in mind, though, that neither of these games are similar in gameplay to the ones you mentioned. FFV is a classic turn-based rpg, and FF12 is a little more action focused but with "programming" your characters actions to choose how they react to different situations


I second this. The Job system is fantastic and I’ve bought every game that uses it (FF5, tactics, X-2, that Jack fights Chaos one)


1-10 are all classical turnbased rpgs. 3 and 5 have pretty nice class system you might enjoy


Thanks, Final Fantasy 5 looks pretty good


Character classes were a bigger deal from 1- 6. 7 - 10 kinda has those roles but they're a bit more free/mixed. I'd recommend you start with either original Final Fantasy 7 or my personal favorite Final Fantasy X. 7 has more of a mix of classes in each character. The materia system is great, and the story is fantastic. One of the most known villains of all time. Music is probably the best in the entire series. There's a reason 7 is so iconic X has more traditional roles in the sense of how combat works. Fast monsters need fast attackers. Magic creatures need to be killed with magic. Armored enemies need armor piercing weapons. It's the first voice acted FF title and the story is my favorite, it's told linearly and feels like a good movie. Of course, excellent music, great characters.


I love 10 and 7 as well. They get my vote.


X is the best to start with. if you like the turn based system, then you can go backwards afterwards. if you don't, then go forward to newer entries 


1-10 are all that classic feeling rpg, though most would recommend starting somewhere in the 6-10 range. If graphics aren’t that big a deal to you, the original ff7 is amazing, though 6 and 10 are better entries if you don’t want to look at…3 polygons as a character model


I highly recommend FFIII if you want a classical style JRPG with a class focused character progression system. Either the pixel remaster or the DS version is good, imo but the DS version is not everyone's favorite.


1-3 Turn based combat, random encounters 4-9 ATB (active time battle) 10 turn based combat, 10-2 ATB 12 ADB (active dimension battle, also like ATB but you run around with the characters), also no random encounters, enemies are visible on the map and you fight in the map 13, 13-2 ATB, again random encounters, but you see the enemies on the map before engaging The stories are all different. Old school are until 6, with some medieval high fantasy. 7, 8, 10 and 13 are basically shonen anime, 9 is more old school styled, and so is 12, but the script for the last one is particularly complex and requires some thinking to be fully understood. My bias: 6 (you can play pixel remaster now) and 12 (zodiac age, the hd remaster), the best entries to me. If you want jobs: 3, 5, 10-2 and 12 zodiac age. Also tactics they say, if you are into tactical RPG.


When it comes to Jobs, Choose Between Final Fantasy (I), Final Fantasy V and/or Final Fantasy Tactics. FFT has an even more extensive Job System. Also, Cloud From FF7 is a hidden Character =]


Starting with 10 or 6 is good bc they are great entries into the series. But, both are turned based. If you want more of an action rpg, start with 16. My 1st was 4 and it's my personal fave but that 1st game/fave happens to a lot of folks, which is a big reason 7 is so popular. Good game, don't get me wrong, but it was a lot of people's entry point to the series.


4, 5, 7 or 10


10 is an absolute masterpiece, I would start there. 9 is excellent too but works a bit better if you have played some of the earlier ones first, it's stuffed full of references to earlier parts of the series.




They are all so different that I would settle on an era (SNES, PS1/2,  everything after) and read a spoiler-free set-up of the scenario and gameplay loop. I started with FFVII Remake, then OG VII, then the XIII games, then X, VI, XVI, VII Rebirth, and now I'm starting IX, X-2, and considering diving into XIV, there's no wrong way to Final Fantasy IMO!


I started with VI way back when it was called III on the SNES. I'd start there, or with my overall fave: X


I'd say the original 7 is a good starting point if you can find it. It was my first in the series 


10 is my personal favourite.


X is probably the best entry point


Imo FFX is a good start. Turn based as classic FF but the graphic is still good enough. Great song as well. Can get FFX on both steam and Playstation for cheap price as well