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Ah. Squall is the best weapon not his Gunblade.




It should have been Angelo


Yeet that doggo


# BLANK from Final Fantasy IX. I thought he was a cool guy since the first time. I watched someone play through recently and talk about the scene in the Evil Forest, explain how there is NO WAY Zidane is running slower than everybody else including Vivi. That Zidane was actually guarding from behind and at worst to sacrifice himself as a bait. Blank knew Zidane too well and went a step a head, saved Zidane ass but got himself stoned. I never notice these kind of details in games, its just so cool.


Ooh Blank’s a fantastic pick if I do say so myself. And yeah, I never knew that about Blank. That makes him even cooler damn.


He is so underrated that they didn’t even create a name for him, just left it blank…


I realized this when I saw Zidane’s ability Sacrifice. Then it clicked for me that he was gonna use that during the forest scene.


Oh my god you are right!!


Reading this now, him saying to Blank to watch over the others finally makes so much more sense now! I always wondered why he said that and I simply thought it was Zidane somehow knowing Blank was going to sacrifice himself for them. It's actually the opposite in that Zidane was expecting to sacrifice himself but didn't see Blank taking the bullet for him instead.


Please this


Great answer.


Blank perfect for this category. I voted mustadio but forgot bout blank, really good choice


This never really clicked in my mind, but what an amazing point. Blank was built for this category.


Blank is a good one yes


Upvoting simply because you and OP are the only ones in this thread who seem to know what underrated even means


I have 2 serious answers but I guess I gotta pick one I've seen Barret get memed on a lot but he has a lot going for him. Only character to cap max hp without boosters, has the highest hit count LB (alongside cid) so maxed damage goes bonkers, and one of 2 characters (the other being vincent) that can damage break without boosters But the answer I'm going with is Freya Crescent. I hardly ever see much love for her aside from the occasional "Freya best girl" then the conversation is over, or sometimes she'll show up on "websites". But her story is heartwrenching, her design is fantastic, whatever the meta of 9 may be she's one of the coolest party members regardless (competition isn't really stiff standing next to steiner and amarant), and also she is in fact best girl. Who doesn't love a sassy dragoon lady? I know a lot of you simped for Aranaea, give Freya that love too, burmecians are one of FF's coolest races


I find Garnet more underrated. Over the years I gave always seen ppl love Freya and wish her arc got to be expanded on. Dagger on the other hand never really gets brought up as an individual character and fans talk more about Zidane, Vivi, Beatrix, Steiner, and Kuja. She just isn't talked about as other FF female leads and even some co or secondary female leads eclipse her in popularity.


Garnet is definitely under rated. Think about how she deals with stiener or her compassion towards vivi. She is the one who first went against her mother in the first place. And as a playable character, the things you can do with her abilities and magic are a must. She is a rebel, a maternal figure dispite her youth, a "proper" princess and yet a fighter. She is stoic and humble she lived sheltered but did everything she could to adapt. Through the whole game she tries very hard to just do whats right and needed of her. All the while Zidane is so busy being a player at first he isn't exactly suppotive to start.


I feel like I tend to see more love for Garnet around. I've seen multiple Garnet's in XIV and while she tends to get less focus than Zidane for some reason, I do usually see her brought up when IX is talked about, not as much as Vivi or Steiner maybe but definitely more than Freya (in relative terms, considering she's the main characters)


Totally agree with Freya!


Couldn’t agree more, Freya for the win!


My only issue with Freya is that her character development halts from Cleyra onwards, as the game starts focusing on the eidolons and the war. But I agree otherwise


Freya from FFIX


Quina. S/he's legitimately a top tier character but I feel like they are underrated by a lot of people.


I see a lot of people saying Freya but I'm pretty sure she's actually quite popular and everyone knows she's a badass. Quina fits the bill better IMO. I remember finding them generally annoying and not using them much but one of my friends did use them and thought they were strong. So yeah I would say Quina too.


“There are two types of things in this world. Things you can eat, and things you no can eat.” True sage life advice.


the wisdom of the Qu!


Quina was my homie, and I don't see enough love for them.


This is a good one actually. Love Quina. No thoughts. Only frogs.


Before Remake it was Barret now I wanna say Garnet or Ashe and since I like Garnet more I'm going to say Dagger.


Laguna Loire, the unsung hero of FFVIII. The more I play VIII, the more I appreciate the guy and eventually became my favorite character in the game


I loved laguna. I just at this moment noticed his name was spelled Laguna though, that's crazy. I've been calling him laguana my whole childhood lol.


I'll probably always call him Laguana when I play.


Why am I getting a leg cramp?


I love Laguna but I feel like he isn't very underrated. I feel like he's usually the second most popular character from the game after Squall


I dreamt I was a moron.


joke answer: the 3 cooks in alexandria, that ask eiko about her hunger


Onionmeister was my homie


My joke answer is gonna be Johnny from FFVII


Wait this is also a great answer though!


Haha thanks!


I forgot to ask: Didn't Ultros win the best antagonist title? Why is Ehmet there?


If you check the previous post, I explained it multiple times there. But long-story short I got harassed through dms a bunch so I altered it slightly to try and make everyone happy.


Harassing someone over a video game series discussion... How incredibly sad.


Yeah some people


Because unfortunately *some* of FF14's fanbase is absolutely fanatical about their precious video game. Absolutely pathetic behavior that should not be rewarded. I don't blame the OP for wanting to avoid the drama over a silly poll, but shame on these people for going to such lengths over this.


The Emet and G'raha fanatics is the worst thing to come out of Shadowbringers. Those people have a obsession to a very scary and mental level that they really don't see. Anyone outside their bubble see them as weirdos.


Case in point, the ‘Emet did nothing wrong’ faction. Toss a grenade calling them out in their general direction, and grab the popcorn.


The part about it that cracks me up the most is Emet is the #1 contender for best character, and the rabid FF14 fans (of which I am one myself, albeit not rabid) reducing him simply to just an antagonist is selling the character short.


Jack Garland, serious answer


Actually I back this too




Seconding Jack Garland! That game is SO much better than its reputation as a meme, I’m obsessed.


When I first saw the gameplay of it and how much it had frame drops I thought "wow this game seems absolute trash". Then I ended up playing it myself last year and man it is so much fun. Combat is great and Jack is so one dimentional that he loops back to being interesting


See, I don’t even think he’s one dimensional! I think he starts that way but as the game goes on >!you start getting breadcrumbs that Something Screwy Is Happening Here. And the flashbacks where you see he’s more than just killing Chaos, he’s actually surprisingly gentle around Sarah and Astos with a strong sense of justice, make the ending hurt.!< And yesss the gameplay is super fun I’m sorry I’m really unhealthily obsessed with this game LOL EDIT: Struggle bussing with spoiler tags


You're not wrong. The story felt really simplistic and seemed to gain depth the longer I played. My friends and I were making fun of the dialog and story and we were making fun of it less as it went on. Solid game all around. Loved it and I hope they make more.


I propose Wakka. People usually dislike him, but I think he's an interesting character that represents the people of Spira as a whole. Born in a bigoted environment and raised on religious propaganda, he's prejudiced, ignorant and over-zealous. But he's still deep down a genuinely good person and brotherly figure, and it's intersting seeing his prejudices and worldview shatter when confronted with the actual reality and the lies he's been feed his whole life.


He was nurtured to be racist. And while flawed, he did come out of it learning to be better. I fear he shows up in most hated but someone learning after a life of indoctrination is an awesome development that should be better celebrated. I’m on Wakka for this.


I can't say I'm a fan of framing it as "bigoted, but really a good person deep down!" It's okay to have a character with a mixture of positive and negative qualities without reducing it to "ultimately good" or "ultimately bad." I think that's a disservice to the nuance. He's not "bigoted but brotherly"; he's bigoted *and* brotherly. But I do very much agree that the nuance makes him a really interesting character.


I don't know if by underrated you want a whole game or just a character. If it's a whole game, then it's FF Tactics, it's arguably the best entry in the series. If you're looking for a character, I would have to argue on behalf of Freya Crescent. Her story is a major reason I think many would love to see a remade and fleshed out version of IX.


Love that game. Im due for another playthrough


Tactics isn’t underrated lol


Tactics isn't really underrated by critics nor fans, it's commonly heralded as one of the best FFs and perhaps the greatest TRPG of all time. The most underrated FF game is easily Lightning Returns. That game slaps.


I don't think you'll find many arguments against Tactics here. I would say either II, III or V (at least stateside as it was quite popular in Japan). For the record I like II, III and V it's just that they're the ones I hear people call the worst or they're just glossed over entirely. VIII also gets a lot of undeserved hate. I always theorized that since a lot of people started with VII they were expecting much of the same with the next entry and were let down. I was a stupid kid and did the same with VI when it came out as it was my second FF. And yeah obviously VI is amazing. That said I agree Tactics is underrated in the sense it deserves more recognition. As much as any main numbered entry.


Quistis. Blue mages are always underrated.


I also agree with Quistis


My pick is Mateus/Emperor from FF2. He’s a pretty cool character imo that doesn’t get as much attention as other villains.


David Bowie:3


Prompto from FFXV


I’d say Caius Ballad. Game director Motomu Toriyama described him as the strongest antagonist in any final fantasy (at the time) but because the games he’s in aren’t super popular compared to others in the series, he gets a bit overlooked.


Overlooked? Every fanboy of FF13-2 and their mother swears by this man when he is just a guy who is depressed because he is immortal and in love with a child that keeps dying. He is the biggest simp in FF history and a tragedy of a villian. Say what you want about Dysley but robo Pope had a plan, executed it and died believing he had won while planning around 3 different factions at once. Caius despite winning still didn't really end up with what he wanted. Edit: The fanboys have arrived.


Bartz from V


Ignis from Final Fantasy XV.


That’s it!


That’s what?


I've come up with a new recipeh!


I’ll be sure to taste test for ya!


Can’t wait to try it




Rinoa. Kind, beautiful, intelligent, but also impulsive, bad at model-making and prone to making poor decisions. Least Mary Sue femake char, and always forgotten compared to the girls of 7 9 and 10.




BLANK. 100% This guy allows your team to get through the evil forest. It's the guy you duel with when performing I Want to Be Your Canary. He's Zidane, without the skills. I remember playing through the first time and watching Blank get stoned, and the tendrils of the forest squeeze and stone made my mouth drop. Stone, the one status effect I hate more than confuse. Has to be BLANK.


Most underrated is def Torgal, regardless of how he is rated he deserves to be higher.


Also if he doesn't win "Best Boy" I am declaring war on this subreddit


Sazh! The other characters in FFXIII seem more useful in battle, especially in the later stages of the game, actually Sazh is most dangerous if you use and equip him properly


I feel like FFVII Cid is underrated. He shows up late-ish in the story and I feel like most people don't use him as much as they should. Great LBs, good materia grinding weapons, his ultimate weapon has one of the easier to work with parameters for keeping his damage capped.


You chose Emet as the best antagonist? You utterly beautiful people


Okay, how did Sephiroth get best hair style? Best antagonist or best weapon would make sense, but hair style? He has nice hair, but one of the most basic hairstyles in the e tire franchise


Yeah I think it got interpreted as ‘best hair’ and not ‘best hairstyle’ and so Sephiroth won out


Cloud's Fusion Sword in Advent Children is best weapon for me Garland's Claymore in dissidia is the next one


Both v cool weapons yeah


I'd say Vanille her survivors guilt is craaazy. She seems like the typical light-hearted bubbly girl stereotype but it turns out she's the narrator of the entire game and responsible for most of the bad things happening? Like I think her perspective in the story adds way more layers.


Most underrated for me HAS to be Amarant from FFIX. Yeah his stats aren’t great, his abilities aren’t wide enough that another character can do the same but honestly, he is insanely versatile and the fact you get him so late means he rarely gets a seat at the table. I love my Flaming Amarant!


Love ff9 and agree that Amarant deserves more love! Freya has the better shot at the W here though!


Leon from FF2!


Y'all didn't think Zidane's twin blades were the coolest shit? I like Panello for this. She doesn't get enough love.


Vaan from XII. I mean come on he… (I have no fucking clue help me out)


Clive Rosfield. At least I feel like he's underrated as a protagonist


Nah, I see people singing his praises constantly. He's regularly people's favorite thing about XVI.


Gonna have to go with Quina from FF9. S/he is actually a really great character, and adds a lot to the experience of FF9 in little comedic ways that somehow help break up some of the darker theme of the story. Also a pretty good character in combat, inflicting status ailments with almost every weapon they equip, using Mighty Guard or White Wind in a pinch, and generally dealing pretty good damage. Not the best, but definitely not bad. Blue Mage's are generally sort of hit or miss, but I personally love Quina.


Maybe Balthier even thou it’s loved by many in the sub.


Balthier is definitely not underrated


Setzer. He is no one's favorite character but with the fixed dices he becomes one of the most powerful character.


It's Edward the spoony bard. He can become the highest stated character in the game, if you want to level him that much. But most people underestimate him and dont because he's so weak at the start.


Didn't know about the stats. That's interesting. That's a good vote IMO. He starts off weak and then grows to become brave and dependable.




This is the answer.


It's called the Revolver, fyi 🤓 Anyway underrated... Gotta give it to Kuja. https://preview.redd.it/m7zrash3tu6d1.png?width=812&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=297fe126fc0f59439cbead0c03e92430227b0c8b As far as villains and their feats go, he is sorely underrated with his planet destroying feat and destroying all life. At least, until 4 heroes deus ex'd Death itself and convinced him to give them a mulligan. There's not much that Kuja didn't accomplish as far as his overall plans go. I say Kuja.


Nice pick! And yeah, I did know it was called Revolver


Ramza Beoulve for sure! Easily the sweetest bean of the protagonists






Ramza Beoulve as most underrated.


Cloud, from final fantasy tactics


GF stat boosters/junctions in FF8. Breaks the game. Underrated as helll


Aranea Highwind from FFXV. The Dragoon lady that unfortunately didn’t get enough screen time. But FFxV didn’t get enough screen time for most of its. Characters so…..


Might be a hot take but I’m not a fan of the Gunblade. Now I don’t hate it either


Y’shtola from 14 even though she’s not a playable character, like every plan would have failed without her. It’d be like if Harry and Ron had no Hermione, they would have died in the first few weeks 😂


In terms of what? Character design? Battle strength? ...


Caius ballad FFXIII-2 Super underrated Actually the hero of the FFXIII trilogy


Gogo from FFVI


Oh dude I'm glad you fixed the villain one lol


Pretty sure the masses voting freya are really disproving she is under rated at all.


Baltheir - FFXII. The game is crippled by Vaan being the protagonist, but if the real leading man was front and center the game would be more interesting. Even his back story is a lot more compelling than Vaans.


Bro, what is going on with this sub's opinions lol. Are they just tired of the most common answers to these questions and trying to go left field?




Best boy is Interceptor.


Freya from ff9


Either Clive (personally I think he's the best protag. Eitger way, he's definitely slept on) Or Jack Garland from stranger of paradise (I love the almost "I hate Dinkleberg" level to his need to kill Chaos)




Most underrated should go to the entirety of Final Fantasy 12 in the sole merit that people hated on it for years because uh. Idk, gameplay too different? Or because they disliked the character designs? Either way, good game, should just put the entire ass thing on there.


Underrated: Leo from FFVI


Ashe from ff12! I rarely see people talking about her. I love her character and she's cool as heck wielding a katana as the samurai class


Cid, Cid, Cid and Cid


Sazh is the most underrated. He comes from one of the least liked FFs, and the average player doesn't understand how to use him right so you mostly just hear "Sazh bad." His rapid fire abilities are ridiculously good for boosting stagger. In fact he's so frickin good at this it's worth the dps loss incurred by his lower base stats. Plus dad energy. And he's fancy. And he has a cute mostly useless pet that lives in his afro.


A lot of people have picked a bunch if side characters, and that makes sense. But i feel like no one cares about Cecil. Hes such a cool protagonist but he gets forgotten about and never seems to come up in conversations. Healeays ends up overshadowed by Terra, Cloud, Squall, and other protagonists.


Cid Highwind #&£✓¢÷|§%✓¥{¢


Haha him and Barret in the OG be like


I’d like to propose Shadow from FF6


Guy from II is the most underrated. No one else in the series can speak beaver. Joke btw.


I don't know I want to associate with you people anymore after picking the gunblade. I had high hopes after Zidane won too.


Beatrix from FF9. Goes from an antagonist to one of the team! Leader of her own knights, cool design… Plus she had a bad ass theme song. ✨


Why are majority of the comments fan favourite characters The irony of how many people are commenting Freya


Lightning from FFXIII


the Ghost in ff6. It just wants to help us. No hidden agenda, no backstory needed, no sidequest...nothing...just help the party


I know I'm gonna be wayyyyy too late to be seen but Gav!! There are many side characters that enrich the amazing story of 16 but no one is more critical in that role than Gav, and he's just. Such. A. Good. Damn. Guy.


Gav is a great pick!


Why Squall’s weapon? Lightning’s is just superior. But most underrated? Vaan. He gets too much disrespect.


Because the Revolver is cool


For the joke category: Siegfried from FFVI.


Niida from ff8, poor guy..


I think Zach Fair might be the most underrated character. /s (s for super serious)


Got to be badass Auron!




There 3 other dogs who are arguably more popular


My thoughts exactly, anyone who votes otherwise is wrong 🐺 (ETA: even if there is a best animal category, Torgal is still the best boy)






Quina on point


Cloud Strife Nobody knows or appreciates the protagonist of cult classic-underground-obscure JRPG Final Fantasy VII and it is about time he got some recognition!


Overrated is round 6 bro.


Most unrated I’d say Panelo FF12, or Luna Freya FF15


Really many people are answering "Freya"? She has abilities that always cause maximum damage and someone underestimates her?


Freya in FFIX


I'll throw out Umaro from FF6 as my answer. He comes in clutch in Kefka's cultist tower since he can use physical attacks while everyone else is forced to use magic. If you happen to pick him up and have him in your party, it's like his one chance to really shine.


I'm going to have to go with the tiny and adorable Onion Knight! 🧅 (No one talks about FF3 enough...)


Yeah I actually see more conversations on XI than III on this sub and that's saying something seeing as XI is sorta out of service


This is a pleasant surprise. I love gunblades but was sure the buster blade would have been here.


I just popped in and I am very happy to Zidane voted as best protagonist. This community didn't let me down. Zidane is still the GOAT of video characters in my opinion. Most underrated is hard. I personally want to say Byron Rosfield from FFXVI. He was a fantastic and much needed character in a game full of great characters. That is my vote. My second choice would probably be Ignis from FFXV.




My boy Blank! Shout out to Marcus and the rest of Tantalus too.


The leading man of course “balthier”. I also think Vivi is a good option.


Gonna have to go with Mystic Quest. If the question is specifically for characters, then Benjamin, from Mystic Quest.




I'd say Jecht from FFX dude was really a fun character, we could see him shine on Dissidia as well but I don't see him get much love.




Underrated is Fat Chocobo, easy. Wait no. Mustadio, hands down




Best antagonist is Ardyn Azunia


Zeza. Great hero of the past who helped seal away a terrifying evil. Joint-smartest character in the game, comes back to cheerfully sacrifice himself so the heroes can succeed. Literally never seen him mentioned outside the game he is in. Most of you had to look him up just now, didn't you? If that isn't chronically underrated, I don't know what is.


Faris from FFV. We love our pirate princess!


Ngl aside from best hair all these results are baffling to me lol




general leo “the chin” cristophe


Im torn between who Im going to say to underrated, but maybe Ill go with Edea/Ultimecia because I think shes one of the greatest villain of the frachise, but I dont usually see her in these conversations (and I didnt see her being mentioned here either). Even Emperor Mateus, that I think is underrated, I see more people talking about


Cid is daddy and we all know it


Most Underrated: Kimhari


Everyone always harps on Tidus for being whiny and annoying, and I always hated that take. Sure, he’s emotional, but who wouldn’t be in his situation? He’s a young kid with severe daddy issues who was literally sucked into another world where almost everyone he meets treats him like he’s insane. I, for one, think he’s an outstanding character, and his character was cleverly used to explain the world of Spira which, in my opinion, has the strongest world building in the series from a narrative standpoint. He’s kind, he’s brave, he’s loyal, he’s insightful, he’s an excellent warrior, and he’s also a dope ass Blitzball player. What more could you want?


Lightning or Barrett. Lightning for being the MC of maybe the most underrated mainline that produced 3 sequels And Barrett for being a badass with a gun for an arm which was huge considering it was the first time we saw modern weapons in the franchise.


Garnet is so underrated. Her character arc is great.


Babus is my suggestion from ffta. He's fighting you because you're destroying his world as he knows it. You're his bad guy in all your efforts to return home. The most memorable character from any side game for me.


I think Vaan is underrated. Despite being the male protagonist, he got overshadowed by the other male characters, specially by Balthier.