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For me, it's because FF6 was originally a fairly tight, simple story. You're fighting against an evil empire that gets usurped by a clown who destroys the world because he's just a massive dick. My complaint with modern FFs in general is that they make their stories too convoluted. And they're increasingly hesitant to actually commit to their plot twists with "oh no, this character is dead... *or is he?*" So many of the later entries have some sort of supernatural cosmic force pulling the strings from the shadows, which robs the onscreen characters of their agency. My biggest fear in a remake is doing the same to Kefka, and making his madness due to the gods manipulating him or something. But Kefka is a great villain precisely *because* he starts off as just some asshole who ends up assholing himself to godhood all on his own. He is fully responsible for all the terrible things he did. So, I'm not against a remake in principle, I just don't want one in the current style of bogging down the story with metaphysical nonsense and padding out every section with mandatory sidequests.


There is that one NPC speech in the Vector bar that explains Kefka went mad because he is the first magitek infused candidate. Arguably, what you fear is already in the game. Besides, have you ever looked into the story of FF4? That's as convoluted as it gets. Mad king is actually evil because of moon evil wizard, which are evil because.... I forget. Magic space emperor or something.


My concern was more about the inclusion of some supernatural force exerting its influence on characters' actions, as has been the case in basically every game since 12, and is now included in FF7R via the Whispers. Kefka was basically lobotomized, so while his thoughts and actions are erratic, they're still ultimately his own rather than being directed by some god-like external force.


Fair enough for FF6, but for 4 and 7, are aliens an "external supernatural force"? Arguably, everyone in FF7 goes mad (including Sephiroth) because of Jenova cells.


I mean there was the external supernatural force in Jenova, FF4 had the moon wizard and zeromus, Ultamecia could be considered one.


The other big thing with FF6 is that Gestahl is the real monster. Kefka is crazy and mad, but Gestahl doesn't care because he has a dog who'll follow his every immoral command. He even intends to let Kefka inherit the empire when he's done. That is Gestahl knows how crazy Kefka is and rewards it because it benefits him. It's no surprise that Kefka goes off the deep end once he kills Gestahl because he's the only one who imposed anything resembling sanity on Kefka


I don’t know which FF4 you’re talking about, but I think you’ve forgotten a bit more about it than you think by reading your description =)


The one that is called Final Fantasy 4.


I think you mistyped “Final Fanfiction 4”, bc your description has limited resemblance to the the Final Fantasy 4 that exists in this reality =)


Perhaps you interpreted "I forget" and "or something" to mean "I remember" and "exactly this". And for the record, Golbez is controlled by Zemus who becomes Zeromus, so I was actually close. Next time you try to communicate, can you make an attempt to not sound like a pedantic halfwit?


Ha ha wow man.  Talk about taking a zero to a 10, and over an ancient JRPG no less.  This wouldn’t even be a good look for a 13 year old, much less a middle aged man.  I feel for you.  


If you don't want to participate to a pissing contest, then don't start one. You'll notice that somehow, you're the only person to take any sort of issue to my characterization of the story. Seems like a you problem.


Ha ha okay dude, whatever you say. =)


That's right!


Meanwhile FF6 be like:   "Yeah Shadow is *dead* dead. And it's your fault."   And literally 20 minutes later FF6 be like:   "Oh damn, Cid is *dead* dead, too. Which is also your fault lol." 


Kefka is about to stab Leo. Suddenly a cloud of Death Eater things swarm the scene and obscure what happens. For the remainder of the game, Leo is both alive and dead depending what the writer feels like scene to scene.


Finally my Leo x Aerith fanfic will become canon.


Hey, don’t put CID’s death on me. I didn’t find out about the fast fish until years later when the internet became a thing 😭


You mean you didn't meticulously check the Key Items menu to see if each fish was "delicious" or not? AND YOU SAY YOU CARE...


Kefka isn't a massive d\*ck, he's dancing mad, he's... well, mad. And after a while a god too, so actually winning at some times. Not a demigod. A literal god. With cultists. Not bad for a madman uh? Celes said that, or the emperor, or General Leo, can't remember clearly. The emperor was the massive d\*ck, as we can see in the esper world flashback


I don't want an FF7 style remake, I want something different. A hand-drawn FF6 remake would be awesome. Now that games are often 100gb+, that is plenty of space to have a hand-drawn FF6 in the style of the PS FF games. Semi-static(think ff7 to 9) hand-drawn backgrounds in the Amano style with hand-drawn character sprites, etc. The music can be done with real instruments, it would be fucking amazing. They will never do it though.


My biggest fear is if they make FF6 remake like 7 Kefka wouldn’t be their version of the Joker. You would see Kefka’s backstory and start to like him. They his al knowing emperor asks for his services and he turns into a monster. I don’t want that. Kefka to me was/is perfect. When I first played the game 30 years ago I swear I heard Mark Hamill saying Kefka’s lines.


Yeah, I'm in the camp that Kefka was always a terrible person, the infusion just turned it up to 11. Making him an innocent person who was corrupted by experiments takes away his agency and makes him unnecessarily sympathetic. Cid doesn't seem like the kind of person who would willingly subject someone to that, and he mentioned that Kefka had been threatening him into obedience. So it would make much more sense for Kefka to have already been a power-hungry narcissist who demanded he be the first human to be granted magic power, even if the process wasn't perfected yet, and that it just added "lauging mad homicidal nihilist" on top of it.




Personally I don’t want a multi-game bloated saga with extra details we don’t need. Why does it need to be expanded on. I’d prefer it as is, just given a better paint job.


I would be up for an octopath traveler visual style pixel remaster.


I think it could be expanded in a lot of great ways. One of the unique elements of FF6 was the way it let you split the group into multiple parties to do dungeons, and you could easily expand that organically, some examples: the floating continent you could have a party on the continent, have a party assault the imperial air base as a dungeon instead of a boss and have a party protecting the blackjack. During the sections of the game where the party is split like in Narshe during the magitek factory assault/sealed cave- you could have the other party help defend Narshe from imperial attacks, during the exploration of Cresent island and finding the espers - you could play as Edgar flirting his escape from Vector like Locke escaping from South Figaro. You could turn some of the dungeons in World of Ruin into multi-party setups as well: Ancient Castle, Doma's dream world, Cultist's tower. You could also easily expand or simplify many of the characters special abilities like morph, sketch, rage, runic and steal so they are more like tools, blitz, swdtech and throw. That way all the characters could have multiple options instead of a single overpowered kind of hit or miss ability.


While fair, I’m just not especially fond of the idea of the story getting any changes or additional bits of info at this point. I’m not the kind of fan who needed more, so I get that this kind of thing wouldn’t be aimed at people like me anyway.


The game is multi game because it was the original design, they wanted this grandiose massive story, but limitations in technology meant it couldn’t happen. That’s why it is being “expanded” on, because the original vision was “expanded”.


Sometimes limitations can wind up working towards a benefit in this case - trimming down is often underappreciated.


Id say Its more ambitious of a project. Way more characters to develop, another huge detailed world, complete apocalypse basically. It would be awesome. I'm not against it, I just worry how huge it would be and how long it would take to make.


Devs have said that an FF6 remake would take something like 20 years. Granted FF7 by the time it's done will have been like 15 or 16 years in the making. So it's not impossible. Especially if they split it into separate parts like they did with 7. But as good as 6 is, I don't think it had the same popularity as 7 and might be a bigger risk on their part


I dont have a link handy but if you search for it in the final fantasy subreddit there is a post with a link somewhere buried in post history.




Literally searched for ff6 remake dev time. Edit: sorry, reply was meant for dude above you


Where did devs say that?




If anything, I would love to see VI done as a character focused streaming series.


This. You get the story, the soundtrack, the characters, the artistic design, the world, and the themes -- all the stuff that's great about 6. And you DON'T have to spend a ton of time trying to modernize 30 year old gameplay mechanics, and you also DON'T limit your potential audience to "people who like old JRPGs" because literally anyone can watch a TV show. 


And it would probably the best one that would translate into a series honestly


It would be for sure 2 games, the world of ruin would be part 2. Of course, they would need to add a lot more to the world of ruin though, as in that you could head straight to the boss if you wanted to… worked for breath of the wild, I guess.


Stay away from my perfection with your dodge rolling.


Thisssss. Dodge-rolling is fine, but if I want to play Elden Ring *I will play Elden Ring.* I was not excited for the FF7 remake because they were going to make a clone of something there are already tons of in the market, I was interested because I wanted a full-budget turn-based classic!


Been saying it for years, both chess and dodgeball are games, but chess doesn’t need to be dodgeball because all the kids are playing dodgeball.


I’m sorry but FF7R’s combat is literally nothing like Elden Ring or any “soulslike” game. Not even a little bit. In fact, I’d say it plays closer to a turn-based game than a “soulslike.” Idk if you’ve played it or not, but the combat is vastly misunderstood by those who haven’t really gotten into it.


I am so tired of this argument, yes, everyone takes turns attacking and yes, all their attacks are cool downs. Meaning there’s a certain exchange to it. This is not “close to turn based”, this is dynamic movement with openings. And yes, souls does this, too, as does Elden, as does monster hunter, as does FF16, as does 7R. As does fucking Legacy of Kain. And I want NONE of it near FF6.


You are making up terms to make an argument, a bad one at that. FF7R is not turned based but it’s nothing like Elden Ring or any souls like combat. For one you have a full party system, all with their own abilities, you have to constantly manage the ATB bar. FF7 is much closer to a traditional JRPG of building up the meter to do special attacks or magic than a souls like game. That’s immediately apparent once you actually play FF7R. Not everyone likes the combat system but let’s not misconstrue what it actually is to make a nonsensical point.


Hi crackhead, wrong person to nitpick and pretend terminology is being used wrong with. All terms are made up. That’s why I take issue with “it’s closer to turn based”. No, it’s a dodgeball game. Stop trying desperately to distinguish one dodgeball game from another because you’re offended on behalf of FF7R. It’s a video game not your friend. It’s a “Z-Target and watch the enemy and learn their patterns to dodge before attacking during your opening” game like all the rest. If you got dodge skills down for one you have a huge advantage on playing them all; the technique and method of approach is identical. The only thing that differs is the animations and frametime of your attacks, thus dynamically adjusting timing. What does this mean you do all game, every one of these games? Learn the attack patterns; dodge, time your attacks well. Every single enemy. As I said I MUCH prefer a chess like approach of damage exchange with a side of spellbook’s worth of options for VI, and for VII for that matter. There’s a reason Persona is still popular. Especially after playing through all of SoP, 7R feels like that game exactly with a side of Kingdom Hearts aerial slashing for Cloud. Just the buttons have been messed with. Yeah there’s Soul Burst trying desperately to add nuance but who cares, that’s just Super Block (or Operator mode block) and Counterattack with an Execute added into the mix when enemies are Staggered. Play some Legacy of Kain, Stranger of Paradise, any Kingdom Hearts title or fucking Ocarina of Time to open your eyes.


FF6's greatest feat was being one of the pinnacles of sprite based jrpg art design. I am sure in a literal sense you could make it all 3D. You can make anything 3D. but it's extreme levels of detailed spritework that no other game in history matched is a thing that would be lost in remake. The gameplay and story are great, but part of the reason they are great is because it's unmatched in looks. Make it in another style and it's not nessisarly as good.


> I am sure in a literal sense you could make it all 3D. You can make anything 3D. but it's extreme levels of detailed spritework that no other game in history matched is a thing that would be lost in remake. Yeah, the sprites are way, way better than not. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPO7c_XmesU


I think it's valid to not want a FF7R-type remake. I actually quite like what they are doing with it, but the remake is by no means a replacement for the original. I would hate to see some people's first impression with 6 be a remake that caters itself towards people that have already played the original, full of references to upcoming events (like having flashes showing WoR way earlier, lol). I personally don't feel it needs a remake at all, having just played the pixel remaster not too long ago and the small changes in that felt like more than enough. Still, at least with a Octopath-style remake I feel someone could probably walk away from that having a nearly identical experience to playing the original, which is what I'd hope any newcomer could feel. FF7 misses the mark with that for sure, and it can afford to get away with that too because major story beats became so well known even outside of the actual audience that played it


> the remake is by no means a replacement for the original. I would hate to see some people's first impression with 6 be a remake that caters itself towards people that have already played the original THIS is the reason I'm so disappointed in the remake. I know a lot of people who were explicitly waiting for it so they could play through the story of the original game with better graphics - because as much as I adore it, the original game has visually aged very poorly. But you cant just point them at the new game because it's mechanically nothing like the original, and the story has instead of clarifying some of the things the original localization didnt handle real well, doubled down on weird metaphysical nonsense. It is a hard fail on all the things I wanted from the remake, excepting the graphics.


Personally because I prefer FF6 how it is.


I've always been a purist as well, but just recently decided to give the Pixel Remake a try and while it has its flaws, the way it portrays the opera with the 2D/3D approach makes me wish that they'd do a faithful remake with that graphical approach - it's gorgeous the way it's handled the little bit it's incorporated. Although I'm guessing that's not enough change to justify remaking the whole thing and they'll just let the Pixel Remaster suffice.


6 is arguably perfect as is. It’s also the last of the pixel era, so I think most of us view it with nostalgia glasses on because it’s from a simpler time. If they did a remake I’d play the hell out of it, but it doesn’t really need it


Maybe it's because I'm old, but I don't really understand why a lot of people demand modern HD 3D remakes of perfectly fine 2D games.


I personally didn't like the DS remakes of 3 or 4; I just don't care for that chibi style. That said, a remake of 6 in Octopath style, that I could go for, as long as it remains true to the original.


I mean, there are some things I’d love to see in the HD 3D style: Ultros, what they could do with the opera scene, how they would do the magitek armor, the summons, the dragons from WoR. But I could live without it too


Because 2D has its limitations. Don't get me wrong, I still love FVI, but a remake would breath fresh life into an old game. Like, why *wouldn't* I want to revisit these characters?


My argument is that it doesn’t NEED a remake. The original FF7 has not aged as well as people think. My older brother bought it and I tried to go back and play it, and honestly it was rough. It came out when 3D games were still new, and I can believe they had to make compromises in some areas. I think every FF game could use a remake, but some are in more need of one than others. I personally believe 8 and 9 are playable, but would definitely benefit from a ground up remake more so than FF6. That being said I would probably buy a FF6 remake day one if they made it.


Because the 7 remake is all filler. Just leave games alone and make new shit. Enough with this remakes.


Could have been up to FF XXII by now... 😂


FF6 isn't nearly as popular as 7, so it's hard to see SE justifying the budget. Also, I'm really not a fan of the multiverse shenanigans and other narrative decisions in FF7R, so I don't really trust them to do a more "ambitious" FF6R project without similarly mucking things up.


I feel the same way. If you can't just remake it faithfully, don't bother. However, I wouldn't mind some of the classic FFs being remade in the style of Trials of Mana from a few years ago.


Cyan is that you?


fuckin' a


The bonkers story ness aside. I’m nervous the depth and nuance in some of the cooler scenes and even roles to kinda play would be lost. Like the phantom train and the ghost ally or how Sabin can demand rotten food while Cyan stares aghast, and the ghosts chase you up to the roof. Or the 3 team split where EVERYONE is fighting to protect Banon. You control everyone here. Or the Gestahl banquet and resulting rewards. Or the scenes with Shadow and Cyrus. Or saving Shadow Or Cid Like not even the combat gameplay. FF6 did D&D so well you can play the whole way through and wind up with a “slightly different story”multiple times You literally play through almost every scene and almost every place has multiple things to do and see. Just look at Thamasa. Inspecting random shit was still important and often was how you progressed like the clock in South Figaro or figuring OUT the clock puzzle in Zozo because everyone lies. Like do you see the scope? Sometimes you’re locked to a certain character but most of the time the scenes change depending on just who you bring! And there’s details and exposition to gain! You could have played 200 times and if you never brought Edgar and Sabin together to go to the Magitek Factory you’ll never know about the double sided coin. I feel even Richard Garriott would agree the Ultima roots are more felt in the earlier entries but 6 is flooded with “yes, you can do something here”s. Learning bum rush. Choosing between Mog and hairpin. Raft part is kind of a stretch but the effort was there. OPERA. The other side of Opera where you turn off the lights. These flowers! His favorite…


God damn, ff6 was so good. I miss hidden things in games like that. Hidden weapons and powers, story segments to be uncovered, hidden characters.... I also just prefer turn based rpgs to these weird bland action rpg things. They suck as action games and they suck as rpgs, like... why? Either go full devil may cry, or give me a regular rpg with hidden equipments and depth of story and builds. (Strategy style rpgs are good too, I just include that under turn based banner.... ff tactics and bg3 are both great)


I think the main difference in philosophy without getting deep into how differently they play is one of wants to be a cool world for you to go to while the other wants to have cool battles to fight and cool things to do (mini games). Fantasian and Lost odyssey were great play them. I know Sakaguchi was trying to emulate FF6 energies with Fantasian.


I don't want it because square took one of the most ironic turn based rpgs and made it into a boring action game full of slow walk pointless nonsense to stretch it out to 3 games


Isn’t it ironic. Don’t you think?


This! I don't have a deep emotional attachment to FFVII like a lot of people, I like it just fine, but Remake and especially Rebirth are convoluted hot messes.


i couldnt even finish part 1 because i got so bored of walking around midgar for 30 hours


It's impossible to say this on the 7 sub 😂 they really are just so overcooked... I was waiting for that remake for years too... Oh well


I was beyond hyped until I saw that they had completely abandoned the mechanics of the original game. And yes, you cannot voice any kind of negative opinion on the remake on the FF7 subs without getting shouted down, it's very irritating.


I had the same feelings and I tried my best to get into it but I never really have It makes me think of the PS3 tech demo and maybe the more limited scope of that demo stylizing might have turned into a different and more faithful game but we will never really know now 😭🥲


> but we will never really know now And *that* is the real tragedy.


Finally someone said it. 7 wasn't my first ff. 6 was on snes. And still I couldn't do the remake. I wanted to like it I really tried. But it's just so boring.


I feel the complete opposite. 7 was good. But remake and rebirth deepened the character development and I'm enjoying og 7 more because of the experience. But, 7 wasn't my first FF game so I don't have rose colored glasses.


That's true, but there's so much chaff to sort through in Remake and Rebirth to get to the actual plot and characters (which weirdly seem underemphasized) that it's not worth it. And I'm not one of those with a deep emotional attachment to FF7 either.


AGREED. I mean there were literally parts of the game where you take control of your character after a scene JUST to walk over to another character to start another scene. THAT IS NOT GAMEPLAY.


If the original director had been on the project, bet you’d be choosing banter responses that affect your party’s affection. He loved doing that, that’s why it shows up in 7, 8, 9 and X. I do like the party system in this one but it feels like it’s more focused on me using the synergy attacks than interacting with my party. The banter is still fun though.


I stand firmly on team “Square removed the Sakaguchi effect”


I think ff6's narrative was supposed to be displayed as a play of sorts so it would look kinda silly being modernised


FFVI is probably a top 5 game all time for me. I don’t have many complaints, it fit into my life a certain way that boosts it, I love the characters, etc. But I would absolutely play and probably enjoy an Octopath-style remake just to see the things I made more grand as a kid imagined out in more detail. Having said that I don’t want an FFVII type remake at all. I think that updating the visuals in the older games to fit with current technology is definitely a cool idea and visually it helps flesh everything out more. Mario RPG and Live A Live are good examples of great games that are elevated by the improved visuals and needed little adjustment. But to change the play style fully isn’t needed, the game plays well as constructed.


For me, it is because 6 is a materpiece. I believe a game like 6, so beloved, with its flaws and all should not get a 3d remake. I think it would ruin it.  A 2d/3d remake like Octopath would be best. We still get our sprites, our oldschool"ish" graphics, but quality of life updates and we get to see our towns and cities with a bit more life.  6 is charming and perfect as is. But I think a full on remake would ruin it. I don't wanna see that happen to it. I understand where people are coming from when they ask for a remake though. It would be exciting, as long as it isn't ruined. 7 remake has been a huge success, if they do 6, I pray it is too. 


Because nobody actually wanted FF7R in the way we got it, so we assume Square will completely fuck us again. Simple as.


I’m not against a remake per se, but FF3/6 has a special place in my heart because it was my first real experience with RPGs and the FF series. I prefer it to 7 but 7 is barely a hair away from beating it. So if they did decide to make a remake of it in a different style or fashion, it’s a huge order and endeavor with a very high risk. If they did it correctly then it would be a critical success for the series and their portfolio. If they mangled it, it would be a stain on the golden era of FF RPGs.


Because it worked for 7, doesn’t mean it should be the norm. Leave shit alone.


I'm not opposed, but SquareEnix is not Squaresoft, and I didn't 100% trust them to do it justice. Rebirth proved they were willing to lean into the goofiness, while still balancing the darker elements and downright horror in places. I'm more optimistic than I was that they'd be able to pull it off in a way that stays true to the feel of the original.


Id rather not spend 20 hours in Narshe doing mini games like "I've ran out of coal to heat my house, it's such a harsh winter. Could you collect 6 pieces of coal and bring it back to me?" Or "Someone used dynamite in the mines and unleashed a bunch of monsters! 3 miners are stuck down there! Please go save them!". I would despise a Final Fantasy 6 game in the style of Rebirth...if also hate a 2.5 version of it as well. I don't think it really needs a remake...but if it was made, I'd probably prefer if they took a risk and made something much more linear that purely focused on the narrative instead of an open world full of tedious and boring fetch quests and mini games.


Most of rebirth doesn’t add a lot, it’s just busywork and weird scenes where people love getting in Cloud’s face and making him uncomfortable for some reason. And lots of wet t shirt contest/car wash girl energy from Aeris and Tifa, just look at them fawn over the chocobo. It’s nice to be back in the world, but what’s been added is shallow at best


Never underestimate the power of nostalgia. My favorite JRPG of all time is Chrono Trigger. In my eyes, it's perfect. I really don't care to petition Square for a remake. There's a very high chance they could really screw up what made Chrono Trigger special and waste energy coming up with a 7/10 experience. The old game will always be there, but I'd feel like they bastardized the image of Trigger if they released a poor modern take on the classic. It's a game that doesn't necessarily need anything added to it. FF6 is definitely one of the more sacred games in the series. I'm sure its fans feel the same way about it that I do about Chrono Trigger. I don't personally agree as I feel like a modernized FF6 would be absolutely amazing, but I don't have the same nostalgia for those characters and that story. It's hard to see something you're so familiar with and attached to change. I've played the game a few times. It's fine, but it's not for me. I always run out of steam before finishing it. I didn't play it as a kid so I'll never be able to see it with rose-tinted glasses; I'll always see all the flaws. - I think the biggest worry whenever someone wishes a game gets the "FF7R treatment" is that some team that doesn't care about the original will get their hands on it and completely flip the story. The jury is still out on whether that was a good thing with FF7R, but as a fan, I can say that the modifications to the story were off-putting to me. I still enjoyed the experience and I'm waiting for Rebirth on PC, but I'm hoping that things don't go even more off the rails. FF6 is less popular in the mainstream than FF7. It also had a lot of limitations put on it with it being on a SNES cart. I think it's ripe for a remake, but NOT in the FF7R style. Give us a story that's 110% true to the original. I want ALL the same story beats and characters. I think those were the strongest points of FF6 and the general public isn't so familiar with them that they need to be changed to be interesting. It can still stand as a fresh experience today. What have we not seen much of? Vivid 3D depictions of the world. We haven't gotten a franchise built around 6. We haven't gotten movies for 6. I think that a modernized take on FF6 has an immense potential to be a beautiful game. Those sprites are far from the most detailed and I'd love to see Terra and Locke in detailed 3D. The towns can feel repetitive and not fleshed out. Fill in the blanks that were left to imagination. Let us openly explore the fields, forests, mountains, and caves. I want to be overwhelmed with wonder when I visit Figaro. I want to truly feel the seedy atmosphere of Zozo. I want to marvel at the size and power of Vector. Could you imagine the Opera House scene in a modern game engine? The biggest sticking point would be the battle system. I find those old school FF turn based systems to be boring and antiquated by today's standards. I'm sure there's someone foaming at the mouth reading this, but ARPG systems are really fun when done right. There are so many characters with unique abilities in FF6 that it would be satisfying to mix and match a balanced party and swap between them on the fly like FF7. There are so many unique enemies that could make for flashy and dynamic battles. FF6 remade into a modern and grand adventure has serious potential. The midway point also sets it up very nicely for a two part series with the world of balance and the world of ruin taking up their own releases. There's so much story to tell and so many opportunities to fill things out. Despite the original ranking somewhat low for me personally, I couldn't imagine a Final Fantasy that I'd want to see remade more.


I agree with everything up til the battle system being antiquated. The espers system, the materia junction system, the jobs system, these are some of the ways that devs kept the games fresh and they are still badass to this day. Yes you will spend time holding down the a button to clear easy trash mobs that you are overpowered for. But the new areas with the challenging strategy are where the system really shines.


It's not so much the things like Espers. It's standing in a line and waiting until a bar fills up so you and the enemy can take turns hitting each other. It's just not that engaging. Even the ATB system didn't add much to it other than encouraging you to not spend minutes in your menus perfectly calculating an attack. I enjoy ARPGs where you can freely move around for better positioning, attack or defend at will, make use of stagger mechanics and combos or dynamic AoE attacks, etc... It keeps things interesting and requires a certain level of being able to think on your feet. The additions Square added to keep older games fresh and new like Espers and Materia still slot into a system like that nicely. All those ever really did was give characters more options for attacking (and stat changes). They didn't fundamentally change the turn-based battle system.


I totally understand why people like ARPGs. I love many Zelda games and also love Elden Ring and Dark Souls. However, I disagree that Final Fantasy needed to change because there are so few turn based games out there. If action combat is your thing there are SO many options. I think that’s one reason why fans of the old school struggle with all this, because why do I need to be denied what I enjoy so others can have yet another action game? That may also be why FF doesn’t stand out so much any more because there are games out there that do a better job. Like Y’s. Like Soulslikes. Heck I even liked Hogwarts Legacy way better than FFXVI.


It's honestly just Square following the trends. Turn based stuff is seemingly relegated to the indie category these days. They're in the business of making grand scale and modern RPGs and the old-school methods of lining up and taking turns smacking each other are just that: old-school. I'm not saying they're bad. It's what I grew up with. My two favorites are FF7 and Chrono Trigger. I just think turn based has a time and place and modern FF isn't it anymore. Realism trumps all and it's a bit jarring for lively and animated fully-voiced characters to suddenly take a rigid stance and wait for the player to dig through menus while they sit there stuck in an idle animation. It works better for 2D stuff trying to emulate that retro feel like Sea of Stars, Chained Echoes, and Octopath. I don't really view Souslikes, Zelda, and Hogwarts in the same category. They're more action oriented games with RPG mechanics in the background. You play a solo hero that gallivants across the world slaying things at will. I'm talking about classic, party based, story heavy JRPGS. I haven't played FFXVI yet but from what I hear, it kinda screwed up by making it feel like a Devil May Cry game. FF7R's hybridized battle system was engaging and tactical without being a button masher and I'd like to see more of it.


FFXVI is an action game just like DMC with barely any rpg elements whatsoever. Elden Ring is more RPG than 16. Not all turn based are indie. You have Persona, you have Yakuza: Like A Dragon and its sequel Infinite Wealth. There’s also a pretty cool One Piece game that just came out and is turn based. If you haven’t played Yakuza I highly recommend it. Not only a great game, but shows how good a modern turn based game CAN be.


Ah yeah, Yakuza: LAD was pretty awesome. The enemy designs were great. Hobo on hobo action. The battle system was definitely interesting; it played itself up as a joke and reference to Ichiban's obsession with old Dragon Quest games. The dynamic positioning of party members and enemies walking around or stumbling from hits helped it work quite a bit. Reminded me of Chrono Trigger in a way, delaying attacks until the perfect moment. I can't lie though, it started to wear out its welcome by the end. Still need to play Infinite Wealth, I hope it's got a little more depth Haven't played the other two. Persona games seem like as gargantuan of a task as just watching One Piece would be, hah. I don't even think I could convince myself to play the One Piece game without getting into the anime first and holy hell would that take forever. Only just started watching a little anime again and I'm too obsessed with Frieren to dedicate the next year of my life catching up with One Piece. Nonetheless, I'll still gladly die on the hill that this non-existent FF6 remake would be sweet as hell with a FF7R inspired battle system. Flinging spells as Terra in Trance or suplexing things as Sabin in real time would be ridiculously satisfying


If they do a turn based remake of 6 I’ll buy the 300 dollar collectors edition. If they make another action game I’ll get it after it’s 20 bucks. But I would play it just to see Ultros and Gau rages.


Totally agree with you on everything you said and yes, I would have prefered a mostly faithful retelling of FF 7 (and without going into details you can look forward to Rebirth as it is like 95% retelling). Thanks for the detailed answer. A game set in the World of Balance and one in the World of Ruin is the right way imo. However the World of Ruin game would have to be massively expanded story wise as it was like 30% of the OG.


>FF6 is less popular in the mainstream than FF7. There are a lot of reasons for games like FF6 and FF8 to be less "popular" and have less sales than other contenders.(I think sales is a big thing that people look at to determine popularity) The PlayStation was revealed like a month after FF6's release on a dying system. Yikes. And with the release of the PlayStation gaming as a whole around the world became more mainstream. Surprisingly, though, FF6 has one of the higher lifetime sales in the franchise outside of the obvious winners like FFX and FFVII (including ports). Ff9 was released on the PlayStation1 after the release of the PS2(the best selling console in history). It's amazing it even sold as much as it did, even with the first strong implementation of backwards compatibility helping the PS1 software lifespan. It just boggles my mind when people look at static numbers and think that SQEX doesn't have data analyst that look at those numbers outside of the vacuum, within context, to determine what titles are prime for attention. I think 6 IS PRIME FOR SOMETHING, and the devs talking about... Means they know it is. Random tangent and not really pertaining to most of what you said. And definitely not in argument with anything you said either. I agree with pretty much everything you said other than where I rank FF6 in favorites. It's my second favorite behind 12, but barely edging out X.


Yup. FF6 definitely had a lot going against it between the release timing and the rapidly advancing technology of the time. That's why I think it's such a perfect candidate. Sales be damned, it didn't get the status it has for how many copies it did or didn't sell. FF7 is the most primitive of the 3D games but was wildly popular for striking when the iron was hot with a huge ad campaign and releasing on a system that was responsible for pushing gaming further into the mainstream than it had ever been. Heck, even my mom had a copy (for PC) and she doesn't play games! It made more sense than any of the other games for a remake. Anything later had massive jumps in graphical fidelity while also not reaching the same heights of mainstream recognition. FF7 isn't just a game, it's a media franchise all on its own. FF6 is without a doubt the most popular of the 2D games. If you're even a little bit interested in JRPGs then you're probably familiar with it or have at least heard someone spew about how Kefka is the best FF villain ever. I'd argue it's just as if not more beloved than 7 and 10 depending on who you ask. Managing all that despite being overshadowed by other games and systems in the jam-packed 90s is crazy and is a testament to just how good it was. They managed to squeeze an impressive amount onto that SNES cart but the games coming right after it had so much more room to be even more massive in scope. I think 6 has humongous potential for growth beyond what Square was able to convey. With the groundwork laid by FF7R and especially Rebirth, they'd be insane to not pick it as their next project. I wouldn't at all be surprised if there's a team workshopping the possibilities already. They've had years of practice at this point and that would be wasted if they didn't make use of it. They've got a winning strategy with the remake that shows it's more profitable than their new IP flops and that's what Square needs at this moment in time. It won't be something that's announced any time before FF7R's conclusion but I could easily see it coming shortly after.


I'm especially interested to see what they do considering how they've confirmed they are working on full scope airship travel in the 3rd installment of the remake series. That key feature will be very telling as for how they move forward for something like 6. Hell they don't even need to go with action combat. They could easily take the best turn based system they ever implemented (FFX) and marry it with a seamless transition from the over world/map. Monsters can still roam around like recent releases. But with the PS5 and current technology it's be easy enough to maintain turnbased without it seeming like a clunky transition with into random encounters fights. Yeah. I guarantee they've already made a decision to start development on whatever is coming next. I don't worry about the vision too much because most of the people responsible for 6 are still alive and well and will have a good amount of input. It's really just the combat that I worry about. If they want to go action... Then I could see them shying away from this title just due to the roster.


If they would remake chrono trigger they would ruin Magus's story, No way!


I’ve been playing 6 since it was released and im playing the Pixel Remaster now with my daughter (she’s 5). As great as the game was 30 years ago, people have really looked past its warts. What was revolutionary at the time - so many different, developed characters! The apocalypse! Evil crazy clown! - also didn’t completely work. Some of the character development (Mog, Gau, Sabin) is pretty superficial. The combat is repetitive. Magic is the OP and the only statistic of consequence. And the central plot is simplified to “beat Kefka” in the WoR. All of that could be refreshed in a 2-part game (WoB and WoR).


FF7 Remake sucks. So much dumb padding.


It would be fucking incredible. Please make it happen gaming gods.


People are against the pixel remaster of 6 just cause they spelt Biggs and wedge correctly, they got a singer in the opera scene and the offering accessory was changed to master scroll like it was supposed to be They're purists. And pretty silly ones at that


i dont like remake's battle system that much, its alright though


I would prefer 6 as a remake if they do more, only after 9 gets a remake. 6 is probably my 3rd favorite FF story so I would love for it to happen but even I know from a technical standpoint it would be utterly insane. Huge roster of characters, massive world to build (unless they did world w/zones instead of full open world) and making it run smoothly. But 6 at least makes more sense as a duology remake with WoB being part 1 and WoR being part 2. Would make for quite the bombshell ending.


Exactly your point is why we don't want it. Your point is that it leaves the developers a lot of free room to do their own thing with the game. We don't want that. We like it how it is. We don't want someone changing it.


First, all you have to do is go over to the 7Redo sub to see people at each others throats. 6 doesn’t need a genre change to make it better. Neither did 7. This is my #1 all time favorite game. I still replay it every year. I would be okay w them doing it ONLY if they respect the original and NOT change it. HD2D would be fine. Expand on the story, fine. Keep turn based. Keep the story as it is just add to it. The 7 redo is a shameless cash grab where they spit in the faces of old fans for the sake of trying to appeal to younger people. To this I say, just make a good game. There are a lot of casual gamers who will still buy it if it’s good. You don’t need to pursue casual gamers. Especially if that means leaving old fans in the dust.


It's not that we are against it... i would absolutely love to see it remade, but, the story in ff6 is far more in depth than that of ff7, and with the vastness of characters (14 i think) it would not be possible to remake it in a timely fashion. by the time they finished it. most of the people that enjoyed it on the original console would likely be too old to effectively play it. and new players would be tough to swing into a retro game even with the adaptation to newer graphics/styles


Shit would take forever to make.


Troll answer: ff7 diehard fans don't want to loose popularity xD Serious answer: I think the only people against is a very vocal minority of purist ultra hardcore fans that don't like how SE is remaking vii and don't want that SE "ruined" their image in their heads of how the characters' personality is, action system instead of turns, etc. But I am sure the second we see one of the amazing SE trailers, 95% of us is going to be hyped as hell (also very afraid of what they do but we have to be realist that nobody has our minds to replicate the game of our imagination)


Realistically, these people are a vocal minority of the target audience for an FF6 remake. Remakes aren't made because they please only the hard-core fans that are members of online communities still rabidly supporting the original game. If they were, they would never get made and certainly wouldn't get made with a budget like FF7R. They're made to be good games in their own right as well and appealing to new audiences. Not everyone shares their opinion online either. I see threads like this, read what others say and move on. People with strong opinions and/or strong personalities are the ones who comment. But they don't even come close to accounting for everyone that could potentially buy the end product. I'm always interested in what they have to say, sometimes it's a really interesting take. I'd like to think the developers do too. But it's still just one factor in deciding if it would happen and what it would look like if it did. That's to say nothing of the people who say they don't want this remake but in the end they would still buy it, so their opinion doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things. At least not to the people deciding if it should be made. And at the end of the day whether or not it would get bought is literally the only factor in deciding if it gets made. Edits: typos, clarity


As for the dev time thing - tbh I think rebirth wasted a bunch of time on expanding portions of the game that didn’t make it demonstrably better. Would it take a long time anyway? Yes. 20 years? Based on the systems they have in rebirth, they could copy and paste a significant portion of the gameplay. I’d say 10-12 years if they did it right. Some people just have the nostalgia and don’t want it ruined by a cash grab. I’m of the opinion I can always play the old games, I’d love an ff6 remake - if done right it would be the best game of all time again imo.


Totally agree with you. I get when people feel nostalgic towards an old game, but they can always play it when they want to. Just because the game is remade doesn’t mean that the OG vanishes.


I feel like the 3d visuals often flatten the style and makes it look kind of generic. As great as the visual fidelity is in rebirth, it kind of just looks like another nice looking 3d game. If they were to remake vi, I’d prefer it to be done in a way that touches on the style of the original and at this point with SE I don’t see them doing that unless they scale down for like switch or something.


Ideally, I'd like something in between Octopath HD-2D and the bloated over-developed FF7R. I'm playing and enjoying FF7 Remake but to say that even this game really needed to have this big a budget and take so long to tell is just ridiculous. I'd want a full FF6 Remake to be one single game, expanded to give more focus on some of the characters we barely spend any time with. Flesh out the core characters but leave out the filler that FF7 is loaded with. I don't need a minigame with Sabin riding a Figaro-developed steam-punk Segway or a ton of crafting and collecting side-quests to justify us spending time in a giant open world. There are enough characters and lore that it could be loaded with story development instead of filler. I do need to learn what the motivation is for Relm and Strago to join in fighting a god when they could just as easily go live their lives in Thamasa after being reunited. Or dig deeper into the fact that Mog lost everything and is the last of his race instead of just implying it. Explain what Terra's childhood was like, really. She was abducted as a baby, then she is an adult getting the slave crown put on and had no exposure to Cid, Celes or Leo? Are we really the good guys for killing off the Espers instead of trying to find another way to make their existence no longer dependent upon Kefka? If that was a difficult decision for the party to make, let's spend some time with it at least. So much is left out or just left for interpretation. But don't go too big! Even FF7 Remake always ran the very real risk of sales bombing out of the gate and Rebirth never would have seen the light of day because of the budget and scope. I would not want to run that risk for a giant multi-part version of FF6. On the other hand, a simple new coat of paint still leaves so many great characters undeveloped and lore unexplored. TL:DR There's a vast ocean of options between Octopath and FF7 Remake, don't limit yourselves. Land somewhere in that space and let's stop pretending this story doesn't deserve at least a little expanding upon.


Agreed. Also heard if anything the game would mostly be split into two games, one in the World of Balance with a very organic ending for a game and the second game taking place in the World of Ruin. Do you think they could have put all of FF 7 in one big Remake instead of three games with the combat syste, they have for Remake and Rebirth?


Absolutely. There is a ton of filler. From side-quests, to fleshing out side characters we never really wondered about to the massive open world feel and busy-work they have in place to pad the play time. Even if it used a traditional overworld map instead of a massive open world and scrapped things that every open world acts legally obligated to include these days(crafting, collecting, towers that mark points of interest, etc) then it would probably cut the entire game in half immediately. I enjoy things like (most of) the mini-games, the new Queen's Blood card game and the added lore for every area and summon. But it absolutely would have still been a great game without including any of that. The new NPCs are decent and I don't (usually) hate my time with them, but who really would have complained if we didn't have them? Show me a forum post from a player that would have been legitimately upset that we didn't hear about the strained relationship Choco Billy has with his sister since his parents left. Leave that kind of depth just for characters we care about and I wouldn't miss it in the slightest. They could have definitely trimmed the fat here and made it one game IMO.


Can you imagine them trying to do the 30 characters or whatever amount there was 3ding them. Another lifetime maybe.


I love FFVI. I personally don't care for a remake of any kind at all, but if they decide to do a 3D remake, I'd personally like to see it similar to FF7R in terms of graphical and visual style. However, I'd love for it to be done this specific way. Essentially a mix of the original game, as well as it being modernized. * Use the ATB system. Full 3D battles and animations. Think FFVII-FFIX but modernized. * Keep the random battles. Just have QoL options to skip/speed them up. * Keep the overworld separate from the cities, dungeons etc. 3D, again similar to said PS1 games. * Have cities, dungeons etc. fully 3D, 1:1. * Voice acting. In the English voice acting, it'd be nice to hear a variety of accents. * Adding on to the voice acting, I think have it less like FF7R, and more like FFXII. FFVI was quite serious tonally despite some humor, with a few whimsical and nonsensical things. I think the voice acting should match that. * I think it'd be cool to have the art direction and character models reflect Yoshitaka Amano's art style. * Additional content, quests. Not fetch quests with little or no context or impact. Actual side quests that immerse you into the world. Have a better balance of characters being impactful to the main story. * Updated character build elements. New abilities. * Have it all in one game.


I don't see it as that different from people who say "it doesn't need to be remade". These are generally the type of oldschool fans who already like FF6 and are happy with what it is, and don't want it to change very much. It's the kind of opinion that is very common amongst the very few people commenting on a 30 year old game in 2024. But I would say they're not necessarily representative of the potential audience for an FF6 remake, or they would have to be shown a full on remake before knowing that it's for them after all. Plenty of people who once asked for no remake or a conservative face-lift of FF7 are now currently enjoying Rebirth. For me personally? Absolutely it deserves a full remake. Two games: Balance + Ruin. I would enjoy it and it would bring new audiences in to experience a game that has a been a hard sell for newer gamers for 25+ years now (I remember FF7 kids in 1997 bouncing off it for being too old then!).


If they're ever going to remake FFVI, they're gonna want to hire me as the director. And they're not gonna do that lol There's lot of aspects in FFVI that went against the grain of traditional JPRPGs of its time, and I would love a remake that goes against the grain of JRPGs of this time.


Just think about this: - 2 or 3 times you have to split your characters in more than one party and have them interact with triggers while exploring. In the remake it would be a long tunnel with only one party, probably. - In the World of ruin you start with a predefined char and based on where you go (and what you did.... SOMEWHERE XD) you can find one char or another. In a remake it would be unthinkable, thinking about the map extension (it's HUGE) - Lot of traveling by: Submariner son's castle (XD), TWO aircrafts, boats, rafts, even underwater. Lots and lots of sprites, even more than GTA, probably. - characters' backstory. You think they would keep Doma's poisoning AND Cyan's family cutscene? Nay.... now they want unicorns and flowers, they can't depict little child's deaths. And Cyan's backstory was one of the most perfect backstories. Hell, there was even an hint of Kefka trying to hit on Terra and possibly a romance with Celes many years ago ... (Celes' story, I was sleeping when they infused me....) - Story is kinda huge. Many towns, many people, a lot of characters, even letting aside gogo, umaro and mog. - The split after the raft. 3 different stories following each other? One game each?


It's a 30 year old game. I'd rather they made a new game that was as good as FF6 than remake this one again.


If it does get a remake, I would rather it be in the style of the DS remakes. More of a translation to 3D than a total remake.


My two cents: I'll make a quick premise, I grew up playing KH so I was used to playing action RPG and games in general rather than traditional turn based, and although I really wanted to experience and get into FF, the progenitor of my favourite video game series I struggled because I used to find them dated. Tried the first FF quite a few years ago and got burned out pretty quickly but still held hope of getting into the series. Fast forward a few years I decided to try again, the extreme commercialisation of FF7 turned me off from it (don't get me wrong, still an incredible game) so I decided to start with FF6 since I got so captivated with the setting and premise of it and discovered a masterpiece. Now to my point: FF6 and FF7 in their original format are still complete incredible gaming experiences that deserve being experienced but they're turning 30 and 27 years old respectively this year and are not as accessible to newcomers anymore. A game with the story, narrative, themes, setting, characters, character interactions and development of FF6 deserves so much more than what the technology of the 90s could give shape to and it baffles me that to this day we still have to imagine what half of the characters look like because we don't have 3D models of them and just have pixelated sprites. I get goosebumps imagining a full explorable South Figaro, Narshe or Vector because the unique Steampunk aesthetic of FF6 is still something very rare in the video game panorama and united with a more in depth retelling of the amazing story of the original it would shape up to be a legendary game. The potential of a FF6 Remake in the style of FF7's is immense and would give the opportunity to experience this amazing story to a whole new generation of gamers in a modern package the same way FF7 Remake is. The original games are still there to enjoy for the curious ones but we cannot expect anyone to easily get into a 30 year old game as sad as it might seem. P.S. after the Pixel Remastered an Octopath Traveler remake imo makes no sense at all, at that point someone can just experience the original game because it holds up pretty well against games of that scene.


I’m one of the few people who just don’t have any interest in FF7 remake. It seems they took a really good perfectly paced RPG and added a ton of extended story junk into it and stretched it across multiple games. The pacing now feels bloated and slow, with tons of filler content that just does not feel needed. I don’t need a trilogy of 60 hour RPGs to tell the story that one 40 hour rpg told. So the idea of that happening to FF6 sounds awful. The opera house was a perfect scene. I don’t want a 10 hour opera house level with tons of extras thrown in.


Because I absolutely hate the FF7 remake and everything that it stands for?


og ff7 ff6 remake yes. but they better not make anything like ff7 rebirth ever again. 90% of the game is minigames, and strip those away, the game is really short. With minigames, the game is 3x longer than ff8


I would love a good one done a certain way, but I really don't like the FF7 remake games beyond some of the improved characterization. Their structure, movement feel, tech, incohereny action x menu gameplay, writing tone, filler etc. I think it would just take entirely too long, cost way too much money, and disappoint me more than any piece of media ever has.


because it would take 25 years and as amazing as it is, 6 does not have the commercial presence of 7


The original is amazing and doesn't need to be ruined like ff7


Sometimes it comes down to style. Some people just like things a certain way. I love the old school aesthetic, there’s something very comforting about that old school RPG vibe that I adore, and always will. I’m in agreement with the OT style remake, they set the bar with artwork and all the pixel remasters usually just look crappy. In the Metroid Reddit there has always been a divide between 2d and 3d lovers. Do I think prime is great? Yeah. Do I think prime 4 will be great? Hopefully. But I’m all about the 2d, fusion was my fave which maybe got dethroned by dread. My jaw dropped at the dread trailer and I was glad it did so well! I love 2d Metroid and I’d take it any day over 3d. Same thing with ff 6. I’ll always take a 2d over 3d FF any day. Edit: additional context.


I’m torn. There are reasons I would like to see a modern remake. I’d love to see some of the character development get fleshed out. I’d love to see that steampunk aesthetic in 3D. I’d love to see special effects done with modern graphics — stuff like the esper attack on vector, the Empire double-cross where Kefka attacks and turns a bunch of espers into magicite and of course, the cataclysm. Unique fights like Barren Falls, and the Figaro castle engine room, and unique fights like the Serpent Trench. I’d love to see some re-balancing to make Cyan and Umaro not SUCK, lol. I’d like to see zero (or maybe very few) bugs, because all the versions of the game range from somewhat buggy to extremely buggy. I’d love to see faces on the character models that can show real emotions. I’d like to see the Dragon’s Den modernized, too! But there are reasons that I would not like to see a modern remake. I don’t want it to become a bloated convoluted mess like the FF7 remake. It’s less of a game and more of an interactive movie. I don’t wanna see that happen to 6. I don’t think it needs a new battle system. I feel like that would change the experience too much. I think the battle system in FF12 is the absolute best battle system among all the FF games…but I don’t think I would want it in 6…it wouldn’t *feel* right, lol. So yeah… yes and no, lol.


Why pay to have it created now, when they can wait about a year and use a AI prompt to create an new game from scratch, buy telling it what they want. I would love to see this prompt. Take Final Fantasy V and create a game using the graphics of the new remake of FFVII. OR I want to play FFVII but as a 2d top down, like FF2.


I would rather see it remake the same way 7 was. However, by the time it was finished I would be 60 or older, so an HD-2D version is about the best I can ask for.


I’m actually with you here. An octopath traveler-esque variation of FF6 would just… feel too similar to regular FF6? If we’re imagining remakes, let’s go all in.


I'd much rather an HD-2D remake like Octopath


Let's just redo all of the final fantasies three times once in FFT style once in FFX style, once in FF12 style.


I would rather get a remake of 4 and 5 in the 3d engine used for 3 and 4 on the ds honestly Have you played the re-released version of older games? Ps1,gba,psp take your pick but everyone has an issue with one or another....for me not a fan of the psp/mobile games versions


Would probably be too ambitious. For one very specific point, there's no way we'd get the entire cast as playable if they did a remake in the style of FF7R. It's going to take 3 full installments to get 9 fully playable party members for the 7 remakes, there's no way we'd get 14 playable characters (13 if Umaro remains uncontrollable, back to 14 if we include Banon) each with a completely unique move set.


Despite what people say is their favorite, the best-selling ff games are in this order, xiv, vii, and viii. 7 got a remake because it wasn't just the best-selling ff game but the best-selling SE game until the current largest mmo over took it in sales. 8 is the next ff game on the list for sales so it would logically be the next to get it, unless we go with the other side of why 7 got a remake being regrets with the story/game. Personally, I'd like to see 2 get a proper remake, but that will likely never happen.


Because leave my nostalgia alone, that's why.


Because I don’t want to spend $200+ on one game that has extra alternate endings at every third.


I would be happy even with just a taste of a 3D FF6. Like- it didn’t have to be a full remake. Just up to through the first boss battle using FFVII Remake battle mechanics and graphics. I’d be cool with that as a DLC for $30. Just a taste and I would be so satisfied!


Because Final Fantasy fans are idiotic weirdos.


i mean, people who wanted a ff7 remake are pissed it's 3 games and taking over a decade... presumably, a lot of the same fears for ff6. possibly even more, since they'll want to flesh out 14 fucking characters, in 3d narrated stuff. or just, not fuck up ff6. not to mention the people that might not want remakes, rather than, ff6 in particular.


I'm not against it, it just won't do well as FF7. Y'all need to understand that while you may think FF6 is a better game, FF7 is a far more important game in the video game landscape. It was a ton, and I mean a TON of people's first RPG. I know people who don't even like RPGs that love FF7.  As much as I'd like to see it, I doubt it'll ever happen.


They just need to remake FFVI in the HD-2D style like Octopath Traveler.


They just need to remake FFVI in the HD-2D style like Octopath Traveler.


Because fans of franchises always resist anything that could ruin what they are familiar with, honestly. Ages ago I wasn't any different, so I don't say this as if I'm any better.


They don't want Square to ruin the story like Remake/Rebirth is doing


From what I can tell, the FF7 remake is ultimately going to be 3 full priced games over multiple generations of consoles that is taking like 10 years to release the final part from the first part. While also changing the story. I don’t think one game suddenly becoming 3 games that needs 2-3 console generations to achieve is something I want to invest my time or interest in. If other people do, good on them I guess.


for the same reason people are mad about movie remakes re-gendering or re-racing the characters. these are stories that ppl grew up on, that had a huge impact on their lives. and ppl continue to change them for no other reason except "because." turn-based games aren't obsolete. tons of turn-based franchises are doing great, such as bravely default, triangle strategy, octopath traveler, dragon quest, fire emblem, pokemon, etc. etc. not every game has to be made into a "soulslike" to be fun. they can remake ff6, 9, etc. but there is 0 reason to keep making them arpgs to the chagrin of their most devoted fans, people that have been playing the game since they were tots lol. and it's not even necessarily a money issue, because sure, there are ppl that prefer arpg that won't buy the games if they remain turn based, but there is no small number of older gamers that refuse to play the 7 trilogy because its NOT turn based. the problem is, the soulsbros and the like are so damn loud and self-obsessed that the older generations of gamers are unheard.


As one of those people... Because I didn't like the design direction they took in FF7 Remake. I prefer turn-based to real-time (yeah yeah, ATB ain't turn-based, I hear you, but you know what I mean). I don't think 3D is objectively better than 2D. Because if the people making it say it'll take 20 years, I may well be dead before it releases (us OG FF6 fans are getting up there!) Because FF6 is a good and playable game as-is, and I'd rather see resources go towards making something fresh and new. But if they really want to just remake games, I'd prefer they remade games that have more to gain from the treatment (Remake 7th Saga or Secret of Evermore, you cowards!) Ultimately, if they could just snap their fingers and magically create a FF6 remake that appeared on shelves tomorrow, I'd say what the hell, why not? But knowing it'll come at the cost of other games, all for something I didn't really need, in a style I probably won't like as much... Just not excited about the prospect. *but if they do it I'll buy it*


Because no one wants remakes of these old games because they’re not faithful to the originals wheres my evidence both FF7 Remake and Rebirth sold less total sales than the original FF7 that released in 1997 not to mention Square Enix budgets for these games require at least 10 million copies sold to break even not even making a profit


I want an FF6 in the style of the FFVII Remake. I can’t think of anything better.


Because square has already shown that they cant help sticking their dicks in the remake and turning them into unrecognizable pachinko slop for morons with Jake Paul branded butt plugs jammed in every orifice. Fans dont want the games remade because they dont want their experience of that game ruined because it got remade for a “broader” (read: dumber than fuck) audience.


I just don't think 6 would work in the style, especially the world of ruin They'd basically have to completely redo it since it's like 90% optional content


That's just turning one game into another. Its ok to like FF7R but personally I'd rathee not have the entire FF franchise just be... FF7R.


Because the ff7 style remake is by far the worst style of remake. Im all for doing a trials of mana or SO2 style though since that is an actual remake maintaining the original products soul. But i absolutely do not need more of thiss ff7 style milking, that conpromises the originals story and most importantly pacing, But gets a pass due to impressive graphics and nostalgia. I didnt even want it on 7. (Really the only game that actually has the groundwork to make it work is 8 since the draw system actually males more sense in an arpg and the time travel makes the very dumb plot twists make more sense. Or 12 since it actually could use the extra time fleshing the third act out to more properly represent its 2 incredible villains along with it already having the gambit system which inherently fixes the party style arpg gameplay problem of your teammates being just along for the ride unless your presonally controlling them. Though they absolutely would need to get the original VA cast back wouldnt wanna repeat the travesty of zack with an entire cast)


>since it would allow the devs more artistically liberties when it comes to designing its world and characters than any of the other games This is why I don't want it. It's perfect as it is, I don't need Nomura getting his grubby hands on it and adding wispy cloaked flying characters


Because many of them spend more time complaining about how Final Fantasy remakes should be handled than actually playing games.


I enjoyed 8 besides the junction system and drawing magic. I think 8 would be a great remake.


FF6 is perfect as it is and they will just screw it up modernizing it. And any remake dedication should go to 8


I don't want to be drip fed a story I already know and love over the span of 10 years, only for it to be changed anyway because multiverse.


Because it'll get ruined and turned into some multi release cash grab, with zero respect for the source material.


I don't want the game remade at all. It was great as is and it has aged incredibly well. Please don't give them ideas


Broadly speaking, FFVII is the most sold RPG of all time, not exactly a gamble to remake it, especially with how fans have been asking for it ever since a tech demo with PS3 graphics was shown at E3 in 2005; While FFVI and FFIX are critically acclaimed, they just weren't as successful comercially. Personally, I lost all interest in FFVIIR when it was revealed combat wouldn't be turn based, same thing would happen with FFVI. Imagine people calling an action based RPG "the ultimate version of FFVI" that's the biggest reason I'm against a FFVI remake, the same way I'm against a Chrono Trigger remake.


Yeah 6 and Chrono Trigger are still great games to this day. No reason to remake them if it’s only to change it.


I just want more of the world and characters please!


I think people are concerned it will ruin the magic and destroy the nostalgia but I would love a remake in that style


But the whole point of FF6 is to ruin the magic.




*Too soon*


If you're talking about an FF7R remake, I'm not strictly opposed to it. I don't like 7R (remake, haven't played Rebirth), but it clearly is not meant to replace 7, so I'm fine with both existing. I don't think doing some weird story messing with 6 is necessarily a problem. I don't know that it's feasible. ​ I do think if there is a 6 remake, I wouldn't want an Octopath style. In my head, that doesn't offer much over what we already have. Adds some depth to the graphics, some dynamic camera movement options. To me - the effort required to remake the game in that art style comes across more like the PSP remake of FF4 - a graphical coat of paint on top of the same core game. I guess that's neat? I don't know, I'm not excited to play that game. A full remake of 6 in the style of 7R is a different game - it may be good or bad, but I'd be excited to see what the end result is.


SE has said it won't happen without saying it directly. Yoshinori Kitase saying it would take them 20 years to develop is a polite Japanese way of saying "It's not going to happen and we want people to stop asking us".


Cus ff6 is not as hot shit as people think it is.