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Olis suomalaisten pitäny pitää lumipukua tuohon peliin


Suomalaisilla oli ilmeisesti myös vanhat, vuoden 1965 pelipaidat päällä


Olisivat pitäneet sisällis-sodan valkoisten asut


Hopefully we can soon abandon the view that the Soviet Union was somehow goofy in its incompetence. They should be remembered with the same disgust as Nazi Germany.


There is no need to limit that disgust to the Soviet Union, Russia today is in the same category.


Thats not really true now, is it? Russia today is not a superpower. Soviet Union was. That means that the bad they do isnt on a superpower level either: they dont kill the same amount of their enemies, nor their own. On the other hand, they are still a geopolitical player with nukes. Lots of nukes. That makes them closer to a super power than many others with their GDP or population.


Russia absolutely is a superpower.


This can be debated, ofc, but atm the consensus is that Russia could emerge as a superpower during the 21st century, but isnt one. Right now Russia is a "potential superpower" along with i.e. EU and India.


India is a superpower, unless you consider only US and China superpowers.


What’s your source on this? A quick Google search and most sites list Russia as 3rd behind china and the US. Of course none of these are ‘official’ though


That was propably before Ukrainian army beat them up and ate their lunch .


Lol fair


Nah. They have the building blocks to be one, but currently do not qualify by pretty much any metric.


If russia is a super power then ukraine must be as well.


Nuke programs eat Well over 10 b USD of their spending a year. Doesnt produce anything for their Well being (other than Chinese not occupying). Rocketry maybe somewhat useful getting shit into orbit.










I'm talking about independent anonymous polls, or Russians residing in other countries. Many Finnish Russians, for example, are way too positive towards the Russian war of aggression considering they live in a free democracy with no state propaganda.


Hm I don’t think we should be talking about this…


Why not, if you don't mind me asking?




What is this soft Holocaust denial? Read up about the horribleness that was the Holocaust.


How is saying that Soviet Union was as bad as Nazi Germany denying Holocaust? Nazi Germany committed a genocide of European Jews, systematically murdering six million Jews. Soviet Union committed genocides of its ethnic minorities - De-Cossackization, Holodomor and Kazakh famine, Polish Operation, Great Purge, Vinnytsia Massacre, Katyn Massacre, NKVD Prisoner Massacres, Fântâna Albă Massacre, Lunca Massacre, Mass Deportations in the Baltics, Deportations from Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina, Deportation of the Soviet Greeks, Deportation of the Kalmyks, Deportation of the Crimean Tatars, Deportation of the Ingrian Finns, Deportation of the Chechen and Ingush, Mass rapes during the winter offensive in 1945 (during which they also gang-raped women whom they had liberated from Nazi Concentration Camps) and more. The only difference is that since Soviet Union won WW2 and since they did their genocides more "quietly", their crimes aren't really known about


Not just minorities, but the red army and the party members themselves purged as well. Even Stalin's close family and friends where not spared from the great purge of '37. On the hight of Stalin's madness, on average 1500 people where executed per day on average for over an year.


Congratulations, you just did it. You’re removing all of the horror of the systematic murder that the Nazis did. All of the war and carnage. Yes, the USSR did horrible things but you’re still downplaying the Holocaust by saying that they were just as bad. Disgusting. And lol that they’re “genocides aren’t as known”. The horribleness of the Soviets is always brought up when Nazi Germany is brought up as a way to downplay what the Nazis did. Yes, I know the Soviets were brought up first in this thread. Some relevant Wikipedia pages: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_genocide_theory https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holocaust_trivialization This is what you and the other posts are doing. Edit: I also didn’t say that it’s denying as in its saying it never happened.


You have to be pretty messed up to think talking about other genocides is downplaying horrors of Holocaust.


Yeah that would be messed up but that’s not what I’m doing. These people are equating the systematic horror of Nazi Germany to the massacres of the Soviet Union. They are saying that it’s just as bad. That’s messed up.


What does it matter? Bad is bad. Why would anyone split hairs on which atrocity was more destructive? Who wants to do that?


Because by saying that the atrocities done by the USSR is the same as what Nazi Germany did, you’re downplaying the Holocaust. I can’t downplay the Holocaust, sorry.


No one is “downplaying” anything. You’re saying everyone here who mentions some other horrific event is “downplaying” the Holocaust. Are we only allowed to talk about the Holocaust, now?


Please read what I’ve written again. And again.


Soviet union was far worse than nazi germany. At least for baltics and finland. Not denying any colossal harm germany did to europe.


See my other comment. If not, at least read these two pages before you continue to downplay the Holocaust: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holocaust_trivialization https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_genocide_theory


The longing that Russians have for their precious, long-dead Soviet Union is absolutely hilarious.




They hate it and love it the same time while blaming others for it's fail and cheering for themself for ever coming up with such ideology, ( that is automaticly in the end doomed to fail no matter what. )


>“But a kingdom that has once been destroyed can never come again into being; nor can the dead ever be brought back to life.” -Sun Tzu


The Karjala beer advertisement is pure irony in this context.




Karjala is the region of Finland the Soviet Union annexed.


And where most of the fighting between 2 happened


Not all of it.


There is a province called Karjala (Karelia) witch used to belong to Finland before the winter war between soviet union and Finland. Finland lost Karjala to the soviets when we signed the peace treaty in Moscow year 1940. Finns joke around about bringin Karjala back, we reference that as payback especially around sports when we play against the Russians. It’s really a joke with a quite dark and sad backstory, they tried to conquer the whole nation but only got a small strip of land because we are tougher than them AND if they fuck around we take it right back 😉 Karjala also happens to be a popular lager beer in Finland and that is their advertisement.


I think saying Finland was tougher is a strech. Soviet Union underestimated Finlands army and sent really bad soldiers and very little supplies. Most soviet soldiers didn’t even have a gun on them. If they sent the troops and supplies that were used against Germany, they would have beat us easily. Also I disagree with the mentality that they tried to take our land. We originally took their land and wanted to build Suur Suomi. So all that strong war talk is just bullshit there were so many factors you can’t say The Finnish army was better when it just could not possibly be.


The Finnish army was indeed better than the soviet army it faced against. Fact. Also my grandmother would be a motorcycle if she had wheels and an engine. And I would be a movie star if I had starred in any movies. See where I’m going?


I mean if the finnish army was stronger why did the soviet union technically win the war?


Because Finland had 3.5 million people where the soviets had almost 200 million. In the Continuation War Finland also did VERY well, until the american lend lease for the USSR and the following failure of the German front. Yeah, makes their "success" seem even worse, right?


Probably half of those men are already rotting in Ukraine. Oh well. :)


And gonna die soon


Classy dude.












I hope they're not paying you too much, cause your skills on advocating on Kreml's propagandha are subpar.




Unfortunately, some of them are. It's still better than living in Russia.




Both those statuses will change within few years. Yet still, better dead anywhere than living in Russia.


Being the worlds biggest country doesn’t make you the best. Just look at Russia lol.


Didnt say the best, just said the biggest which is true :D


You ofc at the front line or just sofa worrier?


He's living on some cozy european home, fantasizing on strong dictators while having shitty life and blaming that on everyone but himself and a russian imperialist mindset. You know, like most putin-fans. And for that, i really hope he gets his life in order one day. Antropoloerectus: Just because they don't show it, someone out there might love you.


I do not understand how Russian always has this imperialistic mind set, when always so far behind and basically at the level of third world countries. And yeah, being Russian myself , I hate this.


It is definately sad. But people like you, who see the current state as what it is, bring a tiny hope of change to all of us living on the shadow of Russia.




So sofa right? Thought so:)




Report this dumb troll.


The Russians wore the CCCP jerseys in another game in early 2022/late 2021 can’t remember which one but it was before the invasion and I remember seeing it and being pissed off but no one made any mention of it. Slava Ukraini.


It was euro hockey tour in Moscow late 2021 and Finland beat them. They finished fourth.


People see what they want to see. But the article portrays it as good intention >Trainer Andrei Safronov told Gazeta.ru the idea to wear Soviet-era jerseys had been proposed by the Finnish side. > >... > >The Soviet jerseys worn by the Russian players in Finland are set to be auctioned off for charity, Sport Express reported, without specifying the name of the organization that would receive the funds.


That is the pure lie, Finns didnt suggest that. Roman Rottenberg may have something to do with it, that dirty orc has Fin nationality too but hes not and wont ever be Finnish.


I haven't been there, so I have to trust the newspaper, but quick googling yielded [this article](https://www.leijonat.fi/index.php/maajoukkueet/a-maajoukkue/2014-15/item/13049-tampereen-maaottelussa-juhlistetaan-hakametsan-50-vuotista-historiaa) from FIHA that gives a bit more context on the surroundings of the match commemorating 1965 game hence the choice of jerseys for both teams. Red Machine project only started at 2018, so I don't think it was Russian idea. But you have some evidence of it being proposed by Rotenberg, mind sharing? Don't get me wrong, Red Machine is an awful project and Rotenberg is a scumbag, but in this instance (and all others) we shouldn't twist the facts to match subjective narrative.


Looks like you are right on this, my bad. It was only too hard to believe that Finns (some of them) would like to see those jerseys from Satan again, damn im embarrased about my people


Well we always knew how to deal with Soviet menace. There are many ways in fact, Suomi SMG being most popular.


Context always matters.


I like a throw back jersey as much as the next guy but just no


Why on earth did the Finnish team agree to enter the ring with them?! I mean, would they have done the same with a team wearing Nazi Germani uniforms? Finnish people should ask their Estonian friends what the Soviet Union means if they sre unsure. And some of the comments hear suggesting that the Finnish were somehow in on this beforehand is just appalling, if true. Please do better.


Because it was a remembrance event for 1965 WC games, both teams used old uniforms according to a link posted in the comments https://www.leijonat.fi/index.php/maajoukkueet/a-maajoukkue/2014-15/item/13049-tampereen-maaottelussa-juhlistetaan-hakametsan-50-vuotista-historiaa https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2015/04/17/russian-team-wears-soviet-union-jerseys-for-hockey-match-in-finland-a45857


That\`s old news, from 2015, though ruzzia was already doing its bs for a while. Doubt that the idea came from the Finnish side, most likely corruption. The russians had the idea, pitched it to the Finnish organizing side, with a convenient argument and some tip, and got to do their propaganda.


Oh, thanks for pointing the date out, I do feel slightly better now so I appreciate it. It's just.. sometimes I'm amazed of the non-chalant attitudes towards the Soviet Union and communists. Trinkets with CCCP written across them being sold in markets, people proudly wearing t-shirts with faces of mass murderers on them (think Che Guevara). Like, damn, are we still doing this?! Sorry about my rant, but it really does frustrate me.


Same. It´s because of freedom of speech, expression and some businesses and individuals, who are willing to turn the other cheek for some gains. Also think it\`s about time to put some new laws into action and giving the regime fans the same kind of treatment that goes for showing support for nazism, especially since russia is a state sponsor of terrorism. Best that people can do, is vote with their wallets and not support those who sink this low.


Yup. That's false putinist propaganda.


Hockey teams are generally not interested in anything else than money. That's why. Now this looks pretty bad.


What is this supposed to mean? Like what message is this supposed to send to the finns? That theyre going to invade again?


I swear russia is the annoying kid that likes to just make big mess and loud noise, when you tell him to stop breaking shit and act like human he gets tantrum and starts cruing while kicking the air on the floor. Edit: spot < stop.


Russia should not be allowed to join Olympics. If allowed then the EU and Nato countries should boycot Olympics.


Russians should be kicked out of 'civilized society' in any and every capacity... for a LONG time imho!


Isnt this just racist? Sure I hate the wrongdoings of the russian goverment and the people who support that goverment but this seems very extreme


No. It's not. Was it racist to kill nazis and rape German women or children? And destroy whole cities. What about now? According to Russia, no. This is leagues below that. So. No.


Are the russian civilians the ones who are bombing and genociding?


Ah. The "good" russian. Follows the "good red army soldier" trope.


What do you exactly mean by this?




Russian sport is connected with government, basically if you are sportsman on a high level, you visit Kreml, that means yoy support rapes and invasion.


Oh, i tought that the commentor was talking about all russians


The majority of Russia Federation citizens support war soooo, they should be kicked, yes. Also big problem that some people don't make difference between "Russians","people who own russian citizenship, but they could be not russian at all", and brainwashed people, who could have any citizenship, but they support war and Russians Government.


This doesnt make the point make sense since most of the russians living outside russia dont support the war


Are you truly believe in this? So Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are just lying about bunch of russianz who are wating for a Putin, whoe will safe them. You are so funny


Could be, but alot of russians started moving out because of the war and most of them are anti putin




Only civilized nations should be allowed to participate in the Olympics. That is how it used to be in the good old days. So, no degenerate barbarians like them russians. We might allow them to sell sausage outside the stadium, but not run on the field.


I believe sports should be separate from politics but that being said. I think those who publicly support Putin should be barred from competing in the Olympics. Conversely, those who openly condemn the regime’s war should be allowed to compete but unfortunately for those they probably wouldn’t say so out loud as they would likely be fined or worse imprisoned. Politics are unfortunately not able to be distinguished from sports. And it never has been. I mean Nazi Germany hosted the Olympics before the War. And if all dictatorships or countries with faults in their democratic processes and human rights would be barred then we would have far fewer competing. I feel it needs saying that not all who compete on the behalf of dictatorships approve of how their country is run and some mighty even be offered a window into new perspectives aka discovering democracy as compared to their own countries’ censorship etc. To sum it up; There are both positives and negatives to politicising sports😅


Damn they have nostalgia for getting their asses kicked by the Finn’s how nice


I admit, would’ve been more impressive with retro helmets too…


I hope this doesn't offend anyone but every time I see CCCP I think of SCTV's spoofs: [https://youtu.be/fOu\_t68mjNM](https://youtu.be/fOu_t68mjNM)




Sorry, but this is dumb. There are reasons to not let Russia to participate in the Olympics, but this isn't one of them. Read the article and this should be obvious.


Is it for nostalgia reasons or putin wants ussr back reasons?