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more uncensored hand holding PLS HOYO LET THIS BE IN GAME


bruh the game cant animate shit unless its a cutscene recall to that one time we tried to pet firefly's head but the game DIDNT animate it 😭😭


WE'LL TAKE THE CUTSCENES IF IT MEANS IT HAPPENS! theyre more confirmed out of game than in game which is more complimenting the peakness of the ads than anything. 


I think it's fair to harp on the game for not putting more effort into animations. Mihoyo has always been pretty bad about that. *But* to be fair, I was just playing through Tales of Arise the other day, and they cut to black in one scene just because they couldn't be assed to animate a character breaking a glass cup in his hand. So just seems like these anime inspired games just generally have an issue with being too lazy to have the in-game models do shit lmao.


Ayaka died five times while watching this.


why ayaka?


Her last teapot line when friendship with her is maxed is she timidly asking you to hold hands.


i think they want to make ayaka as traveller's love interest like firefly x TB, but fail or something XD or hoyo just dropped that half assed lol


She's totally got that "main girl" vibe but MHY didn't want to go heavy on shipping and treats it as a joke, proof is when you go the fortune teller in Sumeru and ask about your love life, and the fortune teller be like "Someone special will... Wait, that MANY?" and is left perplexed at all the people apparently in love with Traveler.


More like uncensored wrist-holding, but the point is the same. But seriously, you'd think that by now Hoyo would've taken the foot off the pedal, but they keep releasing stuff like this.


Probably for more publicity.   Lots of this stuff is probably just promoting their ship so people will join the game and see her. Obviously they dont need to do this, but maybe they have more freedom to go crazy with it outside the game with how much limited time they have in the patch and how much canon romance they can realistically put into a patch. This is all assuming Hoyo are huge FireBlazer shippers which I'm inclined to think they are since they did A LOT of work if it was JUST to promote the ship and not because they wanted to pander to us who are already enjoy seeing them together. Feels a little much to assume they arent showing bias here. It is odd tho. Obvious answer is they want to spread the ship farther and appeal to others of their relationship and get them to experience it in game, headcanon is they have more wiggle room outside the story to do this, so why not? You can at least avoid these if youre a hater but not the stuff in story thats straight up canon lmao


> It is odd tho. Obvious answer is they want to spread the ship farther and get more people involved but my headcanon is they have more wiggle room outside the story to do this so why not? Anyone's guess. I do hope we get more shipping content with her in the near future, or at least during the 3.x patches.


Thats kind of what were all waiting for. Whether they follow through with this considering all the hard work they did to canonize them and make them love each other.  Unless someone legitimatelly can disprove the sticker or Hoyo outright denies, the assumption is theyll keep doing this since they support it. You can honestly say this beats out Ayaka and if were making comparisons to KiaMei, this could be a slow burn with character quest stuff. At least, logically thats what the path is. Confirming it probably will never happen, but they can still work around the romantic tension and further confirm that yes, they are in love.


> You can honestly say this beats out Ayaka and if were making comparisons to KiaMei, this could be a slow burn with character quest stuff. > > At least, logically thats what the path is. Confirming it probably will never happen, but they can still work around the romantic tension and further confirm that yes, they are in love. That's the dream. That's one thing to look forward to when Amphoreus drops, and while we're unlikely to get main story content with her (they need to rotate the SH), I hope we get some solo chances to hang out with her during events. Hopefully Mihoyo won't fumble the bag, they set up the introduction, and now they should follow through. They've added too much shipping bait, enough that would make BronSeele blush.


Id say the biggest thing to look for now is if Hoyo tries and replicates this again with another character. If they dont, then at least Hoyo confirms that Firefly is their only interest. Plus seeing if Hoyo ever shows TB back then. It would make more sense if they were this loving back then especially with Firefly. Thats the quickest Ive ever seen two people hit it off and it'd be pretty insane if Hoyo starting making TB regain their memories again of Firefly. And thats if Hoyo wants to persue that AND include Firefly in that. It'll be a while before we can actually date her again since they have their own priorities.  Thats the thing with Hoyo. Theyre REALLY hard to pin down. Only thing thats for sure about them is no on confirming them, but even the sticker and fireworks were a surprise and not needed to cement their relationship I feel so theyve surprised many. Plus they keep promoting THEM. Not just Firefly by herself like most promotions. At this point theres no way you can prove theyre just friends. Friends are NOT this intimate with each other plus being romantically in love makes sense for them emotionally. Another thing is if Hoyo even feels the want or need to develop them romantically. Lots of couples dont develop romantically after something like this happens. The fear is Hoyo lets them fizzle out and continue on normally. Obviously they dont need to shove it down our throat, but itd be nice if they were a little romantic. Cant speak for anyone but they do baffle me to this day. At least the way they chose to depict them unless were all seeing this with rose tinted glasses too and theyre not in love which would be a HUGE step back after everything theyve done. It seems like a gigantic waste to depict them this way JUST as a way for AE and SH to work together. I think they keep going, but they have to tread lightly since other characters exist.


>Id say the biggest thing to look for now is if Hoyo tries and replicates this again with another character. If they dont, then at least Hoyo confirms that Firefly is their only interest. This. Honestly this is the thing we need to look out for. They can tease, but if they don't tease as heavily with Firefly then yeah


I think thats what a lot of us are predicting. Black Swan flirts, some interpret Acheron flirts sometimes too, its happened because lets face it, TB is famous AF and hot, who WOULDNT want to spit their game at them.  So far though every character weve met either isnt interested in them THAT way as much as FF, or they have their own goals and interests away from TB. TB is just someone helping them achieve these goals.  FF is different. Its almost like they enrich each others lives whenever theyre together and it gives me the inkling they were inseperable as SH's. I dont think any other character will ever be like that. Theyre not clingy persay, but whatever the healthy and developing word of "clingy" is. Regardless I think were fine. People will exaggerate harmless teasing and flirting as shipping because thats just what it is. Hoyo hasn't focused on ships or romance so far like Genshin. Is it because they want to take things differently here? Is it because FF is the main and only interest? Has it yet to happen? Who knows. I think bigger fear is Hoyo never brings romance into their relationship again since theres nowhere to go now but confirmation. Which makes me fearful they stop using the romantic tension and just make them behave normally. Tho, it wouldnt be too bad.. it just hurts seeing the potential love that they built hidden / disappear when they did all this for them. Couldve completely not done all this if the end product of this was them behaving as friends.


The fandom is gonna erupt if they do this for another girl next year 🤣, how much rizz did the TB have previously to be able to do this


they did this to traveller from genshin impact arent they? ayaka date quest then shifts to Yoimiya princess carry lol


https://preview.redd.it/uayerbtcs3ad1.jpeg?width=572&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b488de630d03015909f192e1635da04d21221778 IT'S SO CUTE 😭




Firefly really is the queen of facial expressions.


THE MUSIC THO.. WOOO🔥🔥🔥 Also did we spend… 777k of Firefly’s savings.. BRO 20K WASN’T ENOUGH?


Considering she can freely use Kafka's card, and the Trailblazer is a trash panda, us getting spoiled is the only possible reality lol.


Kafka when she checks her bank account: https://preview.redd.it/501syrzau3ad1.jpeg?width=659&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e3775d9e9a1c73f3035acf28d16d90945382ff1


Do the Stelleron Hunters even have money issues with Wolfie there who could hack any bank and Kafka who could mind control someone?


I know for Blade, his bounty says “dead or alive.” What if they just casually “killed” Blade and turned his body in. And when he comes back to life they break him out again from wherever he’s being held. Of course, they’d have to disguise themselves each time they turned in the bounty. Infinite money glitch. Pretty sure Blade wouldn’t mind since he gets his temporary relief, although not a permanent one


SH gets funding while blade gets some peaceful sleep. SW - “we can’t keep getting away with this” Kafka to bounty hunting guild - “hey listen”


Blade Infinite Credit Glitch


No need for those illegal methods, just ask Elio what the next Space Powerball number is


Thry don't hav money issues despite being wanted by the IPC, they also hav an incredible credit score with them




But she already told us that she doesn't like spending other people's money. ....Which makes the people who did spend her 20k look even worse.


She said she doesn't use others money even if Kafka gave her


I'm surprised they use hook's champion theme on this


Hook is gonna come out of nowhere(with Giovanni ofc) and challenge us to a Aetherium wars match duh!


NGL I would be all for an Aetherium Wars sequel set in Penacony with out boi Giovanni inviting Firefly and the others to compete. It would be so cool to see her "trainer" cutscene. We had the gambling addict from the Luofu stop by the hotel, so no reason Hook can't make the trip too!


I just wish they add bosses. I want to play as SAM(Firefly half combustion) boss.


They should kiss already https://preview.redd.it/9l5omfdvz3ad1.jpeg?width=1012&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f66c948991fc9116fe3dfe22bc2db384fbaba216














W i f e


https://preview.redd.it/ye12hlzy34ad1.png?width=354&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d124fef756461dae51fbb37d9f914b9c8f5b3d1f Kiss already




Date! 😍


I'm just laughing at the fact that Firefly spending a ton of money on TB is a running theme. :D


my inner gentleman hurts to see this...


Dw is not her money is Kafka's card


Firefly fans have been absolutely feasting thanks to Hoyo also hard shipping Trailblazer x Firefly lol. Makes me so happy to see. https://preview.redd.it/oow5khk0j4ad1.png?width=450&format=png&auto=webp&s=d2ddc19d915af14eddd801fbf81335f43f5acdfc


[link](https://youtu.be/9vm0laOBg1A?si=-r9UgIUpU9x0vdus) unlisted


[Isn't this already shared in the subreddit earlier?](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireflyMains/comments/1dtjice/new_caefly_just_dropped_by_hoyoverse_unlisted_ad/) Or it is an entirely different ad


yeah saw it, I uploaded the video itself that ones the link


Oh it's the same video then, alright cool


Is this like one of those ads that play on YouTube or something like that? I am very confused


Firefly content is always a win. Loving these ads!


Someone is going to download the game bc of this, be very confused that they have to play 3 other zones of content first, reach the first date with FF only to see her get stabbed. I wonder if that person would continue to play the game enough to see that she is actually fine.


if there is a new plaayer and plays the game from this ads, poor guy got all the twist spoiled lol, ff still alive and everything, the banner indicaates that she is sam. new players and us, will have a LOT of different experiencing the story. they'll be like : "wtf she's dead?" and then got reminded that she is actually fine from all these ads


The way she looks at him though https://preview.redd.it/3fbfbzh4b6ad1.png?width=246&format=png&auto=webp&s=e963019c5c50bf7ec6b10303f92e3a8526f5e824


arms behind her back, lips pursed, head looking up slightly. THIS WOULD HAVE BEEN AN EP 12 END OF SEASON CONFESSION IN AN ANIME


Like a schoolgirl crush


omg..this is such a treat for caefly fans <3 https://preview.redd.it/2uq4k3fzy3ad1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=72f820e8de15c07e676fe88faee56deaf2893701 aight guys, im going to find the JP version hope there is one.....


Ahh, the close-up shots are killing of cuteness. Wife


Hope we can see firefly again in the game


Damn cae really getting the spotlight, huh


We know. They know. They know we know. Just make it canon already!


The rizzblazer 🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


✌️😀Firefly 📸 ✌️🙂 Caelus


How are some people still denying this at this point. LET THEM MARRY




At this point TBxFirefly is canon.


Summer and love are usually related and now it's starting summer in China.


I find it VERY funny when i remember that those legs are the same ones that traumatized a bunch of people a few weeks ago


hmm what legs?


Top 5 Scariest Humpscare Escarry Alert 💀 Numero 5: https://preview.redd.it/89rrttrg84ad1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d67c015c80ba1ad38167bcd83f0e411c677a081e




them frickin bugs man..




Hello gaeys


wait is this a fucking Dross reference


Nah. It's a reference to the fact that people (one of them mainly being Mina on her alt Twitter account) were hella upset that it was Caelus walking up to firefly at the end of her trailer instead of Stelle, cause Fandom Yuri obsession smth smth (idk, I stay outta that stuff, I just eat the popcorn and watch)


i meant the "Numero 5" part, reminded me of DrossRotzank


OHHH, sorry I didn't get it LMAO. Never heard of them


u/Luksss84 No, its from Squewee meme channel,


ah, mb lmaoooo


oh yeeah a certain vtuber are angry when this shows XD


*Caelus at the end probably yapping up a storm*  Firefly: 🥰


Just date already 😭😭 hoyo wants SO MUCH to make it real, maybe they are just afraid of the comunity




Massive W.


Marry already 🥺


If it wasn't already a fact, this further proves that Caelus x Firefly is the undisputed canon couple in the game CAEFLY SUPREMACY <3 https://preview.redd.it/ifanh8yiy3ad1.jpeg?width=1680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b3d5b71aa3866e832226e9a976d176713bfbe6f


So real




Give them a break will ya? The hate on Stelle is from fanatics, most of us are just appreciating Caelus getting some spotlight in a while. Stelle is already the majority of the community's favorite. Heck, even as a Caelus main i wished Stelle was also playable. Sadly Hoyo made me choose...




In early Penacony trailer, there's literally a selfie of Stelle and Firefly. One of the first official trailers about Penacony. StelleFly opened Penacony, CaeFly closes Penacony. As for the "true" pair, i dunno. Since Hoyo never makes any relationship official or canon. Since that will probably tank their sales of waifus and husbandos.


i preferes the later, since at beginning we dont know shi abou firefly and hoyo just make them dates in tatalov penacony introduction trailer lol but after knowing all the context theeze gives more meaning. so yeah i kinda understand why some stelle user pissed at this ads


I'm seeing you under a lot of comments simply enjoying the Caefly content and bringing up nonexistent Stelle "hate." Give it a rest gang.




Someone Calling Caefly canon is not Stelle hate, like the comment we're under now has nothing to do with her. You're the one bringing her up. Just because someone likes one ship doesn't always mean they don't like the other, and if they don't, it doesn't matter as long as they aren't being toxic about it. Besides, they're both the damn same so if Caefly is canon, so is Stellefly. Cmon man. I've also seen zero comments shitting on yuri enjoyers, and if there are there's not a lot of them. You're making it seem worse than ot actually is.


If you're finding alot of hate then your actively looking for it. For the most part people here are chill. And typically hold eachother accountable. We love Firefly and so we don't care if it's Caelus or Stelle or BOTH. In fact we encourage both. She deserves both...


-777k No way...


So peak


Man they are SUPER shipping them. Like would any other future heroine even be relevant now?


heroines yes, love interest like firefly? probably not lol


As much as I love Firefly I wish to have more content in game than just visuals of them dating like fighting and such


I think so too, but I guess it is too hard to animate for an ad, or if they want to keep SAM a surprise IDK


Yes that's a shame Even if spoiling a story isn't necessarily bad. Especially if you come now and check her banner you get spoiled lol Spoilers don't always spoil the experience so showing the gameplay shouldn't be that bad


I guess it is for YouTube ads, and they might think ads like this are more effective for getting new players. man if this is getting post in the main sub i can imagine what will happen already.


I guess I'm not smart enough haha, but I guess as long as more players come it means more people to talk with


don't say that bro I'm just guessing too. lol


Honestly this update is kinda ass, I was expecting more from it. They could give her more screentime (yeah she had the main story but it lasted for like 2h)


That's fun because 2 hours is a tally a long time, just for Mhy standards it's short lol


I want to kiss her




Nothing is more cringe than ppl fighting over who between the 2 versions of MC gets more screentime with FF. They are literally the same character. Y'all are just dumb apparently lol


Yuri stans are unimpressed once again


smells like a vtuber


Exactly. Mina and Numi lol


people are allowed to like stelle and not be remembered of this bullshit drama like where did it even come from why do yall care about these vtubers lmao. Ignore that shit, constantly bringing it up is just toxic. I bet this person loves it when theyre constantly brought up


It's only because Mina was being a hypocrite, and she got called out for good. Either way it'll go away firefly is on the hype rn, don't get so stressed up buddy


tbh at this point expecting any stelle X ff promo is just setting yourself up for disappointment


its fine stelle got her moments in trailer, its fair!


yeah tbh I will take them holding hands flying in the 2.3 post trailer and cherish it forever hahah really glad they added that!


you mean crumbs fair and cool yes




Idk, some ppl are gatekeeping this sub from StelleFly wanters saying "Caelus and Stelle are the same person anyways so don't ask for more StelleFly" or something and yet they're also saying "Caelus > Stelle".




No, It just sounded sarcastic. I meant that Yuri stans being unimpressed is a valid reaction too. If Caelus fans can rejoice, then Stelle fans have the right to be disappointed too. It's just the other side of the coin.




Hoyo is posting Caefly not because they prefer it but more like it’s the safer choice. Hoyo has produced yuri content for as long as the company was founded but they have toned it down due to CCP laws.


I'm a Stelle main and I don't get such vibe at all. People are obviously shitting on *radical* yuri shippers, who are notorious for being extremely annoying. "Yuritard" is a very popular term for a reason, in any fandom, they just don't know how to behave and everyone hates them for that.


[not really true imo](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireflyMains/s/FSnxv7WZOf)


the last 10 seconds of that trailer was unnecessary and really reduce how powerful of a character firefly could be but instead they reduce her to waifu like COME ON


I think all this "Official Caelus x Firefly" stuff we got right in the middle of "Western Countries Pride Month" is peak performance meme.


hoyo is starting on something XD


A character can be a waifu *and* a serial murderer.


i wanna see someone downvoting your comment, not knowing the references XD


So it's canon for us to spend all of her money


Firefly fans keep on winning


It's established and official! Firefly is gf material!


They really are pushing the Caelus agenda.


Caefly ftw


The hate against StelleFly in this thread is just kind of disappointing. This subreddit values both ships..


I saw no hate against stellefly in particular here tho, infact majority people supporting both. The only thing is that there's just 2 main replies about the Mina drama. or referencing the toxic shippers. Stellefly and caefly both always gets much love in this sub


Well.. Yes, but obviously Stelle fans like me will be disappointed to see how much Caelus they've been using in these trailers. I know that they're both canon depending on who you chose in game and that they're the same person. But if I dare to express my disappointment in this thread, then I will get downvoted to hell for some reason. I can guarantee that this comment will get downvoted as well because I just said this.


Yeah, well I don't know the reason but it's probably because of business reasons or ccp or something, coz the game is very mainstream now. the company will always do what will profit them.


I mean talking about receiving downvotes pre-empitvely is what usually garners the downvotes mind. Self-fulfilling actions and all that jazz. But it seems like most folks here are just discussing it, with no particular hate towards Stellefly fans, more just bad attempts at memeing on that one Vtuber drama, which is kind of a dead horse at this point. Both are equal, but I can't blame folks who prefer one or the other getting peeved. In Caelus art posts you'll have folks bringing up Stelle rather randomly even if the focus on Caelus, or complaining it isn't Stelle. And on the Stelle posts you'll have similar annoying replies. Most are probably good intentioned, like yours I notice on occasion talking about Stelle when the artwork is Caelus focus. No bad blood there, but it does rub some folks the wrong way, and they interpret it as combative even if that isn't the intent. It's why I 90% of the time just say Trailblazer regardless of whether it is Stelle/Caelus in the post. It just cuts off most of the BS, and you don't have to deal with the weirdos who read too much into replies.


I guess you got a point, both fandoms are quite unhinged when it comes to shipping them. But can you tell me where I talk about Stelle when the post is Caelus focused? I don't really see what you mean.


Ah, I worded it somewhat awkwardly there, but it was supposed to be an example of people reading too much into things, [https://www.reddit.com/r/FireflyMains/comments/1drjcyw/comment/lavp64h/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireflyMains/comments/1drjcyw/comment/lavp64h/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) This was the comment I was referring to, and I brought it up because it was an example where someone was going "THOSE STELLEFLY GUYS RANDOMLY BRING HER UP WHEN ITS CAEFLY ART!" And I had to to explain to them that you weren't trying to dismiss Caelus' existence or anything. The art itself was non-specific and other than the title and looking at the artist's twitter page (which is mostly Caelus art) you had no way of knowing it was Caelus focused. Not that it would have even mattered to begin with mind. Just people making mountains outta molehills for really tiny shit like a reddit post title saying one name instead of the other lmao.


you expressed yourself in a respectful way and still got down voted lol


They really want to drain our stellar jade 💀


We keep winning firebros


Imagine if we turn in Firefly to the organization that put a bounty on her. We can finally pay her the credits we lost on gambling.


Yeah when she's next to Caelus or Stelle I can see why people though she share the tiny model with Sparkle and Pela






i know there's plenty of new character ahead, but ngl i missed firefly content already, hope she will be featured more in the game and all those fanart will sustain this fireflyless time


I’m gonna feel really bad when I don’t get her


What’s the name of the ost theme playing here?


Firefly surely is our Nation's Kamen Rider GF 🩷💕


Idk why people are fighting honestly, from what i can tell Caefly appears a lot more in these smaller and simpler ads while StelleFly appears in the grander ones (the 2.3 trailer and the Sparkle one off the top of my head), so i'd say it evens out


It's a shame they can't make a Stelle version, I want to snort some yuri shit


same *Ahem*


I don't think there's anything stopping them really. In one of the first Penacony promos they showed off the OG Firefly "date" with some scenes of Stelle. It's not like their is anything explicitly romantic going on that would get them in trouble, and Mihoyo has treaded that line often enough to know where the boundaries are. I think the emphasis on Caelus for these ones are nice. And it works well for the kind of doofus vibe he gives off. Personally I think Stelle's gremlin energy plays off March more, but that's just me hah.


lovely trailer 💚


Minus how much credits?


Wait I actually felt bad and didn’t wanna spend all her money but it looks like I should’ve lol


What was the first one?






That voice sounds very familiar….


she's getting the "good morning sunshine" treatment


They're *really* leaning hard into the ship, huh? Even if they're too scared to let these two actually hold hands. But hey, it's still better than most of HYV's ads...




I think people in the sub don't hate stelfly because I don't see any hate on stelfly fanart. it's only been like this after vtuber drama.




[not really true imo](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireflyMains/s/FSnxv7WZOf)




I mean the person talking about caefly being the canon couple is being in general because people find excuses to ship caelus with other female reps like robin, march, archeron without any solid proof that it's something close to a romantic relationship. No one is hating on stelle because they are the same, as for why hoyo usually uses caelus more it's because stelle has mostly been the face of the game since day 1 appearing in more trailers than caelus. Also hoyo doesn't want to deal with china ccp rules that's why we don't see anything more explicit than hand holding. Downvoting me because I like caefly is wild we don't need toxicity in this sub leave if you can't accept firefly likes both.


its fine no one is downvoting you , here a +1


Yeah, Well it's either way always. And the hating on yuri part was coz of that Mina drama and the toxic shippers in particular you see, as it got popular recently coz of the drama. And you'll always find some side or the other saying this or that canon. But look at the sub art posts, both Stellefly and Caefly gets much love.




Yeah true, but probably only because the video posted by hoyo is with caelus right so probably that's why. Otherwise everywhere else on other platforms too both sides usually do




You clearly have a one eye sided argument to this if you think all caelus players shit on stellefly. You don't get that the toxicity started from some Yuri streamer downplaying firefly character when she appeared in a 10second short with caelus because she likes Yuri ships more. No one hates on stellemain but hate that the toxicity is brought up downplaying firefly character because she is a waifu bait when with caelus. To say hoyo feeds all the official firefly content into caefly is wrong. Let's see where has stelle and firefly appeared with firefly. 1) tatalov trailer (stelle) 2) white knight (caelus) 3) version 2.3 trailer (stelle) 4) SGF show video (caelus) 5) Firefly trailer (caelus) 6) sweet dream curtain (stelle) As you can see it's mostly equal with hoyo swapping both MCs for firefly related trailers. Where is the bias towards calling everything related to firefly only caelus bias?




Except they aren't if you are talking about firefly and stelle doing romantic stuff it's impossible out of the context further than handholding same goes for Caefly. In the end hoyo still has to abide to China ccp laws on not showing too much boys love or girls love that goes the same for all china related game companies. Talking about Yuri or LGBTQ goes against the principles of china laws that applies to game companies so you won't ever see anything more than a handhold. Which stelle and firefly was already seen holding hands in the sparkle trailer and they had a date together spending time like caelus in the tatalov trailer. Hoyo isn't going to go out and make caelus and firefly kiss lmao, same like stelle everything is going to be closed and implied with hand holding being the furthest they ever go.


Yeah, They probably have their reasons. Companies will only do things that profit them or something


They are just good friends 😄👍 /s