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As a Blues fan: We laid an absolute egg in Game 6 of the Finals in 2019 when we had a chance to close it out. Got dominated the whole game, Binner got pulled, very similar to this game. Next game we won 4-1 & took home the cup. We’ll be fine.


Thank you. I needed to read this before bed. Go Cats! Let’s get this cup and me to tears of joy 🥲


Blues also lost game 3 of that series 7-2 right?


Yep. Actually that was the game Binner got pulled so I slightly mixed those up in my head but still got our asses handed to us 5-1 with the chance to close it out in G6 so my point still stands :)


btw, mad fucking respect to everybody who watched the full 60


I could not, would not, and did not turn it off. Stayed till the bitter end


Same. I did sit in silence after for about 5 mins processing what transpired. We got this baby go cats.


I had prior commitments. All I got to see was the last 3 minutes. I slogged through it. Hopefully the karma built up having to hear the Edmonton fans singing Shania gets us at least 3-4 goals in game 5.


As much as Edmonton was probably due some goals, so are we. Looking at you, Chucky, Swaggy, Monty


True. Do the same thing right back to them in game 5!!!


I stuck with it. Always feel a lot worse when I turn off a game before it’s over (though it was basically over when Nurse scored).


Buddy, I have only been able to watch a baker’s dozen Cats finals games in my lifetime, I am trying to watch every minute I can.


I didn’t enjoy it but It’ll make the cup win that much sweeter when we get the job done


I did. Gave me flashbacks to the lean years when I first got into this team, ‘12-‘13 season. I watched a lot of horrible Panthers games. It’s never fun but you find a way to pull through…


Guys, if before the SC started, someone asked you if you would take be up 3-1 after 4 games heading back to Sunrise. What would have been your answer?


Great comment. Also think of the Panthers fan who commented after the Game 3 loss vs the Rangers: "*so we're down the same amount of games we went down vs Boston, cool*" to also put things in perspective.


Exactly. Everyone said it wasn't going to be easy and Bob was bound to have a bad game. Splitting the games in Edmonton it's actually not bad so I'm still spinning free.


Bob wasn't totally dialled in but he got no help at all. I mean Montour literally took him out for one of the goals. And we still lost 0-3 with Stolarz on the ice. Delete. Reset.


Absolutely. As bad as the score was tonight, it only counts for one loss and momentum does not carry between games in the playoffs. Tuesday night will be an entirely new slate and the team will come out with a completely different energy than they did tonight


For once I’m grateful for the extra day off between games to let the momentum die




Cats all season: dominate, get complacent, get smashed, get angry, smash back. I expect no different on tues


I've never seen a more obvious "*flush it down the toilet game*" in my life.


Don’t even need to review the tape. Just move on to game 5


Prob still need to review. Sloppy defensive play needs to be gone over on the plane for sure.


I am irrationally upset. I don't know whether it's just my hatred for the Oilers, or I've become a Panthers fan.


Combination of the 2. 8-1 in a close out Finals game is maddening on so many levels, especially since it’s so reminiscent of the idiotic way we played the Finals last season. And we have an extra day of waiting time compared to the usual, since the travel distance meant an extra day off. It’s so damn obnoxious, but it’s still one L, doesn’t count extra for all those goals.


Welcome to the fandom of the panthers. We have rats, and uh... That's really it tbh


Excuse me, you have Roberto Luongo, I love him.


Same, bro, same. The Panthers defense is typically diamonds, and also, the Oilers are a garbage team. So much to love and so much to hate. I think I'm irrationally perplexed.


So much for the first sweep since 1998 lmao. Let's go through it... * D was **shambolic** tonight and put Bob in terrible spot after terrible spot. It wasn't just one guy either. Montour taking out Bob on the 2 v 1. Mikkola. Ekblad. All had their fair share of errors contributing to the embarrassing final score. * Skinner stepped up for them. Standout moment of the night was after Vlad scored to make it 1-2, we could have stolen that arena's entire soul with a quick follow-up equalizer on the Verhaeghe one-timer. Instead, Skinner got across in time for one hell of a save. * McDavid finally scored a goal. They finally scored on the powerplay (5 v 3 plus our backup goalie in the net but hey, it counts I guess) I'm not concerned about Bobrovsky getting pulled. He's been unreal these Finals. Most of the goals that led to the blowout weren't even on him. Gave him an early rest because even Maurice knew it wasn't our night. Don't bitch about the refs (Foegle vs Bennett hit). Don't do that loser ass "we just wanted to win it at home obviously". Give credit to the Oilers. Contrary to what has been spouted for the last week, they're actually a damn good team and were the West Champs for a reason. They kicked our asses and gave their fans *something* to cheer for after an incredible year by them. This unit has done incredible vs adversity and been on a mission since the embarrassment vs Vegas last year. I expect them to bounce back Tuesday. Good night and see y'all then.


Edmonton cherry picked the hell out of us. It was stretch pass after stretch pass leading into an odd man rush and a score. Bobby couldn’t have done anything when it’s constantly odd man rushes


Shesterkin, Swayman, Vasilevsky, Fleury, all of them would have shit the bed if they traded places with Bob last night.


I mean fluke wins happen for a reason. Oilers think they cute after using up all their goals. As heat fans, we know this more than anything. Oilers won't carry this momentum to game 5 after we are out for blood.


This wasn't a fluke though. Our defense got very complacent, too many mistakes and they let it get out of hand, I'm very nervous about Tuesday. Hopefully they can see what they did and fix it


Yep. All around. Still a huge mountain for the Oilers to climb here. 


All of this, and we didn't have any puck luck. If Reino buries that first rebound on the PP where we hit the post twice this game is very different. That early in the game it quiets the crowd and puts that gloom and doom in their heads and we possibly blow them out. They scored almost immediately after that and the place errupted and they just fed off that all night.


I hate that we lost to a fanbase full of obnoxious gatekeepers who think we shouldn't even be allowed to have hockey down here


Just wanted to pop by and say that I’m a Canadian but rooting so hard for y’all. Fuck the Oilers, them and Leafs fans are constantly locked in a mid off for most annoying. 


thanks, oilers were already annoying me after they whined about the refs in game 1 of their series with dallas even though they won that game lol


Here’s to Game 5 and shutting them up for good in the sunshine state! Good luck! 


Don't mean to suck you guys off but I absolutely love cities like Florida having a hockey team. I wish Arizona worked out, too. Sports team belong in fun cities. Edmonton is a shit-hole. I get they have die-hard fans and are a legacy team but... who tf grows up wanting to live in Edmonton lol. Then people complain they can't attract FA's. Most of those guys move and cheer for their team from other cities. Pay them no mind. It's also cool as fuck having a sheet of ice in such a hot climate.


Every series we've lost a game where we looked bad and then bounced back hard on the next one. Not worried at all, figured they'd drop one of these away games anyway. Cats in 5.


This is exactly what I was thinking. This team’s ability to bounce back after a loss has been so good this playoff run I don’t see why they’d stop now!


Bad loss, yes. But they just won 6 straight in the playoffs, where they only gave up more than 2 goals once. They were clearly in their heads tonight. Maybe a little bit of wanting to win at home, as well. Remember we lost against Tampa 6-3 in game 4, then blew them out in game 5 6-1. And also I wore my jersey for the first time all playoffs tonight, sorry. I won't be doing that again. And at least we weren't the only team going for the sweep only to get demolished. Hi, Celtics fans!


Dude I broke my jersey out for the first time tonight too, so it's not just on you


No matter how many goals they scored, it only counts as one.


Same shit I had to remind my wife. Whoever hoists the cup will be remembered. Not whatever the score was




Cats are gonna be pissed Tuesday, Tampa and Boston learned the hard way of why you dont pile on goals


When Nurse puts a ringer in the top left corner to score you know it just wasn’t meant to be. The defense was horrendous tonight and left bob put to dry. Everything was going the oilers way including puck bounces and ref calls. This is an easy game to just forget and use as motivation for game 5.


That early PP where we doinked the post twice then gave up a shorty was disgusting, knew right then this was going to be shitty. But damn don’t completely unravel, lose 5-2 or something lol


Yeah the only thing losing this big is you don’t question any one play or lose sleep over it. Was just a shitty performance by everyone. Missed 2 wide open net goals and doinked off the post, meanwhile the oilers doinked like 3 in the net off the post and again… Nurse buried a ringer in the top left corner. That’s probably the second time he’s ever done that in his career including practice. I’m not sure why the panthers power play has actually led to more goals against them then for but that has truly been a head scratcher for me. They play better when they just shoot it in instead of trying to get fancy and skate it in.


I would say that the Panthers played a shockingly lazy game tonight (no hate, but you saw it too). I mean, I usually chock that style of gameplay up to the "garbage-as-usual-Oilers" but The Oilers had a lot of guys playing for their contracts tonight and the Panthers were hoping for an easy muffin game to take the W in. **The Oilers don't have dogs**. So, if the Panthers played a 2-way game, all game, like they have been this series, it would have been a lot closer but the Panthers gave up in the first part of the second period. I think puck luck, and the garbage officiating (hard to be in it again when your teammate gets hurt on a penalty that doesn't get called right) and they wrote the game off early unfortunately. We'll see a different game for game 5 for sure. I'm hoping that we see the Panthers back in form and we see them take the game with a 5 goal against for the Oilers (a boy can dream, okay?). It sucks to see that you guys have doomers when this series has seen exceptional hockey played by the Panthers despite one bad outing. I'm personally looking forward to another year of Oilers tears, and if its on the back of my boy ERod under a different banner, I'm still here for it. Much love, I'm not sure where this version of the Panthers came from, it's been decidedly off-brand for them.


EDM fans celebrating like they just won the cup. You’ll own these clowns next game, there won’t be a game 6. Bad games happen.


To any doomers we are up 3-1 going to sunrise not down 3-1 going to Edmonton


And by doomers, we mean bandwagons. Yes, it's 3-1 a sweep would have been really hard to achieve, look at NBA so stop crying and go cats.


Said it in the game thread but I’ll say it here: no matter how many goals they scored, it’s still only one win. When have we not fired back right after a loss. Next game we are going to smack them and adjust properly and perfectly. Bring the cup back to Florida!


I might be coping but it felt like the team gave up halfway after the 2nd the lack of effort on back checks and careless penalties gave me that impression. If anyone thinks that game is a good indicator of how we’re going to play in game 5 they’re crazy. Let’s lift that cup back in Florida!


At some point the players mentally check out and just chuck pucks at the net. It becomes a safety game and not trying to get injured. Pretty much what happened imo


Nice my relationship of almost 8 years ended today so this is only the second worst thing to happen to me today so far


Damn…sorry bro. Chin up. You’ll find the right one and the boys will be lifting the cup in 72 hours from now!


A goal against for each year


surely this will exorcise those demons


ya hear that panthers you'd better win on tuesday damnit!


Damn. Sorry brother/sister


sorry to hear that buddy. hope tomorrow is better than today


Fuck the doomers that decided to pay a visit tonight, piss off and crawl back in your caves.


The objective was always to steal 1 In Canada We good boys


Yeah, 8-1 hurts though


1,000% I’m smoking away my sorrows as we speak


Its the Stanley cup final. Wasnt gonna be easy, wasn't gonna be free. Nothing we can do just put it away and go again, keep backing barky and the boys.


a loss like this is better than like a 3-1 loss. they were EMBARRASSINGLY bad out there tonight. like someone else said edmonton could have scored 100 goals but it's still just one game. this is a good wake up call and i think they'll come out super strong Tuesday.


You guys realize how funny this is lol. Celtics basically lost to yesterday to the same Of what 8-1 is in hockey. Both teams up dominantly I wanted Florida to win. But damn makes me wonder. A cup would be be sweeter in Florida


I'm glad the Celtics lost


Fuck Boston.


Well shit lol. That sucked


Avs fan here. 2-1 loss is the same as 8-1, it’s one game, it happens. Y’all are still in command of this series. Go home, do your Panthers thing, shut ‘em down, and give E-rod his flowers! 


Let’s face it. We were due for an off game, oilers were due for a great game.


Meh, 3-1 series lead going into Sunrise, I am very confident


The panthers have always struggled to close out series but man they played terrible. A lot of footage to review. Limiting the rush will be key for the next game because that’s what killed us. Bob always has at least one bad game a series so imo better to happen when we’re up 3-0 and not when we need him. Be prepared for the media to act like the Oilers are going to crush us game 5 because of one bad game. Anyone going to game 5 be loud. Let’s send the Oilers home sad. GO CATS NO MATTER WHAT!


We were down to a better Rangers team and won in 6 js.


I’m no stranger to South Florida sports and let downs but I haven’t been more confident in our guys bringing it home since the Heatles. No way this team lets the Stanley slip through their fingers again. They’re on a mission. The most frustrating part about all of this is we’re going to have to stay away from any sports air or else suffer the grotesque display of deep throating oilers until next Tuesday.


Nah just remind them 3-1 and they'll shut up


This was definitely a hard watch of a game, but the way I see it, we just collected a bunch of footage to review and put our defense in the right direction coming onto game 5.


This perspective has me feeling better, thank you! We always learn. 🤘




Show them video of this game and game 5 of last year’s Final on repeat


Clockwork Orange style 😂.


Absolutely embarrassing. Even beyond embarrassing. Get your shit together for the love of God.


Knew we’d drop one but wtfffffffffffff


Wasn’t great, but I think Bob resets and comes back invincible.


You all are handling the embarrassing loss way better than the Celtics post game thread last night haha


We saw it in basically every game against Vegas last year. Game 5 clincher loss was 9-3 Knights lol, we know what these guys are capable of in the wrong way. I’d really hoped they wouldn’t go down to that level of shittiness, but here we are. They’ve got 3 wins and none of them were all that complete, hopefully Game 5 is a complete game for a close out win. Better be, otherwise the noise is going to get *real* loud.


1- they got behind us on rushes too many times. If we keep them in front of us like we did games 1-3 that’s an advantage. 2- what the hell was that slide on the shorty? That’s a boneheaded decision in the midst of a number of boneheaded decisions we made tonight. The mental game was not there, but that’s easily correctable. 3- if skinner doesn’t save the shot by Verhaege it’s 2-2. If Tkachuk doesn’t hit the post it’s 3-2. Totally different game. The bounces didn’t fall our way. There was nothing they did tonight that tells me games 1-3 we’re a fluke. If we play our game we will Win game 5.


Go home. Have some fun on the plane. Because you play at home tuesday, and you either win the Stanley Cup or you start playing with fire. No in between now.


Flush it, don’t pay any attention to the media, and believe that our boys will win the next game. Simple


I’m confident about Tuesday but 8-1 is crazy




We win on Tuesday… I am not worried, may the rats rain 🐀🐀🐀


i think it’s fair to be simultaneously shocked re the extent of the loss (8-1), and feel confident in this team’s resolve to get it done at home in game 5.


Soooo it's nice that the Panthers are really fucking good and are already up 3-1 in the series


Panthers paying homage to the Panthers of old in this one lol fuck. 8-1 is gnarly but I really feel like it was “fuck it, we’re done here” quite early on and they packed it in. EDM unleashed 3 games of frustration on us in their last stand and we came out shook as hell. It is what it is; we have an amazing opportunity on Tuesday


Its ok that Edmonton won a game. They're embarrassed now, they'll respond to that. They'll win it on home ice


Have we tried the power button on the back of Bob. We need to turn him off and back on again. That should do the trick!


I think you’re supposed to unplug and wait 20 seconds, then plug back in for system reset.


Terrible game. Just go out and win on Tuesday and nobody will ever have to think or talk about this again


Fourth one is the hardest to close out but sheesh, nobody had a good night tonight. Come home, reset and win.


See y'all Tuesday. VAMOS GATOS!


My dad always said, if you're gonna lose, might as well lose big. Better than being heartbroken losing a close game.


I don't understand what happened tonight, but I'd be gobsmacked if Cats were to sleepwalk like this through another game in this series. It's one thing to lose, it's another to get humiliated. They're going to come out fired up on Tuesday. I expect Bob to come back with a strong effort and Panthers to close this one out with a 2-0 victory in Game 5.


Was that ever a stinker. What a time for my worst panthers game to see in person


The panthers throwing the game to win at home actually seems plausible after that. That game was bad… really bad.


Let's be real, Paul Maurice ain't throwing any games.  Dude is all business.  Panthers just caught themselves a real heckin' in the locker room this evening 


This was their stanley cup championship game. They blew their load. Bob got some well needed rest. Cats in 5.


Disrespectful. Im sure the panthers are pissed


Log off and enjoy your Saturday night everybody


Man that sucked. Blood boiling all game. From my perspective, a few kudos to the Oilers. 1. Skinner had a hell of a game. Absolutely robbed a few goals. Can’t even be mad if I wanted to. 2. I’m not sure even one of those Oilers goals were greasy. They put on an offensive clinic tonight. Can’t even be mad if I wanted to. Embarrassing. I hope it was just nerves on the cats’ end tonight. Regroup, rest, watch tape. I want them to fucking destroy Edmonton on Tuesday.


We're fine. It's a game where nothing went right for us, and everything went right for them. Good on Edmonton. See you on Tuesday.


Barkov Conn Smyth


Drove 7 hours to see that game. Sorry everyone. It’s on me for going.


Between Game 5 in the finals last year, Game 4 against Tampa, and Game 1 against Boston, I’ve learned that when this panthers team lets go of the rope during a game (shoutout Erik Spoelstra), they let the whole damn rope go lol. Tuesday will be a new game and a fresh start


Yup, this has Game 5 Vegas vibes real quick. Gotta flush it down the toilet and go back to what got you here. That was a real dud but hoping the home crowd and chance to hoist the cup on Home ice in Sunrise rallies the squad. Weird parallels to the NBA Finals.


Just gotta laugh this one off as a fan


Flush it down the toilet and move on




Team took a beat down last year in the finals, 1st round against Tampa, and 2nd round against Boston. PoMo will have them refocused on Tuesday


It all fell apart when we hit post on that powerplay after their dirty knee got waived to a minor.. But still having that turn around into yet another short handed goal is unacceptable.. we need to lock down on why the powerplay is becoming not only weak but a liability leading to losing all the momentum early on in the game with these shorthanded giveaways..


This honestly just makes me even more excited. I thought we were gonna sweep tonight even thought I kinda wanted to win at home. Now, we get plenty of rest and get to take this back to FL with a vengeance. This makes this series so much more exciting.


ngl as soon as montour slid into bob i knew the game was probably gonna end this way, started off way too sloppy and just let it snowball all the way to the end. hoping game 5 goes way better and they win this thing at home


It sucks, but whatever. Fed off the fans and Florida gave up once Bob got pulled. Tatum and Chuckie’s destinies are intertwined. Both in 5 at home.


The parallels between the series are so weird. Especially because I'm rooting for the Celtics to lose almost as much as I'm rooting for the Panthers to win.


Being a panthers fan all these years, I’m numb to this kind of pain. On to the next one.


💨💨. Better to get blown out and embarrassed then to loose a close one. CATS will come back strong and close this out in 5. No way this was ever gonna be a sweep. GO CATS GO!!


Still confident for the series but holy shit That was fucking terrible. Had a bad feeling with how packed amerant was tonight tbh-hate over confidence (not that it really translates to the ice, just a bad juju thing). Pomo better go ape shit tonight. Going to be a rough couple of days listening to everyone say oilers have hope and shit. Fuck that. Cats Shay the bed. It happens. Move the fuck on. Still up 3-1. Finish it in fl.


At least now I'll be productive until Tuesday instead of constantly watching how great the Panthers are. After Tuesday, I'll go back watching.


Didn’t enjoy that but I was figuring Edmonton would fire nonstop so there wouldn’t be a sweep. Get angry and take it in game 5 at home.


Well, that was painful (and longtime panthers fans know the feeling all too well) but sweeps are hard. I still have faith. Let’s get that cup at home in south florida, where it belongs!


See y’all in Sunrise. Let’s hope we lift it in game 5


I'd rather them win the cup at home, in front of all the fans. It will be a magical expirence. It's gonna be raining rats when that happens and I can't wait to see it.


Well let's look on the bright side. We only gave up 2 goals in the 3rd instead of 3 🙃


After all that the series is 3-1 Oh no


Gotta forget this ever happened. Focus on Tuesday.


You have to laugh or you’ll cry.


I'm going with both


Am not concerned. One man show will not beat best team in league four in a row.


Drove 4 hours to the watch party at Amerant. Stayed all game. Sucks we lost and the Bennett call was atrocious officiating. Praying the next game is different and we bring a new momentum due to this loss. Love to Bob. Hope he gets some well deserved rest.


Flames fan. Been 26 years since a sweep. You guys still got this. Please!


This was all part of the plan to win the cup at home and make sure Bob was well rested for the big game. PANTHERS IN 5!!!🐀🐀🐀




Can't be mad that we split the two games on the road. I think we will be fine on Tuesday.


I figured Edmonton was too good to not steal at least one game, but holy smokes…not by 7 goals. We still have 3 more chances. This was the first finals game I had to work during but I’ve got enough empanadas and time off for games 5-7 if they’re required.


That federal holiday coming in clutch on Wednesday


If they lost game 1 or 3 and won tonight everyone would be hyped to go back for game 5 with a chance to win.


I think the Panthers win their first at home… Bobrovsky goes back in the net and plays almost as good as the first.


Up 3-1 with the next game in Sunrise? Sign me up! 🐱 🐀


My wife swears they fucked with our food. Played like everyone was sick on the ice.


We got this game 5, have the home advantage and everything. Let’s go panthersssssss 🐆


That was a rough one. But now you get to hoist the cup up on home ice. That is absolutely priceless.


A Canadian team celebrating like they won the cup when down in the finals and winning a game? I think this state has seen this before. Obligatory fuck ESPN also. God it’s even worse when we lose. Take it at home.


Well that was brutal Hockey is a weird sport though


We will come back on Tuesday and win this thing then


0-1 since the Chiarot flair was removed


No worries guys and girls, they are a good team and were bound to go off like this at least once. This W is going to be absolutely meaningless when we spank them again. Our boys are great at adjusting and we’ll get it done! On to game 5 😎🔴⚪️ VAMOS GATOS!


uhhhhhhh, well damn


so similar to the Boston Dallas game 4 in NBA, blowout by the 0-3 team…


Well what a shit show. Let's go home and end this shit.


Honestly no excuse for that shit. Abysmal. PoMo better rock a few motherfuckers


I seriously don’t know what the fuck I would do if we blow this somehow.


Even though we got fkd tonight it only is one loss we played our worst it can only improve


Bob looked like he was watching pigeons feed in the park while Oilers fans were going nuts behind him, goalies are weird.


That was brutal im going for your panthers cuz my cousin signed an entry level contact for y’all’s AHL team a few years ago! Feel bad for y’all tonight


Cut my life into pieces


This will make it difficult for the Florida Panthers to sweep the Edmonton Oilers


I'll tell you this much, regardless of the outcome next game it ain't gonna be pretty. Not from like a dirty perspective, I just see pomo going for a scrappy approach.


Time to watch something more fun like Sophie’s Choice


Watching the post show on sportsnet, McDavid looks so pissed WTF is that guys problem? You just won 8-1, lol


To be fair I think that is just his personality lol




crazy sleep deprived theory - remember how Michael Jordan used to make up beef with with opponents to unlock god mode? hear me out - I feel like the Panthers subconsciously do a similar thing during a bad game. it’s like they give up and accept that being blown out lights a fire under their ass and replaces the nerves and anxiety with anger and motivation to fuck up the other team could be cope but either way I know we usually see a more focused and determined Cats team after a fat L so hopefully this can be the rallying cry they need to get over the hump and secure that last W


Here is hoping the Panthers had an off night, packed it in when it looked it was out of reach and avoided any injuries/suspensions heading back home. Easy in that situation to do something stupid out of frustration ..*cough Crysaitl *cough .


Panthers really decided to boost the stats of every oilers player. 15 different players with points tonight and Stu with a .970


Janmark is only ugly mother fucker.


Shit, McDavid looks like he lives under a bridge 


Dude looks like his parents were a caveman and a potato


Yowza. Letdown game, let's wrap it up at home baby!


Regroup and get back to the hunt, boys!


Imagine the doomsday talk if this happened game 1 like it basically did in the Boston series…90% chance this ends in G5


Boston Bruins fan here. Only mentioning this because my basketball team in the Boston Celtics just recently got destroyed by the Dallas Mavericks in their Game 4 by the score of 122-84. The NHL Stanley Cup and NBA Finals matchups have basically been mirrored. I have a feeling both of our teams will win our home Game 5s.


The cats are gentlemen


The celebration is going to look way cooler in Sunrise. Can’t wait!


That was an absolute butt waxing


Rig workers are losing their mind. Sludge seeping out of their pores. No one will sleep in Rigville tonight, this is their penultimate victory. No oil will get extracted tonight.


Oilers is just such a weird thing to base a sports team off. It's like if we had the west Virginia coal mine canaries as a team lol.


If anyone sees that fat red-headed oaf from the LeBatard show, Chris Cote, leaving the arena - tell him this loss is his fault…I hope Mike Ryan, with all his superstitions, shreds that ginger moron on Monday.


Completely unrelated to the game, but does anyone know why it’s so difficult to find one of our away jerseys for sale online? Basically everywhere has them sold out, and It can’t be because they’re in higher demand than the home ones, right? The Fanatics website even says discontinued.


Rats 🐀 I’m so sorry I’ll never bet money on the team again not cause of them teams still amazing we just a saw an oilers that’s desperate to not go whimpering imo cats in 5 is my new prediction instead of 6 but I’m two for two when putting money on the panthers now, I thought I could counteract that by putting money on the oilers to cover some loss but apparently that only quadrupled the effect. Jiggeth one forgive me please, I see the error of my ways


Don’t worry guys, with my betting luck I’ll throw some money on Edmonton to win the cup and we’ll win this no problem. My wallet hates it but it’s a sacrifice I’m happy to make! Go Cats!


Florida still absolutely has this in the bag, they couldn’t be perfect for 4 straight


Who else thinks the Oiler's fanbase is unbearable? According to them LA, Vancouver, Florida have toxic fanbases and teams that dive. The there seems to be a common denominator in all those interactions lmao