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That is one busy businessman doing business, taking a much needed break with his beautiful wife.


![gif](giphy|l4q8hrNIxa0WHBw9a) on his way to his executive company.


In between his professional gaming and keyboard playing gigs, I suppose


Came straight from work to the restaurant in cammo sweatpants like every businessman does šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




I hate being like this but he really isn't attractive.


Me too! I usually never critique appearances as none of us are perfect, but man this guy is something else. It's the way that he truly thinks he's hot shit and oh so smooth with it all. The way Chantal oohs and ahhs over him is hysterical - it's like she's got herself a GQ model. I blame her partly for his delusions.


The only thing smooth about the man is his brain.


Edit: had more stuff to say I'm dating a Peruvian man and I think he's the cutest thing in the world. Is he sexy? To me yes but not to others. Everyone thinks he's just adorable. He also doesn't gloat about being the most beautiful man in the world. Idk lol. She's crazy.


The gloating is so weird to me! I have an Iraqi boyfriend who is actually hot and he never gloats about it which just makes him even more stupidly hot. I ask him to ugly it up a bit when he goes out lol.


Yup. Fiance is a skinny Asian guy, parents are from Hong Kong. He's not conventionally attractive, but I think he's the hottest guy I ever laid eyes on. His personality also lifts him from an 8 on my scale to a 10. Likewise, I am no beauty. I used to model in my early 20s because I have ridiculous cheekbones and Czech girls were "in" back then, but I'd never call myself beautiful. Not with this big ol Slavic schnoz, lol. But he thinks I'm the most gorgeous woman in the world. He thinks my nose is my best feature. I don't understand it, but I appreciate that he thinks so. But Chins and Scatboy are just...bleegh. Chins has never had good taste in anything, she actually thought Cokey was hot. And with their personalities, any physically attractive qualities (if they had them) are cancelled out.


I don't mind being like that and I think he's a shitstain on the planet's underpants. šŸ˜‚




I thought Nader set the bar for shitstain...


Salad came along and started eating it


Remember though, she described Nader as hot and an Adonis.. look at him LOL


There were a bunch of people who really thought he was good looking at first and a lot of "SHE has a man and I'm single??" I noticed all that pretty much went away once he had spoken more than a few words on camera. šŸ˜‚ He's unattractive AND a dipshit.


I never found him attractive at all, but he was actually below average ā€œokayā€ when she first got with him. DEFINITELY still not worthy of all the women on the other sub who creamed themselves in jealousy of Chantal, just acceptable. However, he has truly become visibly uglier and more old and haggard looking. Dudeā€™s aged like 20 years. She sucked the damn life force right out of him. She *ate his soul*. Actual psychic vampire. His, ehā€¦bedroom preferences also immediately made him smelly (dude looks like he **reeks**) and **hideous**. I can barely stand even watching him eyefuck the camera with that damn eyebrow.


At the beginning I thought "huh he's kinda cute" but then I saw more and more pictures. And his arrogance, he knows everything, that damn eyebrow. He just kept getting uglier and uglier.


I think someone who we are expected to believe is the ā€œhandsomest manā€ is fair game for appearance critique triple medal kung fu black belt in handsomeĀ 


The dead eyes and stupid eyebrow thing just elevate it to next level terrible


Letā€™s not forget his nauseating winks


He is JUST average and thinks heā€™s the hottest shit ever. šŸ™„šŸ˜‚


I love how many Home Depot fixtures are in this beautiful restaurant. This live laugh love house flip vibe is so different from the decadent west. The big tub of paneer is also so different from our queens previous life.


She's acting like this is a fancy restaurant. It's like Indian cheesecake factory in kuwait. It's a mid-level chain.Ā  The menu prices are online.Ā 


And they probably got the appetizer free and shared a meal.


Right?! I mean, it looks nice enough, but itā€™s far from a fancy restaurant.


The drinks sound delicious although. Lemonade sweetened with fruit and things? There are apparently Asha's in other countries so its a chain! Why am I not surprised that she only goes for chain restaurants since most of the reactors tore her a new one for taking us to "hole in the wall" places? (But she's also embarrassed by them too.)


Yeah and itā€™s mainly naan bread and rice just what she loves.


He looks like heā€™s been held captive in a fatty factory for the last year. Bitch tits coming along with that squishy belly. I wonder if this affects his triple medal martial arts??!


She used to do that with Cokey too, so itā€™s really not the flex she thinks it is lol


Literally they rent a crummy apartment with paper thin walls and sheā€™s out here eating Little Caesarsā€¦.heā€™s broke and we all know it. It wouldnā€™t be a bad thing if they were just realistic about their situation.


She doesnā€™t even attempt to make it look like he goes to work during the day. Sheā€™s more interested in making it look like heā€™s blocking/ interacting with the chat when heā€™s not at the apt than having it appear that heā€™s busy at his job. We know thereā€™s no money coming in other than her YT, doesnā€™t matter whose account itā€™s in. Heā€™s a low budget personal support worker for her.


Lol. Except he does not care for her in the slightest, lmao.


Well according to her ā€œall you need to do is fake love me and Iā€™ll give you the worldā€. So it doesnā€™t seem to matter lol


Oh look! It's that "It's worth it you guiseee so I don't have to work" face. "I just pretend she is my Auntie and no one suspects a thing!"


Lmao this is great. And just shows none of this is happening. He's paying with HER money!!! How embarrassing.


She really struggled getting up that staircase; those last few steps were painful for her. The camera cut out so she could catch her breath.


And we didn't get to see her walk down at all because it was awkward as hellšŸ˜‚


He's like a 15 yr old on his first date paying with his first debit card. šŸ˜‚


Salah just looks nasty as hell too. Especially since heā€™s into Hersey squirts down his chest. Looks like he just isnā€™t clean.


You doinā€™ Hershey Corp wrong with that comment! šŸ¤£


Not that there's much of a difference, but he would rather b pooped on than b the pooper? Idk how I missed that. I'ma go barf, brb.


i hate being like this, but no wedding ring on their totally real date night


Wow totally missed that. Thatā€™s very interesting šŸ§


Really good point, thank you.


https://preview.redd.it/akpicd0vqe7d1.png?width=245&format=png&auto=webp&s=08e8a3bc0ef11de3a5d22299d240a395bc91aa9e Go away poobreath...


šŸŽ¶handsomest man, handsomest manšŸŽ¶




Just while watching this - how is it he has a full set of teeth but always manages to look like he's got not a tooth in his head!? I swear from several angles he looks like a really old man without any teeth. It's bizarre! He always looks like the mid section of his face is chewing itself inward. And to think he was absolutely lovin' himself silly in the camera with those loving glares and winks at himself! Calm down buddy you seriously look like a Middle Eastern version of Frankenstein.


Thatā€™s not the only thing heā€™s going to regret eating tonight. And it wonā€™t be the poo poo.


You take that back!


How else do you think heā€™ll get the money to pay that check?




Dean and Deluca literally downstairs and neither one of them know what that is.


Dean and Deluca is really nice. Iā€™ve been to that same restaurant. Iā€™ve also been to Ashaā€™s. Itā€™s fine for Indian cuisine, but we canā€™t trust Foodies recommendations. She oā€™s over Chilis. Hardly a discerning palate.




![gif](giphy|kEoMQOrW4SbKcVaubX) Why is everything a modeling shoot for him lol stoppppppp with the smize


So when did poopy boy get his hair cut??




Those tits are looking mighty bitchy.


This made me laugh haha


Score! Making people laugh/smile is one of my daily goals. ā˜ŗļø




Bitch tits šŸ˜‚ Dunno why I can't read "bitch tits" the same after reading One Hundred Years of Solitudeā€” one of the characters, a young girl in a pretty shitty situation, is described as having "bitch tits" as in, she had small breasts. It's funny but it's always soured by remembering that one passage from the book because it's so saddening, even if she's only mentioned very briefly


We can always call him Moob-a-rella


This was removed for violating Rule #1 - Remember the human.


Puke inducing


He needs to retire the damm eyebrow raise


It's giving amateur night at the local village theatre.


The face you make when you realize you have to actually sleep with Cutie to get some spending money


It reminds me of the scene in "A Christmas Story" when Ralphie has to wear the pink bunny suit.


Lmfao it doesnā€™t help that the restaurant she went to is generally on the more expensive side. Makes sense why he doesnā€™t look *too pleased* in that shot.


Ug. A post with just this degenerate in it? Why?


Agreed. Its really disturbing that this degenerate who hates western women and is into rape is on her stream. The only kind of dudes that will tolerate her are creeps. This guy should be on a watchlist...he's depraved. And I certainly don't want to hear this freak running his mouth on her streams. He needs to fuck all the way off and she can forget about ever normalizing him. We all knew no one normal or decent would ever get with someone like her.


I wish there was an agreement where everywhere he shows up, his face is pixelated out or covered with something. But for now I hide every post he shows up in. Then at least I don't have to look at him on my feed. He skeeves me out that much. I like my cutie snark without him.


It's absolutely embarrassing. He attaches himself to a death fat. Thinking he's going to end up in Canada and controlling her, only to end up her nursemaid in Kuwait. How is he supposed to find a woman to shit on while escorting the corpulent blob around??


He is šŸ¤®