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She’s has a very limited vocabulary and doesn’t bother expanding for anything other than food items. Desert climates usually create a dry heat. She uses “humid” cause that’s the norm when it gets hot in Canada.


Like does she genuinely not know the difference ???


Lol It’s the weather version of “fresh” and “creamy”


In her bakery mukbang, pretty much all she said about the cakes were that they were cakey, good, creamy, sweet, etc. All extremely basic words. Sow ain't gonna put effort into even finding new words to describe the things she loves the most let alone educate herself about the weather.


Totally agree. She's far too lazy even to put effort into her videos, heaven forbid she'd try to expand her vocabulary lol. I was a pre-school teacher for a long time and my older kiddies would have done a far better job describing these things. Or anything, for that matter! 😃


She's lying to cover up why she's so sweaty.


This. She's a dumbass who probably doesn't understand the difference between heat and humidity, and defaults to humidity as a reason to why she is a sweaty mess all the time.


That’s her personal moisture evaporating when she goes outside, kind of a portable wet bulb index if you will


"portable wet bulb index" ![gif](giphy|Gefa8ajbf6Lle|downsized)


I watched the date night video earlier and it never even occurred to me haha. She said it was humid and I didn't even stop to think about the fact that she's in a desert. Maybe it's just hard for her to tell with the clothes she wears out there? Also I've heard people misuse the word humid, like someone at my old workplace complained the AC was too cold, but instead of cold they said humid. But yeah, Chantal is bizarrely stupid, so my guess is she has probably just heard people complain about how humid it is when it gets very hot in Canada and thinks humid means "very hot"


I swear sometimes you wanna smack people. Air conditioners work largely in part by dehumidifying the air! LOL. They drip water! This reminds me of a girl I knew who said something was "pitch green" thinking pitch meant "very" instead of being a black thing.


Lmfaooo "pitch green" that's amazing


She also asked where the country Norwegia was. It was always something.


she should start a youtube channel


She literally films in the desert and hangs out with camels ffs, how is Kuwait humid Chantal?


Ya if/when I see her hang out with an alligator or crocodile, then I’ll acknowledge humidity.


I lived in Kuwait. Not humid. It's a potent heat that gives you an impression of lack of oxygen, almost. Again, not humid at all.


Thanks. This is what I figured most people claiming it’s humid were experiencing.


She did complain about Ottawa being too hot for her, I just don’t think she used the word humid.


Ottawa is very humid, she’s dumb.


She’s stupid.


Idiot probably is confusing HUMID with HOT. If you live in a humid climate you know there’s a difference.


That's what baffling, tho. She lived in Ottawa, where summer can be extremely hot. We currently have a heat wave in the eastern part of Canada, and it's almost 9 p.m., and it's 31 ° but feels like 42 ° (108 F ) because of the humidity. She's such a liar and a idiot


It’s kinda like how she only describes food with “creamy” and “fresh”. Her soup brain can’t think of anything else.


s a t i a t i n g


Yuck. I hate that just as much as when she says “I find” instead of “I think”.


"this is so rich, so nourishing, MMMmmmMmmmMM!!" -pretty much every video nowadays


Absolutely. She KNOWS the difference, and she used to have a **** better **** vocabulary. And I'm using the word loosely. Same with her cooking. She used to be " ok " and even did lots of stuff from scratch for her wrap time thingies. Her brain is mush now


Yeah it’s a very dry heat that’s substantially warmer than she would be used to than in Canadia. Her body would be working extra hard to keep herself cool, I know that the sweat pooling underneath her clothes may give her the feeling that it is ‘humid’z


She is very stupid.


DUUUUUUUDE , Montreal is the same right now. It's 8:30 pm, and it's 39. It feels like 43 because of the humidity . I have to admit that I checked Kuwait weather for today, and it's was 43, but it feels like 43. No humidity.


you're right she is just an idiot


Kuwait is not humid she's just an idiot


This is why she was dying in Thailand, which is actually humid. She thought she'd be fine because she'd come from a very hot place. The humidity in SE Asia is stultifying. Malaysia if she goes there will be no better. I could barely walk in Penang, as a young 110lb woman who'd been lugging a 15kg backpack around for months. Can't wait.


Tbf with the size of her and wearing 90 layers she probably radiates heat regardless plus the added heat in the country she more than likely feels humidity but it’s just her fat body suffocating her with heat


Idk how she survived last summer. Makes me wonder if she'll survive this one.


With the rolling blackouts I’ll be somewhat impressed if she makes it through without a medical emergency


Kuwait does get humid especially during the summer. However it’s at its worse around august time (80-90% ish). The humidity currently, although you can definitely feel it, is very tolerable. She’s just overreacting. P.S: the humidity is worse around the coastline, so it kinda makes sense for her to complain about it in that asha’s date video.


She feels like it's humid because it's extremely hot and she's literally steaming herself in all those layers of clothes. You know they're all cheap synthetic fabrics that don't breathe at all.


She's dumb as fuck.


Kuwait is relatively more humid than inland desert areas since the entire area of Kuwait is so close to the sea, but it's definitely less humid compared to Canada. It's just Chantal that is drenched in sweat, because she wears layers of too tight clothes. She should wear just one very loose closed abaya, or a sleeveless slip dress and an open kimono style abaya, both as loose as possible of course.


I'm sure it's incredibly humid in her folds, though. So she isn't entirely incorrect.


I think FFG had mentioned a few times that the humidity is so much worse in Canada so it's like she has to make a fuss to remind people how much she's suffering to take back pity points basically


She's talking out her ass - again. I looked up the weather conditions [all the way back to June 11](https://imgur.com/a/DWJRvjo), and the highest humidity recorded was under 60% (and in the wee hours when normal people are asleep). That might *be* humid for Kuwait, but it's certainly not going to feel "so humid" to anyone just walking around.


Maybe her clothes are steaming her like a pork bao bun lmao 🤣




oh my gawd LMFAO


Kuwait isn't humid. She's talking about the atmosphere inside the horrific couch cover she calls a blouse.


I don't think she knows the difference and thinks humid is synonymous with hot (and it's possible she actually wants the term arid but doesn't know the word? -- arid seems to fit a desert climate more aptly). I live on the east coast and like Canada, we know humid!! LOL


I think Salah has used “humid” too? Shouldn’t he know better, especially having Thailand as a comparison.


Kuwait is a gulf country and as such it gets extremely hot and extremely humid especially along the coast. - source: I lived there for several years while working… and I couldn’t walk outside without my glasses fogging up immediately upon walking outside. I would break out into a sweat and the wind would blow sand on my skin within moments of stepping outside… speckling me like a sugar cookie. I took 3 showers a day. In 5’6” and an athletic-ish 145lbs lmao 😂 The issue with chins is she’s sweating constantly, accumulating filth and just doesn’t bathe due to laziness and even when she does she can’t reach critical areas which is why she is riddled with skin lesions and infections. I currently live in south florida and at no point does it get as humid as it was there. UAE doesn’t even get as sticky as Kuwait gets. Kuwait is like situated perfectly to get all the hot sticky weather


See I’m confused about this. Look up tomorrow’s humidity in Miami and then look up tomorrow’s humidity in Kuwait City. They’re drastically different. Miami is more than 3 times that of Kuwait. Why do people say it’s humid in Kuwait but the numbers indicate the exact opposite?! ETA: also you mentioned wind in Kuwait. Humid climates are known for NOT having wind. “Higher wind speeds cause less evaporation and lower humidity, whereas lower wind speeds cause more evaporation and higher humidity.”


So I suppose I should speak to the season as well their most humid months are Nov - Jan. Rightn now it’s just hot AF and probably not as humid … she’s also fat and wearing so many layers she’s probably being boiled alive like a lobster


Ya but also Kuwait’s most humid month is still less humid than Miami right now. So I’m confused all around. That glasses fogging up happens to me everyday where I live. Yet Chantal has never mentioned it happening to her.


I mean, I don’t know I can only speak to my experience. I don’t think I’ve ever felt Miami get above 110° and maybe 🤔 a mixture of high humidity and high heat… either way, we can agree that watching her fry like an eggroll on the streets of Kuwait makes my soul happy. In the mornings when the fog rolls in from the gulf it’s like wading through water droplets. Like a mist… I don’t know how else to explain it. However, she’s not in the thick of it yet. At least I don’t think so


Def agree I like watching her “enjoy” the heat. Btw, here’s graphical representations of the worst humidity in Kuwait City vs. the worst humidity in Miami. I def think there’s some misunderstanding of what humidity actually is. https://preview.redd.it/w8k8xrf6qf7d1.png?width=772&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d34a869dcc00bd5bb5ce39c3e2e1055b8c1b3f6


Yea at best it's muggy. lmao xD


I live in Arizona and we have a dry heat, but there are days where the humidity goes over 30% and higher during the so-called Monsoon season, and while that is nothing compared to what the East Coast and MidWest suffer through during the summer, we can feel that humidity because we are used to it being drier so I can understand her talking about humidity. It's not complaint-worthy, but we don't dress like her😂 It's more like someone will comment "hey, it's humid today", we all go "yes" and get on with our day (I work outdoors at a horse barn).


Is she still near the water? That would be a factor.


Don't ever try to rationalize the bullshit that comes out of Chins' mouth. Remember rule #1.


Well I looked up the general weather forecast for Kuwait City, which is pretty much as “on the water” as the city of Boston.


I wouldn't put it past her to just be dumb and thinks humid means "very hot." She is REALLY bad about describing things. I can't think of any examples but there are so many times she describes food or something and I know it does not apply at all. It's like when people eat a lemon and say it's bitter. Bitter does not mean "very sour" it is completely different, and I think that's what's going on with humid for her. It's very common idiot behavior. She also never LOOKS humid. If it was that hot and humid she would be dripping. The dry breeze obviously keeps her face dry.


Why is so hard to believe it's humid? They're by the ocean. I also live next to the ocean and it's humid AF where I live.


Bc I looked up the actual weather data and it indicates that it is not humid at all.


I’ve been there. Summers are humid. She’s not wrong here


So the weather data is wrong?


I lived there and it gets VERY humid at times.