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Her whining like a baby that she burned her belly on the stove, probably because she had to hoist her fat apron up and set it on top to get close enough to it . She's really gross.


She was just trying to cook some bacon.


This is such a subtle jab but so funny 😂


This is what she does! Shes got a video somewhere of her doing it, or hoisting it up on the counter. And you know she doesn’t wipe the counter after so her smelly yeast infection will be all over it.


That video! I've never seen another morbidly obese person swing their belly around like she does. It's disturbing.


It’s like a literal separate appendage. 🤢




Once you see her do it, you spot it EVERYWHERE in her videos. The villa was prime Kersh-hoisting territory


While one of the more amusing parts of language learning is picking up “indelicate” slang or plain ol’ cussing. This is not how I ever imagined learning something in Arabic. 🧐🫨


Oh God 🤢


Omg. 🤮


Nothing like having your chick scrotum on the stove when you're cooking a meal. Stay classy Gunt.


Free gunt oil. Inflation’s a bitch.


She did this once at the luxury villa. This woman never learns a thing from her mistakes or experiences, you know, like normal people tend to function.


To be fair, it is a fat and EXTREMELY unflattering belly. Nobody is attracted to gunther. Especially not her huzzzzzband that fat shames women that weigh a good 300 lbs less than his “behb”




Exactly, she is grotesquely obese and her stomach looks unhealthy and sick. Yet she walks around still eating thousands of calories, unwilling to change.




RIP Gunther!


the actor died? oh my :( may he rest in peace.


Kinda like when he said she looked better when the lighting was low… 🤦🏻‍♀️


She probably looks even better with all the lights switched off! To be fair, this came from a man who thinks you have to turn the lights ON so that you can see candles better so who knows what he actually meant 😂


He is always shading her 😭 I can’t tell if she really does believe it or if when the cameras go off she pops off lol 🤦🏻‍♀️


I think her standards are so low she accepts and appreciates it. Look how low the standards are for her own self respect and personal dignity with what she puts out there for others to watch.


Her standards are non-existent. She deludes herself into believing that when he flat out mocks her to her face, it's cute and endearing.


Nader did the same thing


To her she believes she looks as good as the filters show. Wonder if deep down it hits reality.


Lol, that anniversary date! I firmly believe she set it up and made him come in to "surprise" her on camera. That candle light was too damn romantic so he switched on the lights so she could see.


She looks even better to him when she’s in camera in Canada while he’s in Kuwait. 🫢




The double barrelled cunt gut deserves no cutsie names. 




Cunt Guts Magee


God I loved watching her have to walk up those stairs in the restaurant. Why does she make or allow Shiteater to film it? Trying to fake that she is pretty, fake that she is skinny, fake that she can walk up stairs without almost dying 🤦‍♀️ date night was a hot fucking mess oh my lord she has completely lost it


I noticed that too. The last few stairs, she literally threw her weight so that she could get her foot lifting cause she was struggling. She was pretending to look around to avoid showing that she was heaving to breathe the last few steps...but if she hadn't edited, I bet you would have heard her struggling to catch her breath back once she hit the landing. I doubt she would have walked up them if there hadn't been the promise of food at the end. She tries to act like her health issues make her a victim (hence the ableist comments) but she's not a victim of a health problem that caused a disability...she's a gross, filthy bitch who, despite all the resources she's had access to, CHOOSES to be a hog. She's only 40 and she has wallowed in her gluttony to the point where she can't even move normally, wear actual shoes, breathe, etc. Its just unreal.


I loved the whole “just casually looking around” while I’m about to die climbing the stairs moment. I’m sure the hosts could hear her gasping for air lol.


They probably thought "oh sweet merciful Allah, someone lock the pantry."


Yeah. I think the host, upon initially seeing her rise up the stairs, yelled back to the kitchen to butcher another cow.


Lol. I bet the staff were gossiping about them so much. She looked exhausted just going up the stairs (lmao, one of the other reactors said if she fell down the stairs she'd take out anyone standing on them)...


Right? Even a bigger question is why she doesn’t edit that stuff out! She’s delusional


Because she has so little actual content, editing would bring her below the minimum length for ads.


💯 correct


Akin to Cinderella racing down the stairs before the clock strikes midnight. Gunt racing to the table to eat 600 grams of carbs before Salad gets a single grain of rice.


She thought Crackula calling her "buffalo" was a compliment.


It was a term of endearment don’t you know? Where’s your large animal nickname?


Yeah didn’t she say something like a Buffalo was a pretty cow when he called her that? 🥴🥴🥴


In my family, we use it a lot on small kids and babies !!! Especially when they have a small little round belly🥹🥹🥹🥹 But it's true, tho. It's used to make fun of ( usually men ) when they gain weight.


I’d be mortified to be called the same thing as a toddler as a grown ass woman lol 😂😂😂 it’s like saying babies have chubby chubby cheeks! Cute on a baby not so much on me lmao 🤣


I know !!!! That's what she EFFING DOESN'T understand!! Lol The way he pets her, touches her cheeks etc etc. really reminds me of someone petting a dog or acting towards a small child. It's very weird . He's repulsed by her, and yet, she must insist that he * touches *** her on videos. It's totally not genuine, and it shows big time.


It creeps me out to be honest when he touches her because of just that. That was even before we knew if his, um, other issues.


Well Salah has the mind of a small child so I could see how he got it confused. 🫤


I think he was dropped on the head at birth. Shook his eyebrows out of line too.


Like that one time he said she looks like the moon and she was like, "Awwwee!!"


Gah she is unbearably stupid. But then, she enjoys men treating her like shit


😂😂😂 oh god I forgot about that particular comment


But he opens her door for her 😩


"He treats me like a queen!"


he literally doesn’t, though! she thinks we can’t see her actual videos!


You “don’t know what happens behind closed doors” guize!


And he sends her such loving messages! The messages: “Don’t forget to take your diabetes medication babe”


It’s generally used for men. It’s very offensive to use it for a woman.


That makes it even funnier lol


Meh, she's not really a woman anymore. She has zero femininity left.


Oof. That's interesting to know, thank you.


it’s a pretty good translation for fupa tbf


She’s gonna be so damn mad when she signs on and sees this. 🤣




Ten bucks her next upload is her coping and seething, trying to convince everyone it's like, totally a term of endearment, ok?


“Where is your husband to insult your stomach? Single bitches! At least I have a husband. You wish you had someone to love your fat like I have.” I can hear it now.


What a loving husband. We're so lucky to have Mo!


I mean she is huge even if he did love her he would have to be aware her belly is huge beyond huge even I think that would isn't enough it could be more harsh honestly


I’m surprised she hasn’t ended up in a burn unit by now. Between just being Chantal and the nerve damage from the hysterectomy…she cannot feel her gunt at all.


...she probably thinks it's a cute word for her or something, and turns out he is calling it FATTY? 




Her level of delusion and denial should be studied.


Why is she throwing in a random Arabic word into an English sentence? We're a bilingual family and it's as weird to me as if I was to say "yes, I'll sit down at my desk and then écrire that letter I said I'd do yesterday but ran out of time for". My example is fucking stupid sounding and it is also unnatural to swap out a single word in a sentence if you're speaking in English with English being your first language. And if it's like a cutesy nicknamey type thing, that's something you limit to babies?? Like if we deliberately flick over to random Creole mid sentence, we'd be like "nawww, look at shor pepe*! So cute!" talking to a baby about their cute feet. It's literally baby talk. Is this a thing or is she just being a fucking tryhard loser again? (*DO NOT JUDGE ME FOR SPELLING IT PHONETICALLY, GORLS 😅 There actually isn't a standardised way to write in our Creole and I never learnt how to read and write in it because I was born and raised in an English speaking country)


Sorry I just laughed so hard at your first example. It’s normal for people to have certain sentences in one language and then perhaps switch to another but like, how she says things is really indicative of that fact that she doesn’t really speak any other language. It’s all a pretence.


Or if you swap mid-sentence you complete the sentence in that language. I joking call it a trigger word here for the fam who have French as a first language. It's either a word they forget in English so it's easier to keep the flow of the conversation to just swap to talking in French, or it's a word that's almost the same in both languages so they didn't bother learning the English pronunciation and when they say it they auto-swap to French for a bit. But in 41 years I've never heard an adult speaking to another adult pull just one random French word and shove it in mid-sentence then continue in English while not breaking the flow of the sentence the way she did. And don't get me started on how she's been pronouncing her surname recently. NAMES ARE NOT SAID DIFFERENTLY FFS THEY ARE NAMES. The only time the pronunciation changes is if you've got a really heavy French accent and it starts with a certain letter, like a H or an R. Eg. My cousin's name is Hannah and the ones who aren't fluent in English and have heavy accents pronounce it more like 'Annah' where the first H gets dropped unintentionally.


My mother adored French, did immersive study, study abroad, dreamed in it, etc. when I was learning to talk, she taught me to count to ten—typical kid stuff. Except this was the time before ADA and mainstreaming and IEPs, so in kindergarten, I’d fumble a word, say. ‘Deux’ or ‘huit’ because it made no difference to me, I got the number right, right? I ended up in speech therapy class for two weeks before someone figured out I was using baby-French and knew my numbers just fine, thank you, and my French pronunciation was damn good for a five year old. 🤣🤣🤣😂


You gotta écrire that letter gorl That made me rire


I am joyeux it made you laugh 😂 And now I am too because it's so weird to do it I can't even figure out if I've used the right freaking word or tense and for some reason my head went straight to the words cake vs cakes and I'm like "BUT THE U IS SINGULAR X IS PLURAL WAIT WHAT". ^so there you go, a real life example of how your brain glitches trying to shove a random word in mid-sentence in another language when you are a native English speaker 🤦🏽‍♀️


STAP 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Look, I'm questioning my entire life at this point because I also couldn't figure out if the -eau vs. -eaux thing is even a fancy French thing, or just exclusively limited to the Temu French we do. JFC 😅 If I have to have an existential language crisis triggered by Chantal's fupa burn, I'm dragging all you gorls along for the ride and you can cope kthnxbye 😂


Actually, as someone who speaks 2 languages, I do the swapping of languages and interlace words of both languages all the time. It's just how we communicate where I am. I am mindful of the recipient though.


I think for some languages there’s a definite switch to English then back, my friend from Myanmar does it a lot I notice when she’s on the phone. I think because Chantal is trying SO HARD to pretend she’s bilingual it makes me laugh. My mum went to uni in France and sometimes she will be like this thing in French: says it, I can’t remember what it is in English. I do it too sometimes and end up saying How do you say? A lot.


Do you do it with single words with the rest of the sentence in the other language? (Being aware writing has no tone, read that as a polite enquiry please! I am genuinely curious 🖤) I said it in another comment, but when we interlace it's more like a mid-sentence switch where you then finish the sentence in the language you swapped to and talk in that language for a bit before another switch back to English. I can do that without interrupting the flow of what I'm saying and with zero effort, but to force one single word into an English sentence I have to stop, find the word, say it, then remember what I said before to pick back up the sentence. That said, I'm the first to admit French and the Temu-French we do is weird af, so maybe it is easier in other languages (or like Gucci French vs ours) 😂


I don't think there is a pattern... just whatever flows the best. Could be single words interlaced between sentences, or phrases. Especially since the official language in schools here is English, the majority of us know "harder/ more technical" words in English, but not in our respective native languages.


That makes sense! We don't actually have an official language, but English is "official" for government related stuff so even people who can't verbally speak English can read/write it. But the unofficial language everyone speaks in was never formalised in writing and has now evolved into a weird abbreviated version that's a bit like "hey gtsy. Jw hru? IMO we should go out cos fomo iykwim, k? Also hbd!" when casually written. So while I can fluently read French, I can't make any sense of that written Temu-French. And cousins who can write in perfect English but can't speak it. Languages are simultaneously very cool but also weird af.


When I heard her say kersh 🤣🤣🤣🤣 she’s referring to it like it’s something cute. It means you have a big fat round huge beyond belly.. if anybody in Arabic told me that I would starve myself for three weeks. Just like بطيخ I would be mortified.


Oh Jesus, he’s trolling her in Arabic knowing she’ll never figure out he’s actually insulting her to her face. But she’ll delulu it away saying, “but he said it with a smile so he was being affectionate”. Good lord, can she not read or hear sarcasm?


Not when it goes against her narrative


He hates her.




The response when the chat asked him to tell them what he likes about her- did I hear him right when he said she was “outstanding”???


Well, she stands out, all right.


New hashtag name thing to add “The Queen Of Amersham”


[9 Reasons to Love A ‘Kersh’](https://cairoscene.com/lifestyle/9-reasons-to-love-a-kers) https://preview.redd.it/h6vgbaaoup7d1.jpeg?width=1197&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4e1fdab327e1751daa27c4a1f85b647b2ff9128 The kersh shield is a perfect example of why calling her stomach the kersh is the funniest thing I’ve heard all day. Salah👏is👏her👏BIGGEST👏TROLL👏👏👏


And she says it with that stupid wanna be cute voice that is annoying enough for me to think of the ending of this arc that we will all in evitability watch in some time. A new medical emergency will happen soon, but she will lose toes way before the sugar foot.


Wow he is really doing all this to spite her and show her who has the pants on 👖. She should be aware of it by now as well and doesn’t seem too bothered 


I looked the word up and that’s not what it says. it says it just means stomach.


Well, as other folks have elaborated, kersh is a type of stomach, usually a big round one, and used to make fun of men with big round bellies.


I think it’s the cultural use of the word, Mo is fluent in Arabic. I will however ask my friend about it as well when I next see them who is also fluent and get their opinion.