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But she just threw her back out during a ravenous love making session with her husband, how can she be expected to make her own food between 11am and 4pm?


Lmao, oh. My. GROSS. Did she say THAT was how she threw the back out? She is so grody. Even IFFFFFF they were doing anything, she's known for her "starfishing" which is literally just laying there & letting the little creep crawl around the queef drapes & try to find a way in.. it's literally how she explained it.. sorta.. LoL..


She didn’t say that however she did say “I threw my back out last night” and kept saying it. Hoping we’d all think she was a sexy mysterious Aphrodite and it was an injury from passion, and not from her farting & switching sides in seal positions.


Lmao.. She's so grody.. Her mom must've just let her get away with the most dumb lies, so that she wouldn't rage on her.. Like having a 17yr old brat Chantal insisting she didn't eat anything for days.. and her mom looking at her, just COVERED in chocolate, scared of a rage.. so her mom must've been like "Sure sweetie! I would neverrrrr say you eat anything, ever!" It's the only way she could be so dumb to think anyone would believe the shit that she tries pulling off.. lol..


I was raised military. That excuse would have worked ONCE; and I'd be lucky if I lived to tell about it. Just saying ...


That probably wouldn't even work once with a military parent.. LoL..






Queef drapes is fucking sending me 😂


LoL is the only way I can think of that region.. I usually say beef flaps or something in that direction but hers are just long, quilted & wallered tf OUT. 😂


*quilted*. OMFG. 🤣




"letting the little creep crawl around the queef drapes & try to find a way in.." I am CRYING with laughter 😂😂😂




I honestly don’t believe that she has had sex with anyone. Nader claimed they never actually had sex, that she just gave him oral (which makes sense when she talked about having an STI just in her throat repeatedly). Peetz said the only time they did anything was when she got him drunk and pretty much bothered him until they did something (but he didn’t seem clear on what actually happened); I don’t believe her whole abortion story for a second; she’s obsessed with baby trapping like her mom- if she had gotten preggo by anyone she would have weaponized it to trap someone. And BiBi didn’t seem interested in her in any way. All those other guys she talks about hooking up with are imaginary. She talked about the guy in Cuba eating her out from behind (after she swam in the ocean and wore the same clothes for 5 days and didn’t shower or wipe)- just looking at her anatomy you can see that is in no way possible…. And we know she and Salah have never done anything. I don’t think it’s physically possible for anyone without a 4 ft penis to reach through all that fat and penetrate her.


He probably pokes her once or twice in her navel. A port in any storm, so it's said.


QUEEF DRAPES lmao I fucking love this sub


On her stomach, spread like a fan is her way. The men that like it is the oddity.


🎶SWITCHIN THEM POSITIONS FOR YOU🎶 https://preview.redd.it/mf7dgxurcq7d1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ffb107bfc885e7cb4d3b3ac85387bb52ca69cfe




This a more flattering photo though.


Yep, hard workin' woman there lol


LOL, now I have the Cat Stevens song, "Hard Headed Woman for a Soft Hearted Man" running through my head.


Lol....bold of you to assume these two unemployed, lazy fuckers are awake at that time.


If he knew she was saying that I feel like he'd get mad. Everytime she'd talk about them being intimate randomly that stream would delete lol someone mentioned about him being rough with her eluded to sex but honestly I think he's to stupid to understand what they meant


If they did anything, which I highly doubt, he just asked her to roll over and that was enough!


Luckily she has here most handsomest man floppy tits that can bring her food on demand. But maybe he may get annoyed with her or say no and then definitely we'll see a rage


I'm picturing his titties extending out into a helicopter blade and flying him around with bags of fast food like a Transformer for desperate fatties.


You ever seen any of the animation from the monkey bone movie ..that was how that salah delivery tiddies looked in my head.


No. Do I need to take an edible and watch it?


We need to petition Dank Fupa to make a Sally's Delivery Service with titties instead of a broom.


He can power up the tittycopter by motorboating himself. DANK FUPA WHERE ARE YOU!


🤣🤣🤣🤣 stop it! 


The power is out then too so he’d be trucking up and down the stairs.


How is she supposed to get her three lunches now? She has to eat to live!


Switch that ![gif](giphy|3ohzdFHDBEG32PmWJO) She has to live to eat!


Guess that's one benefit to keeping North American time zone hours despite living on the other side of the world. Aside from the obvious fact she has zero viewers in her own time zone...Where's your Kuwaiti audience? Hm?


Oh my gosh - she's going to miss at least 6 meals in that time. Maybe she will cry for food and shelter, especially now the leccy has started going off!


Don't you know? That's her time of "fasting", when she is asleep!


I'm sure that's what she thinks lol


Can they just please ban deliveries of high carb foods to people over 400 pounds? It has been a while since I've seen a good Cutie rage. :)




Good thing those are her sleeping hours!


I saw that and was thinking how that will affect her food delivery 😂


Oooooo is she gonna be pig mad over this?


Luckily salad doesn't drive a bike


sansa just put out a good short video about this...https://youtu.be/hhBltuJ3nMc?si=JDv3DvReO-EPp29A