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I'm shocked the Muslim community hasn't called her out on a bigger scale


They don't have one big enough.






It's all performative for her. Scatman ought to be ashamed, but I get the feeling he's never been religious or even spiritual. He's just a hypocrite and a mushrik, the absolute worst. If he's not religious then that's fine, it's a matter of free choice. But pretending is another thing entirely, especially the way they use religion to justify their nonsense, to spread simply false information about religion because Scatman doesn't know his own faith and Chantal can't be arsed to learn properly, and make mockery of faith. Her going back to making sexualised mukbangs in a hijab was the last straw for me in this matter, and I would kinda like to see what the Kuwaiti authorities think about it.


That's what bugs me-- the pretending. Pretty much every religion says gluttony and lying, are sins and she's doing it on camera for money. 🤷🏾‍♀️


The Muslim arc is just that, a cosplay arc that will come to an end relatively soon. She basically admitted around the time that she first started wearing them that she only wears the coverings so she can hide her chins and bald spots. They hide how much weight she's gained to an extent, and that's also part of why she wears them. She has also never actually read the Quran and ate pork by way of Italian sausage the last time she was in Canada because she does not care. The whole pious Muslim thing is just a very obvious way for her to scream "look at me, how good I am, and how much I've changed!!!" Manipulative people like her do stuff like this and become "pious" all the time so they can save face and get away with doing the same shitty things they were doing before when all of their old manipulation tactics begin failing. None of this is surprising at all coming from her, and it'll come to an end sooner rather than later at this point.


I agree that Chantal is a fake Muslim as well as Salah, but it seems they are obviously such. I’m not saying you can’t be offended, it’s just almost comical to me that she thinks she’s getting away with stuff. She’s not. And she’s certainly not as smart as she thinks she is. I work with Muslim women and they are very nice and kind, the exact opposite of Chantal. They actually look forward Ramadan and so on


The covering her head and chins is not because she's pious ,it's because she wants to hide the balding and extra chins


I know they are frustrating to watch, but do be careful about calling someone a true Muslim or not. Only Allah can judge someone. Speaking as a fellow Muslim.


She is not a true Muslim.she is a shame to your religion and has admitted she isn't.  She literally shits in the face of your religion.  Allah doesn't need to judge, it's plain for everyone to see. Like ScatManPoo publically cheering the deaths of non Muslims and idolising Osama bin laden... does Allah encourage that too? It seems so considering the amount of Muslims that encourage and follow that ideology.  Sorry, but they are NOT good Muslims, Deathfat is not even a Muslim.


lol you should see the things god/Quran encourages, you'd be horrified.


I'm not surprised, I served in both Iraq and Afghanistan over 20yrs. I moved to Europe from Australia to get away from being discriminated by these same people in my own country, since then have been personally threatened and seen my local city awash with terrorist slogans, cries for a Caliphate and terrorist attacks, one being a young police officer stabbed just 3 weeks ago because #allah. Yet,its all about "between them and allah " so we have to excuse it and not "judge" and then more victim playing and the silent expansionism.  So im totally unsympathetic.   But, they seem to allow for this fat bitch to cosplay as one, because she openly supports the death of non Muslims, especially women and is supported by her bitch titted ScatManPoo who is a extremist terrorist sympathiser.  Children get run down in a Christmas market in 2016 for not being Muslim and celebrating an "offensive" German Christian custom. But that's okay. A French girl of 12yrs old gets gang raped last week for being Jewish... and not a word from that community or any outrage... so that's also okay ... 7 women raped and murdered by a "devout Muslim who was offended by women in running tights" in my city in 2017... but no outcry it was all acceptable.  Yet... question anything and call out these atrocities in the name of this so called prophet and god... and you will suffer not only a possible physical attack, but attacks on reddit and by a mob who doesn't want to be seen as racist and are afraid of retaliation.  That is why Deathfat is cosplaying, she thinks it gives her a backup to stop others calling her out, she always takes the victim "islamophobe" line and laughs about 9/11 victims "looking stupid" jumping out of buildings in terror. Her new religion is okay with violence as retaliation for minor "offence". It suits her.  Sums it up nicely.  


You must be new here.


I don't know why you're being down-voted.


What does Islam say about judgment and gossip?


They say “don’t do that shit”. Chantal freaked out as the Muslim Sisters berating her, and how they’re not supposed to do that, and a breath later started bitching about another Muslim Sister.


Thanks for the insight. That's what I figured. This post might not be the best representation of the OP's piety.


Firstly, the OP never claimed to be perfect or pious. I see nothing wrong with her post. She’s obviously a devout, genuine Muslim who is naturally appalled by how FB is faking her beliefs, and how Salah is just as bad. There is no gossip involved. The OP only mentioned things FB and her repulsive companion have actually said and done, which she and the rest of us have all seen. As for judgement, she mentioned factually what the community’s reaction would be to Salah’s family if they found out about how he has disgraced himself. Everything FB and Salah have done has made a mockery of her Muslim faith and beliefs, and I completely understand why she’s upset. Actual gossip is what FB does on a regular basis when she publicly makes up horrible lies about people she despises.


Well, I'm inclined to disagree. The OP banging on, in the name of allah, about the horrible things S and CH are doing in the name of allah, sounds like judgment. The being paid by feeders has never been proven. Fine for a post, but not one by someone righteously indignant that their religion is being sullied while spreading gossip. Judging, wishing they get their comeuppance and their family is shamed and all sorts of stuff I wouldn't bat an eyelash at, had the OP not been on a pious high horse. Certainly sin is sin in all religions. Spreading gossip, rumors (feeders) and judgment is sin, so is the shit chantal does. From my non-muslim perspective, the user can be angry about chantal and salah's lack of following Islamic rules and traditions, on behalf of her religion. Or she can make an unhinged rant about all sorts of things that haven't been proven, but not in the name of her religion's honor when going against the religion's values and tenets. Just my opinion, we've all got them. We're all allowed to voice them. You don't have to like my opinion, I don't have to like yours. It's not a personal affront to me that you disagree, so let's just disagree and move on.


I think you need to ask yourself why you're defending Chantal. Also, you're being a massive hypocrite by coming here and starting an argument, which goes against the very thing you're bitching out OP for. And you're not even Muslim, so I have no idea why you're being so judgemental about musliming correctly.


You can think what you want. This post is unhinged and full of speculation stated as fact. I don't have to be muslim to find this post hypocritical and full of righteous indignation about religious sins while also doing things against their religion. This post is off-putting to me. That doesn't mean that I support chantal, that accusation is intellectually dishonest. It just means that I think this post sucks. Not asking you or anyone to agree with my stance. It's not like I removed the post.


Of course! I only made one post mate, I wasn’t planning to argue with you. I’m always happy to agree to disagree. 😊


Quite alot, yet alot of Muslims dont seem to follow the "rules", including those 2 fuckwits.


Like all faiths. Not excusing their behaviors in any sense. Unfortunately, it seems there's a lot of Haydur Nation that is taking this time to be racist, xenophobic, and Islamophobic. Last I knew of, helping someone find their way back is fine and poor behavior should be called out, but like many places a lot of people just end up being ostracized.


I see zero islamophobia towards Deathfat. Nor racism.  The only racism, xenophobia and antisemetism, anti Christian,  bigotry abd psychopathy  is coming from that terrorist loving ugly slug and her rape-fantasist piece of shit.   But I guess it's just totally okay for ScatManPoo and his terrorist POS supporters to say disgusting things and post disgusting things in supports of AlQaeda and Isis... okay for Deathfat to be antisemetic..   But noooo...."islamophobia".  I guess that's the fashion now, better to join them than become a target yourself. You don't see Christians committing acts of terrorism and then crying victim. Nor does the Torah or Bible call for the annihilation of other religions and believe its justified. 


….Yes they do, you’ve never heard of Christian extremists doing shit like blowing up abortion clinics, killing doctors? Have you read what the ultimate goal of Christian Nationalism is? They’re pretty damn open about forcing everyone to fall in line if they come into power. And the Bible never called for the annihilation of people for differing beliefs or cultures? Tell that to the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and the Jebusites.