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Don't like the "bit" where he slurps the coffee and the camera zooms in on his face. Watched a few of his videos but didn't find them very interesting.


I remember him saying something about anti-depressants being some kind of big pharma conspiracy and I never went back. šŸš«


My issue with him is he doesn't believe people (women in particular) when they recount unpleasant behavior directed at them. He says nah, that didn't happen. It can't be 100% of those comments are lies. I liked him until I noticed his pattern of dismissing women's stories.


This. There was this one time in particular where he was so dismissive over this creator not being able to find jeans that fit properly and it made me go ā€œ?ā€ Its such a universal experience for women regardless of size and its a known issue lmao. Still watch him occasionally tho.


I realized this recently, and I noticed he also seems to entirely discount when people say there's issues they have with losing weight other than CI/CO (ex, insulin or hormone resistance). Feels like he just has a big ego and denies stories that are absolutely plausible. Plus, sometimes he's cringe in his skits. Sorry (dabz in Gen Z).


I used to watch him, but then I saw some batshit screenshots of what he says in his discord... suddenly, I'm good.


Heā€™s smug as fuck from what Iā€™ve seen, the discord messages just prove it


Oh no šŸ˜­




idk if it's kosher to link a thread from another community, but you'll find it if you search cynical dude on the annaobrien subreddit. if you can't find it, I can dm


Yeah, I was disappointed. I do still like his little skits and watch him occasionally.


He's a sanctimonious ass.


He's alright, I actually forgot about this guy until this thread... I was enjoying his content a while back and stuff but I noticed that he has a trend of purposefully getting stuff wrong, which I suspect is because he wants engagement in the comments (people commenting to correct him). I found that a bit lame and honestly don't really watch him that much anymore.


He has a Reddit snark because he's so problematic for some people.


His content is suss. His whole living comes from laughing at fat women tiktoks. Giving big third grade bully energy.


This guy reminds me of Ystervarke. Does anyone remember that guy?


Yes! I was actually thinking about him the other day. I spoke to him a few times on social media (he dmā€™d me pretty much out of nowhere, I was surprised) - nice guy but he didnā€™t suit the content, imo.


Idk, I tried to get into his content, but his little skits and tangentsā€¦just arenā€™t that funny to me, tbh. I like when he actually makes points about things, but I feel like 75% of his videos are him going off about something unrelated and unfunny.


I used to watch him back when he was first getting big. Genuinely funny guy. Haven't watched him in a while though- I can only take so much of this topic per year lol.


That's understandable lol


I'm literally watching him right now šŸ¤£


Oh that's great! I'm on a train and I can't stop laughing at how disgusted he is with Chantal having crisps on top of sandwiches šŸ˜‚


Who is this?




Apologies, I should have made his name clearer


He's brutal, but he also lost the weight himself.


I don't know if he is too brutal, usually on what I eat in a day Wednesday he's sort of sympathetic, but just funny, not brutally funny. I mean his rating at the end is kind of harsh I guess, but the people aren't eating well.


Oh did he? Good for him, I didn't realise that


Really? He mentions that a fair amount XD The most brutal people tend to be those who experienced being, at the very least, overweight themselves. Which makes sense, they've done the work, so the excuses become 10x more infuriating. Edit:proofreading is for the weak, whoops


Ah ok, I just discovered him a couple of hours ago on a long train journey! I'm definitely going to be watching more of him so I'll find out more about him. I sometimes feel that way about other things, Chantal in particular is full of excuses despite having had so much access to the help she needs AND knowing for decades that she needs it! I totally get it šŸ˜ƒ


I was thinking he might be new to you, no worries \^\^ You're in dor a treat, he's fun to watch in general. Definitely think he'll entertain during those long rides. The excuses are what are so infuriating with her. If she were honest, yeah, she'd still get muck because she \*is\* just eating herself to the grave. If she were consistent with "I don't care about my weight" people would lay off on some things. Her inconsistency is decent part of her problem, man


He did keep me entertained, I just had to laugh at his reactions to some of that content šŸ˜ƒ I'll find out more about him as I go along


I love your comment. I would upvote more times if I could. You are ABSOLUTELY correct. The harshest critics are those who were in THAT place and put in the work to drop the weight. I am speaking from personal experience. We don't enable or buy the bullshit. Insightful comment.


He lost the weight because he got sick. He got a horrible flu and dropped something like 40lb in the space of a month. It is absolutely good on him that he kept it off and is into fitness now! But the actual weight loss was due to illness, not hard work.


I catch him now and then. He makes me giggle. I don't deep dive into people on YouTube or elsewhere, so I don't really care what he is like outside of videos.


"I AM good enough, shut up voices!" šŸ’€


Wow, these comments are really interesting...I did enjoy watching some of his videos today and I'll prob watch more but it's fascinating, the kinds of people who are drawn into Gorlworld and the whole Fat Acceptance thing.


Used to watch him religiously when he first started his channel. Really enjoyed back then (even though I didnā€™t agree with everything he said, especially about vegans and women). But then his libertarian politics started coming into half his videosā€”which is fine I guess, but I watched him to get a break from politics and the world. Havenā€™t watched in quite a while now, so idk if he still does that.


who is this guy?


Yes I've seen him around a while. I personally can't watch him, his loud, continuous, forced laugh annoys the hell out of me...


I love his deathfat snark. I discovered him a few months ago.


the cynical dude? he's great


I love him. Heā€™s about as cynical as I am lol.