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Just be glad she stopped her "shh I said shh"


If she says it again next video I will blame you 🤣


I will too. I’m gonna be so mad at myself.


That’s “thin, sensible Chantal” who observes our world from a hideous, cruel dungeon. Occasionally she can break through to our reality and Foodie Beauty must order her silence immediately.




So many people said the whole shh...I said shh thing was a tick-- nope...just her thinking she was being cute and clever.


Nope, not a tick. She explained it when she first started saying that--she says it when she feels that she's eating something that tastes ultra delicious to her at that moment, and needs everyone to be instantly quiet so she can concentrate on savoring it.


Not a tick, but could be “involuntary” as in out of quick impulse or need for aggression from all the food stimulation. In my opinion, she acts like someone with ADHD. But that’s just my idea, I know she was taking Vyvanse around 2018(?) and it really made a difference which is ironic bc it treats both ADHD and BED. There is some connection between people with BED and things like impulsivity, “executive dysfunction”, etc.


Not involuntary. If it was, it would still be popping up probably. I would rather let someone like Dr. Grande try to backseat diagnose ole girl because I am not a psych NP. She has a myriad of psych issues for sure though.


She got it off tiktok when there was a whole "tourettes " trend


She was saying that way before TikTok was even a thing. She started her channel in 2017z


She still says it occasionally. Last time I noticed it was a couple of weeks ago. She said it quickly and basically in a whisper, but it was there.


Oh god I hated that.


I am mad people thought that was an actually tic of sorts. It was an obvious forced saying to be “cute.” Like it was a Tourette’s type of tic or something. Nah bruh.


i hate when she says "beauty bite, for youuu" NO I DID NOT ASK FOR THIS


When she does this & pushes the food towards the camera I imagine I look like an 8 year old boy whose Great Aunt Maude just leaned in for a kiss.


🤣🤣 not great aunt Maud


![gif](giphy|kSaS8zTdMJ0DdNyIGb|downsized) 🤢🌚


Happy 🎂 day!!


Thank you!!!


Right? No, I don’t want your pig slop!


Could it be that these videos were originally part of a private cameo and just cut out the person’s name? It has that feel to me.


She’s been doing it since before cameo existed.


I meant the “for you” part. I know she’s been saying “beauty bite” for a long time.


I had a feeling I misunderstood what you meant!


I actually hate it when she says "bismillah" all sexy like urrrgh ![gif](giphy|dGaT1alrq0qMsgwjAe)


I LOATHE when she says that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to throat punch her.


Oh I do too. So bad.




It’s hilarious that she says it when she’s eating the most heinous looking trough of slop you’ve ever seen.


Cuz she 100% sucks 24/7.


I hate, HATE, when she shows the camera the inside half of her bitten into food. Ma'am, no.


It’s like a fucking toddler looking for approval. She’s such a stupid woman.


I’ve never seen an adult use their hands to eat more than she does. It’s absolutely disgusting and it fills me with rage. The fact that she thinks anyone would ever be attracted to her ugly disgusting fat behavior is baffling.


Because she's Foodie Beauty. She has been doing the "beauty bite" thang since the get-go; it's partly to do with her chosen YT name, partly to do with branding herself, as someone above said. ...but when a filthy, dentally-challenged, receding-gum-having, unhygienic, sloppy, ugly, degenerate, nasty, obese [must I go on?] pile of absolute dogshit says it while trowelling in an enormous mouthful, it is not exactly a thing of beauty.


>...but when a filthy, dentally-challenged, receding-gum-having, unhygienic, sloppy, ugly, degenerate, nasty, obese [must I go on?] DAMN IT! I'm bout to piss my pants!🤣🤣


![gif](giphy|QTAVEex4ANH1pcdg16|downsized) Say it loud, say it proud, sister!


I was not prepared to read this, my dog was in a deep sleep and the laugh I just laughed woke the poor guy up in fear. 😂


She does this (it’s part of her rubbish brand) and then sporadically shows you food like a toddler presenting you with a filled nappy or a turd of which they are especially proud.


First I wanted to answer that with every bite she is losing more beauty. But then, I realized there's no beauty to lose anymore. Edit: was never beautiful in any way inside and out.


'Hey guys, hey guys, hey, hey, hey'....is worse than the beauty bite, I'm glad she dropped that shit.


It was awful but I still miss it


She has also stopped Bismillah-ing everything. I knew that was nothing but part of the cosplay.


She still does it. FFG was just ranting about it


She loves to have little words, phrases and sounds that identify her 'brand'. Like 'beezer'. A stupid, made-up word that she's turned into something connected to her, and her channel. In fact, she was so relentless in pushing 'beezer' on the community that Amber (imo) got jealous, and decided to make up her own word: "hootenberry". It was equally stupid, and never caught on despite her trying to ram it down people's throats every day for quite some time. Chins also makes up pet names for people: Peetz, Bibi, 'Dom' for Nader, etc. These are manipulation tactics so she can convince these people (and others) that she has achieved a higher level of intimacy than she really has.


But she just wants to beeeeeeeeze (we shall never forget that those are the words of a 40 year old🤦🏼‍♀️)


Except for salad. 😂😂😂 he just has “babe.” She’d probably call him salad if FFG didn’t start it first.


But she never made merch or did she? I kinda thought that would be the next logical step for a YTuber with a catch phrase (or several): make merch


She tried... like with some redbubble type company. Pillows and shit with one of her stupid phrases - I can't remember what it was though.


Been doing that for ages. I guess trying to make that her “thing”. No idea if that was stolen from somewhere or not


Yep, she's been doing that since the early days of her channel, however I don't think she's *ever* had an original thought, so chances are she stole it from someone. Gorl is dumb as a rock


Trying to make fetch happen


Maybe I’m just jealous. She’s so hot…and I’m not. I don’t even have a fupa OR smell like blue cheese.


Don't forget the barracuda stench...


Is that her uhhh…coochie?


Um yes. And pizza dough. If you don't know what I mean, just be grateful.


Ewww, why did you have to remind me of THAT?


Oh, I unfortunately know. How do you have a yeast infection that bad and not know? Sick.


You wish you had her face shape 😗😗😗


Yes! All of us HatErs long to look like a crescent moon from the side and a full moon from the front, or like Jay Leno's profile, or like the world's most punchable bag of dough! 🫣


That last one 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨


The filters. 😂 how many do y’all think she uses?


I think definitely several more than just the typical Samsung filters. She tried some sort of beauty one the other day that gave her away because she had double the eyebrows on her face. Things Foodie has taught me Number 3,279: that sometimes even filters can only take so much around her and tap out at odd times.


stop trying to make beauty bite happen, it's not going to happen!! ![gif](giphy|XBEoaajXTXaALzawSn)


She needs to kill the word beezer. You gave Sam away you selfish ugly twat, you can’t use it anymore.


I’m new here, what does beezer mean?


It is her made up word for being a drug fucked,  obnoxious piece of shit


Just in case you're not sarcastically joking: it's a made up word that she pretends means "having mischievous fun".


It’s a genuine question! Thanks for clarifying. I sometimes see her fans referred to as beezers; I wasn’t sure if she’s the original beezer, or if it’s a shortened form of a phrase, or what.


My pleasure! And welcome here. There's a great bunch of posters here, they help to keep me sane in a Foodie World (actually in all of Gorl World lol).


It came from her cat Sam, acting out and she called it beezing. Then she used it as an excuse to do tons of drugs and eat, sleep around, etc.


Aah, gotcha. Thanks! You cleared up that mystery for me 😄


There is a great video clip floating around of Chinny in her car, crying her stupid eyes out, whining "I just wanna beeeeeeeeze!" If someone has it, please put it here. Classic.


Well now I’m going to do a deep dive tonight to see if I can find it lol


Youtube Underground (Yaya) has it (in a song format) on their default page


I’m kind of new too. I fell down this awful rabbit hole during my move from Texas to New York in May. Driving across the country I opened YouTube randomly one day to a reaction channel to this…creature, when I stopped for the night in a hotel. God clearly had a sense of humor for me that week. 😂 Welcome!


It's about misbehaving and Sham was the King of it 🤍


Was that the cat who was the intruder while she was high as balls?


Yes lol


She’s so stupid. 😂


Is Sham the cat Sam? Or is Sham someone else?


Yes it's Sam the cat.


Thanks! There’s a whole backlore in this world that I know nothing about!


She would put on this stupid voice when talking to or about her cats, a high screeching voice that surely annoyed the hell out of those precious kitties. Anyway, "Sam" would come out as "Sham". Punchable bitch.


![gif](giphy|108wBdjDIkQZb2|downsized) Bitty kitty bite?


She does it to get under our skin. But that's fine - she's the one on the death march, one back-scratcher-spoonful at a time. We'll have the last laugh as we outlive her by decades, probably with all limbs, vision, and teeth intact.


My vision is pretty fucked. 😂 but, I wear my contacts every day because I’m a 34 year old woman and I know nobody thinks my blind squinty ass face is cute. She thinks it’s adorable, I’m convinced that’s why she doesn’t wear her glasses.


She started that originally because she thought it would be a cute catch phrase to help connect with her audience. For a while, she even had the "BEAUTY BITE" on the screen in large, colorful animated words while she said it and pushed her filled fork at the screen. 🙄


She is copying another mukbanger (don't ask me what one I couldn't tell you)


When I stumbled across her channel back in the Bibi era, I legit thought that this was a common muckbanger thing. I even tried to google what the fuck a beauty bite was. I found it so bizarre, and the worst for me is when she takes a bite and then shows us the food. In what world would anyone ever find that aesthetically pleasing?!


Omg same! It infuriates me when she says it 😭


I was wondering if it just infuriated me because I’m not pretty like she is. 😂


Oh I forgot! There is that too - she is prettier than 98% of the YouTube community (and no doubt population) so that’s probably why I’m infuriated too 😂


trying to make it a catchphrase


Because she's a twat


Man I love that word.


Because she is a nasty, antagonistic cunt.  She will read this and do it more now, along with all her other fake "tics" that she started when it was trendy on tiktok. She gets off knowing that the shit she pulls, gets under yout skin 


Because she’s the most beautiful foodie beauty in all the land taking a bite. Don’t you know lol


while it’s not no “beauty bite” it’s the bite of the beast


I hate it so much 😡


"Bidy bite"