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1. Get reviews anyway you can 2. Respond on every review and make sure you use your keywords in your responses. Trust me, your listing will start indexing in google for those keywords. 3. Decrease your price slighty bellow your competitors to increase conversion rate 4. Run Amazon PPC (both, manual with and auto). Bid depends on your competitor bidding. 5. Run FB ads using superurl to increase your rank for desired searc terms. 5. After 6-8 weeks you should have enouh sales velocity to increase price 6. After a while your sales will start to slow down a little bit, so once again you should decrease price and increase ad spend to retrive your sales velocity.


Re: #2 – when you say "respond," do you mean to click Comment while logged into my seller account, or is there a way to "officially" respond to reviews? Because if the latter, I can't seem to find it in Seller Central.


Only people associated with the product can comment on the review. https://www.amazon.com/gp/community-help/official-comment-guidelines If you are not, then you can do it via your Buyer account.


Wow! - first time I am hearing about #2 - (Respond on every review and make sure you use your keywords in your responses. Trust me, your listing will start indexing in google for those keywords.) mannnnn, I have been selling FBA for 2 years, hitting 6 figures/month and this is the first time I have heard this, crazy how much info/hacks are out there..... When you say Google Indexing - is there a reason the "response" to comments is getting indexed in the rankings?


More words on your page.


Aren’t you the guy that was referred to law enforcement by Amazon for ripping people off with counterfeits from the name Krasr? I thought they put you in jail.


I love the JungleScout products and the content that Greg Mercer has provided the FBA community. However, I personally wouldn't recommend JumpSend to launch. My first product was in a very profitable and specific niche with almost no competition when I first listed. During the 2-6 weeks after I did my giveaways on JumpSend to get some initial sales, I had over ten competitors show up with products in the same specific niche. Although it may have just been a coincidence, I believe there are at least some other FBA sellers that use the JumpSend deals catalog for ideas. My sales tanked after a solid run for a couple of weeks. I have since launched another FBA product using a niche that fit well with a specific Facebook group. Having an audience ready to launch a product to gives you a huge advantage, especially early on.


Probably a coincidence. It doesn't take just 2 weeks to copy a product and have it live on Amazon. My first PL item had 1 competitor on Amazon when I placed my order. When it hit FBA there was already 30 other sellers on Amazon.


yeah.... thats because everyone is using the same tools like jungle scout so tens of hundreds of people are seeing the same result for the same criteria (prices $20-50, low comp, high demand, light weight, etc).


You got that right. I stopped using the JS web app for that exact reason. Also because the web app doesn’t track so many products, it ends up showing very skewed results that make it look like there’s no competition. When if you just search the amazon catalog directly you’ll see a lot faster if something is saturated.


thanks ... would you please share how exactly did you use Facebook Group (step-by-step)!


Join a variety of Facebook groups based around a niche (ex. fitness, cooking, pet products, etc.), use JungleScout or a similar tool to find opportunities within that niche, launch the product in the Facebook group at a steep discount using promo codes to get the initial sales that will hopefully be enough to get your product ranked! Note that is strategy I'd say is for initial sales and not reviews. To stay on Amazon's good side I don't want any reviews from people who used a promo code, although people have differing opinions on this.


This is true. I was in a niche with about 3 real competitors. One of them decided to try out tomoson to get some reviews. I know this because I was googling the product and found them there. Well, a month later and theres tons of new competition. I was competing with 3 people for about 2 years until then.


2, 6, and 7. That's all you need for a decent product with average competition.


You have to get reviews first. Then a combination of 1,2 and 6.


But if you're on page 200 how do you get reviews? Even harder if you're a new seller without brand registry and the early reviewer program. Short of soliciting reviews, there's nothing you can do? So you're forced to do one or a combination of the options above.


Solicit the first like ~3 reviews.


thanks but can you throw some light how to get reviews first? the % of getting that honestly for the new product is almost close to zero for weeks and if u snooze u loose, no?


Keep in mind. Lowering price will affect lightning deal prices, and will also affect Prime Day, Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals prices (must be lowest price of the year). Just be sure to plan thoroughly


And if you leave the price low for too long, all your shitty chinese competition will be happy to compete with you and make 1 cent. Then when you raise your price, you'll be one of the more expensive options on page 1.


You can use Amazons early reviewer program to help get the first few. Depends on which your niche too. People so buy items without reviews. Especially if you do enough PPC. Be prepared to lose money for a while, just how it goes.


Like I posted to winston, solicit the first like ~3 reviews.


Is it better to launch on a proven existing product or start a new listing?


When you have your own brand you control it, it is yours and nobody else can list your products. For this to happen, you need to submit your brand to the brand registry. Must have a trademark or you can't apply.


Ask your friends and family for initial reviews, then run PPC with almost 75% discount to get high conversion. High conversion = Ranking help Reviews = Ranking help Then ask for votes again in family :) I am using same strategy for now and it helps me alot. Thanks


I made a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgJGvwcWgz0&t=1s) outlining the different launch strategies and you can choose what one is best for you. (full disclosure, some affiliate links are included in description)


im not telling you


Fair, but disappointing. 10+ upvotes on this thread makes it seem like this is quite a big issue for many.


put [this](https://www.google.ca/search?q=black+hat&safe=off&rlz=1C1KMZB_enCA704CA704&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiXuJ7ahuLXAhXqy4MKHYJ_DV8Q_AUICigB&biw=1455&bih=699) on and you will come up with some better ideas than the ones you listed


And you'll also get a suspension for your shitty fly by night "business"


numbers dont lie


neither does longevity. I assume once you get banned youll just fly to the next thing to make money online. Its stupid.