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Want respect, give respect. Is it always the case?


They are the "want all, give nothing" type.


You think Wahhabists would *ever not* be hypocritical?


Nah not for Muslims. Muslims want respect but don't know how to respect others.


Many Christians too, but Muslims are usually worse.


I’m 100% sure that no Muslim ever approached you unprovoked and disrespected you in the name of their faith, y’all just say shit for the sake of it


I vouch for his comment and I live in a Muslim country as a hiding athiest from the fanatics


they have plenty of times


Nah he didn't do much, just provoked me "Why don't you become Muslim? Why are you following THIS religion? Be Muslim and get heaven" just this and I guess it's not provocation for Muslims lol


Well based on what ur saying he didn’t disrespect you but if he did then please go on and disrespect him as the disrespectful person he is, I’ve been approached by the church of science or whatever their name was and they were waay more aggressive than what you’re describing so idk why Muslims in particular get this image


Because no other religion says this in their book Q33:50; Q 2:191; Q9:29; Q9:5; Sunan Ibn-majah 2517; Sahih al bukhari 4138; I have a lot more but you can read them by yourself


Well they don't approach anyone no more. As they got bombs now


I didn’t laugh, if ur gonna be an ignorant bigot at least be funny. Learn from Jeff Dunham, he was ignorant but funny


Oh brother, come to Europe.


No Habibi, ur weather is gloomy and depressing and you have shitty attitude


lol we have the best weather but yeah pls stay away you ignorant fuck


Wierdly they love leaving the countries ruled by their religion to come to a country ruled by "kafirs" and then they try to change it. Like a virus!


Almost each religion is like a virus, so I disrespect them all. Atheism for life!


I’ve been around the world, Europe with the exception of Espania and Purtogal have the shittiest weather, shittiest food, shittiest attitude, filled with scammers, trains and buses smell like literal shit, heck I even enjoyed the US more than Europe


Really? Then you must’ve been in the wrong countries or you have terrible taste, I don’t like hot weather like in spain but thats my preferance, and theres many reasons europe is better to live in than the US


really so if i go around singing praise to god in Saudi Arabia im not going to have my head cut off?


I can't respect people who want to harm others because they dress as a different gender.


They don't respect others, deserve no respect themselves


What about different religions?


I respect religions that respect others, even if they're different.


i.e. Buddhists.


This is probably the only religion which is somewhat acceptable.


True! I’d have zero negative opinions towards religions if they all would act as these guys.


Unfortunately most other religions think they are the best and only true one and force their ideology on others


That’s the one thing, which doesn’t sink into my brain, considering me and ultrareligious types, in comparison, there’s only one god more I *don’t* believe.


Harm because they dress as a different gender ? Buddy, We don’t care, and we were never ordered to harm anyone quite the opposite, it’s just not what we do, I apologize if my people did something out of line or if you had any bad experience Ps: Just don’t force anything on our kids


So you agree that kids shouldn't be taught to be religious until they are old enough to make a choice for themselves.


This, all fucking day.


Yep but I’m free to teach my kid anything I deem necessary and beneficial but I’m not teaching yours or forcing anything on yours. You should respect that. For example my kid sees me when I pray everyday ( it’s hard to miss) I pray 5 times a day when I’m home lol) should I just hide or tell them yeaa I’ll explain to you when you get older ? Just so that a random atheist (I’m assuming you are) can be happy ? What would be the point if I can’t teach them something so important ( to me ). Anyway, you teach your kids whatever you deem is necessary but you don’t teach mine that they can screw their same sex friend or the opposite sex when they’re 5 ! Same for me, you won’t catch me talking to your kid about god or that they can switch sex or anything


Alright, gay agnostic person here. I always think that talking with people with different points of view than mine is the best way to improve communication, culture and peace, so I'll try to explain some points of view that I have in the most respectful way I can. I agree that you're free to teach your kid anything you believe is necessary for his development, and that no one external to the parental/family relationship should interfere with any political/religious/sociological perspective without parental consent when the kids are young (like 5 years old, as you said). And I just wanna be specific (and also add) about the themes of education and years of the kid, I don't think a 5 year old would even care outside of natural curiosity about any political/religious/sociological topic that's going on in their outside world. They're 5, we all were 5 too, and I'm absolutely sure no one cared about a lot of things at that age. This goes both ways, I believe that religion, sexual education and politics should be FORMALLY presented and shown to kids when they reach an age and they discover that those topics exist and affect them. Formally because you can teach religious things to your 5yo son as a way to teach values like respect, honesty and compassion, that's a way to approach them to religion that seems healthy and good for their development. I also believe that presenting sexual diversity (like there are people who are attracted to same sex persons) in a healthy and adequate manner to their age can help in the development of a healthy future mature individual. These two things, religion and sexuality usually end up being kinda opposite one to the other. I assume you're a very religious person (yet I don't wanna assume which religion you preach), but it's obvious you consider religious values important for you, and sexual diversity as we can see it out there as something that goes against your religion and faith. I believe that neither I or anyone else can aggressively force you to change your mind on that subject, it would only cause confrontation and more hate, which is what we should be looking for, right? I also believe that it is almost impossible to hide the fact that those kinds of things exist. Sooner or later, and it doesn't matter how much you try to avoid telling your children that there are people who wanna change their sex, or that have romantic and sexual feelings for another person of the same sex, your children are going to discover that exist and then it will occur a counter effect. They will have curiosity regarding that topic, humans are naturally curious (yet careful) to the unknown, and will act instinctively towards that, maybe the reaction would be of rejection, maybe the reaction would be of interest, we don't know. And if you, as a father, consider that it is better for your son to be heterosexual in relation to his personal development, then it is obviously expected you to act in the best way you can to guide him through the right path. And what I wanna say with all this is that... If you really want your son to be heterosexual, maybe it would be a better option to show that homosexuality is a real thing and avoid making such a big deal, that way you will kill the curiosity regarding sexuality, and your son wouldn't see homosexuality as a forbidden thing (humans are attracted to what's forbidden), just as a normal thing. And you'll do two for one, your son will not have curiosity for same sex relationships, and 99% sure will see it as something that's normal, and thus will respect it like everyone should do. I wanna do a small break to repeat myself, this is just my opinion that I'm trying to tell the most respectfully way I can. Obviously everything can be debated and argued as long as it is corresponded with the same respect I'm trying to use. Now, I do agree that there are lots of people trying to precisely include political/religious/sociological perspectives into scholarly education for kids of all ages and personally I find it disgusting. I've seen news of governments and educational institutions doing things like making 10/12 year old kids put condoms over wooden phallic objects like if they were doing it to a real penis (using direct language here, we're all adults I believe and it's just a word). How can a school put their 10yo kids to do a presumed "recreational innocent activity" that involves learning how to use a condom in a practical way? I'm not against theoretical sexual education from a health perspective, teenagers who are in their puberty or after should know there are various sexually transmitted diseases that could even affect them for life if they don't take care and protect themselves, but that's WAY different than making them mimic putting a condom on a wooden dick... I understand and comprehend your disgust with people trying to get young children into a very adult conversation without your consent and without any safety filter and without your own ways to teach them that aspect of life. I would be the same, disgusted by the same things, I'm gay, but I don't want some strangers to teach my kid whatever they want before I have a chat with him and explain to him the things my way, because I don't know what kind of people could be talking to my son about anything that I disagree, that goes for sexuality, that goes for religion too. Lastly, I wanna just add a little extra tip that I would like to discuss with a religious person. It is known that one is unable to choose in which country we are going to be born, or which color our skin will be, or our physical appearance, we can't choose our hair color, our eye color, etc. I believe we can't also choose who will be sexually attracted to us, I don't know other people, but I didn't consciously choose to be attracted to other men, I doubt you consciously chose to be attached to a woman. But I do believe we can choose which religion we follow, it's been widely seen in the world that people can change religion to one that suits their own values and decisions. If we agree that everyone should be treated with respect, the things that we can't choose to change should have a higher priority in the respect topic. If religion says that homosexual people are sinners, but we gotta respect both religious people and homosexuals, I believe religion, being a more personal choice of way to live, should be the one that gotta be more soft and comprehensive to accept others. I've met a lot of religious homosexuals, and (I believe in God, not related to any religion, just God by itself) I think God wouldn't mind people to love each other outside of marriage, or being the same sex couple, I believe God would find more insulting to his creation a war, or hate. Why would God preach hate against some of his creation and be disgusted because of love? It's just my argument and again, I would love to discuss it or debate it respectfully, or maybe just leave it here and maybe change someone else's perspective! It's a freaking long message and maybe I will get some hate from the LGBTQ+ because I don't like explicit sex education being taught to little kids, but either way I don't care. Have a great day or night and, if someone's going to reply here, please be respectful.


Thank you very much for your good message and very reasonable thoughts.


Nothing to thank for, I still believe that there are people out there that won't deny to debate with people who do things they don't agree with and learn from it, and well, wanted the last part to also work as a two-part question by itself Do you believe that religion is a personal choice and not something that's inherited and non transformable? And regarding that answer (negative or positive), do you think their traditions should be considered more important and a priority versus things like sexuality, race or birthplace (which are things that can't be chosen to become, or to be born like that) in matters of defending and expressing self? Or in other words, do you believe that people from certain religions should have the right to act against people from a different sexuality (to say the most common example), just because they live by their own religion? Or do you believe that those people should learn to tolerate (maybe not accept in their life, but just accept that's what it is and stop caring too much about it) that there are people that don't align with your preachings because of reasons out of their choices and self control? Damn it's hard to be specific xd, also thanks for your kind words and I wish you (and everyone who read this) a marvelous day


>but you don’t teach mine that they can screw their same sex friend or the opposite sex when they’re 5 ! Nobody does or wants that.


I meant: When they’re young, 5 let’s say I don’t want someone teaching my kids that they can be homosexual or change sex etc, which is in fact happening


Yeah you say you’re ok with it and then say some wild shit implying that they’re pedos? You can’t just say your fine with it when your not it’s quite obvious


You misunderstood me, I m not implying anything I am saying that I have the right to protect my kids from some adult teaching them about homosexuality until I decide that they have the mental capability of understanding all aspects of it. You don’t have to be a pedo to teach about homosexuality to kids (pedos should be executed not two ways around it)


We will definitely teach them that now


I’d love to see your try


Don’t worry they will come home and let you know about everything gay they learned.


As I said, You talk to my kid about that kind of stuff, it won’t end up well for you I don’t expect you to relate but You ll understand when you get off discord and find someone to love in your life.


This is Reddit. I have had a partner for over a decade. Also Mohammed has little boy slaves.


>Ps: Just don’t force anything on our kids Like... Hijabs?


Did I teach your kid that religious modesty for women involves hair covering, and for men baggy clothes ? No Not your business then


'Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him.'" Sahih Bukhari 9:84:57


Not in Islam.


Everybody should respect each other. It’s just funny it takes centuries to understand a simple thing that benefits everyone..


But only them needs to be respected because they are the only true religion /s


I give you respect by not hanging you for being a sinner 😡 Should be more than enough for you to accept my religious limitations and fears into your own life 😡


Nope. I have seen plenty of people discriminate Muslims who just minded their own buisness.


Beheading coming in 3....2.....1.....


The most peaceful and tolerant religion, isn't it?


Good ol islam


Muslims: We want to be respected. Also Muslims: Y'all just Kafirs and Infidels.


Y'all kafirs and infidels where's the lie tho?


*Gets invaded for oil*


Creates 1368 txrrorist organisations


Kill someone for showing their ears


Kills someone for not alligning with their beliefs(i.e gay...)


*gets invaded for wanting to gouge the global price of oil for everyone*


Religious Extremists: You should respect my desire to kill innocent people. Rational Public: We don't give cannibals a free pass to do that, why should we give you one?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Mind blowing




He should stop eating at Taco Bell then.


Everyone within 100 yards of him is a cannibal




Cause they will kill for their beliefs and most are not willing to kill for theirs.


1 is unwilling to change, the other 1 is willing to accept another. And if both are willing to kill for their beliefs, it’s war. This is not good for anyone.


The only one's killing over their beliefs is Israel killing Palestinians.


Define "respect."


R-e-s-p-e-c-t, that is what it means to me.






^(sock it to me, sock it to me, sock it to me, sock it to me)


Also, how do you respect a religion? I can and do respect people who *have* beliefs. But those beliefs could be anything that defies reason or logic or even *respect* for other people and their beliefs.


That's a more reasonable statement


I haven't met a sane religious person that demanded anything from me in this fashion though


Yeah most religious people won’t even mention their religion. I’ve been shocked when people I’ve known for months tell me that they’re practicing christians or muslims.


People are usually surprised when I tell them I'm a devout catholic at work lol especially cause I'm in the army and you don't see that much


Could you teach my family how to not try and convert me to their religion on a daily basis?


Don’t know, you see some weird old white dude/ women doing this on television pretty often. Just recently I saw this Lady claiming it’s perfectly fine and gods will that a child gives birth after being raped.


Tolerate my intolerance kind sir


I tolerate others only if they are also able to tolerate, if not.....go into desert and dehydrate.


I assume you mean "desert," but the thought of someone walking into a massive cake to dehydrate is too funny to me


Thank you, I have edited it. Probably it works faster than without, depending on the type of cake there is not so much water in it.


I'll respect a man's Religion the same way I respect his theory that his wife is beautiful and his children smart" Mark Twain prolly?


[H.L. Mencken](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/85855-we-must-respect-the-other-fellow-s-religion-but-only-in) >“We must respect the other fellow's religion, but only in the sense and to the extent that we respect his theory that his wife is beautiful and his children smart.”


TY, Give em hell H. L.


"There can be no accounting for taste." - G.K. Chesterton.


If they don't affect me, I 100% will. You do you. No problem. But if your beliefs step on my toes, we have a big problem.


Muslim here, Glad we agree sir. Have a great day


I just have to respect that you HAVE religious beliefs, not that the beliefs themselves. Nice try dirtbag


As if this meme is funny.


This sub turned to a political circle jerk


never rly been to this sub. i thought this was some political sub and was confused that it was r/funnymemes


Funny memes is r/terribleFacebookmemes with unironic people


Respect has to be earned, not demanded like a commodity.


It's annoying that people say respect when they don't mean it. I haven't heard the actual definition from someone irl in a while now.


Respect everyone else’s first


Facebook looking meme. It’s missing the minion


You deal with your god. I don’t have such a burden.


I won't ever respect people who don't respect the right to maintain the physical integrity of boys' willys and don't respect women at all.


100% with you


I respect no religion. It's all crap.


I had to scroll down a lot to find something I can relate to.


Christians on the other hand not respecting their own religion


More a Cristian is fanatic more blasphemous and disrespectful against Christianity is... and usually is disrespectful also against social norms and common decency.


lol, tbf, I respect the religion. I hate Christians




Agreed. Feel like that’s just religion in general… lots of practitioners, and few who do it correctly.


If you wanna find a good christian, dont search at the church. The cool ones do it by themsrlves and are chill with what others do.


I hate all religions, I only accept nature spiritual like from native tribes.


Don’t trust people who only reads one book.




Ethiopian Bible contains 23 more books


Don't trust people who aren't capable of basic grammar.


Don't trust people who can't punctuate.


Don't trust people


Don’t trust


Just don’t


Couldn't be me.


Haha bet you are a native english speaker and english is the only language you are capable to speak 😅


I'm not a native English speaker, but thanks for the compliment ig.


But read, reads... who cares? And I am german :D we tend to be hypercritic..


Yawn 🥱


Respect. Sure. Follow. No


Why u getting downvoted lol


Cause Reddit is full of fuckfaces


Where funny meme


Where is the funny? Is this r/atheist rebranded?


if they respect ours i would theirs


You demanding anything in the name of fairytales is you being weird. Do what you do on your own time but leave me out of it. Especially if your only proof is a square shaped rock and historical evidence your book author was a murderous rapist.


I don't like religions, but this is the least funny thing I've seen today.


Respect is earned. Religions haven't earned mine


You've never met a repectable religious person?


There’s a difference between respecting the person practicing and the respecting the religion itself. Portions of the Bible advocate slavery, but most Christians don’t.




You are embarrassing on this thread


Exodus 21 & Ephesians 6:5-9


'course I have, those people I respect. They're good people. But they don't change my view on the religion as a whole


Oh good just making sure lol


You can’t respect an entire concept like that, you can respect every religious person on earth, it doesn’t mean you have to respect religion 


Incorrect, I have to TOLERATE your religious beliefs, that’s all


And only as long as it doesn't infringe on anybody else's rights


hey, is that a pippi långstrump meme in a non swedish sub?!?


You can't respect all religious beliefs even if you are religious. What if the person's religious beliefs command him to stone women and kill apostates? Should we respect that?


Stone woman or adulterer ? Don't remember about stone woman.


(as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them (wives) - quran 4:34


Theoretically, the adulterer but in practice Usually, it's the woman since men get away from punishment a lot.


Blame the judge then.


We can only do this as long as it does not infringe, literally, on the criminal code. That is pretty much what every country is trying to do when it comes to giving a fare representation of various cultures and religions. No one should have to make a special case for any religion or culture visiting or migrating, that is also what any country expect, including those of Islamic inclination. Like during the 2022 FIFA world cup in Qatar. They were still asking that you respected and followed their cultural expectations while visiting. So no... if your religious beliefs go against laws... we will not make them fit for you. And we hope, if your willing to live in our countries, you will follow that code and not act in a way that would make us think about refusing all Islamic immigrants in the future.


If you don’t want to be ridiculed for your beliefs, stop believing ridiculous things.


Sir, this is a Wendy's 😜


They sure as hell dont respect anyone else's


Nah, you acknowledge people's believes. You sure AF don't have to respect them.


Wait, does this apply to Republicans forcing underage rape victims to give birth?




Apparently not according to reddit


I believe that people who believe people with different beliefs will burn in hell belong in the mental ward.


The most kind hearted and caring person in the world gets to rot in hell for all eternity because they were Jewish according to too many Christians


Not a meme, nor funny


Using an image of Pippi sticking her tongue out is a longstanding meme. I agree that this one is not really funny though.


Damn, people really seem to hate Muslims.


They have honestly earned it to be hated.


Every single one of them?


At least all of them who still believe in the nonsense. Not the ones who left their shitty religion, and all others who left their religion.


I respect that people HAVE religious beliefs. I just don't believe them.


Those beards are fucking dumb I fucking hate them


And I also fucking hate gingers


Eric Cartman? Is that you?


Mooooommmmm!!! I fucking hate this motherfucker can i kill him?


Bro ginger tea is good


I hated redditors being leftist but redditors becoming right wing is the worst fucking thing that’s happened this decade


It isn't that simple. A lot of bigoted people have been incorporated by the "left" as a result of the deep divide between people on very specific issues (or just hatred for specific people in one's life turned into absurd sweeping generalizations). America's fad obsession coming full circle to finally bite it in the ass - not that people won't find something else to blame it on, as per usual.


There is nothing rightwing about rejecting religion, These are some of the most authoritarian ideologies/beliefs out there.


Average Muslim: we're peaceful Meanwhile Quran: 47:4 ; 9:29; 2:191; 33:50 Hahaha their peaceful Al lah telling Muslims to kill non-muslims whenever you find them. Lol


I respect zero religions, all of them are made up fairytales.


Ya. People need to wake up




So following your broken logic these statements must be true "we don't have an image of the quarks in the atoms so they can't be real! Moreover i don't have an image of Abraham so he can't be real!" A small note: yahshua, what you wrongly call jesus, probably doesn't look like the painted image in your local church. Supposedly in African churches he is depicted as black person, and in the west as a white blue eyed male, when in reality he is a middle eastern male. So having a photo of "god" is not a reliable source and proves nothing!


![gif](giphy|l3vR9IEU6nYAmZyoM) According to that logic I can declare this chicken a God


All religions are stupid. Believing in a story some guys wrote thousands of years ago while the earth is millions of years old. That alone does not make any sense. But yeah science is something these people often deny :/


Good old fashioned hard evidence and facts that’s been well researched and documented vs stories that have been told millions of times and rewritten millions of times cause they can’t make up their minds on how the story should go. Yea, I chose logic.


You have to find a realistic job, faith is just bananas for primeval ape brains


Negative ghost rider.


Farfa? Is that you?


Get rid of all religions. Problem solved.


If I said these things about Jewish people that would make me a anti Semite?..the fact you say these things about Muslims, makes you what?


I think religion is born out of narcism and fear that there could be nothing after we die. I wish I’d be that naive tho, would make death less scary Also it gets used as excuse for doing horrible things for centuries now. Edit: millennia*


Ex muslim here, muslims deserves every hate, punishing someone with eternal pain just because they didn't believe, making women wear stupid shits because they're so horny, and don't forget about the prophets that marries to a nine years old. Islam is a parasite on this earth and never believe it nor it's believers


Respect and Tolerance are two very different things. Tolerance is reinforced by law, you have to tolerate lawful behavior because everyone else has to respect your lawful behavior. If someone wants to practice their religion peacefully I tolerate that. Respect is a moral concept and can only be earned through ones actions. I don't respect a man that forces his wive to wear a cloth over her head to enforce coyness, neither do I respect a man that mutilates the genetialia of his son or daughter when he/she is significantly too young to make his/her own decisions. Such practices are barbaric and I will not respect them.


I don't respect stupid beliefs. Religion can suck a fat one.


respect is earned. I don't respect beliefs that dont respect me as a person.