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The only answer is: NO ONE KNOWS. Anything you see or read or hear anywhere is pure speculation. The world didn’t know before today that the film was even getting a N.A. streaming release. It’s possible it gets a physical release by the end of the year but there is no confirmation of that.


Any articles I read about it on steaming never mentioned UK/US. I was pleasantly surprised on Sunday night seeing the big guy on the front screen. Have heard the English dubs are woeful though. I'd recommend anyone to watch it in Japanese with subs. The acting and dialogue is too good from the actors to watch it dubbed.


No, the dub is good... its not like shin. That said, dude screaming after the city attack is better in japanese version. Other than that, this is one of the better dubs ive seen and i grew up watching the mouths not line up in the black and white 4 channel days.




Edgy or cool? What? The dubs suck. Better to hear the acting in Japanese. Maybe learn how to read properly if you’re rewinding. Never had to do that before.


Hear the acting? I'm sorry but what good is that if you're not seeing their performance because you're too busy reading subtitles? That just doesn't make any sense. The emotions they show is far more important than the voice dub. Plus I doubt the English dub is that bad Subtitles suck




This is the dumbest shit I've read all day. Watching a movie in the original language isn't supposed to be "cool", it's just the best way to enjoy a film. The way it was made. Dubbed movies can be decent, but they're never as good, let alone better. I always watch foreign films subbed purely because the acting is just better, and more enjoyable.


The acting that you miss because you're too busy reading subtitles lmfao The fact you think that's the best way to watch a movie is proof that you do think it's the "cool" thing to do


You just can't fathom that someone might sincerely disagree with you about this, can you? No, they must be doing it to look cool. To be clear, I prefer dubs, I just think you're being a dick about it.


It's not even about that. I'm pointing out a fact. If you're reading subtitles, you are not watching the movie, end of story. I never said they shouldn't do it, I just rejected their stupid argument that they're doing it so they can get the performances of the original actors. That's ridiculous because they're literally missing a lot of it, not to mention other details in the movie


You're really not missing much; I enjoy the emotion in the original actor's voices, as well as the emoting they do with their physical performance. Its just a choice, as was stated earlier. There is no "cool" involved. There is no "missing" out on performance. It's just different ways to watch the same film. I walk away having seen the exact same performance you saw. The exact same thing. If I think I've missed something significant, even in an English language film, yes, I back it up to check it out. Otherwise, this arguing is a "choice" too. You're choosing to argue about something that is totally moot; or maybe...lol mute.


I was gonna say fair enough but you can't say you walked away seeing the exact same performance. That simply isn't true. We each saw different versions of it. The only real debate is whether seeing an actors face is more important than hearing their voice. I would argue the facial expressions are more important because there's been many roles where actors don't even speak and we still get just as much emotion conveyed if not more sometimes. But I'm also a more visual learner in many ways and I'm very easily distracted so I avoid subtitles at all costs. Everyone is different so I'll agree there's no right way to watch I just didn't like how someone tried to claim that the original voices is the "right" way to watch it. There is no right way


I watch a lot of foreign movies, all with subtitles. Unless there’s way too much information in some crazy busy dialogue I don’t miss a thing, still watching the movie. When I’ve showed or suggested movies that are subtitled they’ve generally watched the dub, but the few that do the comparison agree the original language is always the way to go. Plus there’s a trick to watching subs. But on the other side, where I can agree with your comment. I know plenty of people that pretty much hate watching a movie they have to read. Because those people can’t. They are too busy reading to watch what’s going on. So ya those people are not watching the movie lol


Okay, sure. But I never said anyone who watches it subbed or dubbed is a moron, or edgy. We're all entitled to enjoy the medium however we want. I had read an article, and seen a post on reddit about how the dub on Netflix wasn't as good. I was only making a suggestion.


Watching the sub doesn't make you moron... We can just read fast enough, don't have to rewind at all


Got nothing to do with that. You can't read fast enough to not miss what's happening on screen. You're also missing the actors performances other than their voice while is frankly the least important part of it.


I can read fast enough, most people can lol


Again, it has literally nothing to do with how fast you read. If you're reading, you're not watching the movie. Period.


and again, we can read fast enough to look back up and see what’s happening on screen, are you missing where we say that?


So you're just completely in denial of the fact you're missing things while you're reading "cUz I ReAD fASt BrO!!"???? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


He wasn’t trying to be edgy you dick. He’s absolutely correct, for anyone that cares about enjoying a film in its truest form, and getting the most out of the many emotions this movie generates, it’s much better to watch it in native language with subtitles. If you don’t get care about that watch it dubbed, either way you’re still a pompous prick


Glad we can finally watch this officially at home, but damn we DO need a 4K release soon


That UK October 1st release isn’t actually a thing. It was an unofficial steelbook release that didn’t come with any disc. It was of course shutdown by Toho.




Anyone know if Netflix has it in 4k? I recently downgraded to their basic plan.


It's in 4k, but highly compressed, its a good watch, but not cinematic quality. I recommend watching it on Netflix and then watching it on Blu-Ray, leaps and bounds different in audio.


You've got the undubbed version? I'm assuming/hoping english subtitles work or no. I don't like the dubbed version as much


They have the Japanese language original audio option you just have to select it


Yeah even atmos sound is highly compressed when streamed. I hate having to wait for the 4k Blu-ray when I’m willing to buy it. Seems like paying customers should come before streamers.


Streaming companies pay to acquire things to stream. I don't doubt that Netflix paid a lot of money for what would appear to be global streaming rights, and I wouldn't be surprised if at least a few weeks of exclusivity were involved in the deal.


Yes it's 4K with Vision and Atmos


I really want to know if they'll put it out with a minus color disk in atmos/dolby vision


That would be cool if they do. I really hope so. You can rent and/or buy Minus Color on Amazon as well as the color version. I just bought Minus Color and will be watching it in about five minutes.


Yeah I just saw it on VUDU. Do you know if the amazon version is 4k/atmos? Because the Minus color one on VUDU is just 5.1 1080p and I'm a stickler for that stuff


Yeah, first thing I checked. I loved seeing Minus Color in theaters and was hoping it would be 4K.


I sadly missed minus one in theaters but saw it in color. Makes me wonder if minus color will be in 4k/Dolby vision etc.. whenever they DO release a disk hmm...


I saw it twice, and I never watch movies multiple times in theaters. I thought Minus Color seemed to be the superior version in how just felt more impactful. I would pay double the price for both versions.


Probably not, which sucks because I desperately want a 4K version that has both the black-and-white and color versions. At this point, if a movie doesn't have a confirmed 4K or Blu-Ray release after it leaves theaters, I don't expect it.


I'm gonna shut down any talk of Netflix owning streaming rights since its on Vudu


I'm so tempted to finally watch it, but think I'll hold out for the 4k at this point. Just hope it isn't end of the year


Guess we'll find out on December 30 if it finally got a worldwide DVD and blu ray release this year or otherwise next year then.


I just watched this on Netflix and I haven’t felt so strongly about owning a physical DVD in a long time. I need a subbed release bad. What a great movie!


Ah fuck… probably not. Netflix rarely releases any of their properties on physical. Guessing they are holding the digital rights for a year at least till legendary clears out their gxk physical contract.


The fuck are you talking about??? Minus One isn't NetFlix property. it's Toho property. Lol. Also Shin Godzilla took about a year to release before being physical in the west.


Tis a netflix licensed property for the streaming rights now. Toho just owns the Godzilla label and production rights. But if streaming rights were sold/licensed to netflix i would safely bet they have a non compete clause on physical release for a while. My guess is 6 months minimum to match the non compete clause with legendary gxk. Since they cant release a godzilla product within a year of a legendary godzilla product. And as you said took shin a year even though it was a funimation western released licensed product. Thats what i am saying as well. Going to take a min. Good thing i speak Japanese.


Not a Netflix property. It’s on several streaming services


It's on Prime etc. for rental and purchase. I suspect if Netflix has an sort of exclusivity it's for "free streaming" rights only.


For physical release? Which was the issue and subject of the post.


I'm trying to understand your logic here. Why would they try to negotiate to prevent a physical release, but not prevents it's availability for purchase via streaming from itunes, Prime etc.?


Has it been announced physically yet? Until it does guess we need to wait to see how it shakes out. Currently there are only physical copies in Japan legitimately, nothing announcing internationally as for a physical release which again was the subject of the post and my responses therefore after. My logical is sadly a business mindset of if you want to make money via a streaming product, it would do better with less competition. Restricting the physical release would in-fact limit that competition. Legendary has already limited the release of minus one when they cut the theatrical release short to make sure gxk didn’t have a conflict. I will also note i wasn’t aware of the other digital releases until after my first response, but as i don’t like paying for a license to watch my movies I will wait for a legitimate western release in 4K. Till then i can watch my Japanese edition.


6 months? In that case if true then same gap as how long it took Shin Godzilla to come out here.


Buddy. There are so many movies streaming on Netflix that exist on disc as well.


You can buy it through Apple TV (color and minus color) for $14.99 USD (each) sooo….not seeing your ‘Netflix property’ argument here.


Has it been released physically in the west? Or announced? That is the validity of the post prior and my aforementioned comment. If you’re ok spending money on a digital product i am not saying don’t. I want a physical release and I have concerns of the timeline due to the multitude of contracts conflicting with its possible release. I am should note this is my conjecture based on the limited information available to us as consumers to a multibillion dollar industry.


Toho is notorious for holding off for a very long time on releasing physical copies in North America. Any discussion of release windows is theory and conjecture at this point…could be this fall, could this winter, could be next year. No one really knows. As for me? I’ll likely end up buying both versions from Apple and I’ll definitely buy a 4K if and when it gets released here. I love the movie THAT MUCH.