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They did fight in a theme park ride video. The loser was Shin Ghidorah.


I can’t even begin to imagine how horrifying Shin Ghidorah would be


Eh, not that horrifying. https://preview.redd.it/kx79se0j9h9d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f183d70713f57742a56103cabc31033e90dfcc28


I’m a bit disappointed to be honest, was hoping for it to be a cosmic horror


At least it's better than that one short film where he's literally heisei Ghidorah but with an orb on his chest https://preview.redd.it/4f5ev47bbh9d1.jpeg?width=1039&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9d05031430ef3e64f27b457e3c3538e6019a8ac


Hahaha that’s hilarious. Does the orb even do anything?


It's an S2 Organ from Evangelion and this Ghidorah has an AT Field.


Damn that shit is terrifying. Unless you breach its at field you cant even touch an angel


Shin Goji's solution: Give Shinji some radiation. https://preview.redd.it/cviezc7joi9d1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=339a40553d92fea743a8784476026243e0e15c98


Less toxic thing that happened to him since he started piloting an EVA.


Nothing that I know of


The orb is because they chose this one to be an Angel, like Sachiel, Samshel, Zeruel, and the others that the Eva's fight, plush that's for the Pachinko machine


Not official, but I like this shin ghidorah https://preview.redd.it/w70lh9qz4j9d1.png?width=1440&format=png&auto=webp&s=88ef24aee748328fd6b3ad0d84f4eedcc7f7ead3


That actually looks cool tbh


it looks a lot better in motion, moving less like it's flying and more like it's swimming through the air. does a lot more gravity manipulating. like Shin Godzilla, it's just a different gaze on the basic premise of the character. in this case "golden dragon from space"


I’m intrigued now, definitely gonna have a look at it


But hey at least he has some unique abilities


That's anime trilogy Ghidorah


One of the only good things about the anime trio loft was its ghidora


That’s more Godzilla anime trilogy Ghidorah


Pretty much a modernized version of the concept art.


Look up Shin Kong then


One time they ended up Killing Shin Ghidorah. The other time they fused together... https://preview.redd.it/77o8vb1g8h9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a06402fd79d8bfaabe0fae0f5f41ea48796d74c


both were peak


Screw the MCU All my homies love the SJHU 🔥🔥🔥 ( Search up SJHU PROJECT theme by the way, it's made by Yoko Takahashi, the EVA op singer - and it goes HARD ( she did it like EVA style)




Idk but cool art


Kinda. They fight in a short movie which is part of an amusement park ride. King Ghidorah also makes an appearance in it. I wouldn't really call it official though. Just a marketing stunt for Shin Godzilla.


Where to find it?


Look up "Evangelion Vs. Godzilla: The Real 4D"


You can search Shin Ghidora or something like that on YT


They did fight though it was without a conclusion. I say “fight” but honestly it felt like kindergarteners trying to overpower a professional body builder from what I saw.


It took me too long to realize that was a halo and not a YouTube thumbnail circle


They fought and Godzilla rag dolled all the base form Eva units. We never saw the berserk/awakened forms ever fight Shin though. So if an Eva is in base form Shin would win I guess. 


Depends on if Shin can survive the Third Impact


Would definitely adapt to it, as that’s the kind of direction his adaptation was headed. Would be a jump-start to his Eldridge Horror evolution, keeping his soul attached to his body and staying in a corporeal form.


Shin Godzilla turning into an Eldritch horror is only part of the non-canon art books, official? Yes. Canon? No. I'm not too sure about Shin surviving the Third Impact, but Shin will definitely not turn into an Eldritch horror by the end of it. The only Godzilla that is canonically an Eldritch horror/God is Ultima.


It's just Shin fanboys using rejected concepts and fanmade YouTube theory videos as canon again. Shin can't just adapt on the spot, nor is there any basis to assume he'd become some cosmic horror.


Shin was an unfinished concept that ended when Ano said he wasn't going to complete those ideas. Granted I believe Shin would need to be atomized in order to remove him from existence. To say that the future evolutions we didn't see bc the story concept never reached fruition is different from saying MCU hulk vs World Breaker Hulk.


It being unfinished doesn't make the artbook forms any more canon. Anno could've done in a completely different direction, we don't know. Also, all of Shin's cells must die for him to die. Atomizing is overkill.


Adapt to instant death?


Prolly not


No official fight. and even if they did fight, then im pretty sure that the two would ascend into godhood while the earth was destroyed


If you’ve watched Eva then you’d already know that any Eva can beat most versions of Godzilla and unit 1 could be ANY version of godzilla


As someone who's seen the show twice, I'm going to have to ask you to elaborate.


The EVA’S on top of being extremely fucking fast for their size, are extremely strong and possess the ability to nullify AT fields with their own. Assuming a version of Godzilla was just dropped into EVA world then that Godzilla would have an AT field but he’d have no idea what it is or how to use it. The weaponry nerv made for EVA usage are also pretty strong and most could put serious dents or even pierce most versions of Godzilla In rebuild unit 1 nearly destroyed the world before it was stopped


Shinji's mom could beat most versions of godzilla, not all of them. like godzilla ultima and heisei godzilla


>The EVA’S on top of being extremely fucking fast for their size An Eva could certainly outrun Godzilla, but the sprint to catch Sahaquiel is the only impressive feat of speed I can remember. And considering that Godzilla has defeated Rodan and Megaguirus, both of whom flew fast enough to damage and/or destroy buildings in their wake, I don't think the speed advantage is that significant. >are extremely strong As far as I remember, they're about as strong as the Angels, which are fairly weak by kaiju standards, considering that Sachiel needed to triple its muscle mass to catch a missile. In berserk mode, they can manhandle Angels, but I can't say if that's enough to match Godzilla, who is 50% taller than them at 120 meters and weighs more than 99,000 tons (about 90,000 metric tons). >possess the ability to nullify AT fields with their own. Assuming a version of Godzilla was just dropped into EVA world then that Godzilla would have an AT field but he’d have no idea what it is or how to use it. Why should nullifying AT fields matter if Godzilla wouldn't be using one? Also, on the subject of AT fields: while Godzilla would not be able to nullify the Evas' AT fields, he has more than enough firepower to simply break through them. Legendary Godzilla bored a hole to the center of the Earth large enough for Kong to climb through, making his attack power comparable to Rebuild Ramiel, who melted a mountain. However, the mountain-melting beam was much stronger than the one Ramiel actually used to breach Unit-01's AT field, so Godzilla wouldn't even need to exert himself. >The weaponry nerv made for EVA usage are also pretty strong and most could put serious dents or even pierce most versions of Godzilla I only remember a handful of instances where an Eva's weapon was actually effective. Ramiel was defeated by the positron rifle, but I'm assuming that we're omitting that due to how much preparation it requires. The MP Evas were damaged by Unit-02's knife, but Kong failed to defeat Godzilla with an axe designed specifically for fighting him, so I don't think an ordinary knife will do much. Even N2 mines probably won't get the job done. Sahaquiel has its AT field breached and was forced to regenerate for a significant amount of time by an N2 mine that knocked over Misato's car, and Israfel survived a much bigger blast, but it took a week for it to regenerate. On the other hand, Legendary Godzilla survived the Castle Bravo detonation, which left a crater 6,500 feet (2000 meters) in diameter and 250 feet (76 meters) deep. >In rebuild unit 1 nearly destroyed the world before it was stopped I don't remember many specifics about the Rebuilds, but wasn't it Lilith who was going to destroy the world? Didn't Kaji stop Third Impact by disabling Lilith, not Unit-01?


Yeah, there's zero chance the EVAs beat really any movie Godzilla, but especially the more powerful ones. That's a "I'm going to wipe out your entire setting" kind of moment in Godzilla's favor.


You didn’t make a very compelling case for the Eva units


Yea I know. I’m bad at making cases for anything




Eva destroys if we use their canon versions, we don't have to put Shin through that. Though as far as the ride is concerned, Shin was physically stronger and performed better against Ghidorah, so it is debatable if we use those versions.


Entirely depends on if you call amusement park rides cabin. Most don't.


Against the activated 01 with the halo who operates while the earth is in creative mode? No way, my boy godziller gets crushed.


The EVA unit and it’s not even close,any EVA could beat practically any movie version of Godzilla not fair fight