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If I had to guess I’d say you we’re correct. She probably calls all the shots it this relationship. The way she’s looking down on him when they’re in bed together is likely symbolic of her dominance over him. I have to say I couldn’t be more excited for the story in this one. The added element of a love story creates a lot of potential for drama. Lucia looks like a bad ass. I imagine she could easily coerce me in to a life of crime if she were so inclined.


I think some people dismissed it or said that link to the song was looking too deep but I kind of hope the trailer song *is* relevant to the plot as a general outline. It's an awesome song and the game could take a very GTA turn on that theme and incorporate betrayal which is almost always the case in the series.


Idk if anyone remembers but [PROTOTYPE 2] had a Johnny Cash cover of *Hurt* from NIN, and it went hard af for the plot and trailer


Emphasis on trust in the trailer really drives home the idea that perhaps they can't trust each other. Or perhaps they can. I'm hoping that's something that is in the player's hands, like in RDR2 how Arthur Morgan can have an honorable or a dishonorable ending based on his actions through the story. Like, does the player reinforce the trust between the two? Or do they divide them by the end? I definitely would like to see player choice play a bigger role in GTA VI. They're definitely capable of it, but we really have gotten a b or c kinds of choices that aren't really the culmination of player actions for the GTA series.


It could also be them reinforcing their trust in each other after a series of events where multiple people have betrayed them, by selling them out to their enemies, luring them into traps/ambushes, being undercover cops etc. and they feel like they're surrounded by snakes on all sides. The pressure is on, the world is agains them, and they're hiding out in a motel room in the middle of nowhere, trying to squash the seeds of doubt that have been sowed between them.


A lot of time trailer music symbolizes the theme of the movie or game so there's a good chance op is right.


Definitely wouldnt recommend it. Have a friend doing 25 years for burglary. Or let’s not forget what happened to the original Bonnie and Clyde.


But SHE would never talk to you!! She is a GODDESS and we are PEASANTS!!! LUCIA is HER and you would be LUCKY to even smell her QUEEF as she passed you by!!


Fuck that’s pretty funny dude, first I was gonna say crazy reddit moment but you saved it with the last line 💀💀


You mean fart right ? Lol


lmfao what? Coerce you into crime? The effects of birth control.


My theory is that Lucia is the slightly unhinged wildcard character. While Jason is the more level-headed one in the relationship. Perhaps their dynamic is similar to Arthur & Sadie in RDR 2. With Jason being similar to Arthur Morgan & Lucia being similar to Sadie Adler. As this could make sense given what we've seen so far & make them both fun to play. Lucia looks to get a thrill out of committing crime & perhaps that will prove to be consequential. I can potentially imagine that Jason is the type of character that is taking things very seriously & is perhaps a criminal out of necessity. Similar to previous GTA protagonists like Victor Vance & Niko Bellic for example. That's my guess. 


This. I honestly believe Jason might be the new Victor Vance and he's the good guy but because of loving Lucia he becomes a criminal and transforms as a character


I can potentially see Jason putting too much trust in Lucia & following her down a dangerous path. Only beginning to question it when it's too late. Similar to what happened with Arthur Morgan in RDR 2. I do think that they will probably have a very dysfunctional love/hate relationship. While perhaps also feeling a sense of loyalty to eachother despite everything. 


I thought the exact same thing. You can even take it a step further and plan out what the ending could be as well. Maybe Lucia coerced Jason into this life of crime and as time goes on and the honeymoon phase fades he starts to see her for who she really is and realizes that living a life of crime isn’t worth it. You could also predict the exact opposite of that. Maybe calm collected Jason ends up becoming the unhinged one as the story goes on similar to Dutch, whereas Lucia realizes it’s not all that worth it and tries to get out of that life.


You both could be right and either scenario could play out based on which character choice you make at the end




I could see her being a wildcard while Jason is sorta good but maybe has a huge temper or something


I can also see that. I can also imagine that Jason could have something really interesting about him that makes him stand out. I definitely think that Jason will be a really cool & badass character who is really fun to play. I'm guessing that their relationship will be; Lucia is a slightly unhinged character & Jason is seemingly able to keep his cool most of the time. But that Jason is also very tough & intimidating when nessacery. Sort of adding a bit of balance to their dynamic. 


Honestly I can imagine them being like the couple from babydriver


I'm hoping that Jason has more of a quiet, pointed rage to him. He's not a loose cannon, but a carefully aimed, vindictive cannon, while Lucia is more of a wildcard, but also pragmatic. Like, if somebody screwed them over, Lucia might go crazy in the moment, but afterwards decide that it's not worth it to exact revenge, they've got bigger things to worry about, it's not profitable etc., while Jasons rage keeps boiling until he puts two in the guys head. I want both of them to be in the criminal life for more than just necessity, you know what I mean? Lucia is in it for the thrills and the money, Jason's in it for the power and as an outlet for his violent tendencies, which got him into it in the first place because he can't hold down a normal job. Something like that.


love baby


I agree that she is the dominant one but I dont think shes a sociopath that strings Jason along for her own benefit. Since that wouldnt really make for a good love story. If anything id hate it. Id like to believe that she loves and cares for Jason and isnt just using him. >I’m just really curious about the dynamic/relationship between these two This is why Trailer 2 is even more hype than Trailer 1. Trailer 1 is a sneak peek that leaves you wanting more. The wait for Trailer 2 feels SOOOOOOOO much longer than the wait for Trailer 1.


Im going to be really disappointed if its a fake ass relationship. Obviously it should be dynamic depending on the players choices but it should at least start out as real and meaningful.


I feel like the trust between these two characters is going to be a central theme, and whether or not the player fosters that trust or breaks it down is going to dictate what kind of ending you get 🤔


Exactly! A love story should include genuine love.


Either way, I’m picking up hookers.


Gonna get a bad ending then lol


I feel like they have sex in the game.


Two cold ass killers 🖤


I’m calling it right now, mark this reply: It’s just one character with split personality disorder. Lucia isn’t in jail at the start of the trailer, she’s in a mental ward for the criminally insane.




Then jason appears and half way through the story he contracts Tuberculosis, he starts coughing on the street and a stranger decides to help him, while the strangers friend pulls out his phone to record Jason's coughing for tiktok views - jason slowly strolls into the doctors office and the doctor examines his condition, the doctor (who is the grand grand child of the doc from RDR2) says "You got tuberculosis, i'm really sorry for you son, it's a hell of a thing, you're real sick you... - it's a progressive disease."


Phew. Thank goodness it’s treatable now. I hear that Arthur man got it and done dead


They would be a wild twist


Could you imagine if that was the game's ending?😂😂


That would be interesting, I dont know whether or not I would hate or love that


Would be interesting


Personally I think Jason is Lucia's male counterpart clone and she has a lab and she's the inventor of the oppressor mk II but nobody funds her projects so she robs banks and stores for a living and she had enough money to create a cloning machine so she made herself a partner in crime and also she's the secret great great great grand daughter of Marco Dragic from RDR2 and she has a time machine to visit him also I think Jason has bipolar disorder that's just my theory though because I think he does also i think at the end of the game they find out they are in a game and they try to escape and you have to turn off the game to win I think rockstar should do that because it would be great attention to detail also I have one more theory that they will meet trevor michael and franklin from gta5 because they can anyway thats just my opinion


Do you secretly cook for R*?


More like cooked some meth and smoked it…good golly what a read that was lmao.


A long road


I hope the game remains 'down to earth'. I hope both characters are low-level criminals committing simple crimes and trying to climb the ladder gradually. Now that they have GTA Online, they can use multiplayer mode to add crazy heists, military base invasions, global counter-terrorism, end of the world scenarios, etc., etc


I largely agree but I think there's still room for more action packed missions like heists and large gun battles in story mode too, basically like it was in RDR2.


It wouldn't make sense for Jason to be the one calling the shots, considering the lyrics of the trailer's song. I think your assumption is spot on. Rockstar has definitely cooked with the story. I can't believe that we will get to actually experience the game eventually, it all feels like a dream... and boy is it gonna be an amazing game


Might as well be from Lucia's perspective.


"There was a girl I knew" Prolly from Jason's perspective


They're both criminals, both need healing..women are better at nurturing and that's what she's doing to her boyfriend all the while being an outlaw herself..she's a major red flag literally(bandana)...he's just a broken pup gallivanting along playing her scheme..what if she wasn't attractive? Would you play this game ?


It’s undeniable that if Lucia was unattractive then the game would get a fuck ton of hate imo. It’s stupid but it’s what would happen.


Not hate...it just wouldn't sell as many copies


I can’t wait for this story mode


I think they’re robbing a store is what’s going on


One thing I'm having trouble wrapping my head around, is if they are a couple working together, then how will they be separated all the time to do their own missions? In GTA games you play as an individual and just team up with other characters on certain missions. In GTA 5 they all lived apart and had their own stories, and just got together for a mission once in a while. Unless they make this like a co-op game and they do practically every mission together, I'm curious how they will explain that Jason and Lucia always need to go off by themselves.


Even couples need personal time. There's no way VI won't have the V and RDR2 feature where following another character around too much causes them to knock you the fuck out.


Right, they can definitely have some missions on their own, I just think it might start to seem odd if they have dozens of missions on their own. If they are a couple that’s living together. Like there will always need to be a new explanation why they have to do this themselves. And is Lucia going to go fight some gangsters or do a drug deal by herself? Things like that would seem weird for him not to come with her. I’m sure Rockstar will find a way for it to make sense, I’m just having a hard time picturing it.


It's not like they will be the only two characters in the game lol. For example both of them may have non-mutual friends and acquaintances, in which case it would make sense to go solo. just like happens in real relationships.


Ya, of course, just like in GTA 5 they will have their own stories and friends and be able to have some of their own missions. But the difference between GTA 5 is they are a couple that I think will be living together. I think it GTA 5 probably at least 80% of the missions were solo missions, or missions where the main 3 weren't together. Bonnie and Clyde didn't split up and do their own crimes. It will make sense for them to split up once in a while, but not 80% of the time. Like I said, I think Rockstar will come up with a way to make it work fine, but it might seem weird for J&L to always be saying ok I'm going to take care of this thing you take care of that thing. I wouldn't tell my gf to go deal with some gangsters on her own. But maybe this game will be different than GTA5 and every other Rockstar game, and they will do most missions together.


It’s gta the relationship is gonna be very toxic 🤣




Lucia reminds me a lot of Catalina, but a little bit more rational Jason looks like a really introverse and calm character who got dragged into trouble, but we'll see


Yeah, this really looks like a Catalina-Claude thing


Probably inspired from it


I bet she mentions she has an Aunt out in San Andreas.


Id say its not a matter of dominance but more of stubbornness and determination as well as personality. Lucia seems more unhinged but still intelligent and jason seems more chill but dangerous if he gets upset. They seem equally impulsive, enabling each other’s actions and faults hence the bonnie and clyde trope.


If you don’t think that song was chosen for a reason and every single lyric means something, then you don’t know Rockstar. I think Jason would do anything for her too. To a big, big fault.


It could be the opposite too, that the song is meant to be understood from Lucia's perspective, just switch the gender in the lyrics.


Probably Covid


I personally think they're not even romantically linked. I think everyone is shipping them way too hard. I think Jason is gay and Lucia is polymorphous so doesn't believe in settling down with just one person. I think Jason is an undercover firefighter. Also I think that ankle tag Lucia wears in the art is actually an enormous promise ring with the frizzy haired prison lady who is her sugar mommy who got Lucia out of prison in return for some sugar. 




>polymorphous Ima start saying this now. 


She's a goddamn shapeshifter!


How many shapes does Lucia take?


You had me in the first half


They’re going to be a couple


No shit




Not so wrong.... Do y'all thing COVID will be evoked in this game? It's part of History now.


Obviously, why do you think they are wearing masks?


Lucia loves to drown Jason “Daddy” Vargas in a nice glaze. He becomes too distracted by her glistening sweat that he forgets he has soiled himself.


Honestly I have NOOO idea. Go watch the gta 5 trailer and try to make sense of it. Rockstar is a master of in hiding things.


Idk, The black is suppressing the details.


Excuse me?


Oh wait was he talking about Jason and Lucia?


Are you black? Just asking.


No I am not black


I hope jason is like Marty from Ozarks


I think they are doing some crimes.


I feel like jason missions will be more fun


Based on the "trust" scene, it seems they are in a romantic relationship. Modern day "Bonnie & Clyde". Though I really hope this story does NOT end like Bonnie & Clyde ended. Once we become attached to both co-protagonists, it'd be interesting if at the end Rockstar forces us to choose who lives and who dies and WE would have to kill either Lucia or Jason. Don't know if my fellow gamers here would want this ending though??


I’m more curious about their back story


I would want that to be one potential ending, but have another ending like deathwish in gta v where they both live


Yeah I think she's going to be the hot head calling all the shots and manipulating Jason. I would love to see that to be honest.


I will guess that Lucia is kinda low honor, hungry for power and money character that will cause most of the main problems, while Jason is high honor character who doesn’t really want any of this, but he have to do this for Lucia because he’s loyal. In the end you will have to choose between three options: 1) Kill Lucia as Jason; 2) Kill Jason as Lucia; 3) Save them both.


Would be pretty lame to just copy GTA V's concept.


Is it freeze frame Friday #481 already?


They are just really close sibling😡


Alabama confirmed location??


"Its complicated"




In my mind I feel like possibly it could be similar to Marty and Wendy from Ozark. While they obviously weren’t the “let’s rob a liquor store “ type of criminal couple they were still a criminal couple. I could see the reason Jason is in a life of crime is maybe more of it being a necessity to him rather a thrill. Lucia I could see it maybe being a power move for her. The control and the thrill of it. Regardless I’m excited to see how they handle it and just can’t wait.


Robbing a store from the looks of it




I think they're probably just two law abiding citizens going grocery shopping during Covid


They’re banging


Looks like theyre buying alchohol, maybe theyre going to a party later


I can't wait until it comes out!! I have an entire month of PTO set aside just for this game... really hoping the story lasts more than a few days.


We’re really scraping the bottom of the barrel for things to make Reddit posts about.


Read the description of the post bro.


I already did.


They are siblings. LoL


Why do we keep making the same post over and over


Mexican cartel getting ready to cook some crack or meth for distribution


They be fucking


So far here's what I think: The emphasis on "trust" in the trailer makes me think trust is a big question in this game. The only people they can really count on is each other... But... Can they really? His meeker behavior in some shots of the trailer lend to the idea that he might not entirely be on board with the crime spree they're probably going on. My guess? He ratted her out the first time, maybe thinking prison could sort her out and help her get her life together. But fresh out of prison she's back on her same old ways. FIB is probably breathing down his neck as to her activities but he does actually love her. I think their relationship, whether or not it works out, and whether or not they can really trust each other or if they turn on one another, that is going to be a big driver of the story.


Frienemies to Lovers


I think that they’re gonna fall in love and complications along the way.


Does anyone know if we will be able to play both or will one or the other (probably the guy) end up getting killed or betraying the other and a large premise of the game will be revenge?


They are both playable characters.


I think he is robbing the store only because she wants It’s seems like he doesn’t want to be there


I personally think that like others have said Lucia will be the one calling the shots, and Jason goes along with whatever she does. I don’t think there’s gonna be betrayal but rather they are going to stick together


A lot


All I want to see is they both having sex whenever we want so we can see those tits jiggle in the new physics


Situations hipyo. Definitely.


I really hope the ending is something like the ending of A Way Out. This kinda shit never ends well.


Guys enough is enough. Stop making assumptions because when the game comes out you might get disappointed




They probably just work there.


They're committing crimes and having sex.


Witness protection




So the guy is a simp. Long story short.


Jason has an ex military vib going, not sure tho.


I'm pretty sure there will be a conflict between the two within the story. Why? I'm not entirely sure. Lucia seems significantly more dominant than Jason. Maybe she enjoys the life of crime while Jason tries to leave that life behind at some point. At some point there comes a decision in the story, where the player has to choose a side. Do you help Jason escape, or do you support Lucia in her criminal path? Maybe at some point in the story Jason will have an opportunity to turn Lucia over to the police in return for his freedom? And then we stand in front of a A,B,C scenario, similar to the end of GTA5 5. A) Help Jason track down Lucia B) Help Lucia getting Jason out of the way or C) Both find a middle ground and work together.


He's Claude from GTA 3 falling in love and going down the same path of crime all over again. He might not get burned the same way again, though.


I bet they're siblings, and shit gets super weird.


I think the dynamic could be something similar to Dutch and Arthur in RDR2 ,Jason wants to stop his life of crime while Lúcia insists on "just one more robbery and we are done "


" I have a plan " - Lucia


literally 😂😂


Jason is an undercover Cop


I think Rockstar will blow our minds and make Lucia the undercover cop. I said that cause in the screenshot Jason has on prison shoes. For all we know they both could be undercover


I reckon she’s his grandma


A lot of fucking


Well your kids may be able to fill you in in 15 years .


They’re hitting a lick my dude


If i am not wrong, rockstar said they were basing them on Bonnie and Clyde. But i think you are definetly correct, Lucia seems to be the shotscaller. But if i am not wrong, i head about a 3rd guy, a cop, that has some relation with Jason. So, on one hand, we have Lucia and Jason being a criminal doupe, and on the other, this cop might be trying to split them up. Maybe its for Jason's sake, maybe just because he wants to take a page out of Haine's book. Also think their relation will develop over the game. Lucia will probably start understanding and enjoying Jason's way of being, and same goes for Jason's view of Lucia.


Rockstar hasn't said anything about the story beyond the trailer lol. Don't believe random Twitter accounts.


I said, if i am not wrong. I dont 100% believe it you dingus, all i am saying is that it would be an interesting dynamic Nevermind i understand what you said. Still, IF I AM NOT WRONG


I'm expecting him to betray her or die early on. However, I am hoping that the "short trip" missions in GTA online for coop story missions.


One of them is just small time


She’s gonna be Catalina reincarnated


Just looks like 2 more idiots that fell for the covid bullshit to me


One got sh0t and othe other got lost in dr*gs and pinks and blo*d on the sheets bl*od on the knees


# Characters 1. **Lucia**: A complex character with a dark past involving her family's entanglement with a cartel or Miami gang. Her motivation to dismantle the organization responsible for her family’s demise drives her actions. She manipulates Jason into the criminal world as part of her larger plan, using her influence over him to further her vendetta. 2. **Jason**: Portrayed as the "everyman," Jason enjoys simple pleasures like cars and hanging out with friends. Initially, he’s drawn into minor crimes for thrills but grows increasingly uncomfortable as Lucia pushes for more serious offenses. # Plot Development 1. **Introduction**: Establish the duo’s dynamic—Jason's laid-back lifestyle versus Lucia's intense, secretive behavior. Show their initial small-scale crimes growing in severity. 2. **Rising Tension**: As Jason becomes wary of Lucia's influence, introduce flashbacks or key scenes that reveal Lucia's tragic backstory and her reasons for revenge. 3. **Climax**: A dramatic falling out occurs when Jason discovers the full extent of Lucia’s plans. He attempts to distance himself, leading to a high-stakes game of cat and mouse as Lucia views his departure as a deep betrayal. 4. **Resolution Options**: * **Jason’s Survival**: Jason strikes a deal with the FIB/Police to protect himself from Lucia’s wrath, leading to her demise in a confrontation. * **Lucia’s Victory**: Lucia learns about Jason's deal with law enforcement, turns the tables with her own corrupt police contacts, and eliminates Jason in a setup. * **Mutual Destruction**: Both characters fall during a shootout, revealing a larger conspiracy where the major cartel was funding high-level corruption in law enforcement. # Themes * **Trust and Betrayal**: The core of the narrative—Lucia and Jason’s relationship deteriorates as secrets unfold and true intentions are revealed. * **Power and Corruption**: Explore how Lucia's quest for justice turns into a reflection of the very evil she aimed to destroy. * **Identity and Redemption**: Both characters struggle with their identities and seek redemption, though their paths diverge dramatically.


ChatGPT moment


I was using ChatGPT to sort my idea and put it in nice format. The rest is my pure imagination