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Always found it hilarious how this person only created their account / gimmick just to embarass Samushunter with actual leaks. And once she left / quit, they mostly stopped posting


Without Batman, crime has no punchline...


"I'm the biggest hater" - SyluxHunter, probably


For context: Sylux is one of the ensemble cast of enemies from Metroid Prime Hunters, and the only one to return. All that's known is that he hates Samus and the Galactic Federation. He appeared in a secret ending for Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (following Samus) and in Federation Force (stealing a Metroid.) It's assumed he'll be showing up in Prime 4. The other five Hunters are Weavel (a space pirate cyborg), Noxus (freezy alien), Trace (red sniper spider), Kanden (electric supersoldier turned bug, very Kafkaesque), and Spire (last survivor of the Gorons). Corruption was neat because they introduced three hunters as enemies. Nobody really expected them to go down a plot path similar to the one in Hunters. (Now, some deep cuts and speculation: Sylux's suit was a Federation prototype, and reasonably thought to be based on Samus's armor. "Federation copy of Samus's armor" has been referenced in Metroid for awhile, especially in Prime 3 concept art. I think Sylux is going to be yet another "evil Samus clone" style villain, a-la Dark Samus or the SA-X.) Anyways, SyluxHunter is playing in character based on what we know about Sylux. The only person he's following is a Samus Aran account.


> I think Sylux is going to be yet another "evil Samus clone" style villain, a-la Dark Samus or the SA-X Tbf they are all quite different despite being "evil Samus clone" villains. * SA-X is basically a mindless parasite, there's not much intelligence there. Plus there are literally 10 of them on board the BSL station, so they're kind of a swarm of doppelgangers. They don't care about Samus because they don't have the ability to care or have thoughts on anything. * Dark Samus is clearly intelligent, there's only one of her, and she's literally just the eponymous Metroid Prime having taken on Samus' likeness after absorbing the Phazon Suit at the end of Prime 1. She doesn't really care that much about Samus other than that Samus is trying to stop her from carrying out her ultimate plans (spread Phazon to every planet in the galaxy and corrupt everyone and everything). * Sylux is a different thing altogether, being an already intelligent alien and active competitor with Samus in the same business of bounty hunting, so rather than "raaargh I'm a mindless beast" or "stop interrupting my plans," it's something more personal between him and her.


>SA-X is basically a mindless parasite, there's not much intelligence there. Plus there are literally 10 of them on board the BSL station, so they're kind of a swarm of doppelgangers. They don't care about Samus because they don't have the ability to care or have thoughts on anything. If you haven't >!played Metroid Dread!<, I'd recommend it.


I have but I don't necessarily remember every story beat, especially regarding the SA-X or how the X parasites come into play towards the end of the game.


In Fusion, the computer indicates the possibility that the SA-X has a high degree of intelligence. Later, the SA-X hacks into the control system of Sector 3 to cause a malfunction in the boiler room cooling unit, setting course to destroy the entire station. It's regarded as intelligent at that point. Further recognition of the X parasite's nature comes in one absorbing and imitating a crew member, which leads to the acknowledgment of their adopting the knowledge and memories of their prey. In Dread, something pivotal plays into those characteristics at the end, as >!the X parasite that absorbed Quiet Robe saves Samus by helping disengage her Metroid powers,!< allowing her to operate the gunship and escape. The only unique aspect of this act/characteristic in Dread that wasn't in Fusion is that it was a decision made without regard for self-preservation, which was an initial hypothesis behind the motivation/reason for certain decisions the X made in Fusion.


Shit, that is all true, forgot about it. I still think the X more closely resembles a kind of intelligent animal mostly focused on self-preservation (aside from the end of Dread) and its motivations are fundamentally different from Dark Samus (conquer the universe via Phazon) or Sylux probably (revenge on Samus specifically).


Metroid subtly has some of the best story telling in the business. Which is wild considering the isolation theme and extra wild considering it’s a franchise that Nintendo has barely given any love considering its die hard fanbase.


That last part reminds me of how KFC only follows a bunch of guys named Herb and Spices (Spice Girls) haha


As a recently born Metroid fan, I'm hopeful.


Born again troidian




I'm assuming you mean it's the last opportunity for MP4 to be revealed as a Switch title (Before a potential Switch 2 version/patch) and not a cross-gen one.




I don't think it'll be a cross-gen game (I think it'll launch this year) but a next-gen patch/version isn't out of the question. Either way, it'll show up eventually if not at the direct.


I wouldn't say it's "no chance." MP4 restarted development after all. There's a chance part of that restart was with the Switch 2 in mind. They may have a beefed up version for Switch 2, and a lesser version for Switch.


The Switch wasn’t even two years old when the restart happened, and dev kits for the Switch 2 were still years away from that point in time. I’d be surprised if anyone at Retro was thinking about the Switch’s successor when they started work on it.


Yes, it restarted development in early 2019, when the Switch wasn’t even 2 years old. Highly doubt they were thinking about the Switch 2 successor all the way back then


Why would they not be? What do you think Nintendo's hardware engineers do once a console is launched? They move on to pre-production for the next one. Gotta keep the train going.


Yes, hardware engineers. Not a game studio making software. Not when the new software isn’t even 2 years old yet. Do *you* actually believe game studios just immediately make games for the *next* system as soon as the last system barely released? That’s silly


Ah my bad, I'm juggling a couple conversations about this topic in this thread, so I don't think I gave you enough context to my point. Basically what I'm saying is that it's possible that because of the restart in 2019, Nintendo took a second look at their release plans and realized that Metroid Prime 4 may be a good contender to hold off as a launch title for their next console to show off the hardware, rather than a late gen Switch game. Of all the Nintendo franchises, Metroid is definitely one that could push their graphics to the next level. And they may have realized this early on, and internally delayed the game just for marketing purposes. We know that this is something Nintendo does — it's pretty much an open secret that they will very carefully release games at a time that works best for their overall portfolio. We've heard of many cases where a game has been done for months (or years) where they wait to release it. Or, in the case of games like Twilight Princess and Breath of the Wild, they just extend development time so that its release is able to coincide with their next console. Again, I don't know for sure, I'm just speculating. But I don't think it's out of the picture that they may be doing something like this for Prime 4. It's one explanation for why the game has been in development for so long. I think they are doing something similar with whatever the Mario Odyssey team is working on.




>back when people were certain that the Switch Pro was a thing and a couple of years before the first details of the Switch 2’s development started to emerge I mean this right here tells us it could be a possibility. Everyone was talking about some rumblings of a "Switch Pro" around 2019. It never came to be. Couldn't it have possibly been some early development of the Switch 2 that got misconstrued through the grape vine? It would have definitely been very early, sure. But I don't think it's out of the picture. Ultimately, none of us know what's going on inside Nintendo. But I'm sure that Nintendo's hardware designers weren't just sitting around for a few years after the Switch released in 2017. Once one console is out, they'll start pre-production on the next. Maybe they saw Metroid as an opportunity to showcase the new hardware, and it's one of the reasons it's been delayed for so long is that they are biding their time for its release. >it’s a niche franchise and it’s not one that’s going to lead into the next generation I agree it's niche, but that doesn't mean it can't also be a launch window game to showcase the new hardware from a graphical standpoint. I'd think of all their franchises, it's one of the best contenders for that. It definitely wouldn't solely launch the Switch 2 though — it would need to be paired with a Mario or Mario Kart or something like that.




Regardless of when the rumors popped up, it doesn't matter. Rumors like this usually spread when kits are sent outside of Nintendo. This is all first party we're talking about here. You're telling me you don't think Nintendo was already planning for the Switch's successor two years after the Switch was released? These things are *constantly* being worked on. Even if it was before anything went into production, they may want to plan ahead and say "Hey, we have this game going into development, this could be a good game to showcase the Switch 2. Let's hold onto it for a bit so we can release it then." Especially if they know itll be a lengthy development cycle. That's basically what they did for both Breath of the Wild and Twilight Princess, so it's not unprecedented for Nintendo.


There is absolutely, positively, unequivocally, no way a Switch 2 game would have a functioning Switch 1 version. This isn't the NS/Wii U situation where the NS was basically a Wii U with a tiny little bump. NS2 is going to blow NS1 out of the water power wise.


>There is absolutely, positively, unequivocally, no way You guys are very confident about a product that has barely any tangible info out lol I'm just saying it's a *possibility.* Do I think it's going to happen? I'm not sure. We'll just have to wait and find out.


Nintendo also recently bought a studio that specializes in Switch ports, it’s definitely something they’re thinking about. I think it’s just gonna be a Switch game, which is fine with me, but it wouldn’t blow my mind if it was cross gen. Certainly not impossible, idk why they think it would be.




I agree with all of this! But that doesn't mean that they couldn't have decided back in 2019 that they wanted to reserve Metroid for their next console. I'm just saying it's a possibility. I'm sure that restart led to a lot of nee discussions on how they wanted to use the game for their larger portfolio. And there's still a possibility it can be released on both consoles. Even if Switch 1 to Switch 2 is a big leap, we have seen that Nintendo's EPD teams are *very* good at optimizing for weaker hardware. I can totally see a 30fps version of the game running at "medium settings" (in PC language) alongside a Switch 2 version at 60fps and "ultra settings." Or something akin to that. Again, no idea if they will do that. But I don't understand how that's outside the realm of possibility.


I agree that if it’s designed for Switch 2 we probably aren’t getting a Switch 1 port, but I doubt it’s designed for Switch 2, even if it launches with the system. There is a way, though, we know this because the switch has received numerous 9th gen ports. Nintendo also bought a porting studio recently, I don’t think they’d be directly involved with Prime 4 necessarily, but it’s clearly something they’re thinking about.


the games been touted as a switch game for years, even if it has a planned next-gen patch or cross-gen, it's coming out on switch


I agree. Basically what I was saying.


Nintendo literally put BOTW as a switch title, and they have done that with TP for Wii. It is a possibility.




of course, they are cross platform, which could be a thing for mp4. both possibilities exists, be it switch only or a double release similar to botw.


I still think there is a chance of it being a cross-gen game. Nintendo would want a game to really showcase the improved graphics of the new Switch.


Bro two Legend of Zelda titles Have done this exact thing lmao.




They could easily still release a version for the original Switch and Switch 2. With the Switch 2 version performing and looking better as a showcase of the console. It’s not like Metroid is a system seller anyway.




Because it’s a good idea to give people purchasing the new platform impressive games to play? If they can showcase the difference between the switch and switch 2 it’s really not that complicated.


Why is tomorrow the only chance? Nintendo can easily do a September Switch direct with no mention of Switch 2 as they will continue supporting the Switch for a while. They can reveal the console with no other information in October and then showcase games and announce the date in January like they did for Switch. Not to even mention they can just announce Prime 4 next year while saying it’s coming out for OG Switch too, on top of Switch 2




They have used similar wording for the june directs before, and have still had a september direct.


That doesnt mean anything. A September direct could have trailers for games that get announced tomorrow and could have reveals for stuff coming next year


I think a September direct could still happen or at least a partner showcase. Since the September directs are often TGS reveals for third parties.


i get what you're saying, but there isn't really anything stopping nintendo from revealing it in one of the switch 2 showcases if they decided to make a crossgen version


It's going to get enhancements on the Switch 2. Tbh they might do a dlc and release a complete edition on SW2. I'm still going to be a sucker and buy the SW1 version first though lol






If they put in splitscreen I would buy that day 1. I played Hunters multiplayer tons even with the shitty d pad controls.




Early DS games encouraged using that thing a lot. I remember Mario 64 DS specifically recommending you to try it out.


Prime Hunters was like half of my childhood, ngl I'd prefer a remaster/remake of that over Prime 4.


Really? The multiplayer was fun, but the single player campaign is terrible. I’d rather play Other M than Prime Hunters.


Yep, I played the campaign multiple times on each save file and probably spent hundred of hours in the multiplayer, either against bots or my sibling. Probably my most played game of that time period, lots of great memories, so it'll forever be a special game for me, even if there might have been better games out there at the time.


It would be pretty poetic to see the game that was announced at the switch’s first year finally being shown off in what could be the last Nintendo Direct in this switch era


I think if they don’t reveal it tommorow it’s reasonable to assume it’s not coming to Switch or the Switch 2 isn’t being released until well into 2025


It’s coming to switch. You don’t spend 7 years in a game and throw that away in an install base as big as this


He was spot on


I actually had a dream that they showed a new metroid game and it had terrible graphics lol


Metroid Prime 2&3 Remastered would also be dope


I think it's more likely it's a Metorid Prime 2 Remastered which was also rumored


Dude....I fucking hope not man. I want that for Switch 2....Pleeasseeeeeeeeeeee


As a cross gen game, right? Because there is no universe where it makes sense to make Prime 4 fully exclusive for the new system.


Honestly same


Doubtful since it's for games releasing in the 2nd half of this year and Prime 4 will release for the next system




Federation Force 2


Pretty much anyone on earth could guess they're gonna mention metroid