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Shit like this is why i never mention im a warhammer fan. We just had a post a couple hours back on grimdank of someone unironically defending the imperium as the good guys. I really don't get how these people can't see warhammer is making fun of them.


The recent uptick of people thinking the Imperium are the good guys doesn't help when almost all media is released from the perspective of the Imperium. Space Marine 2 is gonna be a time when it gets released.


I really hope they emphasize the space marines lack of care for ordinary humans and genocidal tendencies in that game.


The problem is that these people would think that’s awesome


And another problem is that you’re playing as the Ultramaraines, *and* Captain Titus no less, the one dude who actually seems to give a shit for people other than Robot Gillyman So for people who haven’t played Warhammer before, (like I did when I played the first Space Marine game) they’re just going to see these big, stoic badasses fighting for humanity and the main guy you’re playing as is one of the few compassionate individuals within the setting To say there will be a skewed view of the Imperium after this game is almost an understatement


People think most Space Marines are like Titus, when Leandros is a better representation.


Exactly. I just got the remastered version and it’s literally in like the first 20-30 minutes of gameplay where Leandros has to inquire whether or not it’s actually efficient to save the guardsmen


Leandros is pretty kind hearted in comparision to other space marines lol


You mean Vicky Leandros, the one who sang "L'amour est bleu"? That Leandros? 😁


> Robot Gillyman His name is Gullibleman, get it right


Nah thats robot girlyman




I think the name is french so it would be Rówbòte


Yeah. Nazis unironically believe that a miserable populace living in fear of a state that will just arbitrarily kill them is a good thing. They absolutely love the idea of an officer class not bound by the laws they brutally enforce. Like literally one of the central tenets of fascism is that a happy society produces weak people. They think that life needs to be brutal and rough so that children can be hardened into effective soldiers and cops.


Depends on the chapter of space marines, seeing as it focuses on the ultramarine and specifically Titus who’s more on the protect humanity side of the spectrum I doubt it


"Protect humanity" should rarely equal "protect individual humans" for these guys.


I'm really glad they kept Titus as the POV. They did an overall good job showing the hypocrisy and shittiness of the Imperium at the end of Spacemarine 1. It gives me hope they'll keep that view for this game.


Or we will get a the boys situation where “they removed the subtlety in favor of making it about their agenda” or some shit


I wouldn’t count on it. The first game had Titus being very caring to the guardsmen supporting him.


Tbh, that would require a Space Marine chapter that has those inclinations, like the Iron Hands or the Black Templars. The Ultramarines are the "boy scout marines".


Funny enough I play Salamanders on the Tabletop. And while they are by far the nicest Chapter in the Imperium they are still... rampant racist xenophobes. "Luckly" unlike a lot of other players I am aware of that fact.


That would imply Warhammer has good guys


Orks just wanna have fun!


At others expense


dey should try not be'n so eazy ta krump


Still the only people in the galaxy enjoying themselves.


I think they legitimately do not understand that other people don't love fighting for the sake of fighting the way that they do


They are a runaway bioweapon from a long dead race, wired from the ground up to be the violet murderbois they are. Orks are evil, but they are evil through no choice of their own, which raises interesting questions about morality to me.


I empathise with the Necrons. They woke up to a universe on fire and were basically "what the fuck happened".


Omg same all they want is to be flesh again yes I know it was their fault but still


Tbf, they were tricked. It also helps that they have some of the best writing in the setting. Twice Dead King is genuinely well written and, imo, holds up as a sci-fi novel without it's Black Library standing. Edit: I guess they willingly allowed themselves to get tricked for power, but still.


So how quickly did the Necrotyr realize "we fucked up"


Almost immediately, got depressed, went to bed, slept in waaaay too long.


Doesn't the majority of them also want to genocide everyone in the Galaxy? 


Ok they're not perfect


Replace majority with all of them, then yes. Yes they do. But also, can you blame them? They went to sleep and woke to a galaxy literally torn in two.


Do you fumigate your house if there's an ant infestation?


The went to sleep after setting the universe on fire, woke up to it still being on fire because of someone else this time, and were like "well, here we go again I guess"


Craftworld Eldar are the good guys


I have heard that Eldar is the nicest faction


Yes. Except green ones. Eldar are mostly conserved with their own survival like any sane civilization. But unlike imperium they do not think that any Alien life is inherently evil. Or most be purged for a simple reason of being alien.


What's wrong with the green ones?


Biel Tan are a subfaction of eldar who wear green and white armor. They are an extremely militaristic and xenophobic faction. To the point that they sometimes clash with other craftworlds


They are basically the Eldar equivalent of the Imperium...well that and the Drukhari. They and Ulthwe are usually the Craftworld's you see brought up when people say ''All Eldar Craftwords are bad''. Even though their is many other Craftworlds just doing their own things. Saim-hann for example is basically honorable warrior types that are always looking for a good fight to the point that they'll fight each other at times. They'll respect you if you can actually put up a decent fight.


Ulthwe is fine generally. And even Biel Tan is not as bad as imperium. But yeah you probably can\`t be any more good guys than Saim-Hann.


They are. Especially if they offer you a scenic getaway at the port city of Commorragh


I'm an old man and haven't kept up with whatever's going on in 40k for a couple of decades. However, I specifically remember an article in White Dwarf in the 90s complaining about all the people misunderstanding Eldar and thinking they were the good guys, It described them as callous manipulators who would gladly wipe out billions at the behest of the religious fanatics which they serve.


Nah, sentient fungi are the good guys!


I think there's an argument that the Tyrannid aren't "evil". Just hungry.


They're evil in the same category as Xenomorphs as in they're just animals highly destructive animals but they're only acting on instinct


I mean the problem is so much of media GW puts out is specifically designed to make the protagonist look cool and heroic to sell people on the faction and eventually models. Most games are about marines is them killing orks/ nods/necrons/chaos with minimal focus on day to day life in the imperium or showing civilian casualties, etc. People trying to justify the imperium always point to that kind of content and stories versus the often countless banal cruelty and/or genocidal acts through out all deeper lore and novels.


They really need to hit all the "good guys" (in all factions) with some _warhammer_ patented _grimdark_ event so they go MIA, and those factions all go back to infighting.


Yes, but also in Darktide you see how shady is the Imperium and how miserable their citizens can be either by environmental storytelling or dialogues between rejects.


It's really crazy. Anyone knows that if there were a good guy it would be Nurgle.


Yeah but people miss the point of Starship Troopers and Helldivers all the time and THOSE franchises haven't been tainted like 40K has


The imperium isn't the good guys but I would rather be in the imperium than fighting orks nods dark eldar or chaos


Isn’t that literally all the imperium does all the the time, like they’re at war forever with everything and anything including themselves


Ah yes, the people who sacrifice thousands daily to keep their barely alive god emperor alive to power their space portal to continue sacrificing people are the good guys, the guys who destroy whole planets and think being innocent doesn’t make you not guilty are the good guys.


The Imperium sacrifices more people than that. All those forge worlds likely get a incalculable amount of workplace deaths, and thats without including the people that the Mechanicum will just grab up and make into servitors because ''they aren't efficient enough''. Thats not even counting all the people that get killed for ''heresy'' just because they didn't completely believe in the Imperial Truth. Or all the mutants the the Imperium killed. Or all the innocent xenos and human civilizations they killed back in 30k. Or the billions they will kill just to stop a xenos or Chaos incursion instead of trying to evacuate as much as they can before resorting to that. Or all the times Inquisitors can kill innocent people as crossfire and get away with it because they are Inquisitors. Or... There is too much stuff to count on how god awful the Imperium is. I bet you the sheer amount death the Imperium causes is only matched by the Drukhari.


I mean, they're often the good guys by default of being the most frequent player faction who are- while absolutely fucking awful- often the least bad playable faction.


For real. An argument happened in my discord the other day where someone who didn’t know 40k went. “so who exactly is the worst guy in the universe?” 3 of us answered without hesitation “the emperor.”


If you’re talking about the current timeframe of 40k, Big E is actually probably better than over half of everyone in the galaxy by virtue of being basically dead and so not doing anything rather than actively being terrible.


"wait so that guy is one of the better people" "I guess so" "is he enormously virtuous or anything" "nah just basically a rotting corpse"


that has a thousand scared children sacrificed to him a day to keep him alive.


Bro he’s dead, the psyker sacrifices are because they think he’s alive


I saw someone say on this topic somewhere, "Unfortunately 40k often puts you in the scenario of cheering on the waffen SS^* because they are fighting literal Satan." ^(*Contextually, they meant the Imperium.)


Broke: Cheering on the Imperium because, while they're evil, they fight a squad of super-satans Woke: Cheering on the Eldar and Tau for fighting daemons with minimal evil Bespoke: Cheering on the Orks for abolishing gender and fighting everyone (including the Imperium *and* satan)


Orkz are slavers though


Perspective is a hell of a drug.


Given that it took up to season 4 of The Boys fir realisation to set in...


I met at guy at work that was a WH fan, and it was all great we where sending WH memes and shit when we interacted. Then one day he starts talking about Sweet Baby Inc during lunch. He thought he was among friends I guess since I liked WH too.


Same thing as “The Boys”… people are really upset that Homelander is the bad guy and the show is “woke”. Were they previously watching the show through their buttholes? IDK


Same, reminds me of when Votann were released and the broader sentiment was 'They aren't grimdark enough'. They are hyper capitalist space dwarves that will disassemble your planet for resources and if you are LUCKY might give you a warning first. People want for there to be a good guy and a bad guys but in 40k there are no good guys.


The only "Good Guys" in war hammer are the Orks. They are just there to have a good time, fight sum umies


Eh, the human meat farm in the war of the beast say’s otherwise


Orks gotta eat, dont they?


Ill argue that Tyranids are akind to very hungry animals that evolved to an exceptionnal level of ferocity. Can we blame them to be that hungry and needing to feed trillions ? :D


The nid hive mind is confirmed to be sentient and sadistic, unfortunately. It hates you, according to semi recent books anyway


Damn, that change everything D: I always thought it was hilarious that a huge-system wide pack of hungry predators was wrecking shit in the universe fighting huge industrial empire, destructive chaos forces and old advanced factions... Just because they hungry.


Liking Warhammer is unironically a red flag for me at this point.


Man, this a wild thread that blurs the line between satire and genuine fantaticism.


A lot of fans believe that Warhammer is a hard science fictions, and the Empire are really the good guys. And when you tell them that this is not so, they will be an explosion.


Perfect crop job


Actually makes it funny. It’s basically that one “sheep fucker” joke


Excuse me **The what**


A backpacker is traveling through Ireland when it starts to rain. He decides to wait out the storm in a nearby pub. The only other person at the bar is an older man staring at his drink. After a few moments of silence the man turns to the backpacker and says in a thick Irish accent: "You see this bar? I built this bar with my own bare hands. I cut down every tree and made the lumber myself. I toiled away through the wind and cold, but do they call me McGreggor the bar builder? No." He continued "Do you see that stone wall out there? I built that wall with my own bare hands. I found every stone and placed them just right through the rain and the mud, but do they call me McGreggor the wall builder? No." "Do ya see that pier out there on the lake? I built that pier with my own bare hands, driving each piling deep into ground so that it would last a lifetime. Do they call me McGreggor the pier builder? No." "But ya fuck one goat.."




C’mon that flag could be *annyyything* ![gif](giphy|VKtsOAHDx1Luo)


Good crop Bru we gonna survive


Given how the Empire is basically Space Nazis, that painting scheme is actually kind of funny in just how on the nose it is. There's a bit of that "we are not the same" meme thing going here, though. Now that I think of it, I kind of want to buy a Marneus Calgar miniature so I can paint it themed to look like Homelander.


DO IT. Or maybe Cato Sicarius?


It’s actually hypocritical of inclusivity to include groups that are specifically exclusive and hateful, the “illusion” is thinking your catch 22 makes sense.


I want to believe they are making a joke, but knowing that kind of people... Anyway, the Khan is the best primarch, fight me.


Finally, a person of good taste who recognizes the superiority of the Khan and the White Scars But actually Angron is my primarch.


He hates his own sons dude


And they can fix him with the power of friendship. And Khorne. Nothing says like father-son bonding like slaughtering loyalists together in a chaos corruption induced rage. Love when my boys get along. 💔


Vulkan better, he actually gives a shit


But good luck finding those artefacts to get him back NERDS


Good luck not getting killed for the 8th time today cause angrons nails itched a little too much


As he should! Even as the War Hounds they were nothing more than the attack dogs of the most tyrannical highest of High-Riders!!!! All the nails did was turn them rabid


It really is funny that the Emperor gave these murderous lunatics who were a little much even for the other hyper violent fascists to the literal most unstable primarch, who also hates him.


It's funny that the Emperor just didn't think that he should have slaughtered Nuceria's high riders for being horrendous to his son and jamming a bunch of rage wires into head, giving him permanent brain damage. No instead he just teleports Angron away from his only friends and family pretty much and lets them die. All just because Nuceria ''already surrendered'' Big E is the shittiest father of mankind.


Really, the kindest thing the Emperor could've done for Angron is to let him die in that rebellion with his loved ones. And the fact that he *still* didn't put Angron out of his misery when he was told just how bad the damage from the nails was really showed how stupid and cruel the guy was.


Angron was lucid enough at some points to clock on that the Emperor just regarded them as tools and that they were just instruments in his fascist expansionism. I remember when he turned traitor against the Imperium that he told one of the loyalist Primarchs that for every world that was abusing its citizens or was subverted by malicious xenos that he conquered that their was dozens of human worlds that were doing just fine and wanted to be left alone. ''How can a loyalist claim he was sinking to bloody depravity when they all were already soaked in blood?'' was pretty much his reasoning and hes not at all wrong. He's right on that if you read some of the really disturbing parts on the Great Crusade. So many better human civilizations were invaded by the Imperium and bombed and slaughtered into submission all for the Emperor's ''want of a unified mankind'' and his ''great plan'' and blah blah fascist excuses. Angron is a tragedy really. Although I think even if he didn't have the nails he still would of turned on the Emperor eventually.


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I keep hearing good things about *Path of Heaven* and *Warhawk*. Chris Wraight apparently has a gift for writing the Scars— after Vaults of Terra and Valdor, I have no doubt I’m in for a good time.


Vulkan lives bitch


Magnus did nothing wrong!


I hate this argument so fucking much. Chuds said the same thing when people pointed out that Gwen had the trans colors. “Oh but that means Miles has the Nazi colors” nobody would fucking design him like that, stop projecting.


Miles is just a fan of a Brazilian football team


Miles faz parte da Raça Fla


Also the thing about gwen having the trans colours is that it’s only one part of the argument. So chuds just took one point in the argument, made a bad rebuttal and then went “I win bye bye”


I don't even understand how this is a take you can make, serious or not this is the most out of touch dog shit thing to say.


They, purposefully or otherwise, turn a blind eye to nuance and only make claims of "They're the same!! They're both flags!! I'm the victim!!!1!!" It's complete buffoonery.


I even checked the comments and they were all going "oh but if you paint it in communist colors it's ok" and then proceeding to be even more bigotted and I just decided to never ever interact with the warhammer community again no matter how cool the actual series is


its just Horus Galaxy, its the subreddit for refuse that was kicked off anywhere else.


So the eye of terror of reddit 40k subs?


more of a dumpster of 40k subs instead.


They know they're full of shit. They're just trying to find any wiggle room they can to push their agenda on people. 


Conservatives constantly baffled different things are different


That sub is a retched hive of scum and villainy 


Is that were people too bigoted for Grimdank go to?


Bassically yes, though my conspiracy theory is that it's mostly full of culture war outrage addicts, since all the miniature painting posts get barely any upvotes.


That tracks, I know from examples in the family that fake outrage is quite addictive.


It’s just for gamer gate bigotry, all the normal 40k reddits are (mostly) normal people posting on topic. There is an adage that goes something like “40k fans are either femboys, trans girls, or actually nazis”


Cringe wahhamer 4000K fans and nazi apologists? Find better duos.


A flag that represents a group of people that have a different sexuality and/or gender identity than cis-heterosexual is clearly the same as a flag that represents a group of people who established a dictatorship and killed millions of civilians based on their ethnicity, sexuality or political views. It's all clearly the same /s


It's always a red flag (heh) that online people, especially redditors, (and not just Nazis) do when they scrub all nuance and difference to equivocate things. People do this *all the time*. It's babby-level pattern recognition where you connect a couple dots and forget about the vast amount of dots that *don't connect.*


This post is also in 'Horus Galaxy', and the comments are somewhat different there anyway I only care about one flag, bitches https://preview.redd.it/m9tejffaap7d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c09d61e6582e778d2d1b8f5b878761027753932


What would this legion be called?


"""""historical accuracy""""""


The denizens of that sub have to have the least media literacy of any fanbase, ever


I'm getting increasingly tired of people associating queerness with slaanesh. It's fundamentally misunderstanding what diety slaanesh is. Its excess...slaanesh is the God of excess. It just happens that an excess of emotions is easily displayed by unbridled hedonism and sexual things. They're not the god of perversions and sex.


It's called Paradox of Tolerance and the answer is that bigots can shove it where the sun don't shine.


A subreddit named for a traitor who literally worshipped his universe’s version of Satan complains that people don’t equate the Nazi and Pride flag. … that’s at W40K levels of satire resistance. Perfect. No notes.


Does he actually know that 40k is satire meant to make fun of people like him?


I found this meme kinda funny but then noticed title of said post :C


I feel like the original post is satirical. That can't be meant to be real,


Could be, still done in bad taste. It's tye same sub that'll have the basicass racist, homophobic comments copy pasted once in a while with a "haha trans children suicide rate" sprinkled in so... You know.


Ah, yeah I didn't know anything about the sub. Yeah it would be in bad taste regardless but at least it wouldn't be legit


They’ve slowly become the loudest minority in warhammer since the custodes thing I’m making the fact that they are a small minority very clear as the fucking primarch GF sub had more users than Horus galaxy which says a lot They give the rest of us a bad rap


As a 40k player, yeah unfortunately our loud minorities suck ass


Yeah, true. Not claiming it's 100% for real, for real either but with the context in mind it's, as one would say, *sus*.


It is wild that they name their sub after the main villain in a setting of villains and never have a "are we the baddies" moment.


In all fairness, I'd go as far as to say that The Emperor of mankind is the main villai- Huh? What? Oh yeah, it does add extra irony to that image in particular though. Like an onion, layers upon layers.


All I can think of is Warboss Shrek...


Good, good... That'd make the setting exponentially better.


I don't think so. I love Warhammer for it's artsyle but the people who simp for the imperium are that tone deaf and edgy.


I love Reddit it's so cool.


that moment when you don't read the conclusion to the paradox of inclusivity


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I got banned for calling them out on their bullshit. The “free speech” subreddit really is just a trashfire


There’s a reason why Arch Warhammer got banned by GW (and cut ties with him I think)




Mind your god damned language. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why the frick does this sub have a bad language bot?


Those pride colors look pretty good on the armor, especially the NB flag


That is the perfect crop of that


I hated it when the LGBTQ+ community commited genocide on the cis-hets in the year 2069. Truly so WOKE!! 😡


It's a damn shame, because red/white/black are good colors that look good together, but these fuckwit fascists always go and ruin them for everyone else.


Its sarcasm


Surly this is a shitpost


Oh fuck off. They are chud central over there.


It's even specifically cropped... I'm not gonna pretend that there aren't Nazis in the 40k fandom but it's set up like a shitpost.


Really fucking naive.


It's not, and don't call me Surly.