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Do... does anyone have a problem eith Jedi Fallen Order? Last I checked that game was well received.


There's a black woman : (


I can't not see Savathun whenever I see that actress.


Savathûn is one of the sickest characters in gaming to me. The buildup to The Witch Queen with Osiris and her taunting us from the cocoon was PEAK


Very happy she plays a prominent part in the new expac


Oh man I’m glad to hear that. I gave up on Destiny in season 4 of TWQ, haven’t really kept up with it sicne


Reccomend playing the new expac when it's on sale, it's probably Bungie's best expansion. Although if you don't wanna get sucked into destiny again, that is also valid.


Interesting, I honestly haven’t heard much hype at all around it. Perhaps just because I’m not that involved with it any more. Glad to hear it’s redeemed itself after how weak Lightfall was I’ll probably just catch up with some MyNameIsByf videos down the line


The delay really helped, there a scene of the original ending pre delay and it was so trash lol. I really hope they take longer time between expansions, I'd happily wait 2-3 years for expacs.


There were some server issues on the first day of the new expansion that caused some to lose their minds but right now is best the game has been in a really long time imo, the story was really good, there’s a new subclass that lets you mix abilities from the other 5 (broken on hunter, solid for warlock, pretty poopoo for titan), a bunch of new enemy types, exotic class items that random roll 2 slightly toned down perks from other exotic armour including other classes, and some of the coolest exotic weapons they’ve ever released (sniper that can turn into golden gun and a special ammo sword that can roll with one of 7 exotic perks from other weapons including gjallarhorn’s wolfpack rounds).


For a while.


It’s not just one of my favorite SW games, but one of my favorite games period. Cal’s story was way more emotionally gripping than a lot of SW content. The themes of loss, guilt etc hit me hard. I don’t know who this lady is, but this only makes me more excited for MP4


My only problem with Fallen Order was the lack of teacher-student moments between Cal and Cere. Since Cal was still a padawan during order 66, I always expected the Cere to become his teacher and let him become a proper Jedi with training, but other than that, it was good, much better than what you expect from EA.


They are gonna retroactively hate it.


this is the Star Wars way. Everything before Disney's takeover is retroactively considered perfect and everything after the takeover is retroactively terrible. Except for anything that's a direct continuation of one of the animated shows from the Lucas era, those get a pass.


I seriously hated legends so much. All the old Star Wars EU stuff was such drivel that felt so out of place in the Star Wars universe. Say what you will about Disney, but at least playing it safe means the universe at least feels consistent now.


whenever someone laments the death of Legends, remind them that *somehow Palpatine returned* in Legends as well, but as a younger clone of himself and he had lightsabers for knees.


I think I preferred risks at the cost of inconsistency. At least then I could enjoy what I enjoyed and ignore what I didn't. Now I just don't really enjoy any of it. Except for the Jedi games. Maybe Andor. I've heard good things, but I never got around to watching it.


Game was great so was Jedi survivor, enjoyed the world and setting but the story was boring. The worst part of the game is the bugs and texture loading. But if you finish the game it's still amazing. For a linear game I spent like 40+ hours in the game. Kinda satisfied the Prince of Persia, sands of times and warrior within vibes. But I still felt that Jedi fallen order was better because you play as a noob Jedi.


I haven't played survivor, but I really liked fallen order.


It's more of the same good stuff! A well crafted linear story with excellent graphic and Jedi combat. And some open world elements. 


It's in good hands then?, fallen orders story was perfectly good.




Kal kestus good jedi with human failings and emotions and good history, Darth Vader accurate portrayal, cool witch lady and many light Saber fights. Blue hair person do good story!


No the current Star Wars meta is that they don’t like Filoni. 


No, the *current* Filoni meta is that the Acolyte writers are bad and only Filoni can save the franchise now (they refuse to acknowledge he’s an executive producer for the show).


Really? I thought the meta was to hate him because he helped make Ahsoka which is the equivalent to murdering three newborns. Since he made one mid show, that means everyone automatically hates him. 


Ashoka is *old* news. All the cool and popular kids now hate on Acolyte and forget Ashoka existed. (I didn’t like Ashoka but even I don’t treat it like what parts of the fandom are doing to Acolyte)


Ashoka was boring, but all the other live action shows (excluding Andor) are equally bad


Filoni Star Wars bad. Need less Filoni more TCW


I love star wars dude but I'm not touching the Fandom with your dick at this point, everything is an affront to them now. The series is 40+ years old youre gunna gets some retcons.


Also, who are the people playing Metroid games for story? Even the Prime games. I want to meet them.


Yeah, the only Metroid game with much of a story is Other M. I'll rest my case there.


i mean the worldbuilding and atmosphere is kind of the whole distinguishing feature of the prime games




Fuck, they are going to make mr. Metroid gay and trans


As if Samus isn’t already a trans lesbian?


She's arguably transhuman, since she's been augmented with alien dna.


Hell by Metroid Dread which is the latest point in the in universe timeline I don't she has much of a human left in her between the Chozo and Metroid DNA


/uj while I'm not here to ruin people's fun with headcanons and whatnot, personally I don't like the "strong woman => must be trans" angle for Samus, and I also think we can all pretty much agree she was not intended as a trans woman. She is also definitely a girl as a child in what material exists, such as the manga, but I recognise this is not that mainstream and potentially dubiously canon at this point anyway. Now given that she has been changed in many other ways, you could still read some sort of transgender experience related subtext into it, and I think that's fair. It's also weird to project this whole transwoman identity onto Samus when there already are characters in Japanese games who actually are implied/stated to be trans or similar. Not that I would stop playing Metroid if Samus was a boy in a childhood flashback or something. Which would honestly be the only way to even communicate this, there is zero reason Samus' genitals or transition or anything would or should be brought up in any game, cis or trans it would be very weird. Just the same while I'd expect a flashback Samus to be a girl, we don't really get that kind of thing much (like once in Zero Mission), and I don't think there's any reason Nintendo should address or debunk this headcanon, because even if Samus is a cis woman, why would this matter or be brought up in universe? The sexuality part we know nothing about and I frankly don't care if Samus is straight, gay, bi or ace, nor whether we ever find out or not. Anyway, yeah mostly just don't like the trans Samus circlejerk and also see it in the Metroid subreddit sometimes, including with explicitly more masculine transwoman redesign fanart, and I always found it kind of weird. It would also be a weird and frankly pandering retcon for Nintendo to make, even if I could live with it.


I think either Zero Mission or Fusion had canon ending screens featuring her as a kid.


I’ll say that I agree with you that seeing Trans Samus headcanon being so prevalent is just a bit odd. Seeing women in a strong physical capacity and assuming they’re trans always seems like it comes off like subtle waves of bioessentialism, but I think the reason a lot of trans people gravitate towards her is because she’s kinda abstract in a way. Until the end of the game, you don’t see her under the suit, so it’s easy; alluring even, to imagine yourself in her. She is a woman, but it’s a bit happenstance. She’s primarily a badass bounty hunter, who looks the part. I didn’t know I was trans until my young adult life, but even as a kid I gravitated towards her. Physical features/biology in general didn’t matter. Again, saying all this I wish the discussion around trans headcanons didn’t tend to give off vibes of bioessentialism. I know I’m always going to be masculine. I don’t pass well, nor do I really think I’ll ever be comfortable trying to. I just wish it didn’t feel like both trans and cis women are being placed into such strictly defined boxes readily, and without any introspection.




nah, she's canonically trans now


Really, really canon or just your headcanon, because of the manual and the promtional comic?


Really, really canon! My aunt who works at Nintendo told me.


Dude, there's no way you're seriously asking this on THIS Subreddit


Sorry. I'm new here.


Oh, that's fine. Just so you know, 99% of the time, when people say things like this they are ironic, usually imitating the "anti wokes"


I'm not anti woke. On the contrary. But i was realy curious were this idea comes from.


One of the devs on the original team did call Samus a (not-nice Japanese term for trans woman) in an interview - so until a game explicitly confirms her as cis, trans Samus is a valid interpretation of canon.


Thats your source? One dev saying something in an interview? And by the choice of your words used a slur? Nah. The way i see it, it's the other way around. As long as Nintendo doesn't confirm she is trans, she ain't.


The only comment from any developer as to whether she is cis or trans was that developer saying she was trans. She is a woman. That’s established fact. But why assume nobody is trans unless it’s stated in-game? Madeline from Celeste is trans, and that’s never stated in the game, only a developer interview.


Celeste was made by with the intent of having a trans protagonist. And it was an offical statment. In case of Samus it's a random dude talking out of his butt. That Samus is a woman in the first place is because someone during the developement said, "Hey wouldn't it be cool if a woman was under the armor?" They voted in the idea and they voted for yes. That's stated by Sakamoto. So unless he or someone higher says otherwise she is NOT trans. And i don't need this to be stated in the game either. I love trans representation in games but for f's sake stop trying to push your f'n fanfiction on the cannon.


Celeste *wasn’t* made with the intent of a trans character. She was originally a gender-swapped self insert by the dev, who - at the time of development - did not know she was trans. Madeline “became” trans at the same time her creator did - the canon around the dev self-insert changed to reflect the dev herself.


Time to canonize Samus transness 😘


first they made zelda a girl, and now they're going to make cool metroid suit guy a girl too, what next, portal protagonist is a chick now?


zelda has always been a girl, and in a lesbian relationship with the princess. keep up.


I heard the portal protagonist is also an orphan


Man, the user name and pfp of the Twitter person, I can't


Nooooo!!! They're going to make John Metroid into femoid!




Smh samus doesn’t talk why would they need writers? Stupid game developers wasting money on do nothing jobs. They should just hire fans who would do it for the love of gaming.


Do you think these guys could handle Sylux being a girl?


Only if she and Samus kiss all sloppy like


Only if she looks like Jane Stellar Blade and has a zero suit with cleavage


They turned my powerful transsexual lesbian woman woke :<<<<<<<<


Wouldn't it make more sense if they cast Geralt as Samsung?


Today marks when I found out all the circle jerk subs on Reddit are intentional parodies of themselves 😭 I used to think you all were totally fucked 💀


The little i see of that account already screams red flag, good lord


Wasn’t this announced 3 years ago?


Listen to me, when I play this game I had better have the **burning** desire to type in “[game name] rule 34” into my browser or someone’s getting called a slur.


Fausti? Oh god. Is Samus going to be vaccinated?


Literally playing throught Fallen Order rn and its narrative, while cliche, is quite well done. And it really portrays Jedi so well


From the trailer, they showed space pirates attacking a galactic federation facility to steal some macguffin, so i think its safe to say they understand what a metroid game's story should be.


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heyyy when are they free i would like to have a totally straight chat with them about… their hands


JOJO REFERENCE!?!?!?????!??!?!?!?!???!!


no no im just a lesbian


If anyone is curious. Chise is the protag from ANcient Magus Bride, and she's a 15-16 year old slave that is bought by her "husband" Elias Ainsworth who is >100 years old. So, I'm not saying the person is a nonce, but they seem to enjoy such story way too much.