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Can you give an example of one of the workouts? I don’t have the app yet to give you a direct insight, but it is common for Olympic lift workouts in general to take a long time.


So…. A little stretch and bodyweight/plyo warmup 6 work sets - snatches for triples building to about 90% 4 work sets - cleans 2+1 finishing around 90% 4 sets of ab + single leg rdl supersetted


Forgot to add …. 5x5 back squat before the snatches


75 minutes for me. Are you strict with the rest timers? Do you enter in missed reps or take extra attempts?


Strict with the rest, the %s I wad lifting, sometimes I need extra rest …… 2 mins after a triple @90% was a little short for my taste. I’ve dropped the recommended weight a little so I can try shorter rest periods Ended up with a few extra sets after failing the 3rd rep Have a feeling today will be slightly shorter - maybe 1hr45


Yeah they get pretty long for me, around 90 minutes to 120. It is due to the common 4- to 5-set blocks they suggest, plus the conditioning movements that range from 12-20 reps. They certainly take up a big chunk of time. It's unfortunate because, like you say, it isn't really an option for a lunchtime training session. I find that I have to rely on weekends to get a couple out of the way. If I have to cut one workout short I will integrate it into a later one in the week. Shouldn't have to do that with the prescribed workouts. It's always safe to assume users have one hour to work out. I am about to head to the gym and I have written out a combined session because I couldn't finish a previous one.