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Had the same bug. It happens randomically so I restart the game til it works.


Yeah I was hoping it would be an isolated incident but tried about 10 times with differing graphics last night and today but no dice. Hopefully my report gets picked up, been awaiting this day for a long time 😭


Same bug here. From London too. Such a pain. Also takes a while to reload as it has to 'wrap up previous session '


Runs fine on London 4080 tier with everything set on max 👍. Completed main game and on Final Chapter....


Yeah I'm not sure why it's happening :( Beat it on the 3080s last year but was saving final chapter til the upgrade. Hoping it'll be ironed out soon, only time it works is on low 🥲


Can I just check you also turned on ray tracing? I can run the game max settings but if i turn up ray tracing to medium I get the same crash as OP. (Also London, Ultimate)


You manage to get any improvement? No matter what I do now it refuses to load the level when raytracing is on at anything above low.. sent a few reports in app but very disappointed :(


Any updates to this or did you find the settings that worked? I am getting this too (ultimate, 4080, cloud.gg) and really disappointed because it's main game wanted to try on cloud.gg


Sorry put my reply in the wrong place, see my other comment above.


I did eventually find a pattern that worked: 1. Boot main menu 2. Set render resolution to “ultra performance” 3. Set Ray tracing to off 4. Load game (/ continue) 5. Spin the camera around a couple of times 6. Set ray tracing to high 7. Wait a few seconds to see if the game crashes* 8. Set render resolution to “quality.” 9. Play It could just be that it got fixed and I was still looping through my pattern out of habit, but at least if it did crash it would always crash at step 7 and it would be kind of expected. I know this isn’t a real solution but I was able to finally play the game right through to the end. Like other posters it was the entire reason I bought my ultimate subscription so I wasn’t best pleased when the game would crash and blame me for a “spotty connection” and give me no way of reporting the session as an issue. Looking at the crash report it seemed the GPU was crashing because of a power issue, like when a power supply isn’t up to the rating required by the GPU. My theory is that a server blade or stack is ramping up power slowly and not providing instantly on demand, hence me slowly ramping up the settings.