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What made Gears unique was their industrial sci fi weapons, the destroyed beauty of the setting, the art style and how recognisable was every locust enemy


And the tone. Oh god, the tone. The characters spoke like real people, not ‘witty’ marvel characters.


I like it. Looks a lot more serious in tone but I do not think the color pallet is the problem. Gears 3 pretty much proved to be amazing even tho being rich in Color.


I recently beat the OT for the first time, and not gonna lie, it really threw me off when I started Gears 3. It almost felt cartoony with how vibrant and colorful things were compared to the first two games. I got used to it quickly and it wasn’t an issue, but it threw me off at first.


It threw everyone off back in the day. Some got over it quickly… some never did.


It helped that the campaign was otherwise very kick ass haha


Imagine being a TC developer who has been working for years in incredible visuals with UE5 just to cover it all up with dark painting.


The thing with most of the greatest paintings is that there’s hundreds of hours of work that gets covered up in the final product. Not that crazy honestly.


The only Gears to have this grim dark aesthetic was the original. They started moving away from it by the 2nd game.


How did they move away from it? It was still very dark and grim maybe not as much as the first one arguably but still had the atmosphere


in behind the scenes footage for the making of gow2 they literally give UE demos showing how they brightened the lighting


Besides the new hope levels the horror elements are completely gone. Gears 2 feels like World War II meets Dungeons & Dragons.


I disagree just in that part, for me Gears Of War 2 improved in some areas.


Well yeah it improved by doing away with the grim dark aesthetic, it didn’t fit the vibe of Gears 2 onwards.


Zack Snyder’s Gears of War


It instantly makes Gears 5 look more like Gears


Yeah, but at the same time, we need to find out a way to, not only mimicing early Gears Of War atmosphere (not Gears 3) but we need to upgrade it as well. Gears UE did an amazing job back in 2015 and Gears Of War 4 did it as well but it's less noticeable.


Idk, personally I liked the vibrancy gears 5 had. Gears 1 made sense to be really grey considering they went from a nearly 80 year long war to E-day within 6 weeks. I don't think it makes much sense for gears 5 to have the same tone imo


honestly gears needs to be more about the locust, Id be hyped if gears 6 you only played as locust/swarm, theyre getting too focused with cog/uir in 4/5 need me more gritty grub gameplay


It does look "more Gears" but Gears 5 looked great and it's tonally a bit lighter than the original so the difference in visual style fits imo.


It wasn't unique, in fact a lot of the games out around that time had a brown and grey colour palette. I don't get the Dark and Gritty crowd but maybe TC will be kind and add a filter option for those who want it. I'd rather have a colourful, beautiful looking game which showcases the power of the console as well as the unreal engine.


I think most UE3 titles had that, maybe it was something about color grading with the engine. Also it was right around the time plasma and LCD tvs were becoming more common but many still had CRT tv and monitors which had very different technology so visuals had to be optimized for both type of screens


The colour pallet isnt unique but it was a signature part of the look. It worked with the grimy war torn aestethic of the first games tone and added to the unique look of the first game.


Colors has nothing to do with the ''power of the console'', it's called art direction and games can be really good looking without looking like it's been puked on by a rainbow.


I think it looks good and more like Gears, but to really show that it would need an art style change like increased contrast, brighter highlights, and certain colors popping more than others.


Exactly, without saying you have to adapt it to a modern "structure".


This just makes me appreciate how good gears 5 actually looks. The fact that the faces were actually animated and not motion captured is impressive and honestly looks great. I’m sick and tired of hearing “dark and gritty” it wasn’t unique, it was everywhere in shooters back in the day. I think people really overestimate how “dark and gritty” the original games were. It wasn’t “band of brothers”, it was “predator”. And if you’re just going to suck all the color out of the game and call it “gritty” at least make the blood and armor lights really pop!


Feels more like gears than ever. This should be a setting you can turn on


Immediately so much cooler