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She's improved a lot, especially in 5 imo. She's a much better person than any of the previous COG leaders aside from Anya.


Ong like Jin may be annoying but she’s nowhere near as fucked up as Prescott.


Yeah people seem to like Prescott despite what a chump he was.


His speech at the start of 2 was amazing


I miss his gow2 voice actor :( no hate on Dwight shultz I just think Charles cioffi was a really good voice


People like him, he was supposed to be a hate bait character though


I don’t necessarily like Prescott but I don’t hate him. I even have a bit of respect for him. He was in an exceptionally difficult position and there was no good choice at all in front of him. He did everything to try and give humanity a chance at survival and he succeeded in that.


Reading the books, Prescott seems incredibly well rounded and nuanced when that context is added.


He was a necessary evil. He was there to not be liked but make the hard calls. But! He was never in your face like Jin was he was always in the back ground.


Prescott seemed better in the Comics where you could see his thoughts on stuff like leaving the COG before 3. Apparently when Azura was attacked he tried to send Adam to meet Marcus while he was going to stay. Adam Fenix handed Prescott the disc and made him leave instead. The only hint you get of Prescott not being as much of an asshole as he seemed in 3 was them wondering why he spent so much time with the COG if he had Azura.


Jinn suggested trying to link Kait back to the Swarm. So she's not just annoying, but definitely not as fucked up as Prescott.


If you read Gears of War: Ascendance, she starts to chill out a bit. Especially when they show her how much of a threat the swarm are. She started to listen and had the idea to bring in the outsider colonies to the city to keep humanity safe and to form an alliance with them to fight the swarm.


Tbf. Low bar given the cog were fascist. Explicitly. And I think still are, no? I've always been surprised it's not a bigger deal in the narrative.


They definitely still are to an extent. Though I think Anyas leadership caused them to move away from the dictatorial and ultranationalist stuff. Jinn reveres Anya, and she tries to uphold her principles, but she's also fallible and paranoid. The COG has certainly improved in the new trilogy, but the narrative has never really shied away from portraying them as the evil dystopian government they are. I mean, they literally created the Locust through secret human experimentation, executed anyone who found out, and nuked entire civilian cities to hold back the hoard. They aren't the good guys.


Well to be fair, the ones who created the Locust and the ones who nuked a bunch of cities aren’t all necessarily in the same circles. Prescott, for example, likely had no clue about how the Locust came to be for real


Prescott knew. He was the Chairman of the COG, there's nothing related to the COG that he didn't know.


“Even Prescott didn’t know” -Adam Fenix telling Marcus about his dealings with Myrrah. At least, I think that’s the quote.


Prescott knew how the Locust were created. He didn't know that Adam and Myrrah were having dealings, but that wasn't done or sanctioned by the COG, that was Adam going rogue. I'm saying Prescott knew about everything the COG did.


Ah, alright. Thanks for the extra info.


They had no idea the locust threat was as bad as it really was. There’s a point in the books where Hofmann asks him directly if he’d known about them, and he admits he did not. He was bitter about Adam knowing and telling nobody. He disliked Adam for it, and says something to Markus hinting at his dislike for Adam Fenix when he leaves Vectes on the Skiff. He honestly had no idea about the Locust until after E-Day, and only after he replaced Dalyell as Chairman. After he became chairman, he 100% knew of their origin and the COGs dirty little secret.


I’d really like to get my hands on some of the books one of these days. They sound awesome.


Fair point and I definitely misremembered what I heard. I do believe Prescott did know. He however did not make the decision to do those experiments that created the Locust. So sadly he was handed a poo sandwich and made to eat it by either killing loads of humans to possibly keep humanity or let all of humanity die. I can’t fault him for making the decision he made


Prescott knew about niles


She only improved because she was barely in gears 5


Honestly, aside from attempting to exterminate Marcus Phoenix of all people in Gears 4, she actually has a point about the HoD in Gears 5.


Well, like a phoenix Marcus will rise from the ashes of whatever Jinn throws at him


She didn’t do anything wrong in gears 4, the main characters are just literally braindead. There’s multiple times where she accuses them of taking her people, and nobody says anything about it! Before attacking the village, she tells kait’s mom to give her people back and that she knows that she’s been taking them. Instead of denying any of these claims, she says a dumb one liner and cuts the robot head off without even attempting to defend herself. Since this is basically an admission of guilt, Kait’s mom gets the entire village destroyed for no reason. But at least we owned the heckin fascist cog right guys? Then after the swarm is discovered, there are sooooo many opportunities for JD or Marcus to just tell her the locusts are back. But for some reason they don’t, and Marcus’ house gets destroyed by bots (despite the regular storm being able to tear it apart somehow?). I think it has to do with the fact that TC was obsessed with making the swarm different from the locusts despite looking basically the same. There’s multiple lines from the characters including Marcus saying stuff like “hmmmm what are those things?” ITS THE FUCKING LOCUSTS THEY’RE GOD DAMN MONSTERS JUST CALL THEM LOCUSTS. Gears 4 is a walking plot contrivance, at least 5 made a little sense.


I was literally banging the controller against my head, yelling, "Just say that you didn't take her people." And that "the Locust are back!" A lot of dumb shit happened. But, the most grievous of sin to GEARS of War was Kait Daz. The most insufferable characters who should've been locked up or shot.


Kait is completely awful in 4. In 5, especially all her moments with Del, she’s amazing and a very realistic character. But god if I ever do a play thru of 4 again I’m definitely not replaying the first mission.


The whole point of gears 5 Camapign felt like an excuse to get the player to kill JD. Everything during the skiff missions felt forced


Even there's a part in Gears 4 campaign when she just says: "JD what's happening? If we can put our differences aside, when can explain the situation, I'll quarantee that"


The swarm destroy her bot before any of the characters can say anything though 


The HoD was created by their enemies, who had a civil war over the thing, the only time the CoG had an advantage against its long rival, was said civil war.


You mean John Gears?


She's actually quite reasonable compared to the old cog leadership. She grew up watching her world get torn apart by locusts, and now all she wants is nothing more than to protect her people, albeit a bit aggressively and without too much thought. She even lets Kait off the hook after disobeying orders and threatening her with a weapon. Marcus got a decade in prison and in the worst one at that for disobeying orders to save his father.


I was going to say she's foolish but she's not "Hold a court marshall in the middle of an active warzone" foolish


Ah Loomis, the thick headed Bastard


Idk, I kinda agree with her sometimes


Care to give an example?


Isn’t she pregnant or am i stupid


She is.




The fertility program created by her and Anya Stroud (you know, Marcus Fenix’s late wife and mother to JD Fenix) works, surprise!


Yeah I think she mentions it in the beginning of 5.


It aint mine


She should be heavily pregnant the next time we see her so I doubt she will be on the front lines or delivering a message to the protagonist then shit goes down.


My reaction of "oh come on!" was when she showed up unannounced to Marcus' house and crashed through his door. After that I was like "oh you're just an asshole now"


Yeah I feel like it was almost bad writing how comically unlikable they tried to make her


Maybe it's me just getting older but it's getting more and more annoying to see people talk who clearly paid zero attention during the games try to talk shit about characters like the clear revisionist used against Prescott lately or calling Jinn a chump. It's even more annoying as someone who reads the books and comics too.


I hope she’s a playable character I like her Jin-bot but yeah she’s probably got it coming.


She needs to have her own custom "Chairman" esque armor like Prescott, at least for multiplayer.


Hell yeah, she'd look cool in armor just like anya and the others.


Nope I like her. Her robot proxy is hilarious in-game aside from lore reasons. I would like a actual combat version of her although I'm doubtful it will happen. I think she would look awesome in combat gear similar to Prescott.


No but I want her to actually fight. Like her bot gets destroyed and she pops out chainsawing something and joins the fight. Idk whether she could actually fight or not, but I'd assume.


Unlikely. COG politicians don’t strike me as the type to be skilled fighters. The only reason Prescott fought was because all able bodied men on Sera were forced to fight the locust. I could be wrong though. Also she’s pregnant.


Yea, I always assume there's gonna be a time skip. So it can be after she gives birth. But that's up to them whether they do that or not. But honestly seeing a pregnant woman chainsaw a drone would be badass. I would assume she could fight because she grew up in the Locust war so i would hope she was at least competent on the battlefield.


Wasn’t she born near the end of the war? Or am I remembering wrong?


I had to look it up cuz I wasn't sure either but according to the wiki she was a child when the pendulum wars ended and emergence day happened. She was Stranded for a while and joined the COG after they killed the Locust and Lambent. And it does sound like she's more of a bureaucrat than a soldier so yea she's probably not that great. According to the very quick search that I did.


Nice. Good to know.


I've said it before and im gonna say it again. Jinn isnt as bad as she seems, she's even kinder than her previous peer, Jinn isnt Prescott who was the president, she's a first minister meaning she has someone above her putting pressure on her, and her main goal is to secure and save as many people as possible, which justify her actions. Remember gears 4? She litteraly said she didnt care about the fabricator, lets take a look at her side, she's trying to manage what was given to her to make sure to give everyone safety, it isnt the first time your camps were attacked, and they intrude your camp in contrustion all the time, yet she decided to arrest them instead of killing, even reyna was surprised and stress when she found out that Jinn was about to use lethal force meaning even tho she has the power to she doesn't use it, even when she's in the right to. Not only it is not a few people that were dissapearing, it was in hundreds, of course Jinn would use lethal force and had no reason to believe JD, especially when she litteraly says "i know what you're capable of" referring to JD killing innocents in camp 2, and even warned marcus because she litteraly had no choice. She's also pretty patient, she's been disrespected left and right and still decide to see things objectively and forgive, she's the 1st minister, there's only the president abover her, how can soldiers allow themselves to disrespect her like that and get away with it? Not only that, its only been 25 years after the locust war, maybe 26, barely a generation, many still havent forgiven nor forgotten the horror of the hammer of down, and SHE WAS ONE OF THE VICTIMS, not only that her icône Anya was litteraly the one who decided to disable it, of course she would follow her path not only that but to ensure people trust the new COG more. Also last point with Kate, she was very abrupt about it but she was right: "hey, we have the grand daughter of the queen of locusts, and she litteraly had the power to control them but we dont know if there are still traces of it left after killing the matriarch and destroying part of her brain that would allow us to connect to their canal and thus giving vital info to our soldiers if we find how to use it to our advantage, also we're gonna put her in front line with 99% chance of dying" of course Kait would be a priority to protect. So im gonna say it again, Jinn isnt as bad as she seems, unlike Prescott she just isnt as experienced in manipulating people and make the proof disappear.


There is no President or Chairman above Jinn; the First Minister is the highest position of authority in the New COG - it just has a lot more guardrails and restrictions than past leaders.


I’m still mad she destroyed Marcus’ house, some of it and that truck, seriously tried to kill all four of them then in 5 that whole thing was just forgotten


And let’s not forget his Tomatoes, he’s never gonna have good sauce again .


I hope in the next one she offers him some amazing tomatoes as a thank you for everything




I mean, she has some good points, she is still a bit of an ass tho


Nah Jin is actually a really interesting character and I wish TC had been able to capitalize on the dynamic between her, Marcus, and JD. You gotta remember that after Anya died Jinn basically became JD's second mom.


I want to see her do what Dom did. Lure in the Swarm and sacrifice herself with explosives. She's annoying and obstructive, but she's not useless and an asshole. Make her go out protecting her people. Or idk bleed out like Prescott did helping the protagonists.


Yeah. People seem to forget that Prescott had his redeeming moment (it wasn’t a very big one, true. But it was still there) when he got the data to Baird.


Wow, I can't wait to kill off one of the most nuanced and complex characters in the game. Great idea!


I HAAAAAATTEEEE when she talks in multi-player.


Considering the focus on Kait being a locust queen descendent, I’m pretty sure this character won’t even show up or be mentioned in any way shape or form.


This would be a character I do not care if they killed off or whatever in the behind scenes.


She's a lot better than other COG leaders. Such as Prescott. Yeah she was an a hole in gears of war 4 but more likeable in gears 5


I hope a Carmine kills her.


Kinda unrelated but her and I have the exact same mole in the exact same placement lol


A picture is worth more than a thousand words


Eh, she's just meant to be a blind bureaucrat type, if they do kill her it probably be her doing a noble sacrifice or something


I would like here to be a playable character instead of Jinn Bot


She doesn’t strike me as the type to have combat experience. She was only a kid when the locust war ended.


Read the books and your tune might change, Jin was like a mentor to Anya and she always planned on Anya taking over after Jin steps down but we know what happens


100%. I blame this bitch for the unforgivable mistreatment of Anya Stroud by The Coalition. Anya should’ve been in her position from the standard. It would’ve been fantastic to see the dynamic between her fulfilling her duties and her loyalty to her husband, Marcus Fenix. Oh and then there’s the fact we’d have Anya as the COG Versus Announcer. A proper successor to Prescott that everyone would’ve appreciated.


Honestly most of the problems in 4 come from Reyna, JD, Kait, and Marcus constantly puffing their chests and antagonizing Jinn, who's only goal is exactly the same as Kait's. Like when Jinn shows up to Marcus's house, all Marcus had to do was pick up the crystal off the floor and show it to Jinn, and maybe she could of helped them and saved Kait's entire village. But instead Marcus had to prove how tough he was by chainsawing her bot in half. Or all Reyna had to do is say "what do you mean 'your' people, do you think we're kidnapping cog citizens cuz we're not" and skipped that whole raid that killed Gary. In 5 her concerns make sense, the HoD has more friendly fire incidents than not and Baird didn't even have the means to control it. Also if Kait could be lobotomized and hooked back to the swarm they might be able to save millions at the cost of one super annoying bitchy Kait.


Jinn is actually a good character. I wouldn’t call her a straight-up villain, but she’s no hero either. Maybe a FOIL. She’s well written to make her seem cold and harsh and overall hated. Unlike Kait. Who’s just a bad character.


She's annoying, but doesn’t deserve to be killed.


I disagree. Stories are better when you have someone "on your side" telling you no.


She refused to use the hammer to hit static locust burial sites, knowing what they were becoming. I'd say she's earned it.


They should just make Marcus make her bite the curb


Fuck yes, Prescott at least seemed remorseful (sometim3s) for the bullshit. Jin had her head so far up her own ass it looks like it's in the right spot contributed to the swarm gaining such an early foothold in the war.


Iam confident that she killed Anya so she better get absolutely butchered in the next game.


As a playable jinn bot she’s annoying as hell though and she’s very entitled.


While she def isn't my favorite character the games definitely don't do her justice, she's much better in the books and has character. You can kinda understand her better in them.


It’d be poetic justice if she got shot right in that mole


I’ve actually never seen a woman called a chump before 🤣


Her hands are fucking massive


Get Jinn the fuck outta here. She was a walking cliche. The idea that out of all people, this kind of idiot would be Anya's successor is just absurd.


Female Prescott, that’s all she is and I like it.


She's actually kinda similar to Anya.


Poorly written just like gears 4 and 5


I'm so off on gears of war storyline idek who this is 😂


Can’t you tell? That’s actually Anthony without his helmet!!!