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Weapon skins and Characters unlockable through in-game challenges and achievements; not loot crates.


This 100%. I miss the days of grinding for cool unlockables, with most games now you just buy it. Ruins the fun.


You still grind for them it’s just irl so you can swipe for the skin when you get home


Peak gaming for me was grinding out the old school VidMaster achievements on Halo 3/ODST so I could unlock Recon armour. Never put that kinda effort in again nor have I really needed to.


I miss this. I grinded hard for the Pyromaniac title in Gears 3 and I'll never forget the day that I got the Ivory Skins, I think it was 10+ kills as leader in a guardian round.


Yes! I was the only person I ever saw who used the Indigo Montoya title and it made me feel great having it. I want gears 3 progression and unlocks. Maybe less skins and color palettes please.


I feel like you misread the question


It’s mind blowing you are the first and only in this comment thread to point that out


Until you pointed this out I have not noticed this. I promise to stop skim reading stuff on the internet.


So many replied to him too....


Yeah it’s not hard to grasp that he meant that’s what he wanted instead though lol


i think the loot crate era is gone tbf, the question is if they would give it a shitty monetization scheme like they did with gears 5


Gears 5 actually had an extremely lenient system in its later years after Rod left in comparison to what most MP games had/have. Every seasonal pass was given out for free, the coins were easy to obtain through gameplay, and (most of) the earnable cosmetics in the store weren't absurdly overpiced - plus most of them actually looked great. You could also complete challenges in solo MP matches, so there was no reason to stress yourself out trying to get some of the challenges done online. The only real negative Gears 5's later monetization system had was the FOMO on the seasonal skins. If they reverted back to its initial implementation though, with those dumbass fucking totems you had to pay for and equip just to get access to the challenges to unlock characters, that would kill any goodwill outright.


Seriously, after operation...4 I want to say, basically everything essentially became free by just playing the game a couple hours a week.


Right? It's crazy how good that system is in comparison to nearly every other game's implementation of microtransaction systems in the modern gaming climate. I don't think I ever spent a dime on Gears 5 and still have almost every cosmetic item that's currently available in the store.


Yeah as far as other games go I quite liked the passes in gears 5, just by playing normally I unlocked a TON of cosmetics and skins that I never felt I grinded for or struggled in getting, I could play whanever game mode I wanted whoever the hell I wanted, even in the occasional pvp challenges those were done in a flash, the one and only skin I did feel like I grinded by ass off was that bunny locust skin and damn is it a fun joke skin


what gears 5 has is amazing


I loved the gow3 grind. Loot crates made everything suck.


Rpg mechanics and lancer mk 2 in missions that take place on E-Day.


This. I didn’t want to mention it in my post but this irks me just as mych as microtransactions. It’s a horrrjble thing i truly hope they don’t plague this game with.


As much as the Lamcer Mk2 shouldn’t be around on E-Day I feel like they’re going to put it in as some sort of experimental thing after showing Tai chainsaw a locust Fundamentally the Mk2 IS Gears for a lot of people Unless it’s just in MP then I’d let it slide


If they are smart, they introduce it mid-game as a big moment.


Depends how long the game goes on for. If it’s just a telling of like 24-36 hours or something that doesn’t give much time to develop a new weapon


Definitely not in campaign. And I do believe interviews have confirmed the game takes place over 24 hours (like Gears 4). For multiplayer however, absolutely fine with it. Won’t be bummed out though if Mk II Lancer is completely omitted.


Open world segments. God I'm sick of every game having these just to pad time. Give me an extremely detailed, linear experience- maybe with alternate pathways and secrets.


Open world is definitely a cop-out at this point for games that don’t need it to accrue “gameplay hours”. What Gears 1 did right is have a linear path, but create an environment/sandbox that gave multiple options on how to engage on the battlefield/approach the fight. Like let me choose if flanking would be good here. Or there were set piece traps (explosive tanks, destructible light fixtures to allow Kryll kills, gas lines, etc). More things like that to give the game a more dynamic feel and allows the players to choose how the fight can be won. I’d also LOVE for a Boss Locust (RAAM, Karn, Skorge) that we could execute instead of a cutscene death. Like once he loses all of his HP, they drop to their knees and sputter blood from their mouth. You can run up to them and choose how you want them to die: chainsaw bayonet, special curb stomp animation, or you could just blast them in the face to pop their head.


Theron Elite got that


Theron Elite got what


You have to execute him to kill him in RAAM's Shadow 


Why don’t I remember that? 🤔


Bro got downvoted for not remembering something that happened time ago


It’s real tough out here in the skreets of Reddit


Jermad we lookin at you sucka


Yes. It’s a terrible space filler. Works for Minecraft but not gears nor Halo. Give us more missions.


I believe they said somewhere they're not going open world in an interview. Don't have the article on me so I could be misremembering


Yep i agree strongly with this. Linear isn’t bad.


Open worlds definitely have their place; Red Dead Redemption 2, Witcher III. But Gears is not it. Agree 100%


imo the only time it worked extremely well when a linear game series added open world bits was with metro, I think the open world adds a lot to the experience with that but with gears and halo it just felt like filler


By far my biggest complaint about gears 5. In action packed games like gears I’m not going to stop to explore I just want to get to the fun part. And I get pissed when I’m lost on that damn skiff


Open world can be fine if it’s done right. If there’s a hub that we retreat to and go on missions I don’t mind. But don’t pad it out with fetch quests, rescuing NPCs, collecting x number of items to build something. I wouldn’t even mind if there are zones you can fight the horde and takeover for a territory. Would be a nice little spin, just don’t put 70 of them in there with the exact same objective. Sneak in a captured area, take out the main guards, drop the hammer of dawn on the rest of the ones alive. Go in guns blazing and save a couple of crew members that then join in for the story. Don’t make it 40 hours worth of fluff, give me a good 10-15 hour rock solid campaign.


Right, I’m way more likely to reply the campaign if it’s a solid 12-15 hours experience vs a padded out filler campaign.


This is something I miss. I can't remember the last campaign I replayed.


Yeah I've gotten very sick of these. Recently played uncharted 4 and loved it, but the open world sections are boring as fuck and don't add much, especially when the linear parts are excellent.


Totally! That shit nearly drove me crazy by the end of 5. It was too damn big! Nothing to do in between either.


Just show me who and where to shoot, and don't give me open world scavenger hunts.




But how else will you upgrade Jack to the point where playing them doesn't makes you want to blow your brains out?!?


I dont want to upgrade Jack, I want Jack to be the robot that goes and does things while I fend off hordes of enemies. I want Jack to hear me yell at him hurry his ass up 😆 I don't wanna worry about him.


Multiple endings


Multiple endings work great in RPGs that let you flush out a character on your own and how you want. In a story with set characters, it needs a one true ending. Hard agree with this one


Man, I never thought about how accurate is this take, only one good ending is enough


Right, there are times and places for multiple endings but this series is not it


And no ending that is a ripoff cliffhanger


Open world. From Gears 5, Halo: Infinite, Sonic: Frontiers, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III (and Black Ops 6 if the leaks are true), Wolfenstein: Youngblood, etc we do not need every game series to be open world/open world lite/have open world elements. Linear games are far more fun than a vast majority of open world titles


Definitely no to the open world. I agree. Linear is only good if the story and world along the way are tailored extremely well. Which Gears 1-3 did amazingly. Also an unpopular opinion… I’m a fan of the Judgement, gears 4/5 campaign’s too.


I don’t like Judgement but I do like 4/5’s campaigns. Minus the open world elements of 5, easily the worst part of the game imo


I respect your opinion. In regard to Judgement, I’m just a sucker for a gears backstory lol.


Black Ops 6 open world will be a mistake. Cold War mastered the formula and blend of linear with open level design - strict detailed environments but many paths to choose from to approach the mission. Gears of War was already doing this with the RT and LT path choices and each path had a somewhat unique encounter to fight. You can have an incredibly detailed lore-rich world with lots of player agency (in story and gameplay) without big open worlds. Baldur’s Gate 2 & 3 and Mass Effect trilogy did this - with Mass Effect being the most similar comparison to Gears since ME basically followed the cover shooter formula.


I really enjoyed Halo Infinite :/


I did too but the open world held back the potential for unique environments.


I really like Infinite’s story and the multiplayer is solid but I think the open world just hurt the game in the long run. A single environment open world with little to actually do besides outposts and kill Banished war lords just got boring after a while imo. I really think that game would’ve been better off having a linear campaign


100%. The only time I ever thought an open world worked in a game that wasn’t open world before was Sonic Frontiers. And I honestly think it’s only because you move so fast in that game that it never felt tedious seeing your objective be 2000m away lol the open world sections in Gears and Halo were such a slog.


Apparently a hot take but I actually would enjoy an open world for a game like E-Day specifically (which isn’t completely a spinoff game but isn’t part of the main trilogies), but having a GOOD (very very very important thing to note lol) open world seems like a lot to ask for. Of all games, GOW in theory, with its dense urban environments and hollows and such, seems like a title that a good open world would benefit, but with the way these triple A titles are pumped out as of late I’m not sure we’d get a good evolution of the gameplay and storytelling. As much as I’d love to run through a really tightly packed, detailed city in Sera, I’d rather go with the safe route and just get a linear game until they can figure that out lol


Bullet sponges with no permanent weakpoints. Gears 5 was guilty of this in the Wakkatu boss fight in horde mode. With the right mutators that boss was impossible to kill without using your entire ammo pool.


Micro transactions


Eday will 99% have a Battlepass


If it has a BP I am almost definitely not playing it I hate BPs, particularly the ones that are full on FOMO and paid.


Sorry but it's a modern multiplayer shooter. It's going to have microtransactions. That's just how it is now


I think Gears 5’s store after the update is a good balance because we were able to earn currency that wasn’t an extreme grind


Pandora’s box has been open, no putting it all back now


Ya that’s why gen 8 kind of got me done with new games


God I wish we could just play a video game without having an insanely overpacked menu system that’s just trying to sell you shit every time you click 1 button. I’m surprised we don’t have ads in the settings menu (should probably not put that out into the universe)


The only thing I’m ok with is like skins and the actual online subscription. Online servers need maintenance so it’s ok to charge. Skins don’t effect games but can be neat. What makes me furious is DLC. If I bought a game I bought a game. I should never have to spend another $20 to finish the story. What’s even worse is that since it is digital I can’t replay it 40 years from now. Yes I do play 40 year old games still.


I’m with you there my dude. I don’t mind charging for the online service, but holy shit do I hate the loot crates and all the passes and boosts and crap. Also, I wouldn’t be mad about the skins if they weren’t unlockable for free in most games back in the day lol (outside of special exclusives of course). GOW hasn’t been terrible with their cosmetics and UI mush but still, it’s really annoying


Thank god at least console games aren’t like mobile games where they heavily limit daily play unless you pay


I’m the complete other way around. I don’t mind DLC if it actually adds unique things like an Expansion - XCOM 2’s War of the Chosen was the best DLC I’ve played for any game. A DLC takes time and effort to make and requires proper dev work. Online subscription to me is completely bullshit, PC gets online for free, you’re telling me this huge company can’t afford the basics of online gaming?


Keep them in multi and keep them cosmetic and I could give two shits. If people want to drop real cash to look a certain way then fine - no skin off my teeth. Like it or not, it’s where modern gamings at.


It will have them. The question is will they be asinine like OW2 / Valorant style or somewhat fair like Helldivers. But since it’s a Microsoft title they might make Battlepasses Infinite length but have rotating stores with expensive cosmetics.


I don’t want this game to be free to play. Just look at what happened with Halo Infinite and how little content it launched with and plagued with scummy microtransactions. This game needs to be a completed $60 product that comes with a full length campaign, versus, horde, and all cosmetics earned through playing the game and this is all just the bare minimum.


I feel you man. And i pray to the all fathers they stick to it but something tells me they won’t be able to


No open world campaign. Just give me the railroad experience.


Colorful skins. Keep the dark aesthetic and make some bad ass skins that actually go with then tone of the game.


And please no emotes or annoying voice emotes ("they fucked my tomatoes up" can stay)


"You're rotten", or "Ha, you suck!" are my favorites lol


No knife swinging. Hitting with your elbow used to be so brutal that even the camera shook.


Knives should be an execution thing or an animation when you are behind an enemy.


Or when you stepped the shit out of them when jumping from covers like in Gears Of War 4.


Bro. I like the knife


Knife is a cop out to having different animations for different weapons vs One knife melee animation, done


Don’t get me wrong, I love having knives, and how brutal are their executions, but I’ll keep it to just executions.


Wrestlers like Kofi Kingston or anyone like that


Open world and hunting for jack components. Not right for this franchise.


Putting features in for the sake of it. I am worried about TC putting things like Marcus and Dom for the sake of making people happy. I want there to be a good and deep story line (like the trilogy) and for a story to evolve around them. Like why they are fighting for the COG, why they are in certain locations etc. Like I want the characters to have meaning like they the trilogy and not a repeat of gears of war 4 (where they brought JD and the older cog soldiers like Cole and Baird for the sake of it) if you know what I mean


Yeah, with luck. The only characters we should see, is Dom and Marcus. And the other members of his squad before Delta squad. (Not gonna mention Omega since I think that was only a cameo appearance since we only know it was Marcus and Dom in the squad. We were given zero other details about it. So, we should get appearances from Tai and Pad. Those 4 should be our direct characters. I reckon we'll get to see news segments of Cole Train enlisting.


I’m kind of hoping they somehow put the scene when Marcus and Dom are putting money down on the thrashball game, that’d be such a cool callback


This for real. The storyline should be powerful because it’s a good story, not because it has fan favourites - don’t be a Star Wars. The original trilogy was good because it fleshed out its cast and well… it was original. For a very dude-bro-killshit game, the trilogy had very mature themes and even some political /social commentary with some grim lore reveals you can read in game.


FAQ the equal starts let’s go back to gears 3 with all the options for starter weapons


Micro transactions


Lol...Kait, JD, and Del.


Stop with the ridiculous multiplayer skins. They turn the game into a fuckin clown show.


Mandatory cross play. Pc gears and xbox gears are two very different things and should not be mixed. As well as this, they should have the option for players to play stacks or other single players


These comments are making me realize there's probably gonna be a lot of disappointed gears fans no matter what they do


Sorry, disappointed reddit gears fans


Sorry, disappointed gears reddit fans


Sorry, disappointed fans gears reddit


Sorry, fans disappointed reddit gears


True, I already got used to it since I'm Borderlands and Diablo fan and have already experienced tons of this. Some people will NEVER be happy with the new title unless it's a 1:1 carbon copy or a remaster of [insert their favorite franchise entry here]. Nostalgia is one hell of a drug


Lambent in campaign


This. They were one of the few things I didn't like about gears 3


Yeah, I personally believe Gears lore could have been better without Lambent.


Please no open world


Open world Crafting, levels, side quests, and similar stuff Trying to ripping off the latest popular game and poorly implement it


Emotes!! At least not silly ass ones. This ain’t Fortnite


God I hope that's gone, and the character laughing thing half across map hearing carmin laugh for 4 min straight


Too many bright areas. Let's keep it to dark hopeless city scapes and industrial buildings. I'd love to see the horror element dialled up and a make every encounter a challenge.


get away with the stupid emotions, skins, etc that have been in the last couple of gears games. get back to the dark, gloomy and gory game i loved.


I honestly want the movement to feel more like the OG gears games, Gears 3 specifically. It's something abt the camera shake from running and the way the player moved that makes it feel better and smoother compared to the other gears games. Also, i wish that they bring back unlockable characters, skins, etc rather than having to buy it


I’ll be interested to see if they include locust variants that we didn’t see til gears 2 (Kantus , blood mounts) I hope they don’t include them for continuity sake but judgement had them so who knows.


Maulers, Grinders, Kantuses, and Bloodmounts really did make the game alot more fun. I really hope to see a horde mode with them in it.




Yeah. I’m thinking they can definitely add new locust types since it was 15 years prior to g1. Just leave out the ones they didn’t discovered til cog went into the hollow (kantus etc)


They could always add new locusts type and pull the "they went extinct" card like they did with ragers.


Definitely agree just not the other way around. Kantus wasn’t discovered til they entered the hollow so I hope it Stays that way


Wasn't the reason that after the Lightmass bombing the Locust were losing the war against the Lambent, so committed more elite units to the surface?


TDM in versus mode


TDM causes the worst case of community brain rot in every game it's in. It doesn't even work in Gears like it does in a game like CoD which is the funny part.


i actualy didn't mind it. Sometimes the matches were absurdly long but it also made the game kinda less competitive: Simple objective, simple gameplay; enjoy the mechanics of the game for the next 20 minutes and although if you die you do kinda afect your team, it doesn't quite ruin the match for them. Of course, i don't mind it as long as they also keep the other modes where your death does matter.


Area defense parts like the ones with the damned fabricator in gears 4


- The knife is ass. Weapon specific melee plz. - Simple enemy marking, not detailed and highlighted. Too much intel for zero work. - Robots need to go. Forever. - Spammable voice lines. Are we 5?


Celebrity sponsors/skins. Also they should bring back the OG hammerburst




For multiplayer: - Emotes: I understand that modern gaming love characters to act like jesters, and in some games actually works, but seeing Marcus disco dancing in an actual Gears game has to be one of the worst things that could happen to the franchise. - Saturated UI: Keep the game elegant, like G1 and G2. - Extremely unrealistic executions: Gears 2 type of executions please. - Knife instead of mele: Really disliked that, the animation was terrible imo. - Colorful or animated skins: For Doom, Halo or Mass effect? yes, for Gears? Please no. - Blood graffitis: Or whatever that bs is called. - Slim unarmored characters: Characters fully armored like G1 and G2. - Gears 5 crosshair: Never understood why the changed them so much in the first place. - No guest characters.


A new Kait-like useless boring character


Gears 4 & 5 style horde. I much preferred the way fortifications were handled in 3. Plus the fabricator doesn’t fit in the story of e-day at all so hopefully it’s gone.


I used to like having to kill the big scion dude with the shield, so you could plant said shield and block a doorway with it. I think Kantus was the only one who could kick it down. Something like that. Was a while ago.


You must be young because there’s no way you just called a Mauler “big scion dude with the shield” lol


I like gears 5 and 4 horde mode. Yeah the fabricator doesn't make sense in an e-day setting but being able to choose where to base rather than being forced into a fixed location is nice.


It’s alright if you’re playing with friends but if your playing with randoms it’s an absolute nightmare


No way would I bother with the mode if it went back in time to 3, I enjoyed 5's horde the best. I enjoyed 3's back in 2011 or 12.


Rainbows, guest characters, and wacky skins. Let’s keep gears of war like hell diver 2 where they care about immersion and not politics or celebrities.


I agree, no terminator or new day etc.


Overrun mode. We just want horde.


Forcing console and joypad players to play pc and mkb players


This. We need the option to turn crossplay off immediately. I'll have it off and never turn it on


Specifically for MP: Dances/“moves” at the end of the game. Cringey lines that the characters shout to each other. Not everything has to be a joke and we don’t always have to hear every thought Kill cam automatically showing. This isn’t call of duty where you will die loads of times from someone you didn’t see. I don’t need to see the shotgun fight I just lost again.


You can turn killcam off. I forgot there even was one.


Battle pass and Sweet baby employees.


They need to add older weapons back like sawed off, breachshot, etc. Maybe some new weapons that became obsolete once the Lancer mk 2 came out? Just spit balling.


4v4 competitive. I know it has its benefits and fans but I personally think having a 5 stack is preferable, mostly to keep more people on the game. Me and the boys rarely play because we immediately run into the problem of sacking some people to play.


Colourful, flashy skins. It always felt they dont match a gears game.


Yep. Those neon skins were a true wtf??


Wall cancelling. Wall bouncing is fine, but being able to spam cancel as well as go backwards is BS


Hopefully they don’t do FOMO like Gears 5 by having limited time skins. Really sucks the enjoyment out of a game when you get on to see a skin you like, only to find out it’s unobtainable


I would love if they stopped putting all the silly character and weapon skins i multplayer to keep the immersion of a dark and bloody universe. But i know that won't happen.


As much as I actually do like the knife in the newest games, I hope they go back to the big meaty punches since this is a prequel after all


Robots. Also pretty-colored hair and skins


They should NOT have crossovers or the crazy goofy cosmetics that were in games like 4 & 5. Part of what made me love Gears initially was the consistency among all modes as it felt like the locust war continued after the campaign into PvP & PvE


This game needs the be the darkest, most hopeless GoW, ever. Considering the ground we’re covering, humor and over the top stuff doesn’t seem like it would fit the narrative here.


The Lancer Mk 2


Vehicle based free roam sections


An actual boss. Gears 4 and 5 both felt lackluster at the end. Gears 1, Raam. Gears 2, Skorge. Gears 3, The Queen.


Micro transactions


None of this 3 player campaign where 1 player is a robot bullshit. 4 player coop please. I don't care if all 4 players are Marcus.


They should avoid the gnasher from Gears 5 on multiplayer because it looks like a sawed off which is a noob weapon


Loot Crates, The Lancer Mk. 2 in Campaign (it has not been made yet don't you dare try it), The Hammerburst Mk. 2 in Campaign (we're still on Mk. 1 here), and General RAAM (because we need a new Locust Baddie to kill, and RAAM had his spotlight in 1 and 3's DLC


Halo characters


Obnoxious and out of place skins. Like Marcus in a clown outfit or Dom in a fucking bikini.


Different controls like Judgement had. No idea what they were thinking with that one.


So depending on how much time the game covers I don’t think the lancer MK2(chainsaw variant) should be put in the game. The MK2 came out a bit into the locust war due to bayonets struggling to penetrate locust hide so I don’t think canonically it should be in game


No Carmine Family member, not that I dislike Carmine, I don't think there was any mention of a Carmine during any lore for before Gears 1. Even so, it's just going to end up the same as before.


Will carmine was killed on E-day!


Bro what Carmine is a set piece at this point


Technically the entire Carmine family has been an important family in the COG for generations. We’ve only heard of the brothers, and one of the four brothers we don’t even know anything about. So we COULD at least hear the name or maybe see an older gear that’s the grandpa/dad of the brothers at some point. IMO it’s an inevitability, we’ve seen a Carmine in every single game so I doubt we won’t see one in E-Day


If its open world in any way other then giving options and angles to fight from I'm not buying shit and couldn't care less how good the game is


The crappy mouse compatibility they got in gears 5 currently adding negative acceleration to high dpi mice. Why they haven’t fixed it is crazy. Also shader cache stutter needs to be addressed. Probably an engine issue that hasn’t been looked at.




Shirtless Marcus Fenix 🫦


Dead by daylight is that way


Sawed off shotgun.


Nah fuck you the sawed off is sick


It's the only flaw on an otherwise perfect game (gow3)


I got disagree. I hated and still hate the sawed off but even so .it brought a great change to gears that was needed and different flow it mad me think before just charging in like a crazed man, I love when gears brings something that makes me have to think than just run and gun we need that


Team Deathmatch


Modern day real life politics.


Yep. We don’t need a mirror of a real life politician to hate. That interview wit Cliff was awesome. Show the atrocities of war. E-Day is perfect for that setting. Families in pain, unprepared soldiers, etc


INB4 some loser says woke


It's too late. Already have those miserable takes. Sigh.


Replace berserker's screech's with sexual moans


That grindy battlepass . I found myself mostly playing against bots to get the stars to unlock characters because i did not want to miss out on the skins . But it was so much grinding that i didnt really play multiplayer until the seasons were finished. Instead of stars we should just accumulate points or iron after any match . Very minor but i want them to stop making the weapons smaller on the backs of the players , its so dumb when the boomshot reduces its size and looks like a mini gun on the back . Oh and also no pink wwe characters , save that shit for fortnite or cod


Since this is a prequel. I want a challenge based and leveling based unlock system, no battle passes or loot boxes.


Skins should all be unlockable via challenges not shop or loot crates. I would like the skins for previous games to be a thing tho


Open world sections. It wouldn’t add anything meaningful to the game other than trying to pad it out and add some artificial game length. Plus it’s just lazy mission design (looking at you COD MWIII). Especially since Gears is by design a cover shooter and not Serious Sam so throwing endless hordes in an open space just wouldn’t do.


Any of the stuff that has ruined modern gaming, season passes that have a time limit, and stupid skins, leave it dark and gritty. We will probably be disappointed but one can wish.


Open world stuff


Multiple endings. I do not want multiple clown endings in my very serious game. This is not Nier or Danganronpa. This is Gears of War. 5 did it an okay way but this is a prequel, so if it's not grimdark, I do not want it The one true ending can only be "Santiago and Fenix, you two are to be assigned to Omega Squad and to be deployed at Halvo Bay." And it'll make all the people who hate Judgment have to either acknowledge Judgment or hate E Day by extension even though that game happens weeks later. Besides, all GoW games are only 3 days at most. The only other ending is Dom hearing about his family.


Colorful/playful/silly skins and characters. Keep the game dark.


Hammer of Dawn in MP.


Some sort of emote wheel. It'd be weird to see Marcus Fenix throwing it back.


All the stupid robots in Gears 5.


Yea open world segments I could do without. It can feel like a slog. In some games it’s cool, but I feel like it didn’t fit Gears.