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Nope. Their job wasn’t to fight, they were priests of the locust religion. They were only used as combatants as a final resort in gears of war 2 & 3


So what’s up with the locust religion? Do they worship myrrah or some worm or some shit?


They worship the 3 riftworms as they were the ones who cleared the space that is the Hollow


That’s insane. Where’d the worm come from? And is that what the locust symbol come from?


I don't know if it's ever been established where they came from. They were dormant for a *while* before Gears 2 eta: No clue about the locust symbol ever. It's safe to say Myrrah made it though.


The locust symbol was the “unoffical” symbol of the fringe CoG political party that funded the relocation of the new hope facility scientists to mount Kadar (the birthplace of the locust). Officials of this party used to wear medallions with the symbol when they visited the facility. Eventually Myrrah (who was a patient in Mount Kadar and experimented on due to her Immulsion immunity) either spotted this medallion or was given one (though eventually Dr Torres ended up with it. Who gave it to Reyna. Who ended up giving it to Kait.) and adopted the symbol as the locusts coat of arms :)


Holy shit, whats the source of this info?


Yeah I’m curious. Is this said in the later games or is it comics?


/u/spongebruh it's on the wiki and the source is Gears 5, but I don't remember this. I also haven't played the single player since launch so I don't know how overt it is. https://gearsofwar.fandom.com/wiki/Fringe_COG_Party


Gears 5


Think they're just native to the planet like Krakens are and all of the subterranean species the Locust use. The planet naturally produces a parasitic oil that turns everything into monsters, it's not to much of a stretch.


It seems you’re correct. I didn’t even realize the kraken was a neutral beast hijacked by the swarm. Makes sense now tho >Like the Riftworm, the Kraken was a naturally-occurring mega-creature that had evolved in the crimson deserts of Vasgar in Sera. In the post-Locust War era, legends of the Kraken's existence in Vasgar had attracted interest among Coalition of Ordered Governments scholars, such as Lenard Shiff.


Its one of the more interesting aspects of the Locust to me. Using the wildlife around them to navigate and dominate their complicated terrain.


Locusts are interesting as fuck haha especially ram Edit. Like where he’d get knife bro. And utilizing kyrll


Not the one you're thinking of. But there is a symbol that has three appendages and is used to worship the 3 worms, though. Baird found an artifact in The Nexus, describing it to be the same symbol on the back of some skin scroll about the worm religion (Trinity of Worms)


Wait, you haven’t played the games?


Been a long time


Most of the lore stuff is in gears 2, have you completed the campaign for it before?


Yea man. In like 2008. I’ve played a fuck load of multiplayer. Got 4 seriously achievements under my belt


They worship the riftworms as life-givers, since all life in the hollow is the direct result of riftworm dookie fertilizing the tunnels as they were dug. Even the locust, who aren't naturally-occurring, owe their existence to the worms since they were created with immulsion. It's never directly stated anywhere, but I think the riftworms are also part of the hivemind (which the locust call "the rift") since Skorge was able to control it and he had an unusually strong connection to the hivemind to begin with. It would make sense, I think, since the hivemind is a direct result of immulsion being used to make the horde and the riftworms would've been exposed to it, too.


Maybe I’m confused but isn’t Marcus’ dad partially responsible for the creation of the locusts? Experiments with the sires and shit? Do you think the locusts recognize Marcus like the swarm do kait? The idea that the locusts figured out the worms and how they were created is pretty funny. Like they just formed their own language and shit and started hypothesizing haha


> isn't Marcus' dad partially responsible for the creation of the locusts? No. Adam Fenix would've been like 16 years old when Myrrah and the locust broke out of Mt. Kadar. I think it would be safe to assume that the locust were born before he was. Adam'a thing was that he tried to help the locust find a cure for lambency so they wouldn't have to attack the surface. > the idea that the locusts figured out the worms and how they were created is pretty funny They didn't have to find anything out. Myrrah knew, as did the older Locust drones like Sraak who fought alongside her to escape Mt Kadar. Myrrah was a human, and they'd been experimenting on her for close to 30 years before she gave birth to Kait's mother and subsequently led the locust to freedom.


If they were only "combatants of final resort," then why were they on the front lines in Halvo Bay during the first month of the war? RAAM had kantus healers with him in Ilima, too, and Skorge was part of the Locust Army even before E-day. Also, the fact that kantus knights exist kinda invalidates the idea that kantus weren't meant to fight.


Because Judgement didn’t care about lore (that’s why it has the Chainsaw Lancer in it when it shouldn’t) and also, it wasn’t that Kantus’ never appeared before Gears 2 and 3, but that Marcus had never met them before then. Much like how Marcus and Dom never met a Berserker until Gears 1. Also, it’s not that they weren’t meant to fight, but it really wasn’t their main purpose, as most of them were just Priests. Of course, that doesn’t change the fact that some chose to like Skorge.


That idea has been pretty much retconned ever since Gears 3 had them show up in RAAM’s Shadow. That said, none of the media that have featured Kantus pre-Gears 2 has had Marcus and Dom, so it’s possible they won’t be in E-Day’s campaign to keep it so they never see one until Hollow Storm


Kantus were in Judgement which is a few weeks to a few months after E-Day so this was already retconned. Wiki sources also say Kantus took part in E-Day offensives.


The question is why did they appear in some areas of sera and not others, like wherever gears 1 took place there was none at all. The weirder thing is they were not even affected by lambency at all.


In campaign, definitely not. Unless they’re planning on retconning Gears 2. Huge possibility for multiplayer though.


savage kantus gang


Sponge gang.


Judgement and the Shadow of RAAM expansion for Gears 3 both show Kantus healers fighting alongside regular locust troops at or near the front lines. Judgement takes place a few weeks after E-day IIRC.


Didn’t they also have lancer Mk 2s when they didn’t come for around a year into the war? Judgment has some issues in that regard


Yeah, that's true. Lancer mk2 was made specifically to fight locust since mk1 bayonets werent up to the task unless you banzai charged the grubs. There were still kantus monks fighting in ilima alongside RAAM, though. Wasn't on E-Day, but it was still before the COG went on the offensive.


They already did that with tactics I would hold anything from judgement with a grain of salt though


Even if they retconned the Kantus showing up that day, they wouldn’t look like that. That’s the Savage Kantus look.


Probably in multi-player but not campaign.


What makes you say no campaign ?


The Kantus only entered battle in Gears 2 If they put them in the campaing then they're retconning gears 2


I was thinking they’d show them in a cutscene or something to show what was going on behind the scenes


Honestly that would be a pretty bad idea, kantus were not present in E-Day and a Hollow cutscene would just make no sense


>Emergence Day The Kantus took part in Emergence Day like every other Locust, they surfaced with the Bloodied Vanguard with their mission to colonise the surface leaving behind the Hollows which succumbed to the Lambent. The Kantus were also present during the attack on Halvo Bay one month or six weeks after E-Day.[2] How does it feel to be confidently incorrect? Straight from gears wiki Einstein


Well sgit I guess I am wrong, still stands that Marcus encountered the Kantus in gears 2 so hopefully they respect that


No more guessing needed man. I provided the lore lol. Don’t be hatin on kantus dog. Would be sick to see them surface with the bloodied vanguard in UE5


It's not guessing its just what's in the games




*Every* kind of locust was present during E-day. Karn's army had kantus priests in Halvo Bay during the first few weeks of the war, and Skorge fought alongside RAAM in Jannermont on E-day.


Uh it would make perfect sense. The locust fighting the lambent, preparing for e day. You do know they only emerged because the lambent were giving them too much trouble right? We could see Raam, Skorge, Jermad, Sraak, Vrol, Karn, etc etc all preparing for E- day.


We saw them in Judgement and some new types in Tactics, so why not?


Well, the description says the "savage" variation of locust's n kantus have severed their link with their queen and are fully centered around combat.


Doubt it, remember when we first encounter them in GoW2? Nobody knew what they were and this was 14 years in. They also wouldn’t look like this, that’s the savage kantus


Thats a savage kantus my friend


Marcus didnt encounter them until Gears 2 so unless they just dont care about that detail then probably not. Theron Guards and Kantus he specifically did not encounter until the games


Maybe a combat kantus variant ? The traditional kantus we know of are priests only seen fighting in the hollow because we were in their house .


I don't know what people are on about, they were in Judgement and Tactics. They might not make sense for Marcus to see them but they were seemingly on the surface as far as a few weeks into the war.


We saw Kantus in Judgment and Tactics leading frontline battles, often with Boomers beside them. We’ll see them on E Day. Your picture is a Savage Kantus though. They weren’t around until the Hollow was destroyed.


[He is the true Kantus Leader.](https://i.imgur.com/jdgH9Ml.jpg)


Let's be honest lore wise we shouldn't see them since this game will be centered around Dom and Marcus and like previously stated they themselves had not encountered one until Gears of War 2. I think the main reason we saw them in other games was more for gameplay reasons since they're already an established enemy type which added a new element to the gameplay which was then later added to the lore of a questionable Gears of War Judgement. While some aspects of Judgement are interesting it happens to retcon a few things such as the invention of the MK 2 Lancer, the knowledge of the Kantus, since Marcus makes a background appearance in Judgement when Baird saves him and the squad Omega using a smaller lightmass bomb. So it pulls into question why he somehow didn't see any kantus in Halvo-bay. The existence of the Rager enemy type which only made an appearance in that game unless you count the multiplayer skin in Gears 5. Anyway I've hammered on enough, the end point is if they want to stay lore accurate they should not be in the game as a combatant to Marcus and Dom as well as making sure that if they do introduce the MK 2 Lancer it should be over a year into the war and should show the cool way the idea came about like it was explained in the books.


As a matter of fact they didn’t meet any Theron guards either before GOW 1, so I assume that we won’t ever get underground in E Day. 


I hope so! My favourite Enemy!


Maybe, hopefully ragers too


LF gears 3 multiplayer but also beast mode. Fingers crossed for this beauty


Who armed the Locust btw? I was wondering that the other day. Their weapons had to have come from somewhere. Was that ever established?


Ukkon, locust technologist.. he is actually a sire and one of the first to be experimented on in the new hope facility.


Locust make their own stuff, but they also aren't opposed to salvaging whatever they can from the COG  That's partially why the Hammer of Dawn was unleashed everywhere, they were afraid the Locust would start stealing equipment from those earlier battles  It's also why you have enemies with Lancers and Gnashers


I'd only want to see them here as a multiplayer character. That being said. From rise of ramm we know that the locust do have relationships ( no not in a sex or love way ) but friendships , brothers and on the other end enemies. Locust they hate. So maybe as a collectable you could find a locust staff next to a drone or a grenadier that could of been given to them by a kantus they were friends with. Or that they had maybe stolen. The people finding it wouldn't know of course but I just think it would be some cool world building


What system are you hoping for to unlock characters in multiplayer? Return of the Gears 4 pack? Level system like Gears 3-UE? Or something new but what?


Isn’t that the savage variation after the events of gears 2 seen in gears 3 ? I think we shouldn’t see the kantus as they were native to the hollow and the reveal in 2 should be kept the way it is.


dudeeee I remember Kantus omg!


Edit: the image is just my favourite variation, I'm not expecting savage kantus to be on e-day. Also to people that say he wasn't around at that time - Gears tactics and judgement shows him fighting alongside with other locusts.


Big Bird Kantus 🤌🏽


They were truly badass.


Marcus saw them for the first time in 2. I mean they could retcon that moment if TC decides that they want the Kantus in the campaign. I assume like most character skins we will see Kantus in multiplayer.


In Gears 2 Marcus has no idea what a Kantus is.


This is the savage kantus I don’t think we will see them or any other kantus because marcus in gow 2 says he never saw them before


They CAN do it but they SHOULDN'T. Why? Because on Gears 2 Marcus and Dom first encounter them in the Hollow. It's where they're in the Hollow and B. Carmine says something about the Locust eating Imulsion. That's where they FIRST encounter them. Well in game. I didn't read the comics so if they did encounter them before then sure. But if not, then we really shouldn't see them. HEAR them is a different story. It'd be cool to hear Gears on Coms saying that there's an enemy screaming or that the Locust are being healed and they don't know why. But yeah we really shouldn't see them at all. So hopefully the Coalition doesn't retcon that part of the story.