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lol “villager”


Made me think we were talking about animal crossing for a sec


My mind went Minecraft hehe


![gif](giphy|ZkmiqhZs2iYOA) This is literally what came to mind when I read “villager” 😅


Hand washing costs 64 emeralds


“Don’t worry, I’m gonna give you a 50% discount today and just make you pay 32 instead, cuz I’m feeling extra generous”


![gif](giphy|TdRWuQlaiDARWYCatW|downsized) My brain went to age of empires 2 lol




I saw that and immediately looked at his flair that said “2010” and thought “14 years old? Sounds about right”


Maybe op is Indian? A lot of them use villager as a pejorative


People don't wash their hands. Caughing mouth wide open. Don't wear masks. Don't wash their ass. Not just Gen Z - literally anyone. A lot of people still live by the hygienic awareness of 16th-century peasants. Nasty ass people.


Even peasants from 16th century cleaned themselves in the Rivers and streams. Not their fault that they didn't know what soap was


Soap was invented nearly 5000 years ago. Even 16th century peasants were cleaner than some gross fucks today


It was a little expensive and harsh, but it was soap.


🤮🤮🤮Literally so nauseaus after reading that some people refuse to wash and wipe their ass. This REALLY fuckin disturbs me -I mean these troglodytes worry about being “ gay” if they touch their own butt ? like they are gonna appeal to anyone in their filthy smelly condition. Who raised these morons? This is TRUE BRAINROT


I have seen posts from dudes arguing why they shouldn’t wipe and yes, you got it, they think touching their butthole isn’t manly enough. Turns out toxic masculinity can take the form of brown stains on underwears.


this woman said her ex got brown stains on the bed when they were doing the deed… I was like what the fuck??


'Toxic, like metaphorically?' 'I mean biohazard!'


Generally curious but where have you seen this? I've heard this a million times and I'll randomly see a post of a lady that claims her man doesn't wipe his ass for this reason but I've never seen a guy claim they do this irl or on the Internet.


I've noticed over time that the dudes who worry about touching their buttholes probably secretly really want their buttholes touched.


Plausible. Otherwise that’s a really weird thing to get all defensive about. Dude, just get your butthole touched. I mean, wash it first, but like, just enjoy the butthole touching. 🤷


Nasty ass people, I see what you did there lol


I was a germaphobe as a kid to the point where some other kid realized I went before lunch every day and decided to throw wet paper towel balls at me. I got in trouble for what THEY did too. I'm not a germaphobe anymore, but I still don't understand people who don't wash their hands.


As you can see - most people have a hard time understanding how bacteria or viral infections spread or even exist in the first place. Most people don't think it is a big deal - because "my hands don't look / feel dirty", "I did not touch anything gross with it". That is literally their reasoning.


Yeah, but everything is gross because the people with poopy hands are touching it.


By far my least favourite thing to see is the person who coughs into their open palm as if they don't touch things with that.


How do people shower but not wash their ass with soap? Do they know what goes on in that area? It needs suds! Lots of suds!


This is my 7 y/o. No sense of hygiene no matter how hard we try. Really hope it clicks someday for her.


I have three grown daughters, and you could ask them right now the two things that I said to them and what a doctor from Sierra Leone(he immigrated here, and he was a BADASS pediatric doctor). I told them if they weren't going to follow the rules of getting cleaned up for morning or night, I would stand them out in the front lawn with a bar of soap and use the hose like they do it down at County. The doctor told them, individually, when I mentioned to him on the side about their hygiene, and I'm quoting him, so I'm not being racist, "Dere are lots of germs and bacteria that grow on your bodiee, even if you tink you ah clean, so you haf to wash yo bodiee with SOAP and WATAH, and not just yo belliee or yo arhms...the WHOLE BODIEE." When they run into someone who is stinky or gross, they will comment to me or text it to me, "they need to use SOAP and WATAH".


It’s my 11yr daughter old too! I cut her just short because she wouldn’t wash it. I bought a hygiene book for her to read and do a ‘book report’ on it to make sure she understood. She will do great for a while, then once and awhile she’s gross!! I told her next step will be embarrassment, it’s gross!


This is just another one of the uncountable number of societal ills that come about as a result of everyone being idiots and society not valuing education.


lol this triggers me so much! People in mall public bathrooms are disgusting! Every time I use one I'll see someone put their take out food or takeaway coffee on the wash counter, go use the toilet, come out and just grab their food/drink and leave without washing their hands! Also why do people not know how to flush? So many times I go to use the bathroom after someone and it's filthy 🥲


I blame the not flushing on people being so trained on auto flushing that they don't notice when it's not working.


Some don’t know how to manually trigger a flush when the auto flush didn’t detect your body heat.


It’s light based, not heat. Pro tip, if you don’t want a toilet auto flushing on you, you can put a sticky note over the sensor.


Or they're afraid to touch the handle/button and would rather the next person suffer


I use the bottom of my shoe or tp


This existed waaay before auto-flushing was a thing.


Happens at work too, the not flushing thing. Hell, people will eat snacks on the fucking shitter. I do work at a place for blind people though, but it's really not difficult to just give it a flush before you leave.


Dear GOD that’s awful! Food now full of bacteria.., these are the same virus vectors that refused to wear a mask, and created an entire political Identity around not masking up or getting vaxed. Murikkkan freeDUMB !


I saw a guy walk out of a Chick Fil A bathroom stall without washing his hands and then he sat down with his wife/girlfriend and started helping feed a toddler. I just thought I wonder if she knows how nasty you are. Then again, maybe she knows perfectly well and doesn't care.


There is something so jarring about seeing a stranger’s waste in a toilet you’re about to sit on. FLUSH THE DAMN PUBLIC TOILET BEFORE YOU LEAVE THE STALL. And then wash your filthy paws. It’s not hard.


A bunch of smelly fuckers in this comment section. I'll say - me and my best friend have taken 2 of our friends aside privately to discuss their hygiene. I've had one of them say "oh I just got out of the shower, heading over now" and that fucker gets here and he REAKS of B.O because it didn't occur to him to wear clean clothing after the fact... Like... SERIOUSLY? It's fucking embarrassing Some people haven't been taught by their parents and it never clicks or figures out for them. And no one bothers to tell them. It's actually wild. To no one's surprise - these two buddies of ours have been chronically single for years as well. Go figure. Maybe I have higher standards cause I was raised by a Military father, but there's one thing he said to me that I'll take to my grave is: "Keep clean and wash yourself, you don't want to be the smelly guy. Everyone knows who the smelly guy is but him." People need to be shamed more for shit like this. A little Soap and water isn't gonna make anyone bankrupt, there is no genuine excuse beyond ignorance, incompetence or having a literal disability. For those men who need to start and know they could and should be better about their hygiene, [this is a great video ](https://youtu.be/OxlgScPRDoQ?si=urN4V_vOOnmNVAu_)


I don’t think they need to be shamed more, I think they just need to be educated and reinforced. I work as an RBT with an autistic client who’s 19 and we do a lot of life skills. He didn’t wash his face, use deodorant, use soap while in the shower, wear his shirts the right way (he wore them backwards), or change his clothes when it had stains on it. His mom would try to get him to do these things by telling him, “No girls will like you unless you take care of yourself.” But he doesn’t care about that. It wasn’t until I asked him why he doesn’t do those things, then I gave a bunch of good reasons why, biggest one is it’s all to take care of him. Taking care of yourself is a healthy and independent thing to do. Then I provided reinforcement when he would do those things. We’re still working on the stain on the shirt thing though. A couple sessions ago he wiped his mouth on his shirt after eating pizza because the paper towels were too far away. But then he immediately got up and asked, “Can I go change my shirt please?” So that’s progress! He came back and the shirt was backwards, but again, it was still progress.


Thats sweet/funny about the shirt at the end. 😂 I'm a BCAT and love those little moments here and there that keep a smile on your face after you leave a client's house.


I have an acquaintance A who can't smell anything. Tell me why our mutual friend told me to let A know if he's stinky because he wouldn't know? Bro, just wash yourself regularly, what the hell? I don't wait for my nose to tell me that I need a shower.


Lost my sense of smell in an accident. You need it to smell stink, but you dont need it to know youre clean. If I havent showered in 3 days I dont know if I stink but I sure as hell know I aint clean. People often tell me I smell good because I overcompensate for my not knowing by being very careful. So ya thats bogus lol.


Exactly. I know if I'm greasy and feel gross regardless of smell.


My buddy dated a girl who didn't have a sense of smell. It's a rough case, yeah..


One of my irrational fears is that I smell bad to others. I shower and wash my hair daily, often twice daily, and am told I smell fresh and clean all the time by friends and even some strangers. but my paranoid mind still is afraid of smelling. I worked with a girl who had a major smelly issue and my pity for her was so intense. You could smell…..everything. It was bad. I never want to be that person. I think those people can’t smell their own stink after a while. But I can’t imagine being told I smell and not changing my hygiene habits in every way to ensure it never happens again.


We all know someone like this…. You’d think the parents would have the heart to tell them


Oh buddy, I don't understand it. My two buddies parents are like, functional humans. They don't live in squalor, they aren't mental - my buddies merely given up and so have the parents I suspect lol. It's fucking rough. We're all like 26 - I've been telling one of them to keep better care of themselves since like 19. It just doesn't register. You can't make them care if they never cared to begin with - it's that simple, unfortunately. They aren't ugly, they just smell and wear dirty fucking clothing.


I don't know if it's just where I live but I'm also noticing an influx of people (mostly GROWN ASS adults) coughing and sneezing without covering their mouths like children. Did Y'ALL learn nothing from a deadly pandemic that killed millions of people?!!! Nasty ass, selfish animals


no it’s definitely gotten worse after the pandemic.. people legit don’t cover their mouths anymore when they sneeze it’s insane.


I remember in 2021 this woman sneezed into her hand and proceeded to touch the meat packages at the grocery store… everyone was staring at her. Pandemic or not, that’s absolutely vile.


that shit is so gross…. i take public transport a lot and almost at least once a week someone in the train cart is sneezing away or coughing up a storm without covering their mouth!!! in the train nonetheless!! its genuinely disrespectful i feel


Oh that is just gross and inconsiderate. People have stopped caring about others. It’s really infuriating.


Funny enough it’s probably a by product of wearing masks and being use to them catching everything so they don’t think to cover anymore when not wearing one.


The funniest part: we were always supposed to cover our mouths when coughing and sneezing, even with masks on lol


i make loud comments like ‘ew’ or if someone is with me , ‘they didn’t wash their hands’






100% agree, people need to understand the importance of washing your hands before going to the bathroom. Gents, don't you know how much your hands touch throughout the day? Why would you contaminate your member like that when going to a urinal?!?!


Pre-washing?! Ok, now y’all really doing too much lol.


Unless you have an open wound on your penis you’re not going to “contaminate” it by touching it with unwashed hands. Sounds like you don’t know how disease transmission works.


I'm from an amish town, I've seen farmers and mechanics go 3 days with no shower then eat wings without washing their hands and then go out to the bar and bring a date home. You should be clean certainly but there's a point where it's hypochondria. Not washing your hands when you come home is not a death sentence lmao


I always use a "pristine" hand to touch my dick, regardless of intent. If I have to go into a stall and open up that dirty door, I use one hand and then the other hand to piss. Shitting is more of an ordeal, but I manage to just undo pants with one hand and lift them back up with the clean hand. It's not that hard.


I don’t even care if you didn’t pee yourself or wipe your ass. Periodically washing your hands especially while out in public is definitely good hygiene practice. Not like a germ phob, just you’ve been touch so many random public services! One wash while you’re there to just keep things at bay.


You gain wayyy more germs on your hands from touching handles and other frequently touched places than you do from going to the bathroom, anyway. Seriously, door handles are farms for microbes spreading.


I felt comforted by people who don't make fun of my very frequent hand washing and cracked hand skin due to my ocd and say there's nothing wrong with frequently washing your hands. I wiped elderly folks butts for a living, so that was partially why, and the habit still remains even though I work in a factory now.


Oh man, it's honestly alarming how many customers at where I work don't wash their hands after using the bathroom. For every 5 people I see washing their hands there's 5 that don't...


Honestly, your post won't actually convince the 1% of people doing this Instead, this should be a PSA to the 99% of people who do wash their hands that they should try to avoid touching the handle whenever possible. If 99% of people touch the door handles with clean hands, and 1% of people touch it with their unwashed poop hands, then it's not a 99% clean door handle - it's a poop handle, and I'm gonna try to open it with the paper towel or my sleeves or something instead


I really wish they would just install those foot handles/openers for doors more. They had some at my college and I always really appreciated it.


I agree so much. I feel like in some cities or regions, those foot openers are more common than in others. Wish they'd have them everywhere And I understand the paper towel tactic doesn't always work when there are only dryers, or if there isn't a garbage can nearby to lob the paper towel after using it.


i use the automatic door button whenever i can, and i touch it with my elbow. it’s great


I can never operate those foot handles for whatever reason. I did recently see some doors that had a handle you could use your forearm for, which worked rather well and I appreciated.


That's why I don't touch anything in public if I don't absolutely have to. I get funny looks for opening doors with my elbow but then again, I am just now sick for the first time in 5 years (because I made out with my bf who had a cold - worth it) so tell me who really is the clown here?


99% is EXTREMELY fucking optimistic, have you worked at a grocery store? Gas station? It’s more like 50%.


I’ve noticed some restrooms with garbage cans in immediate proximity of the exiting door. After drying hands I always use another paper towel on door handles


And please, for the love of god, flush after you use the toilet. Lift the seat up before peeing. Wipe the seat after you've used the toilet. Don't piss on the floor and don't throw toilet paper and other garbage on the floor. Have some consideration for the next person that will use that toilet.


my dads like this and lifes a living hell cause of it. mf really thinks i want to eat out of the same fridge as him lmao fuck off


bro my dad doesn’t even wash his hands after peeing! His hand washing any time is literally 2 seconds long and done.


The number of people who never disinfect their phone blows me away still It’s always in your hands or touching your face. Stay clean you bastards


This comment section is such a circle jerk hahaha


You’re showing extreme germaphobic tendencies here, might wanna get that checked out.


Especially the bolded freakout in the middle lmao


Yeah OP is being excessive. It’s not very healthy to be overwhelmingly clean. It makes your immune system suck.


Like my brothers in Christ we just got out of a global health pandemic only a few years back. Wash your fucking hands.


Literally have to say out loud at our monthly meeting at work, that I am sick and tired of having to try three different doors to find a toilet without shitstains on the seat, or long brown marks in it. I already put up signs inside every single booth that instructs on "how to use a toilet brush", and STILL it happens. How are people this disgusting?!


They should clean the bathroom more often. My workplace is often active and full of people and I rarely see shitstains.


I think one thing that really bothers me is when dudes say, "My dick is clean so I don't have to wash my hands." I don't want your pecker particles everywhere, wash your damn hands


That’s hard to do at school when the soap dispensers are either missing, broken or empty


For real T_T Why does everyone steal the soap dispensers at school I'm just trying to be clean over here lmfao


These people were raised by nasty parents that should not have bred.


For everyone in the comments going “oh I never get sick and I don’t wash” let me ask you this. You go to the store or something grocery app. Do you want the person delivering your stuff to be as clean as you are? The workers picking out your orders- touching every item. “Oh my hands are clean” but they accidentally miss the piss or shit on their hands and now it’s all over your groceries. The person stocking the shelves- hands contaminated everything they touched with literal shit and piss. What about the cooks preparing your food? It seems disgusting to imagine the cooks going to piss and not washing their hands right? Makes you not wanna eat that food right? That’s you, you’re the chef in this situation. You’re the one with piss and shit hands because microbes are not seen by the naked eye and will cover your hands when you use the bathroom. The point of being clean isn’t “oh but I feel fine” the point of washing is to increase your health and to KEEP THE PEOPLE YOU INTERACT WITH HEALTHY AS WELL. If you are not already doing these things- then you’re going to have to put in the effort to learn. You can learn this- even in your 20’s you can learn this. Wash your hands, and from what I’m reading in the comments- PLEASE WIPE OR USE A BIDEIT. A bidet is better for the ecosystem and your butt but toilet paper will work too, and to the people who wipe but don’t wash their hands????? Y’all need to stop the libertarian mindset of “oh only I matter” and realize the people who are around you are also people. Please. Covid wrecked so many peoples immune systems and crippled so many people, don’t be the reason another pandemic starts- typhoid, covid, the flu Don’t be that person, please.


They don't care. Either because of stupidity, arrogance or lack of empathy. If you aren't going to force them to, then you're wasting your time.


I wash my hands so often that they’re dry! I really don’t understand people 😷


I had a childhood friend who did this and it was an OCD trait 🥲 at least her hands were clean af tho


Once a night, apply a thin layer of lotion on your hands, and wait til it's dry. Then apply another, slightly thicker layer, and don't rub it in as much just kinda coat your hands and put on some disposable gloves over it. Leave them for a good 10-15 mins or so, then take them off and work any remaining lotion into your hands. This isn't perfect but it saved my hands working in healthcare fr.


All for washing hands, I do it too like a clean human being. But also the moment you wash your hands and there's no means to dry them anymore. Annoying as fuck. Or dirty public bathrooms in general. Blegh.


Honestly they should put hand sanitizer in bathrooms. I think a lot of people don’t want to “waste time” washing their hands and we need to do SOMETHING about these nasty mfs


Paranoid much?


Hey, I agree 1000% with you and this is a daily frustration for me. I am not GenZ and found this on /r/all. I just wanted to give you a heads up: the thought about bacteria and poop and waste getting on handles and switches and stuff can be a precursor to contamination OCD. Don't let it get bad and talk to someone if you find yourself ruminating on cleanliness or dirtiness all the time. From experience, OCD can really make your life worse. Of course take care of your body and your mind. Carry tissues and/or use paper towels for restroom doors. Take care.


I can wash my hands as much as I could possibly can until my skin shines from the sunlight, and people still wouldn't touch me with a 1 kilometre pole.


Well there’s got to be another reason then 


Not washing your hands in a public space is absolutely disgusting behavior. However, in my own home, 2:30 am after I got up for a midnight piss? Yeah, fuck off i'm goin back to bed.


I agree, especially to my fellow men. We have built a reputation for poor hygiene and it is time to reverse it.


Lol it’s the worst at ski resorts on the mountain, old men apparently despise washing their hands, but when I see them start to go from the urinal straight to the door I call em out in front of anyone around, we should all do that, don’t let ‘em feel like they get away with it


I agree with most of this, but you can wash your hands after the bathroom and before eating while still allowing yourself to have germs. You have to build your immune system, and never allowing yourself to be even slightly dirty will come back to bite you in the long run.




Pandemic was BS. You wont die if you wash your hands less than 10x a day


Agree 100% but respectfully “villager”?? Lmaoooo imma need you to get in contact with that green stuff growing out of the ground


No people will literally come up with the most ridiculous excuses for why they have bad hygiene. Other ones for me along the lines of washing hands are: - how often people shower - if they wash their legs and feet or just let the soap run down - if they use a washcloth or some tool in the shower or just their hands I have seen every excuse in the book and at this point I am tired of it.


Why, cause I unzipped my pants and let it hang out? If I don't need to touch a door handle or flush, what's the point.


It's crazy to think that I'd be considered "weird" for always washing my hands, showering, and brushing my teeth.


I’m not Gen Z, but I have to fully agree with this tirade… when I see someone come out of the toilet wand go straight for the door I feel a little sick for a moment…


Thought this generation would learn from growing up with Covid


Saw a GenZ guy sneeze over a public kiosk at a local Wawa and just go about his business. Don't this disgusting and inconsiderate, please!


The most I'll do is forget to brush my teeth. Or mot be motivated enough to brush my teeth. But i do most other things.


I think people like you and I are in the minority, unfortunately. Most people just dgaf about washing their hands. And if you use a urinal, you're nasty imo


Dare I add, wash your hands BEFORE you use the bathroom. Especially when you’re working. You touch a lot of stuff and you will get a uti or yeast infection.


Just to be clear: the pandemic is ongoing, we are still in it, it has not ended. Wash your hands.


Dude people don’t wash their hands at my high school,it’s worrying. And you might have to share objects with them .They don’t even have deodorant💀


‘Ya had me till the last paragraph 💀


Okay mom


I have never actually seen another man get his hands wet in a walmart bathroom.


People who don’t wash their towels don’t realize how bad they stink. Wash your towels. You fucking stink.


This dude would hate to see the warehouse where his food is stored


When I eat with some group of people from work or anything that doesn't involve my immediate family, I'm almost the only person who bothers to go wash my hands. And then they'll reach into the shared tortilla basket at the Mexican restaurant and rummage through the chips before taking one. I really don't understand how people can lack basic sense about something like this.


I don't remember the exact numbers, but handwashing with: Just water washes off about 70% of the microbes Water and soap washes off about 90-95% of the microbes Water and antibacterial soap washes off about 99+% of the microbes I read this before triclosan stopped being used, so I don't know what the numbers look like with whatever antibacterial stuff they're using now.


Think twice… many people suffer from eczema and cannot repeatedly wash their hands due to pain it causes and also medicine they have on their hands. They have and use sanitizer or some other form of non soap cleaner. Please try to have a kind heart and not make comments - trust that people may have an alternative plan due to a condition. Thank you!


I didn’t change my hand washing habits once during Covid and I never got it lol, to me there is such thing as too clean. Your body needs some germs to continue keeping its immune system strong, however public bathrooms I refuse to touch those sinks and usually hand sanitize from my purse once I get out of the bathroom. I also only shower once a week due to a medical device I have implanted, however there’s many waterless shower methods I use to make sure I stay clean and smell free


the body does not rly have “natural ways” to get rid of bacteria like that that’s why ppl died of the plague man 😭 too many grown adults have awful hygiene it’s so nasty


You know the ending to Demolition Man? Went something like “you need to get dirtier and you need to get cleaner”? That’s my general feelings at this point. Everyone needs to exercise without having to join some weird crossfit or self-congratulatory cult to do it. Everyone needs to practice skincare without needing to spend hundreds of dollars on dozens of different types of lotion to do it. People need to practice basic ass hygiene; not suntanning your genitals and taking ice baths for Hyperborea or some shit just take normal showers, brush your teeth, and wear deodorant and a light fragrance. Also, stop wearing pajamas in public it looks ridiculous.


Unyet, all the things you say we dont do or should do. Humanity still exists. Hmmm.


Yall just hangout with weirdos im ngl. I don’t have a single friend who fails to shower or keep their hygiene up. If it smells like shit everywhere you go, check under your shoe


I think being a germaphobe like this is as bad as being a total slob. You don’t want an entirely aseptic lifestyle. If you do that, your immune system starts screwing around and you end up with autoimmune disorders. There’s a spectrum of cleanliness. Don’t be on either extreme. It wouldn’t kill you to wipe down your counters that you haven’t wiped in two months. It also wouldn’t kill you to forget to shower for your 5th time of the day. Give your immune system something to do without overloading it. Some of the most germaphobic people I know are the ones that are sick at least once a month with something


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Okay I’ll preface this by saying I wash my hands. But riddle me this… Suppose I’m not sick or anything. I use a public restroom at the mall that is absolutely filthy. I’m a man, so I thankfully don’t have to sit down. I kick open the door with my foot and I use a urinal. The only thing I’ve touched once I’m done is my pants and my penis, which is just skin and is cleaned every day in the shower; which is arguably cleaner than my arms or neck or face which are exposed to the world and which I’m sure instinctively touch all the time without thinking about it, spreading germs along the way. Now… I head over to the sink. There’s soap, but the dispenser looks filthy. The taps are disgusting, haven’t been cleaned in forever. The faucet is operated manually, so I’d have to touch it, and it’s mounted too close to the sink, so I’d probably accidentally touch the sink directly in order to rinse my hands. The water is cold, not the warm water recommended for killing germs when you wash your hands. There’s a stack of paper towels for drying hands, half of which are already wet from others using them. I make the judgement call that the cesspool I’m supposed to use to wash my hands is frankly far more disgusting than my penis. I’m far more likely to pick up and transmit an infectious disease by using the given facilities. I resolve to walk out without washing my hands, again using my feet or my sleeve to open the door so I touch nothing directly. I will look for a hand sanitizing station somewhere in the mall instead. Would you judge me? Isn’t the goal of washing hands to not spread infectious disease? Particularly after pooping, as many flu viruses are spread via fecal matter. But in this case, pee only, didn’t touch anything… and the hand washing station is filthier than my own body parts… I submit to you that you are less likely to transmit infectious disease if you simply walk out and don’t wash your hands. This situation is more common than you might think.


At least carry a travel thing of sanitizer for that situation.


My head goes through this same argument every time I use an airport bathroom to pee. I took a shower and hour before going to the airport, and have hand sanitizer in case any dick germs get on my hands. Public restrooms can be so fucking disgusting. Thank god for Bucees.


Use soap to wash knob and air dry


Agree with this post 100% Something interesting I learned during pandemic - only water removes 77% of the germs, with soap removes up to 92% so I will take ANY EFFORT


Im so afraid that people think this of me when I use the accessible stalls omg




The amount of people who leave the bathrooms at my work without washing their hands is actually ridiculous. Usually they’re all older, but there are a few people closer to my age that do, and I can’t understand it.


I ain’t touching a single thing in public bathrooms if I can manage it. My penis is cleaner than anything in there. I carry my sanitizer with me and use it after I’m out.


5 minutes ago... I work in a grocery store, and 5 literal minutes ago, this fat old oaf just beelines out of a stall and out the door as I'm drying my hands. Fucking gremlins, I tell you...


I... was that guy. Once upon a time Now (summertime) I take 4 showers a day


From extreme to extreme. Don't be either


This guy has a full-on disorder 🤷🏻‍♂️😂


My favorite quirks: people coughing into their hands then touching things or touching things in public then picking their nose/wiping their eyes. Most of us have learned nothing as a society.


I carry hand sanitizer. I'm not hanging out in public bathrooms longer than I have to.


You need a little instrument with special light that lights up the bacteria on hands, surfaces. You might both be surprised


You don't have to wash your hands if you have a clean dick.


Would you stop them and call them out?


Heads up, you can’t make people live by any standard especially one of your choice. Yes, I get it should be normal behavior, I rarely run in to normal people anymore.


Mmmmmmm. Pub/bar peanuts


OP probably stinks


I have OCD and my family sometimes laugh when everytime I get back in the car from a store or driving off from a drive thru I ALWAYS sanitize my hands. Then when I get home, first thing I do is wash my hands. All those hands and germs on those door handles? Idk who was scratching in their pants and then just touches those doors or anything in a store. This whole comment section honestly reminds me of that episode in SpongeBob of some war between people who liked to be dirty and people who liked to be clean


I think you found the hero pretending to be a villain. On a more serious note, ew....


Dawg if I didn’t touch anything but my meat going into the bathroom, I’m definitely not touching anything while leaving. That just adds germs to wet hands.




you never realize how much you can smell off a person. i don’t usually notice myself smelling weird (i shower, use deodorant, etc etc..) since i get real nervous not being clean around others. but then my twin invites one of their friends over and they’re RANCID. like. oh my god. worst smell i’ve ever smelt. never again




It's crazy how many people I see do this at my public gym. Like you're really going to not wash after using the bathroom, then proceed to go use a bunch of shared equipment?


Not a gen zed thing. All generations have an abundance of these filthy animals. But if the Z's can make hand washing great again, I would award them my share of genX points.


Guys is it ok to shower every 2 weeks and


There are techniques, as a male, to not touch anything after urinating which allow forgoing hand washing lol. But after a dook..remembering that I didn't wash my hands when I'm dunking them chicken tendies leaves me with an unfortunate feeling.


My penis is cleaner than most peoples hands and I purposefully avoid touching filthy things.




Mildew is another issue I've noticed, as a result of not cleaning the shower/tub. I can smell it on certain people whom I know shower regularly. What they don't seem to get is that the place where you wash must also be relatively clean. Otherwise, your wet body and hair just amplify the mildew smell and you take it with you.


At the end of my shift I have to restock the bathrooms. The men’s urinal is so disgusting. Why don’t men flush???


A few weeks ago I hadn’t taken a shower for 6 days, though I was tent camping in the Smokey mountains as part of a scout troop so I’m not sure if it counts


Tbf. You're probably more at risk from not washing your hands after opening a door, using an ATM, or touching anything in public than you are from not washing your hands after going to the bathroom.


I do wash myself often and put on deodorant, did everything hygienic and yet I still smell horrible after a day out. I'll just head back and quickly wash myself thoroughly with soap though. Maybe it's just this shitty weather that's making me sweaty and smelly.




Also make sure you use a paper towel to turn off the faucet. You’re just wasting your time washing your hands if you’re going to touch the dirty faucet with your clean hands that everyone else’s dirty hands touched.


I feel like this was a personal letter to my father. Especially that section in huge bold text.


Everyone is using hand sanitizer because no one wants to touch those nasty sinks after covid


I don’t piss on my hands, there is literally no reason for me to wash my hands after taking a piss where I touch nothing in a restroom.


And don't forget to wash ya ass. Twice.


I can't tell you how much that annoys me. Working with other dudes who will go in to the bathroom, take a piss, dick in hand and walk right out. Bro, nobody wants to touch a doorknob your dick sweat covered hand touched. I asked someone why he didn't wash his hands after taking a piss and he said "it's just piss, I didn't take a shit" Bro, wash your fucking hands


as someone who works in retail and sees this happen daily, it’s usually the old people that don’t wash their hands. gross. several have made eye contact with me, weird flex bro?


People will take 3 showers a week and then wonder why their dating life sucks


The body does not have natural ways of doing it, the fuck?


Young people. Brush your teeth. FLOSS. it feels good as hell after you floss. My teeth are absolutely fucked from not brushing and drinking too much sugary acidic soda, then not brushing my teeth. I would do anything to go back and tell younger me to stop fucking around with dental hygiene. My breath smells pretty bad unless I mouth wash multiple times a day. It's humiliating because I don't have money for the dentist. And for what? Drinking soda all day at my fast food job was awful for me. That's my biggest regret so far, is letting my teeth get bad.


In fairness many just use hand sanitizer. Also PSA, don't EVER use the hand dryers in public toilets. Just don't. Your hands will be more dirty than before you washed them.


This feels like a personal problem


You wash your hands if you touch anything in the bathroom. No need to wash at an automatic urinal; your dick is cleaner than just about every public space.


You know I don't get this either, I wash my hands frequently because I like knowing where my hands have been. And I find it courteous and polite to other people to do so.