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conservatives: gays and trans don't face oppression, and everybody says they are oppressed. Also, Conservatives: we need to take away their rights.




[MAGA! /s](https://youtu.be/mQ5khClAFIo?si=hVtAYg12r-qE45X5)


I have the distinctive urge to scream that in a dark and growly manly voice every time someone posts or says that lmao I hate that in this case I need to do it ironically however. Fuck conservatives.


It's a depressing reality. Freedom and rights are only for some.


What about muh straight pride?




Is it a right to have a student center to serve a specific race or gender/sexual orientation?


I see people getting upset and asking, "How does treating LGBTQ+ people like everyone else take away their rights?" First and foremost, the LGBTQ+ community is targeted by discriminatory laws. Remember that: - Same-sex marriage hasn't been legal nationwide long. The Obergefell v Hodges Supreme Court ruling was made in 2015. - "Homosexual conduct" laws, which criminalized sexual intimacy between same-sex couples, were still legal and enforceable as recently as 2003. It wasn't until the Supreme Court ruling Lawrence v Texas that this changed. - Bills are still being proposed and laws are being passed that [explicitly target trans people ](https://www.reuters.com/graphics/USA-HEALTHCARE/TRANS-BILLS/zgvorreyapd/) . Removing organizations & groups designed to protect the LGBTQ+ community is alarming because the LGBTQ+ community has been unfairly targeted for a long time. There is significant concern that existing protections will [be removed by the largely conservative Supreme Court ](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/06/24/roe-v-wade-supreme-court-justice-thomas-says-gay-rights-rulings-open-to-be-tossed.html) ; especially after the overturning of Roe v Wade, which showed how quickly Court protected rights could be reversed. In an ideal world, we wouldn't NEED to have groups focused on protecting the rights of marginalized communities. Unfortunately, we live in a world where ignorance, bigotry, and discrimination are prevalent. We live in a country that is constantly targeting these groups under the cowardly guise of "religious freedom," so we have to keep finding ways to protect them from discriminatory laws.


Let’s also not forget that someone going to college could be around other LGBTQ people for the FIRST TIME. This could be the first time in their lives where they weren’t surrounded by “gays are going to hell” and “queer people are pedophiles” rhetoric. Equity is different from equality, and is often more effective


You didn’t name a ai for example


Everyone is welcome at the LGBT centers….


If there is even one single space dedicated to Christian’s-then that too need to be shut down right? Only one of those things is actually a choice.


You mean churches? They're not in universities?


They sure are on campuses. Every denomination. Christians churches, christian clubs. Read a club catalog for a public university, and religious clubs make up a sizable percentage. And they for sure get grants. Which means those of us with a uterus are subsidizing institutions which are actively trying to subjugate us, and eliminate our right to have any agency over our future.


Do they have a campus building or center dedicated to them? I know there are all kinds of student organizations, but they only get to rent a room like in the library for once a week or something.


Pretty sure a church would be considered a center dedicated to them lmao


I mean, shut that shit down too.


When a group of people have been targeted for discrimination and oppression for centuries and you begin seeing governments remove organizations meant to help protect these marginalized groups, that’s a sign that these people will begin facing more discrimination.


Also Conservatives: We have been the most oppressed group as the woke mafia silences us every chance they get. 🤦‍♂️


What fucking special rights?


That isn't a right tho


What right was taken away?


They have a right to a student center? Like what is and isn’t a right


Did they remove all student centers or just the one that was only for LGBT students?


not well versed on the Utah situation, what rights are they trying to take away ?


The gays don’t have a right to buildings just for gays?


can you explain how this is taking away rights, and which ones are being taken?


USA in a nutshell with a hint of mass shootings


They have a right to spaces made specifically for them? Sounds exclusive. Cmon


They think we have special privileges they don’t… idk how they don’t see the irony.


DEI = gays and minorities.


>DEI When it comes to careers, "they" are really just referring to black people.


What is your source for this? The chemical corporation I work for has an **insane** level of targeted LGBTQ hiring. Edit: I wasn't saying it was a bad thing, I was just trying to exaggerate the fact that corporate shills aren't all homophobic at the core. Apologies that it came across as a complaint about DEI, I didn't mean it that way at all.


Because who else is going to know how to make the gay chemicals?


Are you the one turning the frogs gay? ![gif](giphy|bPxBIka4u8S1WqsPnm|downsized)


That’s so sad man I can’t believe they would persecute you like that :(


I wasn't complaining. I think it's a good thing. But thanks for jumping to conclusions 🤷‍♂️


And Neurodivergent and Disabled people


thats they part that gets glossed over too much. they want to keep everyone from being helped because they don't want certain people to get help.


Disabled erasure is to ensure we don't become political about the fact the world is built to hurt people who are less able for what ever reason. From each according to ones ability, to each according to ones needs, would lead to a world in which the ruling class cannot exist in.


*Except Jews, the group against whom the most hate crimes per capita are committed every year since these statistics have been tracked BY FAR.


Yeah, there have been NUMEROUS cases of DEI departments and officers being explicitly antisemitic, harassing Jewish students, and also dismissing Jewish student complaints. People should check out Tabia Lee. Old school diversity admin who was put in charge of a DEI departmentnat a California college and when she brought Jewish student concerns to her staff, they told her that Jews were white and that by listening to them she was *centering the oppressor*.


Close. PROFITING off of gays and minorities.


Biden has been THE most progressive candidate ever when it comes to lgbtq community. It was he who pushed obama into legalising same sex marriage btw. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/01/11/biden-lgbtq-policies/ Think twice before yiu say both sides are the same. If trmp comes into office, hes promised to roll back every protection that lgbtq people have. Not to mention the republican politicians trying to label lgbtq people as pedophiles and then trying to make pedophilia punishable by death.


In this election you can’t make the argument that this a “lesser of two evils” scenario. Biden has done a plethora of things so far. Such as American Rescue Plan: Passed a $1.9 trillion stimulus package that included direct payments to Americans, extended unemployment benefits, and funds for vaccine distribution and school reopenings. Economic Policies Infrastructure Investment: Passed the $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, aimed at modernizing the nation's infrastructure, including roads, bridges, and public transit systems. Economic Recovery: Implemented policies to promote economic recovery post-pandemic, resulting in significant job growth and reduction in unemployment rates. Climate and Environmental Policies Paris Agreement: Rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement, committing the U.S. to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change. Clean Energy Initiatives: Proposed significant investments in clean energy as part of his broader economic and infrastructure plans. Foreign Policy Afghanistan Withdrawal: Oversaw the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan, ending America's longest war, albeit with significant controversy and challenges during the evacuation process. Strengthening Alliances: Worked on strengthening alliances, particularly with NATO and European countries, and took a firm stance on Russia and China. Social Policies DACA Protections: Took executive actions to preserve and fortify the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. LGBTQ+ Rights: Issued executive orders to protect LGBTQ+ rights, including reversing bans on transgender individuals serving in the military. Legislative Efforts Build Back Better Plan: Pushed for the Build Back Better Act, which aims to expand social safety nets and address climate change, although it faced significant hurdles in Congress. Voting Rights: Advocated for federal voting rights legislation in response to restrictive voting laws passed in several states. Judicial Appointments Federal Judges: Appointed a significant number of federal judges, focusing on diversity and professional backgrounds. Other Key Actions Gun Control Measures: Implemented several executive actions aimed at addressing gun violence, including regulations on "ghost guns" and support for community violence intervention programs. Immigration Policies: Took steps to reverse several of the previous administration's immigration policies, including attempts to end the "Remain in Mexico" policy.


Just wait until some trump supporter says yhea well biden sniffs kids and is old or some shit


Inb4 "nAh bOtH sIdEs sAmE1!1!1"


I unironically have a boss who defends trump because he "helped the economy." How? I dunno. Hate Utah.


Also actively aiding in the carrying out of a genocide, what a great guy!


Also has funded and aided a genocide so


Millennial lurker here (you kids keep me young). This is heartening to see. Please keep spreading this knowledge. I would add: Biden is not the first US president with a disability (he has a speech impediment). Thomas Jefferson had a stutter and was dyslexic, but we don’t respect him any less. FDR was in a wheelchair and partially paralyzed. Ike had a learning disability. Madison had epilepsy. Lincoln had debilitating headaches (probably migraines) and expressed thoughts of suicide. Conservative media would have you believe that a person is only intelligent and capable if they have no disabilities. They are wrong.


Don’t forget Reagan was old as shit when he took office in the 80s this isn’t our first rodeo with older politicians. But that’s as far as I’m gonna go with comparisons between the two. Since Reagan is yk


I read somewhere that voting isn’t a valentine, it’s a chess move.


I read somewhere that if the DNC wants peoples vote, they need to make the 4D chess move of giving people what they want, not just crying "But Trump?!"


Ok, love that, but Obama didn’t legalize same-sex marriage, the Supreme Court did. He endorsed it, which is good, don’t get me wrong, but he didn’t really have a sway on their decision. Look I like Obama, but that ruling was something he didn’t really have a hand in. If I’m wrong, please tell me.


The federal government (specifically Solicitor General Virrilli) argued before SCOTUS in favor of same-sex marriage.


Fr I don't like Biden at all but he is definitely not at the same level of how much I HATE not dislike HATE Trump


Being the most progressive American president doesn’t mean much. That still makes him very anti-progressive. Just marginally better than his predecessors. Trump is worse, yes, but it’s just as ridiculous to claim that Biden is doing enough. I’m really sick of lesser evil voting


God, there are a crazy amount of morons in this comment section. One guy said that its unfair that a Diversity initiative doesn't include white people and Christians... in Utah... Another guy said that actually black people have an easier time being hired because "its a trend to hate white people."


Most of them get there opinions and radicalized views from the manosphere anyways so I’m not surprised by most these comments


It happens every single time LGBTQ is mentioned here, Bigots will always come flocking to spread hatred to posts like this Makes me want to kill myself


Nah, don’t kill yourself, outlive your enemies and vandalise their graves… ok, maybe just outlive them…


I agree especially with these alt right nationalists trying to push the reverse racism card. To justify there bigotry.








I would say, "at least we're having a conversation" but it's Reddit.


This is my school I tucking hate this state and this country


I just wish Utah could become its own country.


Move out


Are your fellow gen Z in Utah tend to be more conservatives or liberals?


More conservative than average. The Mormons really skew Utah for the worse. It’s why they hate Californians so much here lol


Then leave.


Always remember guys to check your sources. In this case, [Them](https://www.them.us/info/about-them) is a left-leaning outlet focused on LGBT issues with an incentive to get you riled up and not exactly a great news source. Here's a different [article](https://www.ksl.com/article/51048662/university-of-utah-to-cut-centers-for-black-female-lgbt-students-to-comply-with-new-state-law) on the topic from a more neutral source. While it is true that the university is closing the LGBT Student Center along with the Black Cultural Center and Women's Resource Center, it isn't actually eliminating any of the resources they provide and instead they'll be consolidated to the Community and Cultural Engagement Center to comply with state law, so nothing is really being lost besides the title. Also, while I haven't read the full [bill](https://le.utah.gov/~2024/bills/static/HB0261.html), the main goal seems to be eliminating known discriminatory policies in hiring and admissions as well as diversity training programs that are proven to [not work](https://hbr.org/2016/07/why-diversity-programs-fail), which I think we can all agree is a good thing, no? This goes for both sides, but please stop getting riled up over headlines. This is an election year, and both parties want you emotional so they can control you better. Propaganda is every where. Don't fall for it.


No, you don't get it, my side is objectively correct and thus can use all rhetorical tools ethically


One man’s fallacy is another man’s valid tactic


Aaaand saving that one for later lmao


Whhhaaattt you mean doing your research besides reading a headline shows a different story? And they are making a general student service office which helps ALL students, not just minorities! Oh the humanity!!


It’s also worth noting that this for a public, tax-funded university. I could see how Utah voters would be disinclined to fund what could be seen as discriminatory policy (“only X or Y students are welcome to this event”) while partially funding it with their taxes.


The comment right below yours: "Hello, I go to the U and I will tell you now that it’s not just a move it’s a huge cut in funding and it is being moved from a central part of campus to an older area that is much harder to reach."


I mean that’s got nothing to do with the law. I know a lot of universities are making sweeping budget cuts, and I can’t imagine the location is that bad. They obviously need a bigger space to host more services, and sometimes that location can’t be center of everything. I can see it being a valid concern, but that’s an issue for the university and its community and not particularly relevant to my point that it’s not the laws fault like the article makes it sound like


Their anecdote and interp doesn’t change the reality.


The first rational, informed response and it's downvoted, yikes. If you read through the details, it is the most measured and sane out of any such initiative so far. It's only goal is to ensure resources don't go to minorities strictly because they are minorities and are instead available to all students. Nothing is lost here. There has to be a cutoff point eventually to prevent reverse racism, where non minorities are actually discriminated against and not receiving real and actionable help in school because they aren't part of a specific group. This seems to do that without going too far.


Heck yeah! Fact checker man!


Someone on reddit that actually thinks?? No way


I think that they’re allowed to ban diversity scholarships. Especially since some people belonging to those minorities don’t like it. Also because a large portion of residents thinks that DEI hurts Utah. I don’t think it’s right to ban clubs and resource centers designed to help those people though. Because if you ban something that unjustly helps people, allow things that justly help them.


This headline is misleading. It's not going away, it's simply being consolidated into an overarching "Culture and Community Center" along with the Black student org and women student org. Not gonna lie, I think this is a step in the right direction in terms of inclusivity. You can't make organizations that specifically exclude straight white people and then claim to be inclusive, so by making them more community focused it stays truer to the "inclusive" goals they speak about.


I strongly disagree Each marginalized group, such as LGBTQ+, Black, and women students, faces unique challenges that require tailored support and resources. Combining these groups into a single entity may dilute the specific attention and advocacy they need. In a larger, more generalized center, the voices and needs of smaller or less vocal groups might be overshadowed by those of larger groups. This could lead to further marginalization rather than inclusivity. Specialized organizations provide a safe space where members of a particular identity can find solidarity, understanding, and a sense of belonging. Consolidating these groups might weaken these safe spaces, making it harder for students to connect with peers who share their specific experiences and identities.


On the flip side, though, it meant that these cultural centers could exclude other students who weren’t a part of the specific in-group; these are taxpayer funded public institutions mind you. Also, the law doesn’t actually criminalize the university (and this only applies to state schools) if it does this, only withhold state funding. In other words: if you take money from the taxpayers of Utah, you can’t go ahead and use that money to exclude certain taxpayers of Utah. Or you don’t get their money.


> Each marginalized group, such as LGBTQ+, Black, and women students, faces unique challenges that require tailored support and resources.  So if these groups weren’t marginalized any longer, then the unique challenges and resources wouldn’t be needed anymore?


What makes a group marginalized and who decides which groups fit the criteria of marginalized and deserving of their own safe spaces where they can be funded to exclude others from said space?


Consolidated programs allow them to be more dynamic and respond to student needs as they happen. (Also…doesn’t intersectionality require considering these things in combination, suggesting a need for integrated programs?) This means that departments aren’t forced to justify their existence. A DEI office dedicated to one cause needs to justify its funding by pretending that improvements aren’t occurring, and that struggles are constantly getting worse. A DEI office that is unified has the ability to be more honest, since a general goal of “serving individual and group student needs” is more dynamic.


Wrong and if you have special issues go fix them yourself we’re not building you a special area


Women students, the majority of college students, are marginalized?


Oh but having this reasonable opinion is somehow bigoted. lol


rules for thee... but not for me. what the hell is going on? this shit's getting scary now.


It’s only gonna get worse in the US this is just the beginning


It's more like "facilities for me, not for thee. No, wait, stop, you can't take away my taxpayer and tuition funded special privileges! It's not FAIR to make me EQUAL!"


As a millennial. Be aware that they focus on these things instead of the fact that they continue to rob all of your economic futures.


Both of our generations economic future was fucked to begin with.


Sure, but let's not be distracted into letting it get _even worse_


It's just being moved into the office of student affairs


Hello, I go to the U and I will tell you now that it’s not just a move it’s a huge cut in funding and it is being moved from a central part of campus to an older area that is much harder to reach.


Hi I go to the U as well and it's still in the union


The student union is not harder to reach lol


How accessible will it still be?


The office of student affairs is on the main floor of the union


Really sad, but not surprising for Utah.


Ah, man. Now they have to be treated like everyone else. The horror.




I see people getting upset and asking, "How does treating LGBTQ+ people like everyone else take away their rights?" First and foremost, the LGBTQ+ community is targeted by discriminatory laws. Remember that: - Same-sex marriage hasn't been legal nationwide long. The Obergefell v Hodges Supreme Court ruling was made in 2015. - "Homosexual conduct" laws, which criminalized sexual intimacy between same-sex couples, were still legal and enforceable as recently as 2003. It wasn't until the Supreme Court ruling Lawrence v Texas that this changed. - Bills are still being proposed and laws are being passed that [explicitly target trans people ](https://www.reuters.com/graphics/USA-HEALTHCARE/TRANS-BILLS/zgvorreyapd/) . Removing organizations & groups designed to protect the LGBTQ+ community is alarming because the LGBTQ+ community has been unfairly targeted for a long time. There is significant concern that existing protections will [be removed by the largely conservative Supreme Court ](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/06/24/roe-v-wade-supreme-court-justice-thomas-says-gay-rights-rulings-open-to-be-tossed.html) ; especially after the overturning of Roe v Wade, which showed how quickly Court protected rights could be reversed. In an ideal world, we wouldn't NEED to have groups focused on protecting the rights of marginalized communities. Unfortunately, we live in a world where ignorance, bigotry, and discrimination are prevalent. We live in a country that is constantly targeting these groups under the cowardly guise of "religious freedom," so we have to keep finding ways to protect them from discriminatory laws.


You actually took the time to write this? 😂😂😂


I would love to be treated like everyone else. Yknow, not fearing being kicked out of my house for being gay and not having to fear for my life if I were to tell people I was trans. The usual stuff


What's DEI?


DEI stands for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. It is a framework and set of practices aimed at promoting a more inclusive, fair, and diverse environment within organizations, communities, and societies.


First of all, I thought this was the lgbt+ sub lmao. Secondly, I thought it was diversity, education, and institution so thanks for explaining.


Yet another reason I'll say on repeat: the greatest super power GenZ and millennials have is to vote. This kind of stuff happens when younger people don't vote in their local elections.


I agree as a millennial myself. They need to understand that change isn’t something that happens overnight. Voting in the national elections isn’t going to solve the problems we’re facing now. It’s apart of the equation yes. But voting locally and statewide is the key. Voting for progressive folks with progressive policies is what’s gonna get us out of this bind. But it’s gonna take consistency and effort atleast a decade worth of it but it’ll come. But now is the time


conservatism is a cancer on our society.


Left-ism, marxism, postmodernism, and moral relativism are a cancer on society.


Everything is a cancer on society we must return to monke


[The same thing is happening at the University of Wyoming](https://www.wyomingnewsnow.tv/2024/05/14/university-wyoming-close-diversity-equity-inclusion-office/)


This comment section is why I’m left leaning centrist 💀


I don’t blame you. I’m a progressive democrat 😂


DEI is discriminatory and results in worse productivity.


In the modern U.S. there's no such thing as "righteous bigotry." It is not legal to discriminate against any one for any reason and if someone does there are procedures in place to make sure they get punished. Yes, on rare occasions people get away with it. Our justice system has flaws, but can people stop acting like this country is one where it's illegal to not have the same beliefs or be of the same biology as the majority or crime against those who aren't of the majority is unpunished on a large scale? We still have some areas we can do better, but at the end of the day bigots will always exist, that's how it's been since the first case of bigotry was a thing. You shouldn't want to be a bigot also, you should want to be better.


Welcome to Utah, where the separation between church and state is nonexistent and is driving people to actual suicide. People’s lives for the white straight majority’s comfort. Fuck the mormons and the bigots.


I just want the people of this subreddit to know that you don’t represent the entirety of gen zs views. The conservative and right leaning movement is stronger than ever.


Gen z males when they see anything that doesn’t include the manosphere, or a gym ww2 edit with David goggins ![gif](giphy|URcmhQ5PpztC0)


You see one disagreement and just bash all gen z men lol Now imagine If you disagree with me, and the only thing I replied with is “Gen z females when they see anything that doesn’t include the feminism, or a Stanley cup, Tiktok edit with Taylor swift” Wouldn’t I seem to be a sexist idiot? Cause that’s how you seem to be.  Try moving away from your own hate if you expect others to do the same. 


That's not what statistics say 💀, if anything Gen Z is less likely to identify as Republican than any other generation


Well I’m not a republican so.


Good. There's a student center FOR EVERYONE already. Why should queer people or people of color or women feel safe in public? That's not what our racist, all white, mostly slave-owning, rich, male founders intended when they created this flawed system of oppression that so many fight to preserve.


This already started happening in TX too.


Utah on the wrong side of history yet again


If you haven’t looked up Project 2025, please do. This has been a long time coming and has the potential to get worse. Deliberate moves were made a long time ago to be able to pass these laws now


Always remember guys to check your sources. In this case, Them is a left-leaning outlet focused on LGBT issues with an incentive to get you riled up and not exactly a great news source. While it is true that the university is closing the LGBT Student Center along with the Black Cultural Center and Women's Resource Center, it isn't actually eliminating any of the resources they provide and instead they'll be consolidated to the Community and Cultural Engagement Center to comply with state law, so nothing is really being lost besides the title. Also, while I haven't read the full bill, the main goal seems to be eliminating known discriminatory policies in hiring and admissions as well as diversity training programs that are proven to not work, which I think we can all agree is a good thing, no? This goes for both sides, but please stop getting riled up over headlines. This is an election year, and both parties want you emotional so they can control you better. Propaganda is every where. Don't fall for it.


They finally woke up


Yup. Can't be putting up with this nonsense any longer.




Love Utah


Gotta love when states say you’re welcome to exist, but just like, don’t talk about your sexuality.


Don't really see what anyone has to gain from this ban.


Lmao as if republicans’ platforms have been to benefit the country for the past 8 years They have done nothing but damage the country


Notice the comments and the downvotes in this thread… the “oppressed “have literally become the oppressors… canceling anything they don’t agree with while at the same time screaming they are discriminated against… the literally definition of hypocrites…


People need to just set the standard of being inclusive of everyone. A person's sexual preferences should not be the sole defining factor of their character or how others view them. Treat everyone like YOU would want to be treated; wild I know.


"anti-DEI law" Im sorry but thats an oxymoron DEI implies regulations mandating certain level of diversity law can either enforce DEI or not - it cant ban DEI


Anti-DEI so Sameness, Inequity and Exclusion




I might be wrong but wouldn’t combining all POC and LGBTQ groups mean they’re saying all minorities face the same issues? Being a POC and being queer are very different experiences. Of course they can happen at the same time but there are also straight POC and queer white people. We don’t face the same exact issues. Why are they trying to group everyone together? I also feel so bad for all the clubs. As someone who knows what it’s like to run a college GSA, that shit isn’t easy.


I would just like to say as an LGBTQ+ Utahn college student, this is beyond disappointing. Though, I'm not surprised because it is utah. Yesterday, KSL put out an article about this and most of the comments were people saying this isn't fair for "white men" specifically. Fuck utah. I hate it here




Just call it the LGBT Gun Club


Hell ya


This is saying state funds aren’t alowed to be used for “dei” units/centers. Id students form a group that isn’t funded by the university Utah doesn’t care. Places of education don’t need to be funding lgbt groups.


The reason behind this is because the Mormon church is filled with a bunch of closeted bigots who are terrified of their own sexuality, not to mention frightened by women and Black people.


Yes this is quite terrible. I cant wait to get out of here. church running the state, book bans, and now this? Such a shame for how truly beautiful Utah is




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Conservatives are so damn oppressive, always trying to take away rights


The right to your own special sexual orientation segregated student center? That's not a right, it's a strange privilege only afforded to certain people at a public school because of the way the special privileged people were born. That's bizarre and unequal.


These red states are going to shit fast.




I bet if you looked into any of these groups none of them explicitly ban anyone from joining. It’s just that people that don’t feel like they belong in the group don’t join. It’s like HBCUs. You can go there if you are white but not many white people go though. Same with gay bars. Everyone is welcome as long as you are respectful. It’s that many straight people just don’t want to go.


I don’t think the law makers or anyone here would agree with my take but hear me out. What if help centers couldn’t be divided by legally protected characteristics. If you open a help center all students no matter their race or sexuality should be able to use those resources. Even if some stuff is by nature not applicable to all students it should all still be under the same roof and combined budget. Schools should also not be able take race or sexuality into consideration when approving applications or filling course slots. It should all be decided by merit alone.


What’s anti-DEI?


Remember: when Republicans say "DEI", They mean slurs. Every single time, without fail.


Shouldn’t that be protected by free speech?


This article is rage bait and propaganda. They are closing this center because they don’t want funding only going to some students and not all of them. The resources to help different groups of students will still be available at the main student center.


I see


This type of shit is so stupid. Whatever happened to freedom?


DEI= Diversity, Equity and Inclusion


Alright another state I can’t go




So what, only LGB people were allowed in the center? Isn't that just segregation?






I'm bisexual and I don't claim the LGBT community.


Based and Mormonpilled.


Not surprised. Utah be like that






The world is ending what the fuck???


By giving them a student center you’re taking away mediocre conservatives free rein to bully, harass and intimidate students looking for place they can avoid all that.


We’re suppose to be ALL inclusive! Stop the Gay Segregation! We are all Equal!


Smith-Mundt Act. Look up the history of that real quick then look at the country and how it's progressed. 🤷🏾‍♂️


What is the point of removing it or any of these places like that that could help people or give them a safe space I get the world isn't fair and that's totally fine, but the thing is though we should, you know, just stop targeting minority groups like, it's kind of annoying and on top of that, it's just wrong overall because it doesn't help us in the long run it's just going to make things worse for conservatives. Because like this quote from Star Trek:Deep Space Nine. "If you treat people like animals, they'll bite like animals" Meaning the conservatives shouldn't be going after these groups. They always have stupid excuses or reasons that have no facts or logic behind it. People will get tried of these jerks doing this too us.


Bruh get me tf out of here


I hate it here.


DEI is the death of merit


W Utah university


Finally some good news