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This worried me so much that I based my career goals off of it. Eventually I'll work in the same hospital system as my parents so that I can have \[relatively\] the same insurance.


This is a huge challenge for me at the moment. I'm 25, been married for two years, and trying to get the best deal to insure both of us. My new employer charges $94/month to insure only me and $554/month to insure both of us lmao. My spouse's jobs don't offer health insurance, only vision/dental shit. Currently looking at plans on the marketplace for my spouse. It's annoying as fuck always having to navigate how to get scammed the least amount possible. I honestly hate this country.


I'm thinking I'll probably just die because I don't have medical insurance rn and I'm not about to pay out of pocket if I step on a rusty nail or some shit


Facing this issue rn. I age out in a few months and I’m scrambling to see every doctor I can before I lose it. So far I’ve gotten my general checkup, wisdom teeth removed, and LASIK done. Still need to get my gyno shit taken care of and I’d like to see a dermatologist but that’s not as big a deal. I have health issues too and think I qualify for disability but it has the same limitations as medicaid meaning you can’t have more than 2K in assets. It’s so fucked, they don’t want to help they just want us to die otherwise they wouldn’t have such cruel regulations. I’m either gonna end paying for my own coverage if I can afford to or just go without.


Fuck I need LASIK too. Did your insurance cover it? How does anyone believe the United States is a first world country when there is such disparity in healthcare? Every other “Western” country has figured it out except us. This shit makes me want to expatriate


Delusion or general apathy towards their fellow human beings


CEO of Blue Cross Blue Shields makes $17 million a year Fucking PSYCHOPATHS. DARK TRIAD PEOPLE


Disgusting! My insurance covered a small part of it but because it’s considered a non-necessary procedure I still had to pay like 3500. Luckily I have good credit so I was able to pay it off over a year.


Don’t get lasik unless you need it. Lots of people get terrible side effects.


Like what? I have really horrendous vision, like -8.00, big box glasses and I can’t stand living like this anymore




You can probably get Medicaid why haven't you tried to apply? Alternatively you can find a full time job that has health benefits, but you're probably going to be working blue collar. I deliver hot tubs and saunas, I've got health and vision insurance through my employer, takes about $150 out of my checks each month. Is it great insurance? No. But is it cheaper than going to the doctor or hospital without it? Ab-so-fucking-lutely.


I’m so incredibly grateful that I’m Cherokee/Choctaw because it’s a service that they provide for free.


Wow, that’s pretty cool. Is it quality coverage?


Yeah they cover medical dental and vision. It can be a pain to deal with them but yes. In my experience the Choctaw nation has a slight edge. You’ve gotta go to their hospitals/clinics tho but most of them are pretty nice. I think if I had an emergency while in another state they’d cover the bills but it’s a TON of paperwork


I'm entering a field where I'll have the pay to afford medical insurance. I wish it were so for everyone else.


what field if you don’t mind me asking?


Funny enough, I'm going to be a doctor.


Uh yeah so I didn’t finally get steady insurance til I got married a year ago. I am 38. Forget about it


I have a ton of health issues so I can’t afford to forget about it


Is it common for people to not have health insurance in the US? Like what happens if you show up to the hospital without health insurance?


You don’t get help. Or you get stuck with tens of thousands in debt. Medical debt destroys lives in this country


Waiting times here in Northern Ireland are absolutely atrocious and contributing to unnecessary deaths, but at least it’s free… paying is like mad to me, although waiting times are getting so bad that many people are now opting to go for private treatments otherwise you could be waiting 5 years for a knee replacement or something on the NHS, but at least there is option of free treatment here


There is the option of free treatment in America. It's called getting your medical debt and never paying it. They don't just leave you on the concrete if you can't pay. They are obligated to treat you. You're just gonna get a bill.


If you have serious health issues and you need regular treatment and you're not sure you can land a job to cover your healthcare, then you really should have been plotting to move out of the US from like the minute you were diagnosed with all those problems. It's not a country for sick people. If you don't come from money, it's either be healthy or homeless, with a little room for struggle in between.




Hi, literally the oldest Gen Z right here. The eldest Gen Z that you mentioned have already aged out of insurance 2 years ago. I’ll tell you what you do about insurance. You either get it on the marketplace (it’s a website you go through) or through your employer. You pay money into it and you try not to skimp on important parts like ER admittance and overnight hospital stays. You pay for everything that isn’t covered so you are either going to be paying lots for health insurance or you are going to be paying lots at the doctor. The one thing you should not ever do is say “I think I’ll be okay this year without health insurance.” My appendix ruptured 2 months after turning 26. If I didn’t have health insurance (which I considered since it was close to the end of the year but it ruptured on December 16), I would have owed **56 THOUSAND DOLLARS** to just have surgery and remove my appendix. Because of insurance, I was able to only pay up to my premium so I still owed 10k but I applied for financial assistance (since I made less than 400% the poverty line) and got it reduced to around 3k. Get insurance. There’s no option and you need it for emergencies which you cannot foresee. The only reason I’m not drowning in debt from an extremely common procedure is because of insurance. Get insurance.


The system is messed up, but you might be good. Full time W-2 employees have the piece of mind that we will always have insurance, but at least in my job, it’s constantly getting fucked with and always not in our favor. Depending on what state you live in you might have really good options on the health care exchange (Obamacare) or you might have to deal with some high deductible bullshit


Military provides medical for you and your family.


I don’t qualify


You tried for a waiver?


I’m a woman with health issues and 3 knee surgeries. I ain’t goin in regardless


When I turn 26 I’ll just get on my company’s insurance or hopefully get on my futures wife’s. Whatever is better


We have Tricare because my husband is military. If he wasn’t, we would probably do Marketplace insurance if our health insurance through work was too much.


I work at UPS and have their health insurance (TeamCare/Anthem). I also have Medicaid though as well on top of that. Apply for Medicaid, you will most likely qualify unless you make a ton of money and in that case you should find a part time job that gives you health insurance as a benefit or pay for it out of pocket.


Get on Medicaid/ your state’s version and visit your local federally qualified community health center for care when needed. They usually offer sliding scale services and focus on serving underserved and underinsured populations. You can also learn more about insurance plans through them


We need to just replace our system and laws with those of Germany or France. The US for profit healthcare system is built on layers of greed.


You can find a job easily. You just think you are ABOVE the ones you can get.


I’m plannin on goin to government work once I get older n buy a home. That government insurance is second to none istg


Vote in better politicians.


Healthcare.gov will save your life. Go get some insurance.


First world is a cold war era term. The first world is the west, the second world is USSR aligned countries and the third world refers to countries unaffiliated with either. It has nothing to do with quality of life. You buy health insurance. If you can't afford it you generally qualify for a government program generally that covers you. Worst case you just dump your ass in the emergency room if you're a drug addict off the grid or something and they have to treat you, but I wouldn't expect good or preventative care. As with most things in adult life it's not as complicated as it seems, it's just adjusting to having to manage it yourself.


It's expensive to be poor 🤷‍♂️